Papers by Rafael Nogueira
Anexo-Cronograma de leilões e consultas públicas 3 8 4 8 Está definido na Resolução nº 237 do CON... more Anexo-Cronograma de leilões e consultas públicas 3 8 4 8 Está definido na Resolução nº 237 do CONAMA que o processo para obtenção das licenças deve demorar no máximo 6 meses (ou até 12 meses em alguns casos específicos), contados a partir do envio do requerimento pelo empreendedor.
Este artigo tem por objetivo contrapor dois conceitos, a saber, a nocao de “ascese protestante”, ... more Este artigo tem por objetivo contrapor dois conceitos, a saber, a nocao de “ascese protestante”, presente na obra “A etica protestante e o ‘espirito’ do capitalismo” de Max Weber e, por conseguinte, a nocao de “ascese helenistica”, referente ao curso “A hermeneutica do sujeito” de Michel Foucault. Procura-se tracar entre eles semelhancas e distincoes, vislumbrando diferentes aspectos de um fenomeno que lhes e subjacente: a pratica do controle das condutas. Para isto, dirigimo-nos as referidas obras, a fim de em seu interior delimitar os objetos de nossa analise, expondo-os separadamente, para entao confronta-los a titulo de conclusao.
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 2014
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 2014
MRS Proceedings, 2000
ABSTRACTWe present a systematic theoretical study of several III-nitride (110) surfaces based on ... more ABSTRACTWe present a systematic theoretical study of several III-nitride (110) surfaces based on accurate parameter-free, self-consistent total energy and force calculations using the density functional theory, the local density approximation (LDA), as parametrized by Perdew and Zunger, and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), as proposed by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof, for the exchange-correlation term; we use the Full Potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave (FPLAPW) approach (WIEN-97 code) associated with the slab supercell model to simulate the (110) surface. We studied BN, AlN, GaN, InN and compared the theoretical results as related to the use of the LDA and the GGA. We conclude that although the results for both approximations are similar, differences in structural parameters may be as large as 10%.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, 2012
Objetivou-se avaliar a influência de rações que continham torta de mamona em características de c... more Objetivou-se avaliar a influência de rações que continham torta de mamona em características de carcaça e componentes não carcaça de ovinos. Foram distribuídos 20 ovinos Morada Nova (peso inicial de 18,7±1,18kg) em blocos ao acaso, de acordo com o sexo (machos inteiros e fêmeas), com cinco tratamentos (torta de mamona não tratada, tratada com calcário calcítico, ureia, fosfato monobicálcico e autoclavada) e quatro repetições. Não houve diferença no consumo de matéria seca, ganho de peso total e peso ao abate entre tratamentos e, consequentemente, não ocorreu na maioria das variáveis analisadas entre tratamentos. No entanto, animais alimentados com torta autoclavada e torta tratada com fosfato monobicálcico foram superiores aos alimentados com torta de mamona não tratada. Quanto à perda ao jejum, houve diferença entre animais alimentados com torta autoclavada e com ureia, o que resultou em diferença no percentual de peso de corpo vazio. Animais alimentados com torta tratada com fosfa...
Microelectronics Journal, 2003
We have calculated the atomic and electronic structures of the In x Ga 12x N random alloys (0 # x... more We have calculated the atomic and electronic structures of the In x Ga 12x N random alloys (0 # x # 1) based on 950 atom clusters. A valence-force-field method with a Keating-type potential is used for the strain energy calculation and, therefore, the equilibrium geometries. We analyzed the bond-length and bond-angle distribution in the alloy due to the random fluctuations of the atom positions. The change in the average Ga-N and InN lengths is calculated as a function of the composition x and compared to recent experimental data. Once we have the equilibrium geometries we calculate the electronic structures of the alloys by means of the semi-empirical quantum method Extended Hueckel.

Materials Science and Engineering: B, 1999
We present a theoretical study of the equilibrium atomic structure of the GaN (110) surface based... more We present a theoretical study of the equilibrium atomic structure of the GaN (110) surface based on accurate, parameter-free, self-consistent total energy and force calculations using the density functional theory, the local-density approximation for the exchange-correlation term and the full potential linear augmented plane wave approach associated to the slab supercell model. We are concerned with the LEED parameters D 1Þ , D 1x , D 2Þ , d 12Þ , d 12x and for the (110) surface. We analyze the changes in the bond-lengths and in the bond-angles at the anion and cation sites. We conclude that similarly to the III-Arsenides (110) and III-Phosphides (110) surfaces the GaN (110) surface relax such that the Ga-surface atom moves inward and the N-surface atom moves outward. The driving mechanism for this atomic rearrangement is that the Ga atom tends to a planar sp 2-like bonding situation with its three N neighbours and the N atom tends to a p-bonding with its three Ga neighbors.
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2002
In this work we use a first-principles method based on the density functional theory, the full-po... more In this work we use a first-principles method based on the density functional theory, the full-potential linear augmented plane-wave method (FPLAPW), in order to calculate the electronic structures of the AlxGa1− xN alloys in the cubic modification. We adopt a model ...
Papers by Rafael Nogueira