Papers by Yavuz S E L I M Balcioglu

Purpose- A key factor in ensuring that stakeholders can make well-informed decisions based on acc... more Purpose- A key factor in ensuring that stakeholders can make well-informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information is financial reporting timeliness. This involves the timely release of financial statements, which are essential for providing investors, creditors, and other stakeholders with an overview of a company's financial status. Timely financial reporting allows stakeholders to react quickly to changes in a company's financial situation and make informed investment decisions. It also helps to build trust and confidence in a company's management and financial reporting processes, ultimately leading to greater transparency and accountability. This study aims to provide a scope review of current literature on financial reporting timeliness by analyzing the number of publications on this topic in Web of Science. Methodology- A systematic search of academic databases and search engines was conducted using keywords such as "financial reporting timelin...

Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to a new approach has been introduced to academic studies o... more Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to a new approach has been introduced to academic studies on the use of artificial intelligence in human resources functions. In personnel selection/placement and team-building processes, finding the right person for the right job will be accomplished with the support of artificial intelligence. Design/Methodology: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the programming-based methods that provide effective solutions to problems where multiple inputs and multiple outputs are obtained. Although ANN was first used to measure the content analysis of numerical data and mathematical problems, it was later applied to measure the activities of social problems and projects. In this study, the verbal variables determined were converted into numerical expressions. In the next step, the ANN model created for analysis, using the transformed numerical expressions as input, the variable ids with the highest score were determined as output. The study was c...

This article explains the requirement of modeling using fuzzy logic and creates a blurred inferen... more This article explains the requirement of modeling using fuzzy logic and creates a blurred inference model so that the most realistic result can be reached when transferring a smile to a digital world. This allows for the most accurate representation of the smile to be generated. The term "motion capture technology" refers to the technology that is used in order to transmit the whole of human motion into the digital realm. On the other hand, numerical data that indicates accuracy is employed in the program language that is used in order to achieve the real outcomes of this technology. It has been shown that realism alone is insufficient for a computer to correctly understand a grin that was acquired by motion capture. In this research, the first thing that is discussed is fuzzy logic, followed by motion capture, digital motion capture technology, and finally human face muscles. The contributions that fuzzy logic theory makes to the improvement of issue solving are talked ab...

Defect detection of the solar cell surface with texture and complicated background is a challenge... more Defect detection of the solar cell surface with texture and complicated background is a challenge for solar cell manufacturing. The classic manufacturing process relies on human eye detection, which requires many workers without a steady and good detection effect. In order to solve the problem, a visual defect detection method based on a new deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed in this paper. First, we develop a CNN model by adjusting the depth and width of the model. Then, the optimal CNN model structure is developed by comparing the performance of different depth and width combinations. This research focuses on finding a way to distinguish defects in solar cells from the background texture of busbars and fingers. The characteristics of solar cell color images are analyzed. We find that defects exhibited different distinguishable characteristics in various structures. The deep CNN model is constructed to enhance the discrimination capacity of the model to distinguish between complicated texture background features and defect features. Finally, some experimental results and K-fold cross-validation show that the new deep CNN model can detect solar cell surface defects more effectively than other models. The accuracy of defect recognition reaches 85.80%. In solar cell manufacturing, such an algorithm can increase the productivity of solar cell manufacturing and make the manufacturing process smarter.
Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2022
Bu makalenin amacı, yapay zekanın insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarında kullanımına ilişkin akademik ... more Bu makalenin amacı, yapay zekanın insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarında kullanımına ilişkin akademik çalışmalara yeni bir yaklaşım getirmektir. Personel seçme/yerleştirme ve ekip oluşturma süreçlerinde doğru işe doğru kişinin bulunması yapay zeka desteği ile gerçekleştirilecektir. Social Science Development Journal 296 SOCIAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, 2022
This article explains the requirement of modeling using fuzzy logic and creates a blurred inferen... more This article explains the requirement of modeling using fuzzy logic and creates a blurred inference model so that the most realistic result can be reached when transferring a smile to a digital world. This allows for the most accurate representation of the smile to be generated. The term "motion capture technology" refers to the technology that is used in order to transmit the whole of human motion into the digital realm. On the other hand, numerical data that indicates accuracy is employed in the program language that is used in order to achieve the real outcomes of this technology. It has been shown that realism alone is insufficient for a computer to correctly understand a grin that was acquired by motion capture. In this research, the first thing that is discussed is fuzzy logic, followed by motion capture, digital motion capture technology, and finally human face muscles. The contributions that fuzzy logic theory makes to the improvement of issue solving are talked about. Then, beginning with the face muscles, the four primary muscles were designed using graphics so that they had a fuzzy appearance. In conclusion, a discussion of the contribution that the fuzzy logic theory has made to the solution follows.
Yedi şirket için tüm geçmiş veriler NYSE ve NASDAQ borsalarından toplandı. Analiz için seçilen bu... more Yedi şirket için tüm geçmiş veriler NYSE ve NASDAQ borsalarından toplandı. Analiz için seçilen bu şirketler, Covid-19’un patlak vermesinden bu yana en yüksek artışı gösteren şirketler. Veri seti, Moderna, Pfizer, Biontech, Zoom Video Communications, Taledoc Health, Square, Peloton Interactive’den 01/01/2020 ile 01/12/2021 tarihleri arasında 23 aylık verileri içermektedir. Kullanılan veri seti test ve eğitim verisi olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır.
Bu çalışma için California Üniversitesi’nin kalp hastaları veri seti kullanıldı. Kan basıncı, kil... more Bu çalışma için California Üniversitesi’nin kalp hastaları veri seti kullanıldı. Kan basıncı, kilo, cinsiyet, kolesterol vb. 11 farklı değişken ve 1190 veri örneğinden oluşan gerçek bir veri seti bulunmaktadır. Orijinal veri setinden üç değişken grubu silindi ve diğer beş değişken grup eklendi. Tablo 1 bu özellikleri göstermektedir. Bu araştırmada kalp hastalığı için ana risk faktörlerini belirlemek için KNN algoritmasına sahip R yazılımı kullanıldı.

