Gebze Technical University
Information Management System
Bu çalışmada öğrencilerin sanal platformlarda maruz kaldığı zorbalıkların giderilmesine ilişkin çözüm önerilerinin sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Ataşehir Ali İhsan... more
Özet—İnsanlar arasındaki politik, resmi-gayri resmi, ailevi, coğrafi ya da herhangi başka bir şekildeki ilişkiler ağları oluşturur. Bu ağda yer alan aktörler ya da ilişkiler hakkında bir takım bilgileri elde etmek amacıyla yapılan, ağın... more
Kitlesel fonlama, kitlelerin birleşip küçük miktarlar vererek aralarında fon toplamasıdır. Son birkaç senedir hayatımızda olan kitlesel fonlama kavramı tüm dünyada yaygın bir finansman yöntemi haline gelmiştir. Türkiye’de ise kitlesel... more
This paper analyses the business accelerator programs in Turkey. Business accelerators are new generations of incubation programs born especially to support technology entrepreneurs and help them reach to the next level. There are six... more
This study analyzes the entrepreneurs attending six accelerator programs in Istanbul, Turkey. These accelerators are ITU Seed, Starter’s Hub, SuCool, IOT Telco Labs, Pliot and Kworks. Using the frequency analysis method, it makes a study... more
The present study aims to review systematically all the studies of web site usability conducted in the years from 2005 to 2014, in order to present the research trends in usability issues of web sites. Regarding the inclusion criteria,... more
Öz Günümüzde internet ve mobil teknolojilerin gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşmasıyla beraber bilgiye erişim oldukça kolaylaşmış ve ucuzlamıştır. Bu da aşırı bilgi yüklemesi ve büyük veri gibi kavramları beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu kavramlar ise... more
This study examines entrepreneurs participating into eight accelerator programs located in Istanbul, Turkey. Business accelerators are a new kind of incubation program built in particular to help technology entrepreneurs and assist them... more
Along with the widespread use of the Internet, the importance of protecting institutions, corporations and mobile internet users against the cyber security threats is increasing day by day. The protection of personal data and the... more
Covid-19 pandemic required the entire world to make changes in their regular routines. Especially, the formal education processes needed to be updated in order to keep the students safe and healthy. Many educational institutions forced to... more
Covid-19 pandemic required all of the world to make changes in their regular routines. Especially, the formal education processes needed to be updated in order to keep the students safe and healthy. Many educational institutions forced to... more
The required skills and knowledge expected from human capital is affected by Industry 4.0. In order to keep up with this movement and graduate qualified human resources, universities need to update themselves and transform to University... more
Children with diagnosis of down syndrome has different kinds of personalities, mental states, and talents similar to other children. The key point is that every child needs proper support at the right time. There are options like special... more