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LaTeX Style

LaTeX Style

All final versions of articles must be formated using the Logical Methods in Computer Science LaTeX style. The instructions for authors also serve as an example use of the LaTeX style.

In particular, authors must check before submitting the final version of their paper that they obey the following guidelines:

  • Please use the current version of the lmcs.cls LaTeX style.
  • Use BibTeX to manage references and make sure to provide your .bib file on arXiv.
  • Use the "alphaurl" bibliography style (\bibliographystyle{alphaurl}), or an equivalent biblatex setup.
  • Add ORCIDs to author names using the \lmcsorcid{} macro.
  • Make sure that authors are correctly matched to institutions, using the last optional parameter to the \author command (exact syntax found in the example).
  • Make sure that bibliography references are formatted in a consistent fashion (e.g., venue names), and that there are no missing capitals.
  • We strongly encourage you to include the DOI of cited papers in your bibliography.
  • Use the LMCS environments thm, cor, lem, prop, rem, exa, defi, conj.
  • Do not change the default font: do not use packages times, txfonts, mathptmx, ae, libertine, beramono, lmodern.
  • Check that there are no overfull hboxes (i.e., content overflowing in the right margin).
  • Remove LaTeX packages that are unnecessary or may cause compatibility issues.
  • Check that there are no leftover comments or commented-out parts: remember that all paper sources are made publicly available on arXiv.
  • Check that the metadata (title, abstract, etc.) when submitting to arXiv is up-to-date relative to the final version of your paper.
  • Make sure that there are no uses of the \sloppy, \vspace, or \vskip commands unless truly necessary.
  • When proofs end with a list or an equation, please use the \qedhere command to position the QED symbol at the right place (not on a blank line).
  • If the running title is too long (overflows in the header of odd-numbered pages), please use the optional command to \title to specify a shorter running title that fits, i.e., \title[Running title]{Actual and possibly longer title}.
  • To insert line breaks manually in the title, please use: \title[Long Title]{Long\texorpdfstring{\\}{} Title}. Please note the use of the optional argument to omit the line breaks from the running title (see above).
  • Use a spell checker to catch typos.
  • Refer to sections with \autoref{label} or Section~\ref{label}, with a capital letter, no abbreviation, and a non-breaking space.
  • When citing a theorem from another paper, use the thmC environment: \begin{thmC}[\cite{paper}] ... \end{thmC}.
  • Please avoid links to webpages that may go offline. Code or other artifacts should be hosted on Zenodo and cited with a DOI.
  • Use the booktabs package to format tables, and avoid vertical rules unless truly necessary.
  • Do not put frames around figures.