Covid-19 salgını ile beraber sosyal hayat ve iş hayatındaki rutinlerde büyük oranda değişim yaşan... more Covid-19 salgını ile beraber sosyal hayat ve iş hayatındaki rutinlerde büyük oranda değişim yaşanmıştır. Değişen bu yeni rutinler beraberinde yeni ihtiyaç ve talepleri getirmiştir. İş hayatının bu yeni düzene uyum sağlayabilmesi ve yeni stratejiler geliştirebilmesi için, mevcut yönelimlerin analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Twitter'da Covid-19 sonrası atılan twittler üzerinden en çok talebe göre iş trendlerinin makine öğrenmesi ile analizi yapılmıştır. Twitter aracılığıyla elde edilen metinsel ifadeler, doğal dil işleme gibi yöntemlerle veriye dönüştürülmektedir. Bu verilerin doğru bir şekilde analiz edilmesi, hedeflenen konular hakkında yol haritası oluşturacak önemli bilgiler edinilmesini mümkün kılmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında yüksek etkili toplam 48765 tweet seçilmiştir. Belirlenen iş trendlerine ait toplam tweet sayısına kelime frekans analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında twitter platformları aracılığıyla elde edilen metinsel ifadeler, doğal dil işleme yöntemiyle veriye dönüştürülmüştür. Ayrıca, makine öğrenmesi algoritmalarından SVM'ye dayalı bir kelime analizi modeli kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda; çevrimiçi yemek servisi, çevrimiçi satış uzmanlığı, uzaktan çalışma, sağlık çalışanları, kişisel koçluk, çevrimiçi eğitim ve tamirciliğin popüler iş kolları olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.

Estimations of the rate of corporate bankruptcy have been actively studied by some researchers. B... more Estimations of the rate of corporate bankruptcy have been actively studied by some researchers. Beaver (1966) used discriminant analysis to developed a simple formula for estimating the rate of bankruptcy and Altman (1968) created a model using discriminant analysis to estimate bankruptcy and ranked corporations based on their likelihood of bankruptcy in the future. Several early studies employed pre-bankruptcy financial statement ratios, including measures of profitability, cash flows, and leverage, in models of bankruptcy prediction. The models performed well both in-sample and out-of-sample. More recent work has drawn upon financial market data such as excess stock returns and stock return volatility as well as options pricing theory to develop methods for predicting bankruptcy. We find that different financial models have different merits depending on the period in question. We build a new model combining variables from each of the models in previous studies and introduce a new variable to proxy for the degree of diversification within the firm. We show that firms with high degrees of diversification are less likely to go bankrupt, and that this result holds for a larger data set and in multiple out-of-sample tests.

