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misbegotten: Orange Typewriter (100words Writing Orange Typewriter)
[personal profile] misbegotten
What is [community profile] 100words?

[community profile] 100words is a weekly drabble challenge community originally hosted on Imzy and now here on Dreamwidth. Every Tuesday a new prompt is posted -- a word, picture, phrase, quotation -- and members are invited to respond with a drabble (fiction that is exactly 100 words in length).

Do I have to include the prompt in my reply?

No. The prompt is merely a means to get your creative juices flowing.

Seriously, what if my drabble doesn't include the prompt?

Not a problem. The prompt is merely there to inspire you to write 100 words.

What if I write more than 100 words?

Please limit your responses to 100 words in length. There are other communities for fiction under and over 100 words, such as [community profile] fandomweekly.

How do I participate?

Please post your fiction to the community, indicating in the tag which prompt you are answering. We started with Prompt #25 on Dreamwidth because that's where 100 Words on Imzy was at.

Here is a template for posting your work:

Subject: Original - Title (or) Fandom - Title

(or) Fandom:

Here's the template for easier pasting:

What if I miss a prompt?

No worries! Every tenth week is an Amnesty Week, when all previous prompts are fair game.

Can I post fanfic/original fic?

All fiction is welcome at [community profile] 100words. Please indicate the fandom in your post, or whether it is original fiction. Content warnings for potential triggers, mature or explicit content, or spoilers are also expected.

Do I need to include content warnings, ratings, and spoilers?

Yes. Please see the question above.

Is there an AO3 collection?

There is! You can find the AO3 collection here and can include your work in the collection by choosing 100words in the "Post to Collections / Challenges" field.

I have a question you haven't answered!

Feel free to comment here!

Welcome to [community profile] 100words on Dreamwidth.

[sticky entry] Sticky: Prompt: #434 - Cook

Mar. 11th, 2025 12:48 pm
sweettartheart: Ink text on paper (100 words on paper)
[personal profile] sweettartheart
This week's prompt is cook.

Your response should be exactly 100 words long. You do not have to include the prompt in your response -- it is meant as a starting place only. Please use the tag "prompt: #434 - cook" with your response.

Please put your drabble under a cut tag if it contains potential triggers, mature or explicit content, or spoilers.

If you would like a template for the header information you may use this:

Subject: Original - Title (or) Fandom - Title

(or) Fandom:

If you are a member of AO3 there is a 100 Words Collection!
smallhobbit: (Cup 1)
[personal profile] smallhobbit
Title: Mrs Willoughby's Complaint
Fandom: Miss Marple
Rating: G

endlesstwanted: (Linda)
[personal profile] endlesstwanted

Title: Burnt and Busted
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Bucky finds out Sam cooks, and Sharon finds something else out.
Notes: n/a

Bucky threw a glance at Sam… )
cyberiad_queen: (Unicorn)
[personal profile] cyberiad_queen
Title: 'The Struggle'
Fandom: The Monkees
Rating: G
Notes: Crossposted to [community profile] anythingdrabble and [community profile] drabble_zone

The Struggle )
volkameria: Britz (Fuga: Melodies) wounded by words (pic#britz_hurt)
[personal profile] volkameria
Title: all damage is repairable
Fandom: Fuga: Melodies of Steel
Rating: Gen
Notes: Prompt #433
AO3 Link: Here!

Titanium against rock... )
smallhobbit: (Lucas North)
[personal profile] smallhobbit
Title: Just A Scrape!
Fandom: Spooks (MI5)
Rating: G

sweettartheart: Ink text on paper (100 words on paper)
[personal profile] sweettartheart
This week's prompt is scrape.

Your response should be exactly 100 words long. You do not have to include the prompt in your response -- it is meant as a starting place only. Please use the tag "prompt: #433 - scrape" with your response.

Please put your drabble under a cut tag if it contains potential triggers, mature or explicit content, or spoilers.

If you would like a template for the header information you may use this:

Subject: Original - Title (or) Fandom - Title

(or) Fandom:

If you are a member of AO3 there is a 100 Words Collection!
smallhobbit: (Cup 1)
[personal profile] smallhobbit
Title: Congratulations!
Fandom: Miss Marple
Rating: G

sweettartheart: Ink text on paper (100 words on paper)
[personal profile] sweettartheart
This week's prompt is mudita (मुदिता), a Sanskrit word that has no direct English translation but might be described as

[A]ltruistic, empathetic, and appreciative joy and pleasure. It is the joy one feels for another's good fortune, accomplishments, or luck.

Your response should be exactly 100 words long. You do not have to include the prompt in your response -- it is meant as a starting place only. Please use the tag "prompt: #432 - mudita" with your response.

