Papers by Chiara Di Lorenzo
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2015
Proteinaceous products are widely used as fining agents during winemaking to remove unwanted inso... more Proteinaceous products are widely used as fining agents during winemaking to remove unwanted insoluble particles and undissolved microscopic particles (colloidal material) from the must or wine to improve stability. Some of them (egg white, caseinates, and fish gelatine) have allergenic potential and the presence of their residues in the final product could represent a risk for allergic individuals. Moreover, lysozyme (an egg allergen) is included among wine additives to control the fermentation processes and avoid spoiling during winemaking. The aim of this paper is to review the experimental/clinical data on the use of allergenic products in enology and the measurement of relative risk for sensitized subjects. In addition, methods developed specifically for the quantification of allergenic residues in must and wine are described.
Molecules, 2015
Proteinaceous products are widely used as fining agents during winemaking to remove unwanted inso... more Proteinaceous products are widely used as fining agents during winemaking to remove unwanted insoluble particles and undissolved microscopic particles (colloidal material) from the must or wine to improve stability. Some of them (egg white, caseinates, and fish gelatine) have allergenic potential and the presence of their residues in the final product could represent a risk for allergic individuals. Moreover, lysozyme (an egg allergen) is included among wine additives to control the fermentation processes and avoid spoiling during winemaking. The aim of this paper is to review the experimental/clinical data on the use of allergenic products in enology and the measurement of relative risk for sensitized subjects. In addition, methods developed specifically for the quantification of allergenic residues in must and wine are described.
BIO Web of Conferences, 2015

Food Funct., 2015
Botanicals are widely consumed all over the world for health purposes, with increased usage in th... more Botanicals are widely consumed all over the world for health purposes, with increased usage in the general population, in many different types of products, including foods and plant food supplements. Several reports support for the beneficial effects of botanicals against gastrointestinal inflammation. However, no studies regarding the anti-inflammatory activity in the gastrointestinal tract of red vine leaves have been reported so far. The present work investigates the biological activity of Vitis vinifera L. water extract (VVWE) from dried leaves in two in vitro models of gastric and intestinal inflammation. The extract was characterized by a validated HPLC-DAD method, and tested on human epithelial gastric (AGS) and intestinal (Caco-2) cells with the aim to investigate the inhibitory effect on IL-8 secretion and promoter activity, before and after in vitro gastric or gastrointestinal digestion. Our results show that the water extract from red vine leaves inhibits TNFα-induced IL-8 secretion and expression in human gastric epithelial cells; the effect should be maintained, although to a lesser extent, after gastric digestion. In contrast, the effect after intestinal digestion is dramatically decreased since degradation of the active components in the gut does not allow the extract to efficiently counteract TNFα or IL-1β induced IL-8 expression and the NF-κB pathway. The main molecular target of VVWE at the gastric level includes TNFα-induced activation of NF-κB and occurs at concentrations easily reachable after PFS consumption based on red vine leaf water extract as the ingredient. Our findings suggest that PFS containing water extracts from Vitis vinifera L. leaves could be useful to inhibit/attenuate gastric inflammation inhibiting IL-8 secretion and expression through impairment of the NF-κB pathway.

Toxicol. Res., 2015
ABSTRACT The seeds of Ginkgo biloba are commonly eaten in Japan, Korea and China, but it is impor... more ABSTRACT The seeds of Ginkgo biloba are commonly eaten in Japan, Korea and China, but it is important to know that they can be responsible for poisoning, especially in young children. Poisoning due to Ginkgo biloba seeds must also be considered as a possible clinical event in European countries, where Asian cuisine has recently become popular. This paper reports the case of a 23-months-old previously healthy male child who experienced two afebrile tonic-clonic seizures after the consumption of an unknown amount of Ginkgo seeds. The poisoning was identified by searching both in blood and urine for 4’-O-methylpyridoxine (MPN) as a specific biomarker for ginkgo poisoning, using an optimized and validated HPLC method with fluorimetric detection. The MPN concentrations in serum were 16.5 and 6.2 ng/mL 14 and 20 hours after the exposure, respectively, while the urine concentration was below the limit of detection (1.35 ng/mL). The involvement of ginkgo seeds in the described poisoning was confirmed by searching ginkgolide terpene lactones in urine, where the ratio between excreted ginkgolide A:B:C was 1:40:2. The analytical data obtained by looking for biomarkers in serum and urine demonstrate that even low values of MPN/ginkgolide concentration can be responsible for convulsions and other adverse effects.

