[Premium] Theme — Wallflower by tanaka-drew
Preview/Purchase on Ko-Fi or Payhip for $5
- 250x350px sidebar image
- 250x125px upper tag image
- two 125x125px lower tag images
- 250x150px about image
- custom blog title
- six custom links
- three extra tag links**
- about section**
- option for 450/500/540*px blog posts
- option for multiple font families for heading and body
- option for 0.9*/0.8rem body font size
- option for 0.8*/0.7rem uppercase font size
- option for hide tags*
- option for show tags
- back to top*
- * denotes default features.
- ** denotes default features that you have to edit directly into the code.
- This theme is NPF posts friendly. :D
- Neither ask or submit links would show if you don’t allow people to ask you questions or allow people to submit things to you.
- I don’t claim any of the fonts, scripts and/or tutorials I used unless stated otherwise.
- See full credits @ tanaka-drew.tumblr.com/credits.