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Rectangular array T(n,k): (row n) = b**c, where b(h) = h, c(h) = h + n - 1, n >= 1, h >= 1, and ** = convolution.
1, 4, 2, 10, 7, 3, 20, 16, 10, 4, 35, 30, 22, 13, 5, 56, 50, 40, 28, 16, 6, 84, 77, 65, 50, 34, 19, 7, 120, 112, 98, 80, 60, 40, 22, 8, 165, 156, 140, 119, 95, 70, 46, 25, 9, 220, 210, 192, 168, 140, 110, 80, 52, 28, 10, 286, 275, 255, 228, 196, 161, 125, 90
Principal diagonal: A002412.
Antidiagonal sums: A002415.
Row 1: (1,2,3,...)**(1,2,3,...) = A000292.
Row 2: (1,2,3,...)**(2,3,4,...) = A005581.
Row 3: (1,2,3,...)**(3,4,5,...) = A006503.
Row 4: (1,2,3,...)**(4,5,6,...) = A060488.
Row 5: (1,2,3,...)**(5,6,7,...) = A096941.
Row 6: (1,2,3,...)**(6,7,8,...) = A096957.
In general, the convolution of two infinite sequences is defined from the convolution of two n-tuples: let X(n) = (x(1),...,x(n)) and Y(n)=(y(1),...,y(n)); then X(n)**Y(n) = x(1)*y(n)+x(2)*y(n-1)+...+x(n)*y(1); this sum is the n-th term in the convolution of infinite sequences:(x(1),...,x(n),...)**(y(1),...,y(n),...), for all n>=1.
In the following guide to related arrays and sequences, row n of each array T(n,k) is the convolution b**c of the sequences b(h) and c(h+n-1). The principal diagonal is given by T(n,n) and the n-th antidiagonal sum by S(n). In some cases, T(n,n) or S(n) differs in offset from the listed sequence.
b(h)........ c(h)........ T(n,k) .. T(n,n) .. S(n)
h .......... h .......... A213500 . A002412 . A002415
h .......... h^2 ........ A212891 . A213436 . A024166
h^2 ........ h .......... A213503 . A117066 . A033455
h^2 ........ h^2 ........ A213505 . A213546 . A213547
h .......... h*(h+1)/2 .. A213548 . A213549 . A051836
h*(h+1)/2 .. h .......... A213550 . A002418 . A005585
h*(h+1)/2 .. h*(h+1)/2 .. A213551 . A213552 . A051923
h .......... h^3 ........ A213553 . A213554 . A101089
h^3 ........ h .......... A213555 . A213556 . A213547
h^3 ........ h^3 ........ A213558 . A213559 . A213560
h^2 ........ h*(h+1)/2 .. A213561 . A213562 . A213563
h*(h+1)/2 .. h^2 ........ A213564 . A213565 . A101094
2^(h-1) .... h .......... A213568 . A213569 . A047520
2^(h-1) .... h^2 ........ A213573 . A213574 . A213575
h .......... Fibo(h) .... A213576 . A213577 . A213578
Fibo(h) .... h .......... A213579 . A213580 . A053808
Fibo(h) .... Fibo(h) .... A067418 . A027991 . A067988
Fibo(h+1) .. h .......... A213584 . A213585 . A213586
Fibo(n+1) .. Fibo(h+1) .. A213587 . A213588 . A213589
h^2 ........ Fibo(h) .... A213590 . A213504 . A213557
Fibo(h) .... h^2 ........ A213566 . A213567 . A213570
h .......... -1+2^h ..... A213571 . A213572 . A213581
-1+2^h ..... h .......... A213582 . A213583 . A156928
-1+2^h ..... -1+2^h ..... A213747 . A213748 . A213749
h .......... 2*h-1 ...... A213750 . A007585 . A002417
2*h-1 ...... h .......... A213751 . A051662 . A006325
2*h-1 ...... 2*h-1 ...... A213752 . A100157 . A071238
2*h-1 ...... -1+2^h ..... A213753 . A213754 . A213755
-1+2^h ..... 2*h-1 ...... A213756 . A213757 . A213758
2^(n-1) .... 2*h-1 ...... A213762 . A213763 . A213764