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 2015
The prevalence of allergy to kiwifruit is increasing in Europe since the last two decades. Differ... more The prevalence of allergy to kiwifruit is increasing in Europe since the last two decades. Different proteins have been identified as kiwifruit allergens; even though with geographical differences, Act d 1, a cysteine protease protein of 30 kDa, and Act d 2, a thaumatin-like protein of 24 kDa, are normally considered the most important. The aim of this study was: 1) to identify at molecular level the sensitization pattern in a group of well characterized patients allergic to kiwifruit, and 2) to assess the role of technological treatments on kiwifruit allergenic potential. The differences in the pattern of antigenicity between fresh and processed kiwifruit were evaluated by both immunoelectrophoretic techniques and clinical tests. In the group of patients included in this study, three proteins were identified as major allergens in fresh kiwifruit, since the specific sensitization was present in >50% of the subjects. These proteins corresponded to actinidin (Act d 1), pectin methyl aldolase (Act d 6), and thaumatin-like protein (Act d 2). Kiwellin (Act d 5) and proteins of Bet v 1 family (Act d 8/act d 11) were also recognized as minor allergens. Immunoreactivity was totally eliminated by industrial treatments used for the production of kiwifruit strained derivative. In this group of allergic children, the technological treatments used in the production of kiwifruit strained product reduced drastically the allergenic potential of kiwifruit. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Food Control, 2014
ABSTRACT Citrus aurantium L. (bitter orange) is frequently used as an ingredient of food suppleme... more ABSTRACT Citrus aurantium L. (bitter orange) is frequently used as an ingredient of food supplements aimed to reduce body weight or improve general physical performances. The most active compounds of C. aurantium are amines having adrenergic activity: octopamine, synephrine, tyramine, N-methyl-tyramine and hordenine. The quantification of these amines is critical since their content in food supplements is regulated by national/international rules. Some methods for the quantification of C. aurantium amines have been published, including the official method developed by AOAC, but most of them are not totally satisfactory for the analysis of complex matrixes, such as extracts or food supplements. A new HPLC–UV–fluorescence procedure has therefore been developed; the method is quick and simple, and allows the analysis of samples after a rapid extraction procedure without any further cleaning step. The assay, using one or two detectors, showed good results during the validation tests performed according to the FDA guidelines.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2014

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014
To date, the only acceptable therapeutic approach for celiac disease (CD) is a strict elimination... more To date, the only acceptable therapeutic approach for celiac disease (CD) is a strict elimination from the diet of gluten-containing foods, but this diet does not always guarantee an adequate nutritional intake. Pseudocereals are receiving considerable attention as interesting alternatives for the formulation of gluten-free products, and quinoa grains arise as nutritive substitutes of conventional cereals. The aim of this study was the characterization of different quinoa samples corresponding to 11 quinoa varieties, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting techniques to assess their suitability for celiac subjects. Some of these varieties were grown in Italy to assess if the reproduction in a new habitat can guarantee the retention of the "safe" protein pattern. None of the quinoa varieties studied presented protein bands with electrophoretic mobility comparable with those of wheat gliadins, the toxic protein for celiac subjects. All the quinoa samples showed a low binding affinity for both specific anti-gliadin antibodies and IgAs from celiac subjects, confirming that quinoa can be considered as a safe ingredient for celiac patients. However, reliable varieties should be previously selected since the immuno cross-reactivity with anti-gliadin antibodies can vary significantly.

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2013
This study investigates whether infusions of green and black tea inhibit the NF-κB driven transcr... more This study investigates whether infusions of green and black tea inhibit the NF-κB driven transcription in human epithelial gastric AGS cells. Water extracts were prepared from different brands of green and black tea available on the Italian market. Teas with or without caffeine were studied. An industrially prepared freeze-dried water extract of green tea was also tested. Catechin and caffeine contents were measured by HPLC analysis. The decrease in phenol and catechin content three months after the expiry date was also investigated. The NF-κB driven transcription and the free radical scavenger activity were inhibited, and this effect was related to catechin levels. The potency of epigallocatechin 3-gallate in inhibiting NF-κB driven transcription is so great that tea extracts low in epigallocatechin 3-gallate are still highly active. In one decaffeinated sample of green tea, the phenol and catechin content was very low, probably as a consequence of caffeine removal. The decrease in catechin levels after 3 months did not reduce the inhibition of NF-κB driven transcription by tea infusions. This is the first paper reporting the inhibitory effect of NF-κB of commercial green and black infusions at the gastric level, evaluating their stability as well.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 2014

