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In Kulik's reading svitu refers to the "reason" (nous) of Adam and pomyshlenie defines the "pas sion" (aesthesis) of Eve. Kulik's translation reads as follows: "And he said, 'This is the reason of... more
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Not a single contemporary Byzantine source mentions the Christianization of Ethiopia in the fifth century, the Byzantine attempts to convert Persia at the end of the sixth, the creation of the Slavic alphabet in the ninth, or the baptism... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      Old Rus'Holy FoolsMedieval Hagiography
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      Roman Gold MiningThe Old Slavic Liturgical Poetry
Le présent volume est dédié à la mémoire de Gilbert Dagron. Il est en grande partie issu du colloque, homonyme du volume, qui s'est tenu à Paris en mars 2017 et dont les communications ont fait écho aux thèmes de l'œuvre de Gilbert Dagron... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
The book contains the publication and an extended analysis of the oldest Slavonic translation of the Life of Basil the Younger,presumably carried out in Rus’ at the end of the 11thcentury. The translation in question, the Egorov... more
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    • Philosophy
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The prayer in the liturgy of Basil for those condemned to the mines, taken to be a relic of  the time of pagan persecutions, is shown by Slavonic mss. to have addressed a continuing practice of the Christian emperors themselves.
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      Roman Gold MiningThe Old Slavic Liturgical Poetry
This is the first publication of a tale about a journey to the other world from two seventeenth-century manuscripts kept in St.Petersburg. In the IS80s, the soul of a poor miner Nicholas from the Macedonian village of Izvor was mistakenly... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureLiterary studiesLanguage StudiesPost-byzantine art history
The article deals with “The Story About Foundations, Buildings and Pillars or Columns of Constantinople” which is contained in the Kutlumus Greek manuscript N 220 (Athos 3293), f. 165r–188v. By and large, it coincides with the chapters... more
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At least three fragments places in Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos? narrative of the Avar wars have no parallels either in Theophylakt Simokatta or in Theophanes. The nature of the evidence cited in these passages cannot be a logical... more
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    • History
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On the basis of four existing manuscripts, a Byzantine “spiritually beneficial tale” is published for the first time. This is an obvious translation from Greek but its original is nowhere attested. The action takes place in Jerusalem and... more
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      HistorySlavic LanguagesSloveneByzantine Architecture
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      Medieval HistoryOld Russian ChroniclesOld Russian Cultural History
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionKhazar archaeology and history