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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Relationship between ion currents and membrane capacitance in canine ventricular myocytes

    Current density, the membrane current value divided by membrane capacitance (C m ), is widely used in cellular electrophysiology. Comparing current...

    Balázs Horváth, Zsigmond Kovács, ... Péter P. Nánási in Scientific Reports
    Article Open access 16 May 2024
  2. Single shot detection of alterations across multiple ionic currents from assimilation of cell membrane dynamics

    The dysfunction of ion channels is a causative factor in a variety of neurological diseases, thereby defining the implicated channels as key drug...

    Paul G. Morris, Joseph D. Taylor, ... Alain Nogaret in Scientific Reports
    Article Open access 12 March 2024
  3. Photolipid excitation triggers depolarizing optocapacitive currents and action potentials

    Optically-induced changes in membrane capacitance may regulate neuronal activity without requiring genetic modifications. Previously, they mainly...

    Carlos A. Z. Bassetto Jr, Juergen Pfeffermann, ... Peter Pohl in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 07 February 2024
  4. Guanosine modulates K+ membrane currents in SH-SY5Y cells: involvement of adenosine receptors

    Guanosine (GUO), widely considered a key signaling mediator, is implicated in the regulation of several cellular processes. While its interaction...

    Giuditta Gambino, Giuseppe Giglia, ... Valentina Di Liberto in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
    Article Open access 01 September 2022
  5. Ion currents through the voltage sensor domain of distinct families of proteins

    The membrane potential of a cell (V m ) regulates several physiological processes. The voltage sensor domain (VSD) is a region that confers voltage...

    César Arcos-Hernández, Takuya Nishigaki in Journal of Biological Physics
    Article Open access 18 October 2023
  6. CXCL10 Enhances Acid-Sensing Ion Channel Currents in Rat Dorsal Root

    Both CXCL10/CXCR3 and acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are expressed in nociceptive sensory neurons and participate in various pain processes, but...

    Ting-Ting Liu, Chun-Yu Qiu, ... Wang-Ping Hu in Molecular Neurobiology
    Article 24 July 2024
  7. Afferent neurons of the kidney with impaired firing pattern in inflammation – role of sodium currents?

    Peripheral neurons with renal afferents exhibit a predominantly tonic firing pattern of higher frequency that is reduced to low frequencies (phasic...

    Nena Lale, Tilmann Ditting, ... Kristina Rodionova in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
    Article Open access 06 September 2023
  8. Characteristics of A-type voltage-gated K+ currents expressed on sour-sensing type III taste receptor cells in mice

    Sour taste is detected by type III taste receptor cells that generate membrane depolarization with action potentials in response to HCl applied to...

    Takeru Moribayashi, Yoshiki Nakao, Yoshitaka Ohtubo in Cell and Tissue Research
    Article Open access 16 March 2024
  9. PTHrP attenuates spontaneous contractions in detrusor smooth muscle of the rat bladder by activating spontaneous transient outward potassium currents

    Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) released from detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) cells upon bladder distension attenuates spontaneous phasic...

    Wataru Kudo, Hikaru Hashitani in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
    Article 29 February 2024
  10. Insulin enhances acid-sensing ion channel currents in rat primary sensory neurons

    Insulin has been shown to modulate neuronal processes through insulin receptors. The ion channels located on neurons may be important targets for...

    Zhong-Qing Xu, Ting-Ting Liu, ... Wang-Ping Hu in Scientific Reports
    Article Open access 05 August 2024
  11. The plasma membrane inner leaflet PI(4,5)P2 is essential for the activation of proton-activated chloride channels

    Proton-activated chloride (PAC) channels, ubiquitously expressed in tissues, regulate intracellular Cl - levels and cell death following acidosis....

    Woori Ko, Euna Lee, ... Byung-Chang Suh in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 15 August 2024
  12. Involvement of sodium–glucose cotransporter-1 activities in maintaining oscillatory Cl currents from mouse submandibular acinar cells

    In salivary acinar cells, cholinergic stimulation induces elevations of cytosolic [Ca 2+ ] i to activate the apical exit of Cl through TMEM16A Cl ...

    Misa Takeyasu, Katsuyuki Kozai, Makoto Sugita in Journal of Comparative Physiology B
    Article Open access 03 February 2024
  13. Inhibitory effect of atomoxetine on Nav1.2 voltage-gated sodium channel currents


    Atomoxetine (ATX), a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI), is used to attenuate the symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder...

    Yoshihiko Nakatani, Kanami Ishikawa, ... Taku Amano in Pharmacological Reports
    Article 14 March 2023
  14. Activation of Animal Brain Neuromediators by Interferential Transcranial Currents


    A method of transcranial electromagnetic stimulation of the mammalian brain is proposed. The method is based on the interference of currents...

    Y. Katsnelson, A. V. Ilinskiy, E. B. Shadrin in Technical Physics
    Article 01 December 2023
  15. Inhibition of the NMDA Currents by Probenecid in Amygdaloid Kindling Epilepsy Model

    Epilepsy is characterized by a sustained depolarization and repeated discharge of neurons, attributed to overstimulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate...

    Edith González-Guevara, Esther Lara-González, ... Juan Carlos Martínez-Lazcano in Molecular Neurobiology
    Article 30 January 2024
  16. Mechanically-Evoked TRPV4-Mediated Currents Are Modulated by Activated Integrin β1

    TRPV4 is a polymodal, non-selective cation channel which can be activated by mechanical stimuli only when they are applied directly at the...
    Jessica Richardson, Lioba Schroeter, Kate Poole in Mechanobiology
    Conference paper 2024
  17. Analysing Mechanically Evoked Currents at Cell-Substrate Junctions

    The precise study of mechanically activated ion channels requires a combination of electrophysiology to directly measure channel-mediated ionic flux...
    Surabhi Shrestha, Jessica Richardson, Kate Poole in Mechanobiology
    Protocol 2023
  18. Persistent sodium currents in neurons: potential mechanisms and pharmacological blockers

    Persistent sodium current (I NaP ) is an important activity-dependent regulator of neuronal excitability. It is involved in a variety of physiological...

    Peter Müller, Andreas Draguhn, Alexei V. Egorov in Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
    Article Open access 05 July 2024
  19. Effect of Hibernation on Electrical Activity and Potassium Currents in the Myocardium of Long-Tailed Ground Squirrel


    Hibernating mammals are able to reduce their body temperature almost to 0°C. During this process, their heart is highly resistant to...

    T. S. Filatova, D. V. Abramochkin in Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology
    Article 01 May 2023
  20. Functionally-selective inhibition of threshold sodium currents and excitability in dorsal root ganglion neurons by cannabinol

    Cannabinol (CBN), an incompletely understood metabolite for ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol, has been suggested as an analgesic. CBN interacts with...

    Mohammad-Reza Ghovanloo, Philip R. Effraim, ... Stephen G. Waxman in Communications Biology
    Article Open access 23 January 2024
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