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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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You should have just received a friend request from me (since your Discord is set to only accept DM requests from friends)

hey, for my campaign, i built a google sheet that has drop down menus that populate the sheet with item stats. it feels unjust to release the sheet for free since it contains a lot of your spell and item descriptions. should i just simply not release it, or should i send you the link for you to distribute with attribution to my itch page?

(4 edits)

Hey we're playing a long form campaign with this but are wondering about the "two-handedness" feature. In the "Items" body text it describes weapons as:

Most weapons can be categorized as light melee (d6 damage, 1 slot, 1 handed), medium melee (d8 damage, 2 slots, 1–2 handed), heavy melee (d10 damage, 3 slots, 2 handed), light ranged (d4 damage, 1 slot, 1 handed) bow (d6 damage, 2 slots, 2 handed), or crossbow (d8 damage, slots, 2 handed).

But weapons listings in the "Weapons" section look like "10 Saber d8 damage, 2 slots 100" without specifying handedness (which medium melee weapons can vary with).

Further, the pre-built character builds include weapons like "Makeshift club d8 damage, 2-handed 2 slots" and "Ornate rapier d8 damage, 1-handed 1 slot". We're wondering if there was a way that we were meant to infer the handedness of the weapons listed in the "Weapons" section or if maybe they were just accidentally left out.

This game is amazing btw! Thanks for making it!!!

it did! but still had some issues with gameplay since the anomaly isnt distinct enough

(1 edit)

Absurdist comedy, a lot of sprites from third parties, and lack of real alignment to a pixel grid, but for what it is- a meme game loosely built to fit the theme- it works really well. one big improvement would be to make the font and "continue" button thematically match the style of the rest of the game.

sure thing!

I played the downloaded version, I'll try web.

^agreed, the separation of the buttons implied you can do something before pressing play

Pretty good game, but it definitely works best on touch screen and isn't well suited to a mouse.

Cool gameplay but I highly recommend making it so that you can always turn into any word but that each do different things, just so that the player isn't struggling in the beginning to figure out their options. Honestly the literal movement felt kinda extraneous and this easily would make a very good point and click puzzle game.

A really good rage game for such unassuming graphics! Doesn't even need a score system because you get very self motivated through your errors. I like it!

Not a very like substantial game, but as a concept put together in 3 hours I love it! Great take on the theme! It feels like it needs more structure to be a fully fledged game.

An interesting take on the typing game genre! Feels like Frog Fractions for adults!

It's a cool concept but the mechanics are finnicky and I got a lot of unnecessary "miss" outcomes. Only tangentially related to theme.

ooooh an APK, I'll try this out in BlueStacks

hint: you can throw the blocks to any side of the screen

This was neat! I like the anxiety inducing gameplay to beat the timer and the wonky ways the blocks move. I really wish for two things from this

1. An explanation of the controls

2. More levels! I want to play more! This very much feels like the type of game you'd have a level select screen on so you can retry to harder levels over and over. 

I adore this you did great!

(1 edit)

This might be just because I was playing on a 2K monitor, but the hitboxes never seemed to line up with any of the characters. The game would benefit greatly from a windowed mode. Otherwise, I really like the premise! Even though couldn't experience it first hand, it's very creative. I especially love a dynamic time mechanic in games like these. It also felt arbitrary who to pick since the anomaly could also share traits with others. A good mechanic might be to have everyone look nearly the same except for one feature, and put some form of distortion or movement in which confounds that, so the player is have to see through a barrier of sorts. I really wanna see what you do with this premise, well done!

Entertaining premise! I was not a fan of the tutorial being non-skippable, but not too big of a deal. I really thought the controls and set design were extremely well polished. The two gripes I have are the graphics not being very illustrative (like the obstacle in level 1 gives no indication that you need to wait through an animation before shooting again) and the enemies in level 2 are overly relentless. The invincibility frames on the enemies being removed might send this game from "pretty good" to "great"

This was really cool! This game feels polished, and the post processing definitely feels indie (in a good way). My main issues were really minor, and this game takes a really creative concept and runs with it.

So for one thing, the glove's sound effects do not really line up with the hit, it instead feels timed to the button press itself, which the glove hits a fraction of a second later than.

Secondly, the graphics are great, but from far away moving quickly it can be difficult to understand what a broken object looks like without first seeing the unbroken counterpart. Given that the late game is less about identifying the items and more about identifying them quickly, I don't think that making things clearer with some slight tweaks would necessarily hurt the gameplay experience.

Thirdly, I can't really tell what benefit the points serve when the levels indicate such a similar thing. It feels as though there should be some sort of secret object that either has only a slight defect so you might accidentally let it through or one that is unusual but is surrounded by a lot of other objects so is easy to miss and scores bonus points.

and fourth, pacing the objects so that, even at the fastest speed, you can keep hitting things without the animation taking up too much time would be great.

