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primsong: Scan from an old Dr. Who magazine (find tardis win game)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1033 is hubris.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1033: hubris on any story posted to this challenge.
scifirenegade: Seven-ey is sad-ey (hug | seven)
[personal profile] scifirenegade
Title: Radiation
Author: [personal profile] scifirenegade
Characters: Barbara/Ian
Rating: Teen and up
Prompt: #044 - sick
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Barbara and Ian belong to the BBC.
Author's notes: Warning: angst, illness and pregnancy mentions. My poor babies *hugs Barbara and Ian* Also for [community profile] threesentenceficathon.
Summary: They didn't put much thought into it after taking the drugs.

Read more... )
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1032 is joy.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1032: joy on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: (07)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1031 is archive.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1031: archive on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (sign waffles)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1030 is malapropism.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1030: malapropism on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1029 is outage.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1029: outage on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: (01)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1028 is vat.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1028: vat on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: Scan from an old Dr. Who magazine (find tardis win game)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1027 is déjà vu.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1027: déjà vu on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1026 is drone.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1026: drone on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: (05)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1025 is eligible.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1025: eligible on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (two clever)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1024 is potato.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1024: potato on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1023 is warrant.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1023: warrant on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: 3rd Doctor, Sgt Benton, the Brig, Sarah Jane (03/Team)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1022 is pilot.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1022: pilot on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (starry sky)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1021 is lens.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1021: lens on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1020 is hill.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1020: hill on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: Eighth Doctor, short hair, no frock coat (08)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1019 is punch.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1019: punch on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: Scan from an old Dr. Who magazine (find tardis win game)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1018 is shock.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1018: shock on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1017 is dizzy.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1017: dizzy on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: 3rd Doctor, Sgt Benton, the Brig, Sarah Jane (03/Team)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1016 is spore.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1016: spore on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (threejo bessie)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1015 is remodel.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1015: remodel on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1014 is defence.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1014: defence on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: (05)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1013 is spinney.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1013: spinney on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: Scan from an old Dr. Who magazine (find tardis win game)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1012 is volcanic.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1012: volcanic on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1011 is tidal.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1011: tidal on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
desecrets: (withnail and i)
[personal profile] desecrets
(Hello! New here; I hope it's all right that I tossed a drabble for an old prompt into this post as well -- I had one that I posted to [community profile] 100words  last week that fit an old prompt. But if the rule is that each drabble must have its own post, I'll remove it! :)

Prompt: #1010 - crepuscular
Character/s: Alison Cheney, The Master (Scream of the Shalka)
Rating: G
Summary: All she wants is one good reading lamp in the room they all hang out in.

Read more... )

#971 - ruminate
Character/s: The Master (Delgado)
Rating: G
Summary: Living well is the best revenge, so second best it is.
Notes: Originally posted on 100words for prompt #411: obsession.

Read more... )

mad_jaks: (07)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1010 is crepuscular.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1010: crepuscular on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (threejo bessie)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1009 is conspicuous.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1009: conspicuous on any story posted to this challenge.
redwolf: (dw100)
[personal profile] redwolf
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge 1008 is vent.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1008: vent on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
mad_jaks: 6th Doctor in profile (06)
[personal profile] mad_jaks
Welcome to [community profile] dw100! Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1007 is piffle.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for upcoming episodes/the current season
  • You don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post
  • Please use the challenge tag 1007: piffle on any story posted to this challenge
Good luck!
primsong: (two clever)
[personal profile] primsong
Welcome to [community profile] dw100. Challenges are posted approximately once a week.

Challenge #1006 is Victoria.

The rules:
  • All stories must be 100 words long.
  • Please place your story behind a cut if it contains spoilers for the current season.
  • Remember, you don't have to use the challenge word or phrase in your story; it's just there for inspiration.
  • Please include the challenge word or phrase in the subject line of your post.
  • Please use the challenge tag 1006: victoria on any story posted to this challenge.


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Doctor Who One Hundred

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