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A member registered Nov 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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As of the v0.1.7 I wish to say it is a fantastic start and I see a lot of potential for this game. I do wish to speak on the issues I ran into; these issues were minor and didn't take away from the game a whole lot just made it a little clunky. The way to get to the map was not very intuitive, when moving to go outside is a little difficult because the first choices has first floor as the 2nd to last option but go outside as the last option, this caused issues of trying to get out of the house but ending up going in circles. My next criticism is about the clunky use of the chosen descriptor/relationship (I.E. roommate, tenant, landlord, ECT.) However these things were only minor and I understand that this is very base build so I expected these clunky things. I did not suffer any bugs or anything. All and all it is a wonderful game and I am exited to see where it leads.

not a problem I love helping out creators

I am so glad that they fixed the shovel being missing when it was always apart of the coop scene

I wanted to bring to the attention of the creator a bug that I found a bug that allows for quick progress through the relationship system. The bug is get the item known as Lunar Pill. When you have one in your inventory you can make click make gift an infinite amount of times without using it up until you click something else or use it. This supply of gifts has a super high quality that it will give you 100% affection when given to any character. Allowing you to race through the bonds/

The story is amazingly engaging I actually was suprised and outraged with what happened to chuck in his past and I found it difficult to play this just for the pleasure of the mature content. I did find few times where the dialog was off because of an extra word being thrown in but they were far and few between that it didn't bother me at all and it kind of fit because when your having a charged conversation it makes sense that you won't always talk in perfect english. The art is top notch I thought because it was a ren'play that it would be a little clunky but to my suprise it was beautifully done all the way through. I know that every time the relationship took another I felt I was actually taking that step with the characters. The use of mostly first person perspectives for the main character really added the the ability to be immersed in the story. I look forward to seeing this story continue and even the sequel that is talked about in the ending scene of chapter 3. You did an amazing job on this story and I know that you said this is an experament of your and that your trying something new with story but you did such an amazing job so far with this that I wouldn't have been able to tell if. For those who are looking for a casual story driven spicy game this is definatly worth a try and don't worry if your not to big into the taboo side of fetishism because the whole story basically says that they are two fully grown adults and so it shouldn't matter. So far this game is a 10/10 and only getting better.

I wish that the way to go live again was more obvious.

hey just stopping by again to point out that because of pavervail or what ever the place right of the main castel in central you can access more of the map then I think you intended. I am guessing because with the messages saying that you should go to the capital at the very begining of the game.but like said all those messages can be by passed before going to the castel. the only places that cannot be reached is the top contery and the left countery.

I found a soft lock in the golden armor recipy quest in the lever room when you choose to fight it pulls up the pause menu and if you go into the skilltree option then the fight begins that only shows a black screen as the skill menu opens up and no controls do anything.

there were cases where the A.I. drawings were able to distingish some features but then there were other cases where the A.I. program in charge spat back a smudge that if I wasn't paying attention I would have no clue who was talking or things like that. A simple solution if you are using a learning A.I. would be have it analize pictures of real people from the internet and continued practice drawing figures it may also help if you take the time every once in a while to check the progress and manually correct the A.I. like you would with a kid who is learning a new skill, a few minutes of it drawing then picking the best one would help it recognize what is expected of the program and in cases where there is no best one, hand correction may be needed. just a few programming tips when it comes to learning A.I.s

I love the game so far it has an awesome premise and I cannot wait for future updates and I will keep an eye on the project giving advice and point out things that stick out down the line I.E. spelling and grammar mistakes and bugs that I run into but so far this is awesome. one thing that surpised me was that the crops once planted dissiapered because I ran out of energy and couldn't water them. If the quest giving kitsune had informed me about that then I would have slept first but the seeds do respawn so just as a heads up you might get people who think the game is broken or unbeatable because of this fact.

