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A member registered Jul 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very amusing take on the theme!

reminded me a bit of Katamari and that is never a bad thing. I liked how intuitive it was to add things to my player character. As far as core mechanics, this one is very easy to understand. I liked the visuals and sounds a lot. I did run into two bugs.

Bug 1: I would push the obstacle off screen and nothing would happen for a bit and then the camera would reset. This bug occurred when I grabbed a piece of the obstacle and attached it to my blob at the point of contact with the obstacle

Bug 2: The ending completely froze when fighting earth

Side note: omg I love that the cyber truck was defeated in a single hit, hilarious!

great work!

What a wonderfully unique take on the jam. This was very fun.

The fact that you interpreted scale as resolution is very amusing and it made for some great moments. I was also really impressed with how flexible your rating system was. I would have thought the ratings would have been very strict but I was impressed that it appeared to handle deviation nicely.

I don't honestly have a ton of notes, because everything that needs to be done is in fact done. 

Great work.

Cool concept, I scaled and chopped many fish!

I think the scale removal and chopping mechanics are really well done, but it would have been nice if they had sound. However, this is a jam game, and they both feel remarkably punchy even without sound.

I think it was also a nice touch to have overuse of the scaling knife be a factor.

Nice work!

Very enjoyable puzzle game!

The mechanics are well explained and the puzzles are nicely laid out in such a way that it never felt like there was an unreasonable difficulty spike or too many new mechanics. I really enjoyed figuring out in what order to pickup, drop, and throw blocks. 

The rest of the game was incredibly polished. SFX, UI, visuals all fully realized. I especially liked the animations for the main character. 

Very nicely done, I don't really have any feedback because what is here is completely fleshed out and polished.

(1 edit)

Cool game you got there! Its very easy to pickup and play, whcih is always a a good sign in my book. I did not find the game particularly challenging and there appears to be little incentive to attack anything but the enemy torso.

As for the main mechanics, honestly pretty solid, especially enjoyed your solution for the theme. I was always calling up my dice roll to see if I could grow or shrink anything and it was great. Used the dice roll on the enemies to make their weapons slow while also bugging may weapon!

The idea for this one is genuinely pretty cool. Its hard to describe but its like one of those retro flight sims but with an fps component. Tbh i kinda reminded me of Star Wars Tie Fighter. However, I do think the controls are maybe a tad to clunky (the rotation should probably be slowed down), and the shooting was a bit unresponsive at time. As far as style goes, it was very visually clear and pretty easy to figure out where and what I was looking at (even when I crashed!)

The fish sounds were really funny and the shooting sound was also good, but it would have been nice to have a movement sounds for the player and adversary. That being said, this is obviously a jam game, and I can't imagine how much work went into just creating the movement system for this one, so I get it and you definitely prioritized the most important sounds, a shoot sound and a hit sound.

Nice work!

Really nice game. The narrator was very amusing. 

I found the whole thing to be very well produced, especially for a 3D jam game. From the menu screen onward it was very clear a lot of work went into this. The core mechanics at play were easy to grasp and effective, very portal inspired which lets be honest is never a bad thing. The puzzles themselves were a bit on the simple side but they operated as a great showcase for what your team was going for. I also want to commend that there was a good sense of space despite the fact that these were obviously just rooms, the sound effects made me understand where these rooms were. As far as feedback goes, yeah only would have liked to see some more challenging puzzles but its a jam game and this is impressive.

Nice work!

Holy Mackrel this is one cool game!

Its giving very dredge with the spooky vibes.

I love what you did with the big fish!

The whole thing was super polished and well done. The visual were really pretty.

My only feedback is that I think it would be better if after you had successfully caught a fish, your fishing line was automatically pulled back.

fantastic work!

Incredibly polished. It sounds great, looks great, and feels pretty good.

Sadly I don't really play foddian games, just not a genre I enjoy. As such, i am not much use reviewing them.