6th FEB International Scientific Conference 2022
Developments in science and industry have a direct impact on human life by contributing to develo... more Developments in science and industry have a direct impact on human life by contributing to development of societies throughout human history. Developments in information, internet technologies and Industry 4.0 accelerated the digital transformation of the industry. As a result, factories have been equipped with ‘smart’ technologies and new skills are needed to use these smart technologies. These skills have changed job descriptions and new graduates now start to work in jobs that never existed in the past. After the transformation from an industrial society to an information society with Industry 4.0, the aim is to reach Society 5.0 as a new level of social development. Therefore, graduates will need to have new skills to adjust to Society 5.0. In this study, International Standard Classification of Education 2020 data were analysed according to gender, age and educational level using machine learning in Python. The types of jobs that are most in demand were identified. Consequently...

Developments in science and industry have a direct impact on human life by contributing to develo... more Developments in science and industry have a direct impact on human life by contributing to development of societies throughout human history. Developments in information, internet technologies and Industry 4.0 accelerated the digital transformation of the industry. As a result, factories have been equipped with 'smart' technologies and new skills are needed to use these smart technologies. These skills have changed job descriptions and new graduates now start to work in jobs that never existed in the past. After the transformation from an industrial society to an information society with Industry 4.0, the aim is to reach Society 5.0 as a new level of social development. Therefore, graduates will need to have new skills to adjust to Society 5.0. In this study, International Standard Classification of Education 2020 data were analysed according to gender, age and educational level using machine learning in Python. The types of jobs that are most in demand were identified. Consequently, the sector and job preferences of new graduates were determined according to their educational levels. This study fills a gap in existing literature by analysing the trendiest positions in the industry so universities can prepare their students for these positions within the Education 4.0 framework. 178 6 TH FEB INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE CHALLENGES IN ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS IN THE POST-COVID TIMES

the 6th International Conference on Economic Development, Public Finance, Energy and Environment (ICBFP’2022), 2022
Today, the benefits of the technological advances that develop with the internet to the users are... more Today, the benefits of the technological advances that develop with the internet to the users are constantly increasing. These developments, which have grown at almost the speed of light, have made it convenient for users to leave the real world and live in the virtual world. The first phase of this breakthrough started with introducing social networks into our lives. There are many services and applications in this sector. The second phase brought by social networks over users has been virtual environments and virtual game worlds. At this point, the term metaverse, which is a combination of the words meta and universe, has emerged. Apart from the word's meaning, it refers to a virtual environment shared by more than one person. The development of technologies has occurred in terms of the increasing number or quality of applications and artificial intelligence; serious developments are taking place today. In this study, in addition to the artificial intelligence applications and topics taking place in the Metaverse universe, research has been done on the artificial intelligence theories that are predicted to be realized as a concept.

the 6th International Conference on Economic Development, Public Finance, Energy and Environment (ICBFP’2022)
Its proponents argue that Bitcoin allows for disruption of how money transfers are made. They als... more Its proponents argue that Bitcoin allows for disruption of how money transfers are made. They also claim that Bitcoin is less susceptible to fraud than money because the BTC balance cannot be duplicated and used by another person. Its critics claim it is a bubble because of its high volatility and many security breaches. People who create bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies care because the use of bots means their technology is less trusted and valuable. Also, People who sell assets that rely on Bitcoin price stability (such as bitcoin futures and options) care because bot activity can cause price fluctuations and financial losses. This research aims to study how to control and regulate the influence of Bitcoin bots. Our market analysis reveals unusual trading recently that was most likely triggered by some significant event. This finding is consistent with our extensive robustness checks.

Metaverse, the definition of the new virtual world, is defined as the new generation of internet ... more Metaverse, the definition of the new virtual world, is defined as the new generation of internet life. It is a place that allows transitioning to virtual worlds created over the Internet; however, each individual can express himself through digital avatars. Just as users can express themselves in the physical world, they can communicate and collaborate in this new virtual world. There is no longer a need for individuals to come face to face and do activities outside. The new world order after Covid-19 is now the period when virtual associations and virtual interactions reach the highest level. However, the Metaverse universe is a place where people interact with each other and a place where they can buy land virtually. Each country has virtual lands sold on specific platforms. In this study, the minimum floor area prices of 194 countries around the world were determined, and the estimation of the increase rates after 2022 was analyzed with K-NN, one of the machine learning algorithms.
Anxiety and depression are critical psychiatric diseases that have increased recently. It is ofte... more Anxiety and depression are critical psychiatric diseases that have increased recently. It is often difficult to diagnose. However, early and correct detection and use of the appropriate method give successful results. With Covid-19, the burden on healthcare workers has increased. It is seen in this period that doctors have difficulties in diagnosing patients against growing numbers of patients. This study aims to identify users who can suffer from depression and anxiety and create a suitable predictive model using machine learning technology through the written interaction between Twitter users after Covid-19. For this, the words that anxiety and depression patients use most in their writing were determined, and the analysis phase was completed based on these words.
Anxiety and depression are critical psychiatric diseases that have increased recently. It is ofte... more Anxiety and depression are critical psychiatric diseases that have increased recently. It is often difficult to diagnose. However, early and correct detection and use of the appropriate method give successful
results. With Covid-19, the burden on healthcare workers has increased. It is seen in this period that doctors have difficulties in diagnosing patients against growing numbers of patients. This study aims to identify users who can suffer from depression and anxiety and to create a suitable predictive model by using machine learning technology through the written interaction between Twitter users after Covid-19. For this, the words that anxiety and depression patients use most in their writing were determined, and the analysis phase was completed based on these words.

