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what fetishes are in and what are planned?

I'm asking for a tip on how to talk to pichi about eating first's mana from the main character because I can't proceed and putting a barrier even though I've already done it and what to press to open the secret room in the bedroom.

Says i need to rest to progress after day 35. its currently day 46 and its not changing

Its telling me im unable to download it. Telling me its an invalid package. Any help?

This is super late but if you're on android download an apk.signer


I've seen some developers bring out a zip file with the apk and game data separate. The apk will be much smaller. They allow the app to use external resources and a directory is created in documents for adding the file and keeping the saves.

(1 edit) (+3)

Got the PC version, and having trouble with battle. I keep clicking on the enemy (I think that's what I'm supposed to do), but nothing happens, and I eventually get killed. Sometimes it'll make an attack, but I only ever manage one per fight. I don't know if it's a bug, or I'm just not clear on how battle works.


Same thing's happening to me, can't get past the first slime.


please fix your paypal lol


I don't use Paypal.
- Regards

Nooooo! lol ok ty for the reply

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I level up my alchemy knowledge to level 2?


Alchemy can be raised by training with Ryoko.




Good Luck!


I'm having issues downloading the game it downloads and when i click install it say app not installed as package appears to be invalid 


Q: Why won't the game run on mobile? Is there something wrong with the game? A: Most likely not if you can't get the project to run. Android has a built in security measure that prevents games 2gb or larger in size from running without certificate. To play via mobile try Joi Play (https://joiplay.cyou/) , if for some reason that doesn't work - try playing via PC. If you have managed to run the project and run into any other issues, visit the discord server so to report the issue - ( https://discord.com/invite/3JymcGKH9S ).

That is good but than for almost all android users it is not functioning game that they paid for (including me). Can't you remake the android version to smaller launcher and one (or more) rpa file that we just have to move to the folder that the launcher will create like someone here suggested please? Many creators are doing it this way because of the afformentioned 2GB limit for installing on android.

I even tried the PC version through joiplay but it won't work either (well there are not many games that work through this method)

Okay my bad, I had older renpy plugin on joiplay and now it works with the new one


stuck at this point in the story missions, im assuming rest means sleep or nap, but both goals have been done and nothings happened


Thanks for reaching out!
This is the last story event in the public version of the game. If you'd like to progress further, check out the 2.8 version here on itch.io, or 3.0 over on Patreon.


Hi Hentai Agent, I've bought your game but for some reason when I try to install the apk I get the error ( "app not installed " ), I mean I can just play it on my computer but it's more fun to play on my phone, so if you know a fix for this I would be grateful. 🙏 🥲

(I have samsung A50 if that's relevant)


Hello there, thanks for the purchase!
To answer your question, android has a built in security feature that prevents it from running certain files above a 2 GB file size.

To play on mobile, you would need to download and configure a program called Joi Play that allows you to get around this limitation. Alternatively you can play via PC as you mentioned. Hope this helps.


For joy play if I remember correctly you need an exe file to use it, do I need to install the pc version for it? (Cuz I can't extract the apk file).


I've never used it before, but there are really no differences in the builds aside from OS - they are all built from the same source code. So, you can try using the exe - it would work the same minus a few visual things.

Deleted 357 days ago
Deleted 357 days ago

I can understand your frustration - unfortunately the problem isn't something I can actually fix.  To answer a few of your questions though, I have patrons who use joiPlay, they tell me about their experiences and also how to use the app.
It was also through their efforts that I learned the real problem.

Games built in Ren'py 8.0+ aren't compatible with joiPlay.  Whether this was purposeful or a mistake on Ren'py's part - I'm not sure. The reason games won't run normally once they hit a certain file size is also something beyond my control. Any non-certified (that is, a game slated for app store release) Android game with a file size of 2gb or more won't run on android phones - it's a built in security measure. Using joiPlay is one of the only way to circumvent that. 

In short, the only way for this issue to be fixed is for A) Ren'py developers to acknowledge and fix it (if they can) or B) joi Play to release an update so that Ren'py 8+ version games are compatible. It's also worth noting that this issue isn't something unique to my work, many other games have been experiencing it as well. The only real solution is patience.
The irony is that i actually avoided updating to Ren'py 8+ because I wanted to avoid issues like this from the beginning. Clearly that didn't work out too well. 


Hello guys i have problem regarding crafting, I can't seem to craft crystal barrier. Thank you for reply.


You can check the status screen (story tab) in order to get hints about what to do. Click the star next to the text and you will see suggestions that tell you exactly what to do to advance the story.


I can't seem to complete tasks. I can't move on in the story from making tower


I think we spoke a few days ago, but for the sake of other readers I'll respond here.

