Karadeniz Technical University
Department of History
This article is analyzed by two reviewers and it is screened for the resemblance rate by the editor/ Bu makale iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve editör tarafından benzerlik oranı taramasından geçirilmiştir. * In this article, the... more
- by Yaşar SÖYÜT
Kitabın Söyleşiler kısmında yazarın genel olarak şahsi yaşamı, eğitim hayatı, akademik kariyer tecrübeleri, tarih anlayışı, popüler ve akademik manada Osmanlı tarihinin tartışmalı hususları hakkındaki mülahazaları ve yer aldığı çeşitli... more
Apar adı, kaynaklarda Aparnoi veya Parni olarak zikredilmektedir. Bunların ise Sakaların bir kolu olarak Klasik Latin ve Hellen kaynaklarında zikredilen Dahae'lerle bir alâkası olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Herodotos'tan beri kaynaklarda farklı... more
Moses Khorenatsi is among the most important figures of Armenian History. Due to the impact of the History of Armenians, written by Khorenatsi, on the national awakening of Armenians, Khorenatsi may be is considered to be the father of... more
The eastern territories of the Roman Empire, at the beginning of the third century, witnessed to the rise of the Sassanid Empire, which succeeded the Dynasty of Parthians. Like the Parthians, the Sassanids were continuously hostile with... more
The acceptance of Christianity by Armenians, at the beginning of the fourth century, has had profound effects on Armenian society. After the adoption of Christianity, Armenians not only have moved away from the impact of Iranian culture... more
The Iranian civilization, which was the basis of the Armenian culture until the Conversion to Christianity, was far from the historiographic tradition in comparison to Greeks and Romans even if they portrayed their own history by means of... more
After the fall of the Sāsānian Empire, Armenians under Arab pressure asked for help from the Roman emperor. Constans II, whereupon, declared Tʿēodoros Ṙštuni as patrik and then tried to tie the Armenian Church to Constantinople.... more
Bütün bir Armenia coğrafyasının çizgisel olarak Ermeni literatürüne girmesi ilk defa VII. yüzyılın başlarına tarihlendirilen ve gerçekte varlığı hala tartışmalı olan Anania Širakacʿi isimli bir Ermeni entelektüelinin başarısıdır. Ermeni... more
Armenia, tarih boyunca üzerinde yaşayan toplulukların çeşitli geleneklerinden ve coğrafyanın siyasi açıdan getirdiği istikrarsızlıktan ötürü çok farklı etnik kökene ve kültüre ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Fakat bölgenin bu çok kültürlü... more
The rapid development of the Armenian historiography, which started at the beginning of the 5th century, can be seen in many different kinds of works on ancient and medieval Armenian literature. The Armenian sources after the 7th century,... more
The first touchstone that comes to mind when considering the tradition of biographical writing in ancient literature is Plutarch's Parallel Lives, although he was not the earliest example of this method. Much later, came the Vita... more
The epithet apostate is one of the most striking terms among symbolic characters of late antiquity. It has been applied to only Iulianus and described his paganist practices. Yet, there is another character from the same era that modern... more
Manzikert, located in the southern regions of Armenia, has consistently held a significant place in the literature of various communities from ancient times to the medieval period. This importance is attributed to the multidimensional... more
During late antiquity, the geographical boundaries of Armenia underwent frequent changes due to power dynamics between the Romans and the Sasanians. Therefore, it is impossible to speak of a broad Armenian geography with a single window... more
This study explores the intricate political and religious dynamics that shaped Armenia during the fourth century, focusing on the impact of Roman and Sasanian imperial interventions and the internal divisions within Armenia. The division... more