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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any charges for subscribers or authors?
No, the journal is entirely open-access: access is free, under a Creative Commons license, and there are no page charges for authors.

2. What about hardcopy?
There is, so far, no hardcopy version.

3. How is the scholarly quality of the journal upheld?
The Editorial Board of the journal consists of some of the most outstanding researchers in their research areas. We have set a high acceptance criterion for papers: editors are asked to assign two or three referees to every paper and to accept only those papers rated as excellent.

4. How is the journal archived?
The journal is published as an overlay of CoRR (Computing Research Repository), i.e. the computer science part of arXiv.org. This repository is under the auspices of the ACM and Cornell University, and its aim is to guarantee that archived articles are available forever, independent of software development.

5. How about citation indices?
The journal is covered by Mathematical Reviews, DBLP Database and ISI Web of Knowledge.

6. What can I do with an article from Logical Methods in Computer Science?
Read it: On- or offline.
Use it: Quote parts of articles; add articles to a course pack, anthology, or web site.
Print it: Give articles to colleagues and students.
All we ask is that you credit the original author and source; see the license.

7. Who has the copyright?
The copyright is retained by the author(s). They are requested to sign a license agreement making the uses mentioned in question 6. legal.

8. How do I submit a paper?
Use this web site.

9. Is there any page limit for submissions?
Papers submitted to Logical Methods in Computer Science should not exceed 50 pages. If authors feel that more pages are needed, they should explain why in their cover letter.

10. How do I prepare a submission?
Manuscripts should be published on CoRR (Computing Research Repository), i.e. the computer science part of arxiv.org priot so submission to the journal. For the final version you are requested to use the journal style file. For further information see our information for authors and our submission pages. 

11. What are DOI numbers?
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are a type of identifier serving to identify articles, journal issues and any other kind of digital object. DOIs are persistent throughout time and space: they remain fixed, even though the object's web page may change. This is done via this resolution site. Logical Methods in Computer Science provides DOIs for both papers and issues. For example, the DOI of the first paper published in the journal is


One can access the paper on the web `manually' by visiting http://dx.doi.org and then typing in the DOI. Within another paper, the DOI can be cited and (simultaneously) turned into an archival quality live link using the latex package hyperref, as follows:

\href{dx.doi.org/doi: 10.2168/LMCS-1 (1:1) 2005} {doi: 10.2168/LMCS-1 (1:1) 2005}

Every paper of Logical Methods in Computer Science has a BIBTEX entry on its web page that includes a live link to the paper's DOI. For more information on DOIs, other types of persistent identifiers, and the hyperref package, see the Information for Authors. Please note that it is the policy of Logical Methods in Computer Science to allow only live links recognised as of archival quality.

12. Why do Special Issues have no issue numbers?
Special Issues are journal overlays: every Special Issue paper is published (within a few days of acceptance) in a regular, numbered issue; it simultaneously appears on the Special Issue web page. Special Issues do have DOI numbers so they can be linked to collectively.

13. How quickly will my paper be published?
This depends on the time the refereeing process takes: we aim for a low average turn-around time (from the first submission to the publication). However, the journal leaves ample time for all referees to provide their reports, so that a very high quality of the refereeing process is achieved.

14. How do I choose an editor?
Every author chooses a handling editor; the Editorial Board web page gives a suggested list of topics for each editor. Topics handled by individual editors are listed, but this is just a suggestion. The editor has the right to decline, in which case another editor is assigned to handle the submission.

15. What about corrigenda?
The authors can submit a new version of the paper, provided that the handling editor agrees. The journal provides then both the original version, and the new one.

16. Can editors of the journal publish in the journal?

  1. Yes, they can. This is the standard policy of computer science journals.
  2. Nevertheless, guest editors of a special issue should not be authors or co-authors of articles in the special issue.
  3. Managing editors can also publish. Here we follow the EIC Conflict of Interest policy and procedures of the ACM the designated handling editor is Wan Fokkink.