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2011
The yew tree (Taxus baccata) is an evergreen conifer that is widespread over central and southern... more The yew tree (Taxus baccata) is an evergreen conifer that is widespread over central and southern Europe. The toxic effects of this conifer and its leaves have been known since ancient times. The seeds are generally responsible for accidental intoxications in childhood, whereas the bark and the leaves are mainly used for homicidal or suicidal attempts. We investigated the metabolic pattern of taxines in a healthy 44-year-old male farmer who was admitted to Bergamo Emergency Department after attempting suicide. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to separate and identify taxine metabolites. Data reported in this paper confirmed that the patient attempted suicide by ingesting Taxus baccata leaves, which had been suggested by clinical examination. The most abundant free and conjugated taxine metabolites were characterized. The high concentration of conjugated metabolites found in urine underscores the critical role that conjugation in the liver plays in eliminating taxines and increasing the probability of the patient's survival.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011

Food Chemistry, 2014
Proteinaceous egg whites are widely used as a fining agent during the production of red wines. Re... more Proteinaceous egg whites are widely used as a fining agent during the production of red wines. Residues of egg white in the final wine could present a risk for individuals allergic to eggs. This study investigated the presence of allergenic residues in both red and white wines fined with egg whites. Experimental and commercially available wines fined with egg whites, with or without subsequent bentonite fining, were studied. Unfined wines were used as negative controls. The physicochemical characteristics of each wine were determined to assess their possible role in enhancing or hindering the elimination of allergenic residues from wine. The amount of egg white protein residues was investigated both by a specifically developed/validated ELISA test and by immunoblotting. Both immunochemical tests used the same anti-total egg white protein antibody and were highly sensitive to the allergen. No egg white protein was detected in the wines studied in either immunochemical test, irrespective of the physicochemical characteristics of the wine, the type and dosage of the fining agent and the oenological process used. The risk of adverse reactions in egg-allergic individuals should therefore be considered negligible, but the exemption from labelling should be allowed only when the absence of residues is confirmed by analytical controls.

Food & Function, 2012
Phenolic compounds are produced in the seeds and skins of grapes, and are transferred into wine d... more Phenolic compounds are produced in the seeds and skins of grapes, and are transferred into wine during the fermentation process. Phenolic compounds can also be imparted into wine from maturation and storage in oak wood barrels after fermentation. The consumption of wine, an alcoholic beverage, has been observed in epidemiological studies to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, as well as diabetes and dementia, in a J-shaped relationship between amount consumed and level of risk. The bioactivity of wine primarily observed in vitro and ex vivo, may result from wine's relatively high content of phenolic compounds, which is similar to that observed in fruits and vegetables; a Mediterranean fruit and vegetable rich-diet is also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers. If the wine-derived phenolic compounds or their active metabolites are not absorbed in sufficient amounts and in a readily available form for cells, however, then they are less likely to have any significant in vivo activity. This review considers and discusses the available data to date on the bioavailability of the different wine-derived phenolic compounds in humans.

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013
Metabolic syndrome is defined as the clustering in an individual of several metabolic abnormaliti... more Metabolic syndrome is defined as the clustering in an individual of several metabolic abnormalities associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, in which low-grade chronic inflammatory activity is commonly observed. Part of the European Project PlantLIBRA is concerned with methods to assess the benefits of plant food supplements (PFSs) in countering inflammatory activity and metabolic syndrome. This paper summarizes the current methods used for benefit assessment of PFS, taking into consideration only in vitro, in silico, and clinical methodologies used to investigate the anti-inflammatory properties of plants. No in silico studies (using computer simulation) related to metabolic syndrome were found; these methods appear to be used exclusively for identifying or testing potentially effective compounds in drug development. Most in vitro methods for the assessment of beneficial effects of botanicals or plant food supplements in diabetes were based on a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), whereas the preferred kind of clinical study was the double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial. Only two parameters were observed to change after treatment with botanicals in both in vitro and in vivo studies: interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-, and these biomarkers should be carefully considered in future studies for PFS benefit assessment. * * *

