Barbara Mazza
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Papers by Barbara Mazza
Guaraní) societies from the lower Paraná River Delta (Argentina) presented differences
in diet, pottery decoration, mortuary practices, and places of origin, differences
in skeletal morphology between such groups have never been systematically
explored. This work focuses on variations in humeral and femoral external linear measurements
and derived structural properties of adult individuals from both societies
as well as on variations in body mass and stature.
Materials and Methods: Bone length, epiphyseal size, and midshaft breadth were
measured in 82 adult humeri and 100 femora from hunter-gatherer and Guaraní
archeological sites. Epiphyseal and midshaft robusticity, residual strength, midshaft
shape and area, stature, and body mass were then estimated. Mann–Whitney tests
were run to compare the hunter-gatherer and Guaraní samples.
Results: Male Guaraní individuals presented stronger humeri and more robust femoral
and humeral proximal epiphyses than hunter-gatherers. In addition, female Guaraní
individuals showed rounder femoral diaphyses in comparison with female hunter-gatherers.
Concerning stature, the Guaraní individuals were found to be shorter than
hunter-gatherers, regardless of sex. No statistical differences were found in body mass.
Discussion: Despite the fact that skeletal variations between Guaraní and huntergatherers
could be a consequence of differences in mechanical loadings and genetic
composition, bone robusticity is also positively correlated with increased age, but as
the age composition of the Guaraní sample could not be estimated, skeletal variation
between the samples could be a consequence of differences in age distribution
they are suitable for inferring activities from past societies. Among them, entheseal changes have been widely analyzed and
several researchers agree on their multifactorial etiology. The main objective of this work is to understand patterns of variation in
entheseal changes in a sample of adult individuals of both sexes from late Holocene complex hunter-gatherers that inhabited the
southern point of the La Plata basin. For that purpose, entheseal ruggedness at fibrous and fibrocartilaginous entheses is analyzed
in relation to age, sex, body size, midshaft robusticity indices (as a probable proxy of physical activity levels), and archaeological
site variability, through generalized linear models. The results show that physical activity, sex and age are the most important
factors in determining entheseal morphology. Generally, high levels of entheseal changes were found among males, in older and
large-bodied individuals, and among robust anatomical units. However, some entheses showed an inverse pattern. This leads us
to propose that social (sexual and age division of labor) as well as biological factors (hormones, genetic and degenerative
changes) could have an influence on entheseal changes. No differences were found between fibrous and fibrocartilaginous
For reading the article please visit: https://rdcu.be/MQgK
Entheseal changes have been analyzed through several statistical approaches. This methodological variability hinders cross-comparisons. The aim of this work is to present and discuss the results of a statistical set of analyses commonly applied in the study of sexual differences in entheseal changes with the final objective of suggesting the most effective method. For this purpose, it was applied the following statistical tests: frequency distribution, arithmetic mean and standard deviation, Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, t-Student, Spearman simple and partial correlations and generalized linear models. The sample investigated was composed by 40 adult individuals of both sexes from hunter-gatherer populations from lower Paraná wetlands. Most statistical tests showed significant differences between both sexes. However, since entheseal changes have a multifactorial etiology, it is recommended to apply statistical tests that control the effect of some variables, such as partial correlations and generalized linear models
fémur y tibia. Estas variables métricas tienen la ventaja de estar bajo mayores controles genéticos que aquellas derivadas de las diáfisis, las cuales guardan mayor relación con factores externos al individuo.
Los resultados arrojaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos sexos para todas las variables, algunas de las cuales fueron seleccionadas para la construcción de las funciones discriminantes. El modelo predictivo generado también fue significativo, con altos porcentajes de asignaciones sexuales correctas. De esta manera, esperamos contribuir al estudio de las poblaciones prehispánicas de la región, mejorando la asignación sexual en los restos óseos humanos de las colecciones museísticas e inhumaciones secundarias con el fin de avanzar en el conocimiento de su estructura demográfica y comportamientos culturales relacionados con el
sexo de los individuos.