On Android, there's a chance you may not be able to read all of the tasks should you not play in 16:9 ratio.
Tasks aren't things that need to be completed , but rather they explain what you should do in order to next advance the story. So, doing one of the tasks won't cause it to "update" or be marked as complete. It's not that kind of system (although, now it does make sense and maybe I'll try implementing that in the future).

You can also view direct instructions on what to do next by clicking the Star button next to the current story entry.


i downloaded the windows version of it yet it still won't work on my windows computer


I have checked the patron page for this game and you have to realize some of these creators can be doing more than one project at a time and it does take time to create a game like this. the 2.0 release is almost done he is dealing with delays out of his control. 


I hope everything is alright it seems you've gone mia for no reason as far as I can find..


yeah sometimes creators randomly don't update the game for some time, its probably not abandoned though, H*ntai agents probably just taking his time with the novel lmao


No just working. (my alt).


Ive been playing the game and I like it so far.. I'm in android. And. I've found I can't battle anything. The game works fine but as soon as I enter the battle. I can't interact with anything at all.. the only thing I can do is watch my health drain before I wake up in the bed. Is this something I did or is this a glitch?.. whatever it is. It is super annoying. I can't progress unless I battle.


probably a bug


Ive tried deleting the game and reinstalling it. I still can't fight. The game is basically unplayable if I can't fight


is there a way to erase pichi, to anoying


how can i go to the waterfall


whats the discord for this game?


there isn't one


how many of what materials do i need to fix the tower? i dont have a quest log to tell me. unless im not supposed to worry about that now and just focus on relationships, cause i still cant tall to fira and i havnt had pichi solve that yet

also if i could hover over items in my inventory to read them instead of constant clicking that would be better, and for the items to be sorted by type, like moss and slime and put together with the rest of the slime and moss, instead of the same type of item all throughout the inventory.


this game seems really good and i wanna play more but the ui makes my eyes hurt and it doesnt seem like my character is improving. its very unituative or something. my stats seem to not be consistent depending on what im looking at and im not sure how each decision affects that stat. i maybe just dumb but listen

the changes id make is

having the day and time be displayed on the normal ui so you dont have to go to another screen to check, show the stat change with each option, cause it seems the "fat" and or "stamina" go down with each training and chat session but it doesnt tell me, tell the player how much of the item is made in crafting cause i couldnt see it, the quality and quantity is not obvious to me and i cant tell if each item is supposed to stack or not. i am so confused at the alchemy screen.

tho i guess ill have to play more to get a better feel of the game some quality of life things other games have just dont seem to be in this game.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

A fun game so far, and I like the alchemy thingy a lot - looking forward to create my own homs :)

Wish list: Add a function to auto-select ingredients, or more/better way to sort the list (say a filter to select only specific properties).

Display issue: The item box is unusable when an item has too many traits.

Best solution is probably to restructure the screen and use a viewport with vertical scrolling, my "I WANT to use this item" hotfix reduces the font size.

Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the praise. I'll look into fixing this. There actually aren't supposed to be so many traits so I'm certain I've done something wrong ha ha. 


those were items I created in 1.0.1, with an absurd high alchemy level


Interesting! I'm glad to see someone is having fun with it. I can't wait until chapter 1, so I can add many more alchemy traits.

(2 edits) (+2)

harr, found an easyish way to make crafting more streamlined: keyboard shortcuts.

In __New_Screens.rpy around line 60 directly below "screen craft_screen():"

key "c" action Jump("myy_craft_item")
key "K_LEFT" action [Function(page_left_recipe)]
key "K_RIGHT" action [Function(page_right_recipe)]

Same file, around line 170, below "if current_item:"

key "t" action [Function(toss_item,current_item),SetVariable("current_item",None)]
key "a" action Function(add_material,current_item,myPlayer)

When crafting one has nearly never the need to move the mouse outside of the item list.

don't need the selected item? bash "t" to toss it

want to use the item? bash "a" to add it to a slot

happy with recipe and ingredients? bash "c" to craft it

want to change the recipe? use left and right arrow keys

On a PC it's rather convenient, imho.


That's true. I've not gotten around to exploring custom keys for Ren'py at current. Honestly I've been so swamped with work that I've been focusing on what I need to know in order to complete my tasks. 
It's always a help to learn something new though.


Any futa and/or character customization?


Not yet!


I wanted to bring to the attention of the creator a bug that I found a bug that allows for quick progress through the relationship system. The bug is get the item known as Lunar Pill. When you have one in your inventory you can make click make gift an infinite amount of times without using it up until you click something else or use it. This supply of gifts has a super high quality that it will give you 100% affection when given to any character. Allowing you to race through the bonds/


shhhh That is soo useful D:


Fixed it, thanks!!


not a problem I love helping out creators


Lmao I read that as "mom factory" and I was like "huh, pretty up and front about the pregnancy feature aren't they" 


Does the new crafting system in 0.30 no longer have the option to craft things with magicites?