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2013
1,3 dimethylamylamine or methylexaneamine (DMAA) is a synthetic pharmaceutical patented in the 19... more 1,3 dimethylamylamine or methylexaneamine (DMAA) is a synthetic pharmaceutical patented in the 1940s as a nasal decongestant which can be used as a recreational stimulant. Alleged to occur in nature, DMAA has become a widely used ingredient in sports food supplements, despite its status as a doping agent and concerns over its safety. There is now some doubt as to whether it can be sourced naturally or whether it actually occurs naturally at all. The presence of DMAA was investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in extracts of the leaves and stems of four geranium species and of three well-known cultivars. The amounts of DMAA in commercial geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) oil and the leading sports supplement which uses the ingredient were also measured. DMAA was not found in any of the leaves or stems or in the commercial geranium oil included in this study. Approximately 30 mg per daily dose was found in the food supplement. Therefore, the amount of DMAA found in the supplement is most unlikely to have been sourced in nature, and it must be concluded that synthetic DMAA, known to be capable of causing severe adverse physiological effects, has been added.

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2013
The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence for or against the efficacy of pla... more The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence for or against the efficacy of plant food supplements (PFS) for coping inflammatory conditions by considering epidemiological and human intervention studies. The review considers six botanical species commonly used as food supplements/medicinals: Urtica dioica L., Symphytum officinalis L., Calendula officinalis L., Curcuma longa L., Boswellia serrata Roxb., and Harpagophytum procumbens L. The search retrieved 579 publications. By removing the duplicates and applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, the final number of papers was 47. No epidemiological data were found. The bibliographic search found no paper regarding the anti-inflammatory effects of Calendula officinalis L. and Symphytum officinalis L. by oral use. In spite of the long-term traditional use for inflammatory disorders, Curcuma longa L. and Harpagophytum procumbens L. warrant further investigation, whereas the efficacy of Urtica dioica L, even if the available data on hard endpoints are promising, requires other trials. Boswellia serrata Roxb. was found to be the most promising, since it shows the best efficacy for the treatment of pain/inflammatory conditions. In conclusion, it is advisable to conduct further studies with more homogeneous population and larger number of subjects by avoiding the heterogeneity of the herbal preparations considered.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2009
Milk allergy is the most frequent food allergy in childhood. Even though cases of newly developed... more Milk allergy is the most frequent food allergy in childhood. Even though cases of newly developed milk allergy in adulthood are known, this allergy is less frequent in adults since it is normally outgrown by children during the first years of life. One of the reasons why allergy to cow's milk shows its highest prevalence in children is its early introduction into the diets of babies when breast feeding is not possible. The major allergens are caseins and β-lactoglobulin, but allergies to other minor proteins (immunoglobulins, bovine serum albumin) have also been reported. Milk allergenicity can be reduced by various treatments (mainly hydrolysis), meaning that formulas based on cow's milk can often be safely fed to children allergic to milk proteins. Crossreactivity has been described between different mammalian milks and between milk and meat or animal dander. Crosscontamination can result from inadequate cleaning of industrial equipment and constitutes a hidden danger for allergic subjects who unknowingly ingest milk proteins.

Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi/The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 2013
Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of brachial artery, renal resistive index (RRI), retina resistive ... more Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of brachial artery, renal resistive index (RRI), retina resistive index of central artery (RRICA) and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) have been used for ultrasound assessment of cardiovascular risk as good surrogate markers of pre-clinical atherosclerosis. We investigated the interrelationship of these four parameters and examined whether an integrated score is a good indicator of atherosclerotic disease in hypertensives. One-hundred fifty-two consecutive subjects were enrolled in this study between April 2004 and April 2005. Each patient underwent cerebral computed tomography, coronarography, carotid, renal, central retinal and femoral arteries Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA, Fisher test, Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analyses. FMD, RRICA, IMT and RRI were significantly correlated with each other. In multiple regression analysis age, pulse pressure, hypertension duration were independently related with the four parameters. Eighty-one findings of total atherosclerotic disease (ADAD were recorded overall (15 cerebrovascular disease, 20 coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction, 22 carotid plaques and 24 low limb plaques). Using an integrated score we were able to divide the population into three scoring bands. In the lowest band we classified 87 patients with 16% of total AD; in the intermediate 40 patients with 30% of total AD, in the highest 25 patients with 54% of total AD. Differences between groups were significant (p<0.05). A potential benefit of these integrated, low-cost and easy-to-detect parameters, is the stratification of patients with atherosclerotic risk. This method may prove useful in discovering those with atherosclerosis in a pre-clinical stage for whom therapy initiated before complications could reduce the risk for a cerebro-cardio-vascular event.
Papers by Chiara Di Lorenzo