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Showing 1-20 of 7,943 results
  1. Optomechanical realization of the bosonic Kitaev chain

    The fermionic Kitaev chain is a canonical model featuring topological Majorana zero modes 1 . We report the experimental realization of its bosonic...

    Jesse J. Slim, Clara C. Wanjura, ... Ewold Verhagen in Nature
    Article 27 March 2024
  2. Background: Quadratic Bosonic Hamiltonians

    We present the foundational aspects of time-independent, quadratic bosonic systems. Following a brief description of the multimode bosonic landscape...
    Chapter 2024
  3. Non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity from a polynomial realization of SL(2, ℝ)

    We derive the action and symmetries of the bosonic sector of non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity by taking the non-relativistic string limit. We find...

    Eric A. Bergshoeff, Kevin T. Grosvenor, ... Utku Zorba in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 04 December 2023
  4. Efficient bosonic nonlinear phase gates

    Continuous-variable (CV) quantum information processing harnesses versatile experimental tools that leverage the power of infinite-dimensional...

    Kimin Park, Radim Filip in npj Quantum Information
    Article Open access 23 February 2024
  5. Nonlinear bosonic Maxwell’s demon by coupling to qubits

    The concept of Maxwell’s demon, proposed in classical physics as a means to extract work from a thermodynamics system beyond the constraints set by...

    Atirach Ritboon, Radim Filip in Communications Physics
    Article Open access 21 February 2024
  6. Quantum simulation of the bosonic Kitaev chain

    Superconducting quantum circuits are a natural platform for quantum simulations of a wide variety of important lattice models describing topological...

    Jamal H. Busnaina, Zheng Shi, ... Christopher M. Wilson in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 09 April 2024
  7. Realization of a bosonic antiferromagnet

    Quantum antiferromagnets are of broad interest in condensed-matter physics as they provide a platform for studying exotic many-body states 1 including...

    Hui Sun, Bing Yang, ... Jian-Wei Pan in Nature Physics
    Article 01 July 2021
  8. Collisionally stable gas of bosonic dipolar ground-state molecules

    Stable ultracold ensembles of dipolar molecules hold great promise for studies of many-body quantum physics, but high inelastic loss rates have been...

    Niccolò Bigagli, Claire Warner, ... Sebastian Will in Nature Physics
    Article 04 September 2023
  9. Bosonic near-CFT1 models from Fock-space fluxes

    We construct a family of near-CFT 1 models with a conserved U(1) charge, whose basic degrees of freedom are canonical bosons. The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev...

    Article Open access 18 July 2024
  10. Universal control of a bosonic mode via drive-activated native cubic interactions

    Linear bosonic modes offer a hardware-efficient alternative for quantum information processing but require access to some nonlinearity for universal...

    Axel M. Eriksson, Théo Sépulcre, ... Simone Gasparinetti in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 21 March 2024
  11. Nearly degenerate ground states of a checkerboard antiferromagnet and their bosonic interpretation

    The spin-1/2 model system with antiferromagnetic (AF) couplings on a J 1 - J 2 checkerboard lattice, known as the planar pyrochlore model, is strongly...

    Haiyuan Zou, Fan Yang, Wei Ku in Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
    Article 20 November 2023
  12. Effective interactions of the open bosonic string via field theory

    We describe a method to extract an effective Lagrangian description for open bosonic strings, at zero transcendentality. The method relies on a...

    Lucia M. Garozzo, Alfredo Guevara in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 July 2024
  13. Background: Quadratic Bosonic Lindbladians

    This chapter provides an extension of Chap. 2 to the Markovian setting. We first introduce the basic...
    Chapter 2024
  14. Collective Excitation of Bosonic Quantum Hall State

    The recent developments in the theory of rapidly rotating Bose atoms have been reviewed in this article. Rotation leads to the development of...

    Moumita Indra, Sandip Mondal in Journal of Low Temperature Physics
    Article 02 January 2024
  15. Many-body bound states and induced interactions of charged impurities in a bosonic bath

    Induced interactions and bound states of charge carriers immersed in a quantum medium are crucial for the investigation of quantum transport....

    Grigory E. Astrakharchik, Luis A. Peña Ardila, ... Antonio Negretti in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 24 March 2023
  16. Acoustic realization of projective mirror Chern insulators

    Symmetry plays a key role in classifying topological phases. Recent theory shows that in the presence of gauge fields, the algebraic structure of...

    Tianzi Li, Luohong Liu, ... Chunyin Qiu in Communications Physics
    Article Open access 22 September 2023
  17. Empowering a qudit-based quantum processor by traversing the dual bosonic ladder

    High-dimensional quantum information processing has emerged as a promising avenue to transcend hardware limitations and advance the frontiers of...

    Long B. Nguyen, Noah Goss, ... Irfan Siddiqi in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 19 August 2024
  18. Nonlinear Realization of Spacetime Symmetry

    The first step towards an effective field theory for spontaneously broken spacetime symmetry is the construction of the nonlinear realization of the...
    Chapter Open access 2024
  19. Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms

    Strongly interacting topological matter 1 exhibits fundamentally new phenomena with potential applications in quantum information technology 2 , 3 ....

    Julian Léonard, Sooshin Kim, ... Markus Greiner in Nature
    Article 21 June 2023
  20. Quantum Speed Limit Time of Topological Qubits Influenced by the Fermionic and Bosonic Environments

    Quantum theory sets a bound on the minimum time required to transform from an initial state to a target state. The bound is known as quantum speed...

    Fatemeh Ahmadi, Soroush Haseli, ... Shahriar Salimi in Brazilian Journal of Physics
    Article 28 March 2022
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