But again, these points are only so easy to make because your game has a solid and entertaining foundation. This turned out really well, and I love a good programmer-artist duo.

I really liked this one! The graphics were a tad on the wonky side but give the time limit I think you're excused on that front. 

I have three big recommendations if you wish to expand this:

1. better graphics, I assume we're in a birds eye view, so maybe show us what is inside the boxes so we can see that the light boxes are like, a few socks whereas the heavy ones are a fully computer with keyboard and mouse.

2. A weekly leaderboard! Just to incentivize people to keep pushing themselves

3. Perhaps the time limit could scale up whenever you drop a box in the goal spot, and a new box could appear throughout the stage every time you drop one in, so your end goal feels unachievable by design rather than by limitation.

Overall though, a really great game, the pick up mechanic is difficult due to accidental grabs, but it feels like it turns this into something of a rage game in some cool ways, so I wouldn't change a thing in that regard. Great work!

this game is really cute! i like the unique way of handling gameplay, it's like a reverse Words With Friends. i can definitely tell you got a bit limited with the one letter hints though lol. if you ever make this into a full fledged game with like the ability to gain user inputs on puzzles and things, i'd highly recommend just making the last letter be won automatically. or just animate a player character standing on top of the pile when it's on the two block stage, making the player the top of the pyramid. truly well done!

This is my favorite game of the jam. Reminds me of when I use to spend time playing dots and boxes with my granddad (or as he called it, Squares). A lot of strategy and it's easy to get trapped by a cunning opponent. This very much feels like dots and boxes turned into a game that you could only play digitally. Great work! My only recommendations is for there to be a menu with an "instructions" screen rather than me scrolling to the description (dw though, this is a common thing with itch.io games) and also, though I know it's entirely your choice how you made this, in the future I definitely would like to see a version with the gameplay taking up more space on the screen and being given the ability to change the color schemes. Those are just preferences though not critiques by any means.

This was really great! Loved the art style, the tone, the gameplay, and the audio. My only gripe is that it definitely shows that y'all went overtime, but nice work!!!!

This is really cute! I like how the wheelchair sort of tips backwards in a way that's both realistic to real chairs and also makes fun of how the classic wheelchair sign is nonsense. The graphics could definitely use some work, which I think is where you get a lot of the "fever dream" critique. This game would also benefit greatly from some simple sound, even just a jump and a "hit enemy" sound would be fine. Also I found myself puzzled with three mechanics: 

1. the shoot mechanic. It seemed like I was sort of shooting the whole time so pressing space bar to do the same felt unnecessary 

2. I didn't have an ability to go backwards, which would be fine if not for the fact that I would sometimes miss enemies. 

3. When does the game end? It's possible there is an ending I just did not see, but it didn't seem like I really knew what I was doing.

Otherwise, this is a really cute game. I didn't quite understand the literal message, but I loved the vibe of a disabled person being able to reform society.

This game was really cool! For positives: amazing graphics, fun concept, good sound design, good difficulty progression, and amazing execution (pun intended). For critique: the control scheme was a bit odd, it felt like the HUD was a last minute add on and the mouse was too imprecise. It felt like it either needed a more precise mouse or arrow keys as optional controls. The bullets' arc does feel a bit unexplainable to the player though, because while the curve I'm sure is very consistent, without a gun to visualize, you kind of wind up expecting the gun's scope to be intended to line up perfectly. The animations on some of the characters was wonky but I honestly couldn't care less about that part. You made an engaging and really challenging game!

For such a simple game man do I love this. For one thing PICO 8 games are always great. Also, the updated form of the prisoner's dilemma is interesting, as the prisoner's dilemma is majorly based in guessing what your opponent will do, now you also have to guess their confidence in that answer.

To criticize I have two pointers: 

1. The game does not explain much. I was able to figure out that pre-move earns more than remove, and that remove will always diminish the size by 50%, but these numbers could also be displayed on the screen in more ways than just how many points you receive. something like a "REMOVE: 50%" pop up that does the scrolling effect that the constants do would be nice.

2. The AI at times seems a bit too random, it feel like it would benefit from a more challenging AI, or even a "pass the device to your friend" style multiplayer where two people can participate in this game with one another.

(1 edit)

Some of the graffiti was extremely hard and I never knew if I was actually making any progress on each individual piece. It also gave little incentive to rush. I'd recommend making a version where you have 30 seconds and gain time by damaging graffiti to encourage players rushing through the way you intend. Also the backing music choice was interesting

EDIT: to clarify I love the sound design, animation, and graphics, so you did a lot right, it's just easier to comment on negatives of course.