Metaverse, the definition of the new virtual world, is defined as the new generation of internet ... more Metaverse, the definition of the new virtual world, is defined as the new generation of internet life. It is a place that allows transitioning to virtual worlds created over the Internet; however, it is where each individual can express himself through digital avatars. Just as users can express themselves in the physical world, they can communicate and collaborate in this new virtual world. There is no longer a need for individuals to come face to face and do activities outside. The new world order after Covid-19
is now the period when virtual associations and virtual interactions reach the highest level. However, the Metaverse universe is a place where people interact with each other and a place where they can buy land virtually. Each country has virtual lands sold on specific platforms. In this study, the minimum floor area prices of 194 countries around the world were determined, and the estimation of the increase rates after 2022 was analyzed with K-NN, one of the machine learning algorithms.
Papers by Yavuz S E L I M Balcioglu
results. With Covid-19, the burden on healthcare workers has increased. It is seen in this period that doctors have difficulties in diagnosing patients against growing numbers of patients. This study aims to identify users who can suffer from depression and anxiety and to create a suitable predictive model by using machine learning technology through the written interaction between Twitter users after Covid-19. For this, the words that anxiety and depression patients use most in their writing were determined, and the analysis phase was completed based on these words.
is now the period when virtual associations and virtual interactions reach the highest level. However, the Metaverse universe is a place where people interact with each other and a place where they can buy land virtually. Each country has virtual lands sold on specific platforms. In this study, the minimum floor area prices of 194 countries around the world were determined, and the estimation of the increase rates after 2022 was analyzed with K-NN, one of the machine learning algorithms.
results. With Covid-19, the burden on healthcare workers has increased. It is seen in this period that doctors have difficulties in diagnosing patients against growing numbers of patients. This study aims to identify users who can suffer from depression and anxiety and to create a suitable predictive model by using machine learning technology through the written interaction between Twitter users after Covid-19. For this, the words that anxiety and depression patients use most in their writing were determined, and the analysis phase was completed based on these words.
is now the period when virtual associations and virtual interactions reach the highest level. However, the Metaverse universe is a place where people interact with each other and a place where they can buy land virtually. Each country has virtual lands sold on specific platforms. In this study, the minimum floor area prices of 194 countries around the world were determined, and the estimation of the increase rates after 2022 was analyzed with K-NN, one of the machine learning algorithms.
süreçlerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Tezin temel önermesi; 3 boyutlu yazıcıların
gelişiminin, sinemadaki işlevsel yapısını ve üretim sürecine katkısının uygulama çalışması ile
desteklenerek başarılı ya da başarısız olduğunu kanıtlamaktır. 3 boyutlu yazıcılar geçmişten
günümüze ışık hızıyla ifade edebileceğimiz bir şekilde inanılmaz gelişim göstermiştir. 3
boyutlu yazıcıların çıkış sürecinde çalışma alanına yönelik en büyük eksikliklerden bir tanesi
bilgisayar destekli tasarımların gerçeğe dönüştürülmesi aşamasında kusursuz bir süreç elde
edilememesiydi. Günümüzde artık 3 boyutlu yazıcılar bu açığı mükemmel bir şekilde
doldurmaktadır. Artık hem kâğıt üzerinde hem de bilgisayar üzerindeki her şeyin mükemmel
bir kopyasına sahip olmak çok kolay. Bu çalışmada 3 boyutlu yazıcının öncelikle tarihine bir
göz attıktan sonra onu günümüzde vazgeçilmez yapan unsurlar tek tek incelenmiş, sinema ve
animasyon sektörüne kattığı faydalar birer birer ele alınmıştır.