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Numbers k such that 2^k - 3 is prime.
3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 24, 29, 94, 116, 122, 150, 174, 213, 221, 233, 266, 336, 452, 545, 689, 694, 850, 1736, 2321, 3237, 3954, 5630, 6756, 8770, 10572, 14114, 14400, 16460, 16680, 20757, 26350, 30041, 34452, 36552, 42689, 44629, 50474, 66422, 69337, 116926, 119324, 123297, 189110, 241004, 247165, 284133, 354946, 394034, 702194, 750740, 840797, 1126380, 1215889, 1347744, 1762004, 2086750
With 65 known primes corresponding to k < 1762005, these primes appear to be more common than Mersenne primes. Of course at this time, the larger terms correspond only to probable primes. - Paul Bourdelais, Feb 04 2012
The numbers 2^k-3 and 2^k-1 are both primes for k = 3, 5, ? The lesser number 2^p-3 is prime for primes p = 3, 5, 29, 233, 42689, 69337, ... - Thomas Ordowski, Sep 18 2015
The terms a(43)-a(49) were found by Paul Underwood, a(50)-a(51) found by M. Frind and P. Underwood, a(52) found by Gary Barnes, a(53)-a(58) found by M. Frind and P. Underwood, and a(59)-a(66) found by Paul Bourdelais (see link Henri Lifchitz and Renaud Lifchitz). - Elmo R. Oliveira, Dec 02 2023
Keith Conrad, Square patterns and infinitude of primes, University of Connecticut, 2019.
Henri Lifchitz and Renaud Lifchitz (Editors), Search for 2^n-3, PRP Top Records.
k = 22, 2^22 - 3 = 4194301 is prime.
k = 24, 2^24 - 3 = 16777213 is prime.
Do[ If[ PrimeQ[ 2^n -3 ], Print[n]], { n, 1, 15000 }]
(PARI) for(n=2, 10^5, if(ispseudoprime(2^n-3), print1(n, ", "))) \\ Felix Fröhlich, Jun 23 2014
Cf. A045768, A050415, A057732 (numbers k such that 2^k + 3 is prime).
Cf. Sequences of numbers k such that 2^k - d is prime: A000043 (d=1), A050414 (d=3), A059608 (d=5), A059609 (d=7), A059610 (d=9), A096817 (d=11), A096818 (d=13), A059612 (d=15), A059611 (d=17), A096819 (d=19), A096820 (d=21), A057220 (d=23), A356826 (d=29).
Sequence in context: A047250 A081944 A129948 * A342469 A266322 A136681
Jud McCranie, Dec 22 1999
More terms from Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 15 2000
More terms from Andrey V. Kulsha, Feb 11 2001
a(40) verified with 20 iterations of Miller-Rabin test, from Dmitry Kamenetsky, Jul 12 2008
a(41) a new PRP term, from Serge Batalov, Oct 20 2008
Corrected and extended by including two smaller (apparently known) PRP and 16 larger terms from PRP Top Records of this form, all discovered by M. Frind & P. Underwood, Gary Barnes, Oct 20 2008
a(59)-a(60) discovered by Paul Bourdelais, Mar 26 2012
a(61)-a(63) discovered by Paul Bourdelais, Jun 18 2019
a(64) discovered by Paul Bourdelais, Jul 16 2019
a(65) discovered by Paul Bourdelais, Apr 20 2020
a(66) discovered by Paul Bourdelais, May 28 2020