reblog content: aesthetics, words/quotes i find interesting, insp (for fic, characters, ships, etc), my favorite people, some kdramas, and cute things.
reblogs are on a queue, posting four times a day.
reblog content: aesthetics, words/quotes i find interesting, insp (for fic, characters, ships, etc), my favorite people, some kdramas, and cute things.
reblogs are on a queue, posting four times a day.
'Darn Abalone' by Oh Aesun from Class 3-8
[translated by me]
Day after day, abalone, abalone.
Even as typhoons rage, it's abalone, abalone.
More cherished than her own daughter, still abalone, abalone.
When she dives below, shouldn't she surface soon?
Why then does silence stretch, leaving no news?
Is it because the abalone hides, refusing to come forth,
or because her breath falter, holding her under the sea?
Her dear child’s heart burns with worry
as that darn abalone scorches Mother from within.
A hundred hwan earned by selling abalone.
I would pay them to buy a single day’s rest for my mother.
My mother, with her aching back,
my mother, coughing and weary.
If only, for a hundred hwan each day
I could let my mother take a rest.
"Then grow up fast. Grow up fast, and give me a hundred hwan every day."
OH AE SUN, When Life Gives You Tangerines (2025) EP01
i’m just curious, is there any artist(s) that you know their entire discography… like everything they ever made is just imprinted in the back of your mind
let me tell u something faggot to faggot
things to do when your day's been bad
how lovely and nice it is that clementines and mandarines are already divided into tiny delicious shareable pieces for us to have and enjoy and share with the ones we love:)
That state of being Creatively Inspired but Mentally Mushy is a special kind of frustrating
non-binary, gay
united states
levi, vega, imogen, urie, aran, lain, jules, lino, shua, hyang, kyung, ryang, ahwi, ahui(n), hina, hiyu.
fic writer and theme-maker, coding over at @pouthongwon. reblogs are queued and are posted four times a day. currently fixating on yang hongwon, various kdrama actors and actresses, rpf and rps, fic writing, poly ships, and my ocs.
i write fic about and ship real-people together, often using various actors, actresses, artists, and models as faceclaims for my ocs. mostly as an excuse to ship them with my favorite person in the world, yang hongwon.
write a hundred words
start on the media-tracking page (juyeon)
start on the faves/character page (ahwi)