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Special issues


Greenhouse gas monitoring in the Asia–Pacific region (ACP/AMT/GMD inter-journal SI), 2025
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Huilin Chen (Nanjing University, China)


Advances in numerical modelling of geological processes, 2024
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Ludovic Räss (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), Boris Kaus (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), and Mauro Cacace (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany)
CMIP7 scientific objectives, experimental design, and organization, 2024
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: John Dunne (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, United States), Helene Hewitt (Met Office, United Kingdom), and Eleanor O'Rourke (WCRP-CMIP International Project Office, United Kingdom)
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 7 (CMIP7) forcings and inputs – development, documentation, and evaluation (GMD/ESSD inter-journal SI), 2024
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Vaishali Naik (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, United States), Paul Durack (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States), and Eleanor O'Rourke (WCRP-CMIP International Project Office, United Kingdom)
Model Intercomparison and Improvement Projects (MIIPs) for the polar regions and beyond (GMD/ESSD inter-journal SI) (GMD/ESSD inter-journal SI), 2024
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Gunilla Svensson (Stockholm University, Sweden), Matthew D. Shupe (University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States), and Felix Pithan (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany)
Theoretical and computational aspects of ensemble design, implementation, and interpretation in climate science (ESD/GMD/NPG inter-journal SI), 2024
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Irina Tezaur, Eviatar Bach, and David Stainforth


Air quality research at street level – Part II (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2023
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Yang Zhang
Development and deployment of regional ocean configurations for Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6) (GMD/OS inter-journal SI), 2023
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Charles Stock
Mercury science to inform international policy: the Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP) and other research (GMD/ACP/BG inter-journal SI), 2023
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Ashu Dastoor (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada), Helene Angot (CNRS/Grenoble Alpes University, France), Aryeh Feinberg (Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Terry Keating (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA), Oleg Travnikov (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), and Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing University, China)
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report Phase II (TOAR-II) Community Special Issue (ACP/AMT/BG/GMD inter-journal SI), 2023
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Owen R. Cooper and Martin G. Schultz


Stratospheric impacts on climate variability and predictability in nudging experiments (WCD/GMD inter-journal SI), 2022
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: James Anstey (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada) and Chaim Garfinkel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)


Benchmark datasets and machine learning algorithms for Earth system science data (ESSD/GMD inter-journal SI), 2021
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Peter Düben
Fusion of radar polarimetry and numerical atmospheric modelling towards an improved understanding of cloud and precipitation processes (ACP/AMT/GMD inter-journal SI), 2021
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Silke Troemel
Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at a European scale (AMT/GMD inter-journal SI), 2021
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Leena Järvi
The Loop 3D stochastic geological modelling platform – development and applications, 2021
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Laurent Ailleres
The global hydrological model WaterGAP (GMD/NHESS inter-journal SI), 2021
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Petra Döll (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Hannes Müller Schmied (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), and Martina Flörke (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)


Evaluation of Model Intercomparison Projects, 2020
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: GMD executive editors
Improving the contribution of the land cryosphere to sea level rise projections (TC/GMD/NHESS/OS inter-journal SI), 2020
Eds. GMD topic editors (see editorial board webpage)
Modelling inland waters in a changing climate (GMD/ESD/TC inter-journal SI), 2020
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Wim Thiery
Satellite observations, in situ measurements and model simulations of the 2019 Raikoke eruption (ACP/AMT/GMD inter-journal SI), 2020
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Slimane Bekki and Graham Mann
The role of fire in the Earth system: understanding interactions with the land, atmosphere, and society (ESD/ACP/BG/GMD/NHESS inter-journal SI), 2020
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Kirsten Thonicke


CMIP6 HighResMIP model descriptions and basic properties, 2019
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: M. Roberts
CoMet: a mission to improve our understanding and to better quantify the carbon dioxide and methane cycles (AMT/ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2019
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Rolf Sander
The Canadian Earth System Model version 5, 2019
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: N.C. Swart


Air quality research at street level (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2018
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Y. Zhang
Modelling lakes in the climate system (GMD/HESS inter-journal SI), 2018
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: W. Thiery
Simulation chambers as tools in atmospheric research (AMT/ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2018
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: H. Herrmann


Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project 2016, 2017
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. A. Ullrich
The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART, 2017
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: I. Pisso


Chemistry–Climate Modelling Initiative (CCMI) (ACP/AMT/ESSD/GMD inter-journal SI), 2016
Eds. GMD topic editors
Data assimilation in carbon/biogeochemical cycles: consistent assimilation of multiple data streams (BG/ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2016
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: C. Sierra
Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project phase 4 (PMIP4) (CP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2016
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: M. Kageyama
The Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP) (ESD/ACP/CP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2016
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: D. Zanchettin


Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century (PAGE21) (BG/ESSD/GMD/TC inter-journal SI), 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: J. Boike
JULES-crop: a parameterisation of crops in the JULES land surface model, 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: K. Williams
Model infrastructure integration and interoperability (MI3), 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: R. Dunlap
Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5) (ACP/AMT/GI/GMD inter-journal SI), 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors
The Firedrake automatic code generation system, 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: David Ham
The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP): Simulations of solar radiation reduction methods (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2015
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: B. Kravitz


BACCHUS – Impact of Biogenic versus Anthropogenic emissions on Clouds and Climate: towards a Holistic UnderStanding (ACP/AMT/GMD inter-journal SI), 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: U. Lohmann
Haze-fog forecasts and near real time (NRT) data application (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: J. Brandt, S. Gong, and X.-Y. Zhang
Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean - NEMO, 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Oddo
Particle-based methods for simulating atmospheric aerosol and clouds (GMD/ACP inter-journal SI), 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinators: Simon Unterstrasser and Sylwester Arabas
The Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator: ACCESS, 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Rachel Law
The SimSphere Land Biosphere Model, 2014
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: G. P. Petropoulos


Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean (ACP/AMT/GMD/HESS/NHESS/OS inter-journal SI), 2013
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: V. Ducrocq
Isaac Newton Institute programme on multiscale numerics for the atmosphere and ocean, 2013
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: H. Weller
Monitoring atmospheric composition and climate, research in support of the Copernicus/GMES atmospheric service (ACP/AMT/ESSD/GMD inter-journal SI), 2013
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: V.-H. Peuch
The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP) (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2013
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: D. Shindell
The iLOVECLIM earth system model, 2013
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: D. M. Roche


Community software to support the delivery of CMIP5, 2012
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: S. M. Easterbrook
The externalised surface model SURFEX, 2012
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Le Moigne


Climate model simulations of the last millennium, 2011
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: G. A. Schmidt
The CSIRO Mk3L climate system model, 2011
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: S. J. Phipps


PlioMIP: experimental design, mid-Pliocene boundary conditions and implementation, 2010
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: A. M. Haywood
The community version of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model as it is coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) (GMD/ACP inter-journal SI), 2010
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: G. A. Grell


The FAMOUS climate model, 2008
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: R. S. Smith


The Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) (ACP/GMD inter-journal SI), 2005
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: P. Jöckel
The atmospheric chemistry box model CAABA/MECCA (GMD/ACP inter-journal SI), 2005
Eds. GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Rolf Sander
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