de las prácticas mortuorias de los grupos aborígenes del
tramo final de la cuenca del Plata, correspondiente al
Holoceno tardío. Este registro ha sido analizado siguiendo
dos aspectos centrales: la tendencia general de las
conductas mortuorias y su variabilidad vinculada con
las diferentes unidades del paisaje que conforman el área
bajo estudio. Dicho análisis ha permitido observar como
tendencia el uso de áreas formales de enterramiento, el
empleo extendido de inhumaciones secundarias, la orientación
de las inhumaciones primarias, preferentemente
con un eje este-oeste, y un claro tratamiento mortuorio
diferencial basado en el sexo y en la edad de los individuos
en algunos sitios. Paralelamente, se observa un aumento
en la cantidad de inhumaciones secundarias en
los sectores del paisaje donde existe mayor fragmentación
del mismo, particularmente en las islas del Delta
inferior y superior.
archaeological sites belonging tothe Guaraní archaeological unit. Urn burial analyses are generally
scarce and, particularly, in the southern point of La Plata basin. The objective of this work is to
contribute to the Guaraní society’s knowledge by the analysis of human remains buried in urns
from archaeological sites located in the Paraná Delta (Argentina). This region is the southern point
of this Amazonian group’s expansion, whose mortuary remains are well preserved, in contrast to other Guarani´s regions. In this work, we analyze the human skeletal remains recovered from urn
burials from three archaeological sites located in the Paraná Delta: Arroyo Malo, Arroyo Fredes
y Arroyo La Glorieta. These sites were excavated at the beginning of the 20th century by many
researchers and today are part of Museo de La Plata´s collections. We studied sexual composition,
age and anatomical structure as well as a set of taphonomic variables. The results show the
preponderance of male adult individuals, represented mainly by long bones and cranial elements,
some of them with cut marks and red paint (ochre) in abundant quantities. These indicators, along
with others of taphonomical origin, indicate the secondary treatment of the dead product of the
disassembly, defleshing and selection of certain anatomical units.
The region of the lower Paraná River wetlands in Argentina is an area dissected by multiple rivers, streams, and lakes, especially in the Paraná delta near Buenos Aires where these features create a landscape composed of many islands. A variety of archaeological analyses performed on faunal remains, stone tools, bone, and ceramic artefacts are consistent with the interpretation that towards the end of the late Holocene (2000–700 BP), this region was inhabited by hunter–gatherer populations with a subsistence pattern based mainly on fishing and hunting along with the gathering of molluscs. In this work, we present an analysis of 176 crania of individuals recovered from 21 archaeological sites in the region. Results indicate the presence of AE in 6.25% of the cases, with all of these corresponding to adult male individuals. This moderate prevalence coincides with the expected levels for populations where contact with water is frequent in regions located at 30–45° latitude. The absence of female individuals showing evidence of AE allows us to suggest a possible sex-based division of labour. We hope that this work can contribute to ongoing discussion of the economic and social aspects that characterised pre-Hispanic life in the study area, while also expanding the available information on AE at the worldwide level.
Full text: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/oa.2432/abstract
Poster by Barbara Mazza
Holoceno tardío (ca. 2000-500 años 14C AP) procedentes del Humedal del Paraná Inferior (HPI) (33,7º-34,4º Lat. S y 58,3º-59,6º Long. O; República Argentina).
La muestra analizada está constituida por 130 individuos de diferente sexo y edad, recuperados en distintos sitios excavados en el área de estudio. Los indicadores considerados en este trabajo incluyen hipoplasias del esmalte dental, caries, abscesos y alteraciones periodontales. Todas estas variables han sido encontradas en ambos sexos de edad adulta, predominando la manifestación de hipoplasias en la dentición anterior y de abscesos y alteraciones periodontales, tanto en la
dentición posterior como en la anterior.
A nivel general, puede observarse un aumento en la prevalencia de abscesos y alteraciones periodontales en relación con niveles altos de desgaste dental. La prevalencia de caries es baja, lo cual puede vincularse con la alta tasa de desgaste y con la naturaleza de la dieta.
En la presentación se compararán los valores de prevalencia de cada una de las variables estudiadas con los valores registrados en otras muestras del extremo sur de Sudamérica, con el fin de proporcionar una visión amplia acerca del impacto de este tipo de patologías poblaciones de zonas templadas del continente.
