Research Groups at ADIT
The Air and Ground Information Security Group
This group conducts research on air security including manned air communication systems and drone identification and communication, as well as ground IT security including industrial internet, smartgrids, security and monitoring of vehicular systems (cars, ships, rails) and 6G. Read more about our group
The Database and Web Information Systems Group
This group conducts research on storage, management, search and integration of data. Important application areas are materials science and the life sciences.
Currently, our research focuses on: ontology engineering (alignment, debugging, evolution, visualization), efficient data management for the web, querying linked data, graph databases and sports analytics. Read more about our group.
The Security and Networks Group
Research within this group is done on a broad range of topics, spanning security, networks, and related areas such as performance evaluation and multimedia systems. Read more about our group.The Communications for Networked Intelligent Systems Group
This group performs research on communication networks, such as semantics-aware goal-oriented communications, timeliness of information, tactile internet, wireless energy harvesting networks, performance analysis and stochastic modeling, and physical layer security. An important research direction is how to utilize the traffic properties and characteristics to increase the performance of wireless networks by reducing the amount of information that is generated, transmitted, and processed in a network. Typical examples include content caching and timing properties and requirements of traffic, which are crucial aspects towards 6G communications. Read more about our group.
The Sports Analytics Group
Sports analytics deals with using data related to sports events to obtain insights about the sport and its surroundings. In our group we interpret this broadly. The insights can relate to such things as player and team performance, strategies, training, injuries, and rules of the game. The group was started at the end of 2017. We are researchers from different labs at Linköping University, primarily from the Department of Computer and Information Science with a common interest in various aspects of sports analytics. Read more about our group