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Fetal MRI of the Brain

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Pediatric Neuroradiology


This chapter gives first an overview of the MR sequences performed to evaluate the fetal brain in utero. These sequences include T2 WI, T1WI, DWI, T2*WI or SWI as a standard protocol. DTI and MRS can also be performed. DTI provides thin sections of 2mm that help tissue characterization and midline assessment in young fetuses from 20 to 28 weeks. The developmental anatomy is then described in terms of morphological and signal changes in relation to the gestational age. DWI/DTI and MRS is also described and show the microstructure changes and the changing distribution of metabolic peaks related to gestational age. The next step gives the overview of the most frequent pathologies of the CNS that include ventriculomegaly, posterior fossa malformations, cerebral malformations and brain injury. Posterior fossa cysts are the most common indication of fetal brain MRI to look for malformations of the posterior fossa. Corpus callosum agenesis and polymicrogyria are the most frequent cerebral malformations and may be combined. Fetal brain response to injury is remarkable. It can be acute, chronic, and a combination of both, in any given case. White matter gliosis is challenging because it is not easily diagnosed in utero. MRS may help the assessment of hypoxic-ischemic cases and cases with white matter gliosis.

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Girard, N., Huisman, T.A.G.M. (2015). Fetal MRI of the Brain. In: Rossi, A. (eds) Pediatric Neuroradiology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-46258-4_58-1

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