2*h-1 ...... Fibo(h) .... A213765 . A213766 . A213767
Fibo(h) .... 2*h-1 ...... A213768 . A213769 . A213770
Fibo(h+1) .. 2*h-1 ...... A213774 . A213775 . A213776
Fibo(h) .... Fibo(h+1) .. A213777 . A001870 . A152881
h .......... 1+[h/2] .... A213778 . A213779 . A213780
1+[h/2] .... h .......... A213781 . A213782 . A005712
1+[h/2] .... [(h+1)/2] .. A213783 . A213759 . A213760
h .......... 3*h-2 ...... A213761 . A172073 . A002419
3*h-2 ...... h .......... A213771 . A213772 . A132117
3*h-2 ...... 3*h-2 ...... A213773 . A214092 . A213818
h .......... 3*h-1 ...... A213819 . A213820 . A153978
3*h-1 ...... h .......... A213821 . A033431 . A176060
3*h-1 ...... 3*h-1 ...... A213822 . A213823 . A213824
3*h-1 ...... 3*h-2 ...... A213825 . A213826 . A213827
3*h-2 ...... 3*h-1 ...... A213828 . A213829 . A213830
2*h-1 ...... 3*h-2 ...... A213831 . A213832 . A212560
3*h-2 ...... 2*h-1 ...... A213833 . A130748 . A213834
h .......... 4*h-3 ...... A213835 . A172078 . A051797
4*h-3 ...... h .......... A213836 . A213837 . A071238
4*h-3 ...... 2*h-1 ...... A213838 . A213839 . A213840
2*h-1 ...... 4*h-3 ...... A213841 . A213842 . A213843
2*h-1 ...... 4*h-1 ...... A213844 . A213845 . A213846
4*h-1 ...... 2*h-1 ...... A213847 . A213848 . A180324
[(h+1)/2] .. [(h+1)/2] .. A213849 . A049778 . A213850
h .......... C(2*h-2,h-1) A213853
Suppose that u = (u(n)) and v = (v(n)) are sequences having generating functions U(x) and V(x), respectively. Then the convolution u**v has generating function U(x)*V(x). Accordingly, if u and v are homogeneous linear recurrence sequences, then every row of the convolution array T satisfies the same homogeneous linear recurrence equation, which can be easily obtained from the denominator of U(x)*V(x). Also, every column of T has the same homogeneous linear recurrence as v.
T(n,k) = 4*T(n,k-1) - 6*T(n,k-2) + 4*T(n,k-3) - T(n,k-4).
T(n,k) = 2*T(n-1,k) - T(n-2,k).
G.f. for row n: x*(n - (n - 1)*x)/(1 - x)^4.
Northwest corner (the array is read by southwest falling antidiagonals):
1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, ...
2, 7, 16, 30, 50, 77, 112, ...
3, 10, 22, 40, 65, 98, 140, ...
4, 13, 28, 50, 80, 119, 168, ...
5, 16, 34, 60, 95, 140, 196, ...
6, 19, 40, 70, 110, 161, 224, ...
T(6,1) = (1)**(6) = 6;
T(6,2) = (1,2)**(6,7) = 1*7+2*6 = 19;
T(6,3) = (1,2,3)**(6,7,8) = 1*8+2*7+3*6 = 40.
b[n_] := n; c[n_] := n
t[n_, k_] := Sum[b[k - i] c[n + i], {i, 0, k - 1}]
TableForm[Table[t[n, k], {n, 1, 10}, {k, 1, 10}]]
Flatten[Table[t[n - k + 1, k], {n, 12}, {k, n, 1, -1}]]
r[n_] := Table[t[n, k], {k, 1, 60}] (* A213500 *)
t(n, k) = sum(i=0, k - 1, (k - i) * (n + i));
tabl(nn) = {for(n=1, nn, for(k=1, n, print1(t(k, n - k + 1), ", "); ); print(); ); };
tabl(12) \\ Indranil Ghosh, Mar 26 2017
def t(n, k): return sum((k - i) * (n + i) for i in range(k))
for n in range(1, 13):
print([t(k, n - k + 1) for k in range(1, n + 1)]) # Indranil Ghosh, Mar 26 2017
Cf. A000027.
Sequence in context: A193422 A357595 A160572 * A213584 A213587 A066579
Clark Kimberling, Jun 14 2012