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Professional Support Division (VS)

Our mission is to provide professional administrative and technical support to IFM's teaching and research activities.

We conduct our work with:

  • competence, professionalism and in a modern way
  • clear, efficient and quality-assured support processes, working methods and routines
  • a strive to minimilise waste of resources (time, money, materials) in administration and technical service

The division is organised in two units: administrative and technical.

Admin staff

Undergraduate teaching administration

There are three areas of studies at IFM. Each of these areas has an appointed administrator. The administrator is the first line support for directors of studies, examiners and all teaching staff. The administrators also act as contacts for the students concerning practical issues on the courses given. The administrative support provided by the administrator is among other things:

  • Ladok work, such as results reporting etc.
  • exam administration
  • administration of degree projects
  • updates to Bilda
  • course room management in Lisam

Central special functions

Central specialist functions

These make the second line support and have different specialist areas. The main task is to provide qualified support and support for IFM's management, division managers and other employees. The central specialist functions are also responsible for ensuring that the administrative routines for each area at IFM are efficient and maintain a good quality. The specialist areas available at IFM are:

  • finances (budget, financial statements, financing issues, large and complicated reports to EU/KAW/SSF, Raindance support, equipment financing, other financial support and advice)
  • HR (recruitment, settlement, rehabilitation, occupational health care, wellness, Visit)
  • communication (web pages, intranet, information material, photography)
  • purchases (direct procurement and renewals of competition, brokering assignments over the direct procurement limit to the Procurement unit, other support)
  • registry/archives (registration of documents, questions about disclosures, archive coordination)
  • other (administration of premises, LiU-ID/computer accounts, etc.)

Technical unit

Head of unit: Robert Gustavsson Lindberg

The unit is responsible for/coordinating the department's overall technical support in the areas:

  • media supply (gas, electricity, water/clean water, cooling water)
  • handling of technical installations
  • coordination when purchasing/installing new research equipment (weight, dimensions, ventilation and media supply)
  • remodelling of premises
  • systematic work environment, fire protection and safety work incl. hazardous waste management
  • technical store
  • goods reception (send/receive goods)
  • component physics lab
  • access system (access to IFM premises)
  • technical support of undergraduate laboratory work in teaching laboratories


Administrative unit

Head of unit: Frida Törnqvist

The unit is responsible for all administrative procedures at IFM and is divided into three different areas:

  • division administration
  • undergraduate teaching administration
  • central specialist functions

Division administration

Each research division is appointed at least one division coordinator. The coordinator is the first line support for all the staff within the division and also provides administrative support to division heads and research leaders. The tasks that the coordinator can't or doesn't have the authority to solve is passed on to the central administrative functions, or special service teams within VS (for example, Forskarladok and scholarships). Administrative support provided by the division coordinator includes:

  • ongoing financial and project administration (project budgets, invoices, follow-ups, reports to financiers, etc.)
  • general service to the division staff (arranging meetings/conferences, bookings, form help, administration of public defenses, door sign, mail box, telephone)