Regardless, great work on creating such a focused and polished experience.

Really polished and a nice game. 

I was super impressed with how visually readable the game is. Even when it got hectic I always knew what to do, and I liked that. I think your implementation of the theme was really effective and forced me as the player to make good.

I am not sure I have much in the name of feedback this was super solid, consistent, and enjoyable. Well done.

Yeaaaah they def turned out harder than expected. Thank you for playing and the comment!

Thats wonderful! You absolutely should, it was a blast and I could see it being expanded in all sorts of ways.

Absolutely stellar work!

I really enjoyed this game but ill break it down in the full review.

Enjoyment: The puzzles were all really fun and the mechanics worked very well. Not only that I was impressed with how well you managed to get the traversal system working for the player. The puzzles were not too hard but it was nice that each shape felt unique and at least to me felt like they had different properties, pros and cons. The only obvious bug I encountered was that it appeared that the "reached home message played one level too soon". Additionally I think in the future you should add some additional sound effects as the game was rather devoid of them and even just a pickup sound when you grab a soda can would dramatically improve the oomph factor. (side note: great call to let the player pause and re-adjust, made things feel very fair)

Creative: this is just a very creative take on the jam theme. Many games, mine included had the player control the character while trying to scale objects and that limited us in ways that your game is not burdened with. I think it was a stellar choice to have the player just layout and scale the objects to create the path, and let the game handle the character.

Style: The game just had so much style, from the intro and outro comics, to the protagonists walk and jump animations, and the levels themselves. This game just oozed style and I really enjoyed it. Fantastic

great work, def a highlight of the jam for me.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it! Yeah the level design stuff was  def something I wanted to spend way more time on.

Nice take on the theme! Rolling pizza dough was very satisfying. It was a pretty tactile feeling game and I really enjoyed that. Each of the minigames was pretty unique and functional. I found the sausage winding super satisfying. Yay for battlepass.

As far as feedback goes, i do think the pouring section was a bit more unpredictable than the other challenges. I also encountered an odd problem where the sausage winder would stop producing any sausage.

Good work.

Super unique concept! 

My favorite part is getting the birds eye view from the tree and seeing the root paths I made. Finding water also feels really good. I am honestly really impressed that you were able to make this in just 4 days, it is very polished and while it can take a minute to grasp the game it actually is surprisingly intuitive.

if you expand on this after the jam, I would love to see the player be allowed to resume a route from one root to extend it in additional directions. 

Great work, it was a really unique experience. (being the root is also so trippy and strange. I liked that._

right out of the gate I really like how easy it was to understand this game, grasp its core mechanics, and then effectively use them. You did a great job in terms of readability. It was always very easy to understand what was going on and how many scales I would need to defeat a given enemy and what they would do if they hit me.
Perhaps my only feedback is that it can be cheesed a little towards the end by just staying relatively close and blasting with the biggest scale size. You automatically pick up the scales when you do this because of how big they are. 

I think the core gameplay mechanic is really well executed and this idea of essentially using hit points as a ammo was super cool. 

Great work!

very polished game that feels great to play.

Having to defend the eggs is a really nice twist, and using the speed up to get smaller is also a really cool idea considering how valuable being big is. It adds a nice bit of tradeoff that I think works pretty well. 

Perhaps the only thing is that the speed up isn't super necessary because of how slowly mice move, they are pretty easy to counter without it. Still a really cool mechanic and with faster on more frequent mice I could totally see it becoming more essential.

Awesome work.

Haha ty ty.

Thank you for the kind words! I am glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. Yeah the levels were a bit rushed but I am very happy you liked the instant shrinking mechanic

Thank you very much!

Thank you! haha glad I included that mute button!

Thank you very much!

Aw thank you for the kind words. Yeah def a game where I spent a lot of time coding and less time polishing. I appreciate the feedback!

haha ty!

Absolutely mind blowing how polished this is.

