- Two seperate point cloud renderers with support for splatting and phong lighting
- Ground Truth Renderer renders a point cloud with splatting, pull push algorithm or neural rendering pipeline and can compare results against a mesh
- Octree Renderer builds an octree in a preprocessing step and renders the point cloud with LOD control and splatting
- PlyToPointcloud tool converts .ply files with x,y,z,nx,ny,nz,red,green,blue format into the required .pointcloud format
- Drag and drop your .ply files onto PlyToPointcloud.exe
- Adjust the Settings.txt file (optional)
- Run PointCloudEngine.exe
- Open a generated .pointcloud file with File->Open
- Use the File menu to switch between the two renderers
- Move the camera with WASD, holding the right mouse button rotates the camera
- Select the Splat view mode
- Move the camera so close that the individual splats are visible (depending on the scale this might not happen)
- Adjust the Sampling Rate in such a way that the splats overlap just a bit
- Enable Blending, look at the point cloud from various distances and adjust the blend factor with so that only close surfaces are blended together
- Pull-Push algorithm can be configured in a similar way
- Neural Rendering Pipeline requires loading all three exported networks
- The following libraries are required, make sure that the CUDA toolkit version and Pytorch version are exactly the same
- Cuda 11.7
- Anaconda3 2022.10 for all users and add it to PATH
- Python environment in Visual Studio Installer (no need to install Python 3.7)
- Pytorch 1.13.1 conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- Update include directories, library directories and post build event paths in Visual Studio PointCloudEngine property pages according to the installation paths
format ascii 1.0
element vertex 3
property float x
property float y
property float z
property float nx
property float ny
property float nz
property uchar red
property uchar green
property uchar blue
1 0 0 1 0 0 255 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 255 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 255
- Loads and renders different subsets of point clouds
- View the point cloud in different modes
- Splats: high quality splat rendering of the whole point cloud
- Points: high quality point rendering of the whole point cloud
- Pull Push: fast screen-space inpainting algorithm applied to point rendering
- Mesh: render .OBJ textured mesh for comparison
- Neural Network: renders neural network output from the sparse point rendering
- Compare to a sparse subset of the point cloud with a different sampling rate
- Blending the colors of overlapping splats
- Phong Lighting
- Loads and renders point cloud datasets and generates an octree for level-of-detail
- Generated octree is saved as .octree file in the Octrees folder for faster loading
- View the octree nodes in three different modes
- Splats: circular overlapping billboards with weighted cluster colors and normals that approximate the surface of the point cloud
- Bounding Cubes: inspect size and position of the octree nodes, the color is the average color of all the points assigned to this node
- Normal Clusters: inspect color and weight of the four normal clusters that were computed for each node with the k-means algorithm
- GPU octree traversal using a compute shader
- View Frustum Culling and Backface Culling
- Blending the colors of overlapp 74FB ing splats
- Octree level selection
- Phong Lighting
- Octree files larger than ~4GB are not supported by the engine, lower the maxOctreeDepth parameter in the Settings.txt file to generate a smaller file
- When changing the maxOctreeDepth parameter in the Settings.txt file you have to delete the old .octree files in the Octrees folder in order to generate a new octree. Otherwise the engine will just load the old file with the old octree depth.
- Converts between .ply and .pointcloud file format
- Supports .ply files with x,y,z,nx,ny,nz,red,green,blue format only (you can use e.g. MeshLab to export to this format)
- Drag and drop .ply files to generate the corresponding .pointcloud files
- Drag and drop .pointcloud files to generate the original .ply file
- A .pointcloud file stores the following binary data
- Vector3 - position of the bounding cube
- float - size of the bounding cube
- uint - length of the vertex array
- vector - list of vertices
- Each vertex consists of
- Vector3 - position
- char[3] - normalized normal
- uchar[3] - rgb color
- The neural rendering pipeline is trained in Pytorch
- Datasets for training can be created within the Engine under the Dataset tab
Copyright © Moritz Schöpf. All rights reserved. The use, distribution and change of this software and the source code without written permission of the author is prohibited.