Guaraní) societies from the lower Paraná River Delta (Argentina) presented differences
in diet, pottery decoration, mortuary practices, and places of origin, differences
in skeletal morphology between such groups have never been systematically
explored. This work focuses on variations in humeral and femoral external linear measurements
and derived structural properties of adult individuals from both societies
as well as on variations in body mass and stature.
Materials and Methods: Bone length, epiphyseal size, and midshaft breadth were
measured in 82 adult humeri and 100 femora from hunter-gatherer and Guaraní
archeological sites. Epiphyseal and midshaft robusticity, residual strength, midshaft
shape and area, stature, and body mass were then estimated. Mann–Whitney tests
were run to compare the hunter-gatherer and Guaraní samples.
Results: Male Guaraní individuals presented stronger humeri and more robust femoral
and humeral proximal epiphyses than hunter-gatherers. In addition, female Guaraní
individuals showed rounder femoral diaphyses in comparison with female hunter-gatherers.
Concerning stature, the Guaraní individuals were found to be shorter than
hunter-gatherers, regardless of sex. No statistical differences were found in body mass.
Discussion: Despite the fact that skeletal variations between Guaraní and huntergatherers
could be a consequence of differences in mechanical loadings and genetic
composition, bone robusticity is also positively correlated with increased age, but as
the age composition of the Guaraní sample could not be estimated, skeletal variation
between the samples could be a consequence of differences in age distribution
they are suitable for inferring activities from past societies. Among them, entheseal changes have been widely analyzed and
several researchers agree on their multifactorial etiology. The main objective of this work is to understand patterns of variation in
entheseal changes in a sample of adult individuals of both sexes from late Holocene complex hunter-gatherers that inhabited the
southern point of the La Plata basin. For that purpose, entheseal ruggedness at fibrous and fibrocartilaginous entheses is analyzed
in relation to age, sex, body size, midshaft robusticity indices (as a probable proxy of physical activity levels), and archaeological
site variability, through generalized linear models. The results show that physical activity, sex and age are the most important
factors in determining entheseal morphology. Generally, high levels of entheseal changes were found among males, in older and
large-bodied individuals, and among robust anatomical units. However, some entheses showed an inverse pattern. This leads us
to propose that social (sexual and age division of labor) as well as biological factors (hormones, genetic and degenerative
changes) could have an influence on entheseal changes. No differences were found between fibrous and fibrocartilaginous
For reading the article please visit: https://rdcu.be/MQgK
Entheseal changes have been analyzed through several statistical approaches. This methodological variability hinders cross-comparisons. The aim of this work is to present and discuss the results of a statistical set of analyses commonly applied in the study of sexual differences in entheseal changes with the final objective of suggesting the most effective method. For this purpose, it was applied the following statistical tests: frequency distribution, arithmetic mean and standard deviation, Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, t-Student, Spearman simple and partial correlations and generalized linear models. The sample investigated was composed by 40 adult individuals of both sexes from hunter-gatherer populations from lower Paraná wetlands. Most statistical tests showed significant differences between both sexes. However, since entheseal changes have a multifactorial etiology, it is recommended to apply statistical tests that control the effect of some variables, such as partial correlations and generalized linear models
fémur y tibia. Estas variables métricas tienen la ventaja de estar bajo mayores controles genéticos que aquellas derivadas de las diáfisis, las cuales guardan mayor relación con factores externos al individuo.
Los resultados arrojaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos sexos para todas las variables, algunas de las cuales fueron seleccionadas para la construcción de las funciones discriminantes. El modelo predictivo generado también fue significativo, con altos porcentajes de asignaciones sexuales correctas. De esta manera, esperamos contribuir al estudio de las poblaciones prehispánicas de la región, mejorando la asignación sexual en los restos óseos humanos de las colecciones museísticas e inhumaciones secundarias con el fin de avanzar en el conocimiento de su estructura demográfica y comportamientos culturales relacionados con el
sexo de los individuos.