Please put your drabble under a cut tag if it contains potential triggers, mature or explicit content, or spoilers.

If you would like a template for the header information you may use this:

Subject: Original - Title (or) Fandom - Title

(or) Fandom:

If you are a member of AO3 there is a 100 Words Collection!
endlesstwanted: (Sam)
[personal profile] endlesstwanted

Title: тоска
Fandom: WandaVision (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Wanda’s first days in Westview.
Notes: also posted on Ao3.


The bed is warm… )
veronyxk84: (Vero#buffyS6)
[personal profile] veronyxk84
Title: In Her Eyes
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: [personal profile] veronyxk84
Characters/Pairing: Buffy (referenced Spuffy)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word count: 100 (Google Docs)
Spoilers/Setting: Set in S6, at the beginning of ep. 6x10 “Wrecked” | Companion to “Fall to Pieces” but can be read as a standalone.
Summary: Buffy has run away from Spike, but cannot run from what happened between them.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. All rights belong to the respective owners.

Prompt: #431 - Toska

Crossposted: [community profile] drabble_zone, [community profile] anythingdrabble, My journal, Sunnydale After Dark

READ: In Her Eyes )
smallhobbit: (Default)
[personal profile] smallhobbit
Title: Searching for Purpose
Fandom: Swan Lake (Bourne)
Rating: PG

sweettartheart: Ink text on paper (100 words on paper)
[personal profile] sweettartheart
This week's prompt is toska (тоска), a Russian word that has no direct English translation but was described by Vladimir Nabokov as

At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.

Your response should be exactly 100 words long. You do not have to include the prompt in your response -- it is meant as a starting place only. Please use the tag "prompt: #431 - toska" with your response.

Please put your drabble under a cut tag if it contains potential triggers, mature or explicit content, or spoilers.

If you would like a template for the header information you may use this:

Subject: Original - Title (or) Fandom - Title

(or) Fandom:

If you are a member of AO3 there is a 100 Words Collection!
zdenka: Miriam with a tambourine, text "I will sing." (Default)
[personal profile] zdenka
Title: A Thin Wall
Author: Zdenka
Fandom: Spinning Silver
Rating: G
Characters: Flek
Challenge: Amnesty / #061 - heat
Warnings: children in danger
Summary: During Chernobog's attack on the mountain, Flek tries to protect her daughter and all the children.

Read more... )

also on AO3
veronyxk84: (Vero#s4Spuffy)
[personal profile] veronyxk84
Title: Threats and Mockery
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters/Pairing: Buffy, Spike, Scoobies
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word count: 100 (Google Docs)
Setting/Spoilers: Set in S4, during ep. 4x09 “Something Blue” right after Willow breaks her spell.
Summary: Emotions are running high in the immediate aftermath of Willow’s spell.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. All rights belong to the respective owners.

Prompt: #293 - Freedom [Amnesty Week]

Crossposted: [community profile] sweetandshort, My journal, Sunnydale After Dark

READ: Threats and Mockery )
veronyxk84: (Vero#s11spuffy)
[personal profile] veronyxk84
Title: Magic and Kisses
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters/Pairing: Spuffy, Dawn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word count: 100 (Google Docs)
Setting/Spoilers: Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Summary: Dawn needs more details about Buffy and Spike’s story for her speech at the wedding.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. All rights belong to the respective owners.

Prompt: #215 - Magic [Amnesty Week]

Crossposted: [community profile] sweetandshort, My journal, Sunnydale After Dark

READ: Magic and Kisses )
cyberiad_queen: (Rowan & Martin)
[personal profile] cyberiad_queen
Title: 'Nothing Lasts Forever but the Earth and Sky'
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG (Brief depressing concepts)
Notes: Crossposted to [community profile] lyricaltitles

Nothing Lasts Forever but the Earth and Sky )
cyberiad_queen: (Chocolates)
[personal profile] cyberiad_queen
Title: 'The Peaceful Dim'
Fandom: Pokémon (Reference to Pokémon Black/White/Black 2/White 2)
Rating: G
Notes: Using the Lorde song title, 'Writer in the Dark'. Crossposted to [community profile] ficlet_zone and [community profile] vocab_drabbles

The Peaceful Dim )
onsides: (911 ⇒ Buck)
[personal profile] onsides
Title: love in 3x3 form
Fandom: 9-1-1 (ABC)
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz
Rating: G
Prompt: #179 - Love Letter
X-Posted: AO3, [personal profile] onsides

Summary: Sometimes love is a pink sticky note on the fridge.

Read more... )


100words: An Orange Typewriter (Default)
100 Words

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