Paradise Lust community · Created a new topic report issue

v0.3.4 pc crashes during the load in before even having the menu pop up to play the game. I double checked that my laptop was working right and made sure that the specs of the laptop met or exceeded the recomended pc specs for the game. even tried it on my gaming desktop and still crashed before the menu could appear. I tried to skip the opening cut scene and it caused the crash but waiting for the opening scene to complete also caused the game to fail as well.

That  bit of history I was not taught in school only when I went home did I learn it so I am surpised that others know of it better then I do because I didnt know that some school systems talked about the 1st capture of napoliton

I just finished the final ending I needed to say I have seen everything that this game is and I must first commend the game for its smooth stories and the true feeling of your actions really make an impact. The story is really good and there were no spelling or grammar mistakes that I took notice of. The idea behind this is something that from the outside seems to be all about incest but honestly there are so many other characters that you can progress through that incest is not the only option or doesn't even need to be in your play through of the game. If the name sisterly lust is what you are worried about because you think it is just about banging your hot family then this game will suprise you in a good way but if incest is your thing then this is definitly something to check out because the story is never forced and once you get past the first couple of interactions with someone and accidently chose the wrong option it will strain the relationship but it is also forgiving. Even if you are looking at the story aspect of it and don't want to play just for the sex, this game has that as well, with crazy characters some with very punchable faces that feel so good too. So please take it from me I highly recommend this game for anyone who is looking for more of the same or something completly diferent because this game has the best of both worlds.

so I know that english is not your native language so I am going to put this simply in hopes of giving you a little help with something I think would help with the game. the +vertue and -stamina that pop up do not dissapear unless you are in a menu or talking to someone but most of the time it is there if you have it so that it goes away when there is a check for a choice or action like a click then have it dissapear would make the notification less annoying and it would not block any of the scenes that you have planned.

I just finished the version here and I have to say that it is a very engaging story there were no bugs that I encountered sometimes I found myself searching for the girls and could not find them at all which made it tricky to boost their affection but I understand that it might have been best not to focus too much on a single girl for a whole day and instead boost multiple girls as much as possible when I did not need to get funds for something and a day of fishing got the funds I needed usually so it did not even feel like much of a grind to be able to afford anything. I cannot wait for what ever comes next in the story and if anyone stops by and sees this comment I hope that it will push you to give the game a try because it is definitly worth the time.

yes I just downloaded the new build making sure to use the link that you posted and the issue is not resolved I am not sure what is going on with it but I just got this screen grab when I got into the battle area. This might not be the intended way to go but I will give a report of what was going on leading to it so maybe it helps you. I open new game imidiatly go out side and start heading right ingoring every thing got into a fight and took out the ninja looking guy and then the node attacked and it gave me the error that is shown in this screen shot. like I said I used the like you provided to down load it this time even after retrying it a few time about twenty seconds of holding enter to retry it was still popping up

I got a loading screen crash on the pc version but all I had to do was reopen the game so it was not that much of an issue but when I got the lock box with the three doors they all said under construction and so I thought that there were either two options either I reached the end of the playable material or I missed something so i played through the game again to find out that I did not missing anything but because it did not say that it was the end of the version I spent more time then needed and found a problem loading the new game again causing another crash. so that is the report I have for this version and it might be a smart idea that in the future if you come to another stopping point just to add a text box saying end of version.

the slime girl in the bottom right corner stopped at 100 but that was a normal green slime not the  special green slime girl. the special green slime girl looked like a blue slime when in the battle and I thought it was odd that is why I captured her even though I had a green slime girl

(1 edit)

I just reinstaled and the issue is not any better and I thought showing you the error might help and the error is not just with the plant it is with any time the oponent attacks I just couldnt find anything else in the 20 minutes of trying

sorry didnt realize I had forgot to add the part showing that I can still improve her relationship

I collected the special green slime girl in dorgnia sorry I cant fully remember where in that country or how to spell it's name but I managed to get her affection to 500 and still seem to be able to raise it further it is something I wanted to point out if it is intentional or not I am not 100% sure but here is a screen cap of it

The download is broken or missing key files which softlock every monster encounter just a bug I wanted to point out to you