de las prácticas mortuorias de los grupos aborígenes del
tramo final de la cuenca del Plata, correspondiente al
Holoceno tardío. Este registro ha sido analizado siguiendo
dos aspectos centrales: la tendencia general de las
conductas mortuorias y su variabilidad vinculada con
las diferentes unidades del paisaje que conforman el área
bajo estudio. Dicho análisis ha permitido observar como
tendencia el uso de áreas formales de enterramiento, el
empleo extendido de inhumaciones secundarias, la orientación
de las inhumaciones primarias, preferentemente
con un eje este-oeste, y un claro tratamiento mortuorio
diferencial basado en el sexo y en la edad de los individuos
en algunos sitios. Paralelamente, se observa un aumento
en la cantidad de inhumaciones secundarias en
los sectores del paisaje donde existe mayor fragmentación
del mismo, particularmente en las islas del Delta
inferior y superior.
archaeological sites belonging tothe Guaraní archaeological unit. Urn burial analyses are generally
scarce and, particularly, in the southern point of La Plata basin. The objective of this work is to
contribute to the Guaraní society’s knowledge by the analysis of human remains buried in urns
from archaeological sites located in the Paraná Delta (Argentina). This region is the southern point
of this Amazonian group’s expansion, whose mortuary remains are well preserved, in contrast to other Guarani´s regions. In this work, we analyze the human skeletal remains recovered from urn
burials from three archaeological sites located in the Paraná Delta: Arroyo Malo, Arroyo Fredes
y Arroyo La Glorieta. These sites were excavated at the beginning of the 20th century by many
researchers and today are part of Museo de La Plata´s collections. We studied sexual composition,
age and anatomical structure as well as a set of taphonomic variables. The results show the
preponderance of male adult individuals, represented mainly by long bones and cranial elements,
some of them with cut marks and red paint (ochre) in abundant quantities. These indicators, along
with others of taphonomical origin, indicate the secondary treatment of the dead product of the
disassembly, defleshing and selection of certain anatomical units.
The region of the lower Paraná River wetlands in Argentina is an area dissected by multiple rivers, streams, and lakes, especially in the Paraná delta near Buenos Aires where these features create a landscape composed of many islands. A variety of archaeological analyses performed on faunal remains, stone tools, bone, and ceramic artefacts are consistent with the interpretation that towards the end of the late Holocene (2000–700 BP), this region was inhabited by hunter–gatherer populations with a subsistence pattern based mainly on fishing and hunting along with the gathering of molluscs. In this work, we present an analysis of 176 crania of individuals recovered from 21 archaeological sites in the region. Results indicate the presence of AE in 6.25% of the cases, with all of these corresponding to adult male individuals. This moderate prevalence coincides with the expected levels for populations where contact with water is frequent in regions located at 30–45° latitude. The absence of female individuals showing evidence of AE allows us to suggest a possible sex-based division of labour. We hope that this work can contribute to ongoing discussion of the economic and social aspects that characterised pre-Hispanic life in the study area, while also expanding the available information on AE at the worldwide level.
Full text: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/oa.2432/abstract
Holoceno tardío (ca. 2000-500 años 14C AP) procedentes del Humedal del Paraná Inferior (HPI) (33,7º-34,4º Lat. S y 58,3º-59,6º Long. O; República Argentina).
La muestra analizada está constituida por 130 individuos de diferente sexo y edad, recuperados en distintos sitios excavados en el área de estudio. Los indicadores considerados en este trabajo incluyen hipoplasias del esmalte dental, caries, abscesos y alteraciones periodontales. Todas estas variables han sido encontradas en ambos sexos de edad adulta, predominando la manifestación de hipoplasias en la dentición anterior y de abscesos y alteraciones periodontales, tanto en la
dentición posterior como en la anterior.
A nivel general, puede observarse un aumento en la prevalencia de abscesos y alteraciones periodontales en relación con niveles altos de desgaste dental. La prevalencia de caries es baja, lo cual puede vincularse con la alta tasa de desgaste y con la naturaleza de la dieta.
En la presentación se compararán los valores de prevalencia de cada una de las variables estudiadas con los valores registrados en otras muestras del extremo sur de Sudamérica, con el fin de proporcionar una visión amplia acerca del impacto de este tipo de patologías poblaciones de zonas templadas del continente.