Papers by Tamal Mondal
International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences
In recent years, a slew of mobile medical APPs have appeared in China, allowing for more interact... more In recent years, a slew of mobile medical APPs have appeared in China, allowing for more interactions between patients and doctors. It facilitates the exchange of medical information and services in a more timely and convenient manner. Despite various disadvantages, mobile medical applications increase patient medical experience, doctor-patient relationships, the doctor's self-price value, and contain a significant economic value. The medical pattern will be drastically transformed in the future, especially for outpatients , as laws and regulations improve, market competition increases, and technology advances.

BioMed Research International
Malignant mesothelioma (MM)" is an uncommon although fatal form of cancer. The proper MM diagnosi... more Malignant mesothelioma (MM)" is an uncommon although fatal form of cancer. The proper MM diagnosis is crucial for efficient therapy and has significant medicolegal implications. Asbestos is a carcinogenic material that poses a health risk to humans. One of the most severe types of cancer induced by asbestos is "malignant mesothelioma." Prolonged shortness of breath and continuous pain are the most typical symptoms of the condition. The importance of early treatment and diagnosis cannot be overstated. The combination "epithelial/mesenchymal appearance of MM," however, makes a definite diagnosis difficult. This study is aimed at developing a deep learning system for medical diagnosis MM automatically. Otherwise, the sickness might cause patients to succumb to death in a short amount of time. Various forms of artificial intelligence algorithms for successful "Malignant Mesothelioma illness" identification are explored in this research. In relation to the concept of traditional machine learning, the techniques support "Vector Machine, Neural Network, and Decision Tree" are chosen. SPSS has been used to analyze the result regarding the applications of Neural Network helps to diagnose MM.
International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2016
Aloe vera is a well known traditional medicinal plant cultivated throughout the world for differe... more Aloe vera is a well known traditional medicinal plant cultivated throughout the world for different medicinal and commercial purpose. The plant Aloe is used for curing several diseases mainly connected with digestive system. The present study is the assessment of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonization in two different districts, one from the hill area and another from land. They show around 95.5% root colonization in both areas averagely. In the root both vesicles and arbuscules were observed and spores are abundant from the both rhizospheric soil sample. Both the rhizospheric soils were dominated by Glomus species.

Journal of Food Quality
The history of data stored can be used to forecast potential patterns and help companies make com... more The history of data stored can be used to forecast potential patterns and help companies make competitive decisions to increase their success and benefits. Many analysts look at healthcare sector data to identify and forecast illnesses in order to benefit patients and physicians in a variety of ways. This study is concerned with the diagnosis and estimation of heart disease. Heart disease is one of the most dangerous illnesses for humans, leading to death all over the world. Many different groups of researchers have used knowledge exploration methods in diverse fields to forecast heart disease and have shown acceptable degrees of precision. There were no real-time methods for analyzing and forecasting heart disease in its early stages. For the prediction of heart disease, decision trees are used to analyze various training and evaluation datasets. Classification algorithms such as Naive Bayes, ID3, C4.5, and SVM are being investigated. The UCI machinery heart disease data set is use...

Journal of Food Quality, 2022
The history of data stored can be used to forecast potential patterns and help companies make com... more The history of data stored can be used to forecast potential patterns and help companies make competitive decisions to increase their success and benefits. Many analysts look at healthcare sector data to identify and forecast illnesses in order to benefit patients and physicians in a variety of ways. This study is concerned with the diagnosis and estimation of heart disease. Heart disease is one of the most dangerous illnesses for humans, leading to death all over the world. Many different groups of researchers have used knowledge exploration methods in diverse fields to forecast heart disease and have shown acceptable degrees of precision. There were no real-time methods for analyzing and forecasting heart disease in its early stages. For the prediction of heart disease, decision trees are used to analyze various training and evaluation datasets. Classification algorithms such as Naive Bayes, ID3, C4.5, and SVM are being investigated. The UCI machinery heart disease data set is use...
International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS), 2022
In recent years, a slew of mobile medical APPs have appeared in China, allowing for more interact... more In recent years, a slew of mobile medical APPs have appeared in China, allowing for more interactions between patients and doctors. It facilitates the exchange of medical information and services in a more timely and convenient manner. Despite various disadvantages, mobile medical applications increase patient medical experience, doctor-patient relationships, the doctor's self-price value, and contain a significant economic value. The medical pattern will be drastically transformed in the future, especially for outpatients , as laws and regulations improve, market competition increases, and technology advances.

Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (JASR), 2020
Nanobiotechnology is now an integral part of our daily life. Day by day with sophisticated resear... more Nanobiotechnology is now an integral part of our daily life. Day by day with sophisticated research on nanotechnology and its applications in food supplements are enriched. Microorganisms like virus, bacteria and fungi are used successfully for the synthesis of nanomaterials as well as nanoparticles for their better efficiency. Biopolymers obtained from biological organisms were used successfully for the preparation of nutraceuticals. The search for these type of polymers obtained from biological sources continues for their tremendous potentiality in bio-based nutraceuticles. Natural biopolymers works effectively as nanoparticle in now a day's neutraceuticals. It has been found that inorganic nanoparticles now can be produced by various microorganisms via intracellular or extracellular routes. Nanoparticle biosynthesis research is very attractive because of its simplicity, cost effectiveness and eco-friendliness.
This study and survey was aimed to find out the ethno-medicinal plants of Ghatal Block of West Mi... more This study and survey was aimed to find out the ethno-medicinal plants of Ghatal Block of West Midnapur District, West Bengal, India, which are used to treat the various diseases and disorders. In the present study, 21 medicinal plants belonging to 19 families used as ethno-medicines have been identified. According to this study, identification of the ethno-medicinal plants and associated indigenous knowledge can be used for conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in the area and for effective medicinal uses of human beings.
Medicinal plants are associated with the local heritage all over the World. These plants are used... more Medicinal plants are associated with the local heritage all over the World. These plants are used as traditional medicines for human healthcare. This practice is very common among the local peoples of Bangaon Subdivision,North 24 Paraganas District of West Bengal.Ethno-botanical study as well as taxonomic documentation of medicinal plants now a days are very important tool for the protection of intellectual property right (IPR).In this field survey, information was collected from traditional practitioners of that area and documentation was made from this. It is found that 31 plants belonging to 26 families and their herbal preparation are used as potent medicine to treat various disease and disorders of common peoples.
Phytochemical analyses of the methanolic extracts revealed the amount of Phenols, Vitamin-C and f... more Phytochemical analyses of the methanolic extracts revealed the amount of Phenols, Vitamin-C and flavonoids as antioxidants. These mushrooms were much effective against the bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae and Bacillus sp. by agar-well diffusion method. Antifungal activity showed by cupplate assay. The results indicate that all above mushroom possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Medicinal plants are associated with the local heritage all over the World. Besides human being t... more Medicinal plants are associated with the local heritage all over the World. Besides human being this plants are used as medicines for many domestic animals. This practice is very common among the tribes of Bankura District of West Bengal. As Ethnobotanical study as well as taxonomic documentation of medicinal plants now a days, are very much important tool for the protection of intellectual property right (IPR).In this field survey Information was collected from traditional practitioners of that area and documentation was made from this. It is found that 35 plants belonging to 21 families and their herbal preparation are used as potent medicine to treat various disease and disorders of domestic animals.
Sub division of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, used to treat the various veterinary diseases. ... more Sub division of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, used to treat the various veterinary diseases. In the present study, 36 medicinal plants belonging to 28 families used as veterinary medicines have been documented. According to this study, documenting the medicinal plants and associated indigenous knowledge can be used for conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in the area and for effective treatment of various disease and disorders of domestic animals.
The present study deals with the identification and ethno-botanical investigation with respect to... more The present study deals with the identification and ethno-botanical investigation with respect to food value of wild edible herbs from Siliguri Subdivision Area. A total number of 19 plants belonging to 15 families are found as wild edible herbs. Edible herbs are not only delicious but also important for their nutritional value as well as their medicinal poperties.Special steps should be taken for this cheap source of natural food for a better tomorrow.

The present work deals with the survey and search of ethnoveterinary medicinal plants used by fol... more The present work deals with the survey and search of ethnoveterinary medicinal plants used by folk communities of Bankura District, West Bengal. Information was collected from traditional practitioners of that area. Here as many as 14 plant species belonging to 11 families have been found along with their vernacular names, family, plant parts used and animal disease curing property. KEY WORD: Ethnoveterinary uses, medicinal plants, animal healthcare. INTRODUCTION: Medicinal plants are associated with the local heritage all over the World. Medicinal plants provide raw material for use by pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and flavour industries. Medicinal plants are very much important for public health as well as for plant and animal protection. In the recent times, according to WHO, 3.5 billion people depend on plant based medicines for their health care. In India, Central Ministry of environment and health has set up the department of AYUSH covering ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, unani, siddha, and homoeopathy. Besides human being this plants are used as medicines for many
Research Journal of Recent Sciences …, Jan 1, 2012
Although both synthetic and natural of pesticides are used extensively in the agricultural fields... more Although both synthetic and natural of pesticides are used extensively in the agricultural fields to control crop pests, it is well known that natural pesticides are eco-friendly and are safe to the non target organisms. The Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem tree), has long been recognized for its insecticidal properties. Nearly 550 insect pest species are sensitive to azadirachtin, an active compound extracted from the A. indica tree. Nowadays pesticides from A. indica become very much popular because of their biodegradability, least persistence and least toxic to non-target organisms, economic and easy availability. In India, neem products are effective against various pests of both crop fields as well as stored grains like rice, wheat, corn, legumes, potato, tomato, etc
Teaching Documents by Tamal Mondal
Conference Presentations by Tamal Mondal
Papers by Tamal Mondal
Teaching Documents by Tamal Mondal
Conference Presentations by Tamal Mondal