Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology

eLife reviews research into cancer spanning from oncogenes and tumor suppressors to metastasis and anticancer treatments. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest research.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Plectin-mediated cytoskeletal crosstalk as a target for inhibition of hepatocellular carcinoma growth and metastasis

    Zuzana Outla, Gizem Oyman-Eyrilmez ... Martin Gregor
    Plectin drives hepatocellular carcinoma progression and metastasis through cytoskeletal reorganization and oncogenic signaling, making it a promising therapeutic target for overcoming therapy resistance.
    1. Cancer Biology

    In vivo targeted and deterministic single cell malignant transformation

    Pierluigi Scerbo, Benjamin Tisserand ... Bertrand Ducos
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Important
    • Incomplete
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Regulation of lung cancer initiation and progression by the stem cell determinant Musashi

    Alison G Barber, Cynthia M Quintero ... Tannishtha Reya
    The stem cell signal Msi2 plays a dual role in lung cancer, acting as a signal that is not only essential for initiation, but also for propagation of the tumor.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Notch signaling maintains a progenitor-like subclass of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Kerstin Seidel, Robert Piskol ... Chris Siebel
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    • Convincing
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Cell crowding activates pro-invasive mechanotransduction pathway in high-grade DCIS via TRPV4 inhibition and cell volume reduction

    Xiangning Bu, Nathanael Ashby ... Inhee Chung
    Reviewed Preprint v3
    • Fundamental
    • Compelling
    1. Cancer Biology

    Deuterium metabolic imaging phenotypes mouse glioblastoma heterogeneity through glucose turnover kinetics

    Rui Vasco Simoes, Rafael Neto Henriques ... Noam Shemesh
    Deuterium metabolic imaging quantitatively maps glycolytic and mitochondrial oxidation fluxes in mouse glioblastoma and their association with tumor histopathologic features.
    1. Cancer Biology

    STAMBPL1 activates the GRHL3/HIF1A/VEGFA axis through interaction with FOXO1 to promote angiogenesis in triple-negative breast cancer

    Huan Fang, Huichun Liang ... Ceshi Chen
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Fundamental
    • Convincing
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Phosphodiesterase 1A physically interacts with YTHDF2 and reinforces the progression of non-small cell lung cancer

    Chong Zhang, Zuoyan Zhang ... Yangling Li
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Changes in local mineral homeostasis facilitate the formation of benign and malignant testicular microcalcifications

    Ida Marie Boisen, Nadia Krarup Knudsen ... Martin Blomberg Jensen
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Image-based identification and isolation of micronucleated cells to dissect cellular consequences

    Lucian DiPeso, Sriram Pendyala ... Emily M Hatch
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Valuable
    • Convincing

Senior editors

  1. Yamini Dalal
    National Cancer Institute, United States
  2. Eduardo Franco
    McGill University, Canada
  3. Lynne-Marie Postovit
    University of Alberta, Canada
  4. See more editors