It's still there, it's just been made into a "spell" that the main character learns at some point.


Is there volume setting? I can't find it.


Volume setting is under the preferences window. You can reach it from the navigation menu (right click, then you can lower volume).


When I right click, it bring me to the save window. There are no preferences window there. 


Oh, you're right. I thought I left it there. I must have moved it to make space.
The preferences button is the second icon along the bottom row of the screen however, so it's still present.


I see, thanks!

(2 edits) (+6)(-1)

Hello folks, first and foremost I apologize for the tough time folks have been having with regard to android builds. There are multiple reasons for this, which this comment aims to address. It's a bit of a long read, but I recommend taking the time as it will answer your questions.

However, if you don't like reading, there is the TL:DR version, yes you can play on mobile, but you need to use Joi Play.

If you're curious as to why, read on.

All builds of the project come from the same source code. Other builds don't present this particular game breaking issue, therefore it's not a bug in the sense that it's something which can be fixed by me. In other words, I am not the root of the issue for this particular bug.

Regardless of that, I share your frustrations, so I've literally spent months attempting to pin down why this happens and fix it.

This is what I've found:
The game files are somehow being corrupted during the Android build process itself.

Regardless of changes, or fixes, to the source code, this problem still occurs. 

This is a strong indicator that the problem is with Rapt, the program used to build Android games with Ren'py, or configurations of it being used with Ren'py. It's complex stuff which I have not the time nor desire to delve into. Therefore this leaves players with one solution:

Joi Play is a program that was bought to my attention a few weeks back. It allows you to play some PC games on your phone essentially from what I understand. Using this, you should be able to play Hom Factory on mobile.

Conversely, building games in Android also comes with a 2 GB file size limit. Meaning that, in order to continue playing on mobile you would need to use Joi Play anyway at this point, or simply play on PC. Moving forward, Android builds will no longer be offered, you will need to use Joi Play. This isn't something I can control at this point, so you could consider it the natural progression of the project.

0.28 has already reached and surpassed this size limit, so I strongly recommend that you use Joi Play.

There are instructions on how to do so here:

Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks for your patience as I attempted to solve this.


Also, could the viewers of this post please upvote, so that it can stay near the top for a bit? It would be very helpful.



P.S.S. To anyone I downvoted, I did so in order to try to float this comment further to the top, since it answers your questions about Android. Nothing personal! (It was only like 3 comments where I basically suggested the same fixes from here.)


General note to everyone considering this game,
If you prefer mobile plays, you need to use Joi Play.

This is something that would have happened naturally anyway, but this is just sooner rather than later.


So, there's an error every second window on PC right now, after the first training session. Shame, I like the game so far.


Take a trip to the discord channel and give some context.
I run the windows version of the game all day, every day. Its the one I use the most so I would notice common errors like the one you speak of.

That leads me to believe you have some specific issues to be addressed.

Error / exception screenshots are the easiest way to get your issues fixed, so be sure to have those as well when you post about it.


Latest Ren'py update has completely broken the ability to play the game on Android or Ios, since the builds fail with errors related to things that I can't fix. 

I'll attempt to get it sorted , or just scale back to a different version of Ren'py. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Is this issue still active? Just found and downloaded the Android version and all it does is launch a black screen when I open it.


Android is incredibly broken. Am I gonna have to reinstall?


Same for me after gathering materials for mr.p when I go back to see him I get this and a few others


The latest update fixes these problems, but the latest Ren'py version breaks android builds. XD
Sorry I'm just seeing this. I'll try to release a newer version of the android game right now.


I have updated recently, and I'm getting a new version of this problem. After I meet the guy in the tower, the whole game locks, and says there is no more content, when in a previous version I could get slightly further along before it crashed.


Hmm. I think i sorted this out a while back.
I'm fairly sure it doesn't happen in 0.28, but I do not have any older save files to check with.

Is it possible to send me your save file?
I may be able to sort out some lingering backwards compatibility issues.


I'm on the Android build. I get completely locked From progressing right after I enter the tower. I remember that wasn't The case previously, but even then I got kicked out by some kind of bug.

Show post...

Android is broken.  Can not enter tower after doing the first task during prologue


The latest update fixes these problems, but the latest Ren'py version breaks android builds. XD
Sorry I'm just seeing this. I'll try to release a newer version of the android game right now.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

So I'm on android and kinda stuck were you are supposed to synthesize for the first time. Edit: accidentally found out how


The latest update fixes these problems, but the latest Ren'py version breaks android builds. XD
Sorry I'm just seeing this. I'll try to release a newer version of the android game right now.

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