Biomedical measurements are generally contaminated with substantial noise from various sources, including thermal noise, interference from other physiological signals, environment, or electrode movements. Complete restoration of biosignals from noisy measurements using linear filtering techniques is not feasible owing to the spectral overlapping problem. This paper proposes an arithmetic–geometric mean inequality-based robust denoising method. The proposed method incorporates a novel convexified cost function using the concept of majorization-minimization. A two-step algorithm is derived using the forward–backward splitting technique. An optimality condition is derived to set the hyperparameters of the new algorithm. The proposed convex optimization-based method effectively denoises cardiovascular signals, including both electrocardiogram and photoplethysmography. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed approach is verified over different datasets. The quantitative and qualitative results obtained using the proposed method demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in biosignal denoising concerning state-of-the-art techniques.

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The data that support the experimental evaluations in this study are collected from the online available MIT-BIH Arrhythmia, BIDMC PPG, and PhysioNet/CinC Challenge-2018 database, which are duly cited in this paper.
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The authors thank the Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Department of Space, Govt. of India, for supporting this research work.
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Kumar, V., Muduli, P.R. Infimal convolution and AM-GM majorized total variation-based integrated approach for biosignal denoising. SIViP 18, 1919–1927 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02902-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02902-7