Genuinely one of the coolest things I have experienced so far and I say experienced because while the gameplay is super simple, how it is presented made it trippy, and at times rather cosmic horror-esque.

Eating objects felt really good and had lots of feedback, near as I can tell you set the detection for the objects behind the mouth and if so i think thats a great call because it keeps things feeling fair and allows the player to make quick corrections.

My only obvious feedback point is the arrow that the player uses to find targets. I think the arrow remains small the whole time and that makes it kinda hard to gauge the distance to the target. Perhaps in a post jam update you could make the arrow grow as the player gets closer to the target.

Fantastic work! I loved the ending.

Fun concept!

You don't see spatial awareness puzzles often and watching the sponges grow is very satisfying. I think its a good fit for the theme of the jam.

Feedback: It is pretty hard to tell where you placed sponges on the previous run and I think the game would be greatly improved with the ability to see where you had placed the last batch. Additionally, I also think a reset button would not be a bad idea in case the player miss clicks.

Visually, I think the game is very readable and its easy enough to understand what is working or not working with growing the sponges but not so easy that the solution is immediately apparent at a glance. The sponge growth felt fair and behaved as expected. I was never left thinking a sponge should have grown more than it did. As a side note, the benefit of the sponges and the water as a motif is it makes it really clear exactly how well you did visually and I think that was a really good call.

Overall, good work!

The visuals are really fantastic. As far as this jam goes, definitely one of the more unique games visually.

I played this with my younger brother and we both found it really fun and interesting. The mechanics were easy to grasp and there was no confusion as to what we had to do. As far as helpful feedback goes, Perhaps the eyebrows are sometimes hard to find if the character has a large hair piece. 

It is very polished and there is a good level of visual juice that made each case fun.

Well done!

Amusing as always. I know it is ultimately a joke and the punchline is really great, but I actually think the simplicity of the mechanics actually really complements the game at a narrative level, and there is an interesting story here in the environment about time and the scale of things.

my only feedback is perhaps you could provide a clearer indication that we did in fact reach the end, because after the first screen I thought I messed up at first, but then again perhaps that just makes it even more amusing.

Absolutely wild game. It is very fleshed out and the hammer is such a fun case of size versus function where as it gets bigger it can be handy in terms of range but also is playing into your upcoming downfall. I had a lot of fun but sadly I did encounter a bug where I would just fall through the map and have to restart. (Though annoying, it did not damper the fun i was having. )

Really fantastic work, using the hammer to launch the player was such a cool choice

(1 edit)

That was hilarious! From the first foe to the last I was grinning. Great sound design and visuals.

(side note: Did I see a reference to Seaman for the Sega Dreamcast!!!)

I really like how you used the theme for the sword growing with each foe, and I really like how you took a simple motion like pushing the mouse and made that play into the size. The later swords actually felt heavy because we physically had to try harder to lift them. Really cool!

Feedback:  While effective, the core means of input is so simple it can be a bit too repetitive. If you update post jam, including other gestures that changed based on the swords position, would be more dynamic.

Obviously though this is a jam game, and you have to prioritize certain elements over others, and honestly you nailed it.

Anywhoo it was a blast, ty for making me laugh.

I enjoyed this, it was good fun. The game is was really pretty and the whole thing felt really put together.  I especially liked how there was an almost stone texture under the in game map coupled with the music gave the game a very ancient world flare. Only feedback I have is that I think some of the choices were not super clear on which attributes would be affected.

Curse the emperor for sending me into exile multiple times haha.

Really interesting game! Took me a bunch of tries to fully start to understand the rules but once I did I started to really like it. I think the capturing of territory and how that related to zooming in and out was a really unique take and I do not think I have ever seen anything like it. Also, and I cannot say this enough, fractals are just so cool.

