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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Biological characteristics of Cordyceps militaris single mating-type strains

    Cordyceps militaris has been extensively cultivated as a model cordyceps species for commercial purposes. Nevertheless, the problems related to...

    Xiu’E Li, Xin Wang, ... Weihuan Li in Archives of Microbiology
    Article 20 April 2024
  2. Mating behaviors and multiple mating in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae)

    While most terrestrial animals undergo internal fertilization, some insects use external transfer of sperm during mating. Among these are insects...

    Kei Inada, Toshinori Minemura, ... Takaaki Daimon in Applied Entomology and Zoology
    Article 19 April 2023
  3. Does female control and male mating system predict courtship investment and mating outcomes? A comparative study in five widow spider species (genus Latrodectus) tested under similar laboratory conditions


    Male courtship investment may evolve in response to the male’s expectation of future mating opportunities or the degree of female control...

    Luciana Baruffaldi, Maydianne C. B. Andrade in BMC Ecology and Evolution
    Article Open access 27 June 2024
  4. Functional analysis of the mating type genes in Verticillium dahliae


    Populations of the plant pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae display a complex and rich genetic diversity, yet the existence of sexual...

    Ya-Duo Zhang, Xiao-Bin Ji, ... Jie-Yin Chen in BMC Biology
    Article Open access 07 May 2024
  5. Mating behavior in the Japanese badger Meles anakuma

    We describe the details of the mating behavior of the Japanese badger, Meles anakuma, using camera trapping. Similar to other mustelid species, the...

    Hiroshi Tanaka, Yukihiro Fukuda, ... Wataru Kojima in Journal of Ethology
    Article 17 April 2024
  6. Specific mating behavior of Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica) in captivity

    Pangolin is a mysterious animal in the Family Pholidota, Mammalia. Malayan pangolin ( Manis javanica ) is one of eight existing species and is listed...

    Dingyu Yan, Xiaobing Guo, ... Yongjie Wei in Scientific Reports
    Article Open access 26 May 2023
  7. Mating system and inbreeding depression in Hymenaea stigonocarpa

    In tree species, inbreeding due to selfing or biparental mating may decrease offspring adaptation and growth due to inbreeding depression (ID)....

    Darlin U.G. Zaruma, Alexandre M. Sebbenn, ... Mário L.T. de Moraes in Tree Genetics & Genomes
    Article 30 January 2024
  8. Mating types of Fusarium fujikuroi from bakanae disease of rice in Bangladesh

    Sixteen isolates of Fusarium fujikuroi from bakanae disease of rice in Bangladesh were examined for the presence of both mating types. Seven isolates...

    Asmaul Husna, Md Asaduzzaman Miah, ... Nik Mohd Izham Mohamed Nor in Australasian Plant Disease Notes
    Article 22 February 2024
  9. Mating alters the food choices of adult ladybird beetle (Propylea dissecta mulsant)

    Mating alters nutritional and energetic needs which result in behavioural and physiological changes related to reproduction. But little is known as...

    Lata Verma, Geetanjali Mishra, Omkar Omkar in International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
    Article 31 August 2023
  10. Distinct effect of calorie restriction between congenic mating types of Cryptococcus neoformans

    Cryptococcus neoformans ( Cn ) is an opportunistic yeast that causes meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised individuals. Calorie restriction (CR)...

    Natalia Kronbauer Oliveira, Kyungyoon Yoo, ... Bettina C. Fries in Scientific Reports
    Article Open access 06 August 2024
  11. Characteristics of breeding habitat, genetic mating system, and determinants of male mating success in the sponge-dwelling goby Elacatinus lori


    Determining the patterns and causes of variation in reproductive success is key to understanding mating systems and sexual selection, but...

    Robin K. Francis, Katrina A. Catalano, ... Peter M. Buston in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
    Article 12 November 2022
  12. Uncovering the history of recombination and population structure in western Canadian stripe rust populations through mating type alleles


    The population structure of crop pathogens such as Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici ( Pst ), the cause of wheat stripe rust, is of...

    Samuel Holden, Guus Bakkeren, ... Gurcharn S. Brar in BMC Biology
    Article Open access 25 October 2023
  13. Exploring the mating systems of wild rice Oryza rufipogon and O. nivara: implications for population genetic variation

    Oryza rufipogon Griff. and O. nivara Sharma et Shastry are wild ancestors of Asian cultivated rice, harboring a wealth of genetic variation valuable...

    Jinqing Yang, Xinxia Liang, ... Xiaoming Zheng in Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
    Article 12 June 2024
  14. Mating behavior and functional morphology of genitalia in longhorn beetle Dorysthenes granulosus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae)

    Sexual selection is a driving force behind the evolution of insect genitalia morphology. Understanding the functional morphologies of mating-related...

    Xin Tong, Zhong-Yan Huang, Qi Huang in Applied Entomology and Zoology
    Article 16 March 2024
  15. Glucose depletion enables Candida albicans mating independently of the epigenetic white-opaque switch

    The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans can switch stochastically and heritably between a “white” phase and an “opaque” phase. Opaque cells are...

    Guobo Guan, Li Tao, ... Guanghua Huang in Nature Communications
    Article Open access 12 April 2023
  16. wMel Wolbachia alters female post-mating behaviors and physiology in the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti

    Globally invasive Aedes aegypti disseminate numerous arboviruses that impact human health. One promising method to control Ae. aegypti populations is...

    Jessica Osorio, Sara Villa-Arias, ... Frank W. Avila in Communications Biology
    Article Open access 21 August 2023
  17. Fight outcome influences male mating success in Drosophila prolongata

    The outcomes of preceding fights can influence the probability of winning a subsequent fight, known as the winner/loser effect. However, we know...

    Naoki Toyoshima, Takashi Matsuo in Journal of Ethology
    Article Open access 09 February 2023
  18. Characterization of mating type, spore killing, and pathogenicity of Fusarium verticillioides populations from maize in China

    Sexual reproduction in fungi promotes genetic diversity and helps the fungus to adapt to environmental stresses. Fusarium verticillioides is a...

    Fengcheng Zhang, Tingting Tang, ... Wei Guo in Phytopathology Research
    Article Open access 01 September 2023
  19. Relationships of wingtip shape, song-flight and mating success in male black-headed buntings Emberiza melanocephala

    Wing design in birds is the result of different and potentially opposing natural selection pressures, such as those related to migration, predator...

    Sanja Barišić, Jelena Kralj, ... Herbert Hoi in Journal of Ethology
    Article 21 November 2023
  20. Gamete dimorphism of the isogamous green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), is regulated by the mating type-determining gene, MID

    The gametes of chlorophytes differ morphologically even in isogamy and are divided into two types (α and β) based on the mating type- or sex-specific...

    Ryoya Innami, Shinichi Miyamura, ... Shigeyuki Kawano in Communications Biology
    Article Open access 06 December 2022
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