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Forum Östergötland (FO)

Forum Östergötland is a support function for clinical and translational research at Linköping University and Region Östergötland. We are a part of the regional node Forum Southeast in the national collaboration Clinical Studies Sweden.

Johan Jäger

Forum Östergötland is a collaboration between Linköping University and Region Östergötland. As a part of Forum Southeast our goal is to facilitate and strengthen the clinical and translational research in Sweden's south-eastern healthcare region.

Regulations on research involving humans

Rigorous regulations apply to all kind of research involving humans. The regulations ensure that high quality, credible data and the safety and integrity of the individual research subjects are maintained.

Welcome to seek advice

All researchers or research teams with a connection to Linköping University, Region Östergötland or the southeast region of healthcare are welcome to seek advice from Forum Östergötland for clinical research projects. Scientific problems can be discussed in an early phase of project planning as well as in ongoing projects. However we do not have the resources to support undergraduate projects or resident projects. There are special terms for support to PhD students, such as biostatistics.

At Forum Östergötland, we offer you:

  • Counselling at the start or underway of a clinical research project.
  • Scientific counselling.
  • Statistic and epidemiologic counselling.
  • Monitoring, project support and randomization.
  • Assistance in identifying sites/investigators for a clinical study.

We work under full confidentiality. For more information, please refer to the Swedish site or contact us below. A first meeting is always free.

Forum Southeast – one of six nodes

Clinical Studies Sweden is a collaboration between the Swedish Research Council and Sweden’s six healthcare regions. Forum Southeast is the node of Sweden's south-eastern healthcare region. For further reading, go to Clinical Studies Sweden's website.


Email and telephone

Visiting and postal address

Forum Östergötland

House 008, entrance 50, floor 10
Linköping University Hospital
581 85 Linköping

E-mail: forumo@regionostergotland.se

Kliniska forskningsenheten (KFÖ)

Norra entrén (the north entrance)
House 443, entrance 7, floor 10
Linköping University Hospital
581 85 Linköping


Head of Division

Senior Research Coordinator

Regional coordinator



Coworkers The clinical trials unit (KFÖ)