I think trading with enemies is also really smart although I only had stuff for trading just a few times. I do think combat is on the clunkier side. I think the bizarre nature and shape of the arenas (which is really cools) knocks heads with the wasd directional shooting. Perhaps, if you update the game post jam, you could try making the combat mouse cursor based, outside of combat I feel like the zoom in and out could be attached to the mouse buttons instead of z/x and then have the aiming of projectiles handled by the cursor and mouse buttons during combat. 

Regardless , exploring the fractal was hella cool, It was as trippy and wild as one would have hoped! You did a lot with the visuals and feel in this one and it really showed. I especially enjoyed the music, it merged well with the trippy nature of the game. 

I really like how you made capturing territory in the fractal such an in depth and trippy affair, where positional thinking and resource evaluation play such a big role in whether or not to zoom in/out at any given point.

I always love seeing what you come up with and this was no exception.

Awesome work as always.

Okay that was a really cool core mechanic. The idea of having the player zoom in or out  to change their size relative to the world is really nifty and worked well. My favorite part was breaking the blocks to go through the roof! I genuinely wish I had thought to do that in my game.

My feedback:

I think that perhaps the magnification mechanic could be a bit more streamlined. In sections where multiple magnifications are required it can get a lil repetitive having to click multiple times. Maybe you could have the player pull up the magnifying glass and use the middle mouse button to zoom in or out.

Regardless, nice work! I liked the ending a lot haha.

Just a really well designed little game!

Enjoyment: I found the game easy to pick up and understand. Having the player level up to unlock new elements for the build was really effective at keeping me engaged and I genuinely kept replaying to see how much further I could get if I optimized my build.

Creativity: I think creatively the game is a nice twist on this genre of defend from swarm games. I like how you integrated the theme, i think changing the scale of gravity and by extension your range was a cool way to do it. I also like that you can scale the size of the moon, and that it is actually a major component in optimizing the moon because if its big and it blocks bullets then it becomes waaaay more useful. (very nice synergy! but now I have appeared to wander back into enjoyment talk.)

Style: The game is just so pretty and cute. Everything that should provide visual feedback does and most of the enemy designs are effective and clear. In general the game is just very readable. My one piece of feedback in this area is that I think the small drill enemies are the hardest to see because they are small and share a similar color palette to the background. 

All in all, I had a ton of fun. Well done.

I really loved the game visually. I think you did a great job of making these rather simple shapes and scribbles very personable. 

As an idea, I really like  making your hp and size tied together. I think it was well executed and easy to understand.

Having the risk versus reward of melee vs long range was also very nice! I like the idea the melee attacks are practically insta-kills on enemies but you run a much higher risk of getting hurt in the process. However, I do think it might skew a little to far on the risk side of things, and perhaps if you choose to update this post jam, you should consider adding some sort of wind up to the enemy attacks to give the player a slightly better chance.

Overall, really nice work, I liked it. The orange block is my favorite (well and truly adorable.)

I really liked the dual nature of the game with the focus on building yourself an optimal path with as few objects as possible and then racing through it. The leaderboard was a really nice touch. As far as feedback goes, I think the mechanics could be better explained, it took me a little while to fully understand the process.

As far as presentation goes, I mean the game just has so much style. I really loved the dynamic shadows from the boxes, and the light trails, but honestly it was all pretty.

Very cool, nice work.

(1 edit)

Merging bubbles makes me happy.

very very relaxing. It is not a complex game, however you made merging bubbles very satisfying so I just kept going. The game felt great to play. Not much in terms of feedback as it was just a pretty chill game. I think everything was very polished, perhaps if I had to nitpick maybe the mouse effect on bubbles could be a little bit stronger but honestly that may just come down to personal preference.

10/10 would bubble again.

Its a very interesting take on the theme. My high score was 15. Mini game games are hard to make especially for jams and I think you did a very good job of making the mini games easy to understand and quick to grasp. Sound would have been cool especially at least for the musical note sections, but its a jam game and im just honestly impressed how many mini games you got in that are are totally playable and not at all confusing.

Nice work, it was fun!