Sustainable Renovation Strategy in the Swedish Million Homes Programme: A Case Study
:1. Introduction
Background and Purpose
2. The Concept of Sustainability in a Renovation Context
2.1. Sustainability in General
2.2. Environmental Sustainability
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- Energy use. The renovation of the Million Homes Programme has been seen as a “window of opportunity” for radical reductions in energy use and change to new energy sources [20].
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- Choice of materials. There are several systems for classifying construction materials and components from an environmental perspective [21].
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- Waste management, water management. Improved recycling opportunities and improvements of green areas, e.g., in order to improve water management.
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- Environmental classification systems also include the indoor environment, namely how the tenants experience their dwelling, as for example in terms of lighting, noise, temperature, ventilation and moisture control.
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- Innovation. The classification systems encourage trying new environmentally friendly solutions.
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- Management. Some of the classification systems also assess how the buildings are managed, i.e., how they are run after some time in operation.
2.3. Social Sustainability
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- Affordable renovation. A renovation contributes to social sustainability if it is carried out in such a way that households are not forced to move to other areas because they cannot afford the new rent level. There have been several critical reports in Sweden, e.g., Westin [9] argue that renovations have been more or less consciously designed to evict socially weaker households. The renovation then tends to contribute to socioeconomic segregation and probably a loss of social trust among households that are forced to move out. The renoviction strategy might be profitable for the landlords in the short run but can be counterproductive for society in the long run [23,24]. Renovation might instead be designed in such a way that it increases social capital by reducing crime and poverty among the present population by, for example, educating and employing the residents of the area in the renovation projects, and by increasing the availability of service and job opportunities [25].
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- Another aspect of social sustainability is that the ambition should be to create mixed communities with a low level of segregation between different income and ethnic groups [26]. In an area where gentrification is underway it might be beneficial from the perspective of social sustainability to try to slow this process down. In areas that are dominated by low-income households, the creation of mixed communities might instead be stimulated by measures that make the area more attractive to other social groups.
2.4. Economic Sustainability
2.5. Technical Sustainability—A Fourth Aspect
3. Method
3.1. Case Study Methodology in General
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- You cannot be an expert unless you have detailed knowledge about a number of specific cases. This kind of knowledge is not of less importance but a precondition of more general knowledge. In our context, this means, for example, that detailed case studies are necessary as a foundation for a rational government policy in the area of renovation.
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- Case studies can be used to test theories. This is most clear in the Popperian philosophy where science consists of conjectures and refutations. For example, our case study refutes the view that social and economic sustainability cannot be combined. Flyvbjerg even writes “formal generalization is overvalued as a source of scientific development, whereas ‘the force of example’ is underestimated.” ([27], p. 282).
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- From the last point, it follows that case studies are not only for explorative purposes in early stages, but also important in all stages of research.
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- Case studies are not more subjective than other research. In [27] it is argued that “the question of subjectivism and bias toward verification applies to all method” (p. 235). Results derived in mathematical models and results from econometric tests are, e.g., sensitive to specific assumptions made.
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- Flyvbjerg summarizes his fifth conclusion in the following way: “The problems in summarising case studies, however, are due more often to the properties of the reality studied than to the case study as a research method. Often it is not desirable to summarise and generalise case studies. Good studies should be read as narratives in their entirety.” [27] (p. 241). In our case, the article format inevitably puts limitations on how much detail can be presented.
3.2. The Choice of Company
3.3. Data Collection
4. Empirical Results
4.1. General Background
4.2. Basic Description of the Current Renovation Strategy
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- Technical aspects: what do we have to do in order to keep the buildings in good technical condition?
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- Social aspects: participation of the tenants, possibility for the tenants to choose renovation level, and safety and security during the process of renovation.
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- Economic aspects: financial feasibility and reasonable rate of return on investment.
4.3. Environmental Sustainability
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- A balanced ventilation system with heat recovery. This was also motivated by increased comfort for the tenants, as draught would be reduced. From a strict economic perspective it was not judged to be profitable. The houses are linked to a district heating system as is common in Swedish multi-family housing. The hydronic heating system was changed from a one-pipe system to a more reliable two-pipe system.
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- Improvements in the shell of the building. Insulation in the loft was increased to 25 cm as a thinner insulation leads to a situation where the attic floor becomes a strong thermal bridge, which means both high energy consumption and problems with comfort for the tenants.
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- Water-saving aerators were put in the shower fittings and thereby reduce hot water consumption.
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- Low-energy lighting was installed in stairwells.
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- Exhaust air heat pumps for heat recovery were installed in some buildings.
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- A system forecast control, automatically adjusting so heating according to weather forecasts, was introduced. This alone would save the company more than €100,000 per year.
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- Replacement of the heat exchangers in the district heating system. This both increases reliability and reduces costs related to thermal losses.
4.4. Social Sustainability
5. Economic Sustainability
5.1. From a Project Perspective
5.2. Basic Assumptions
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- The calculations are made in real terms—unless otherwise stated it is assumed that everything follows inflation (interest rates, rents, costs), so relative prices are not affected by inflation. To simplify calculations, it is assumed that both rents and all operating costs are paid at the end of the year.
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- The calculations focus on the difference between the two alternatives: renovating now or waiting 10 years. The basic calculations are made for one apartment with the Mini alternative, and then the Midi and Maxi alternatives are evaluated separately through a new difference analysis.
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- The calculation covers a 10-year period. It is assumed that the renovated and the unrenovated building fall in value by the same absolute amount every year. The difference in value in year 10 is then equal to the investment made in year 1 in the renovated apartment.
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- The real discount rate is assumed to be 3%. Real interest rates have fallen in recent years and a long-term value could be between 1 and 2%, and then adding risk compensation could motivate a 3% real discount rate. This rate is actually higher than the real rate paid by the company for loans during recent years.
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- Operating costs for the unrenovated case are assumed to include costs for water damages and similar repairs on the same level as in recent years. According to figures from the company, these costs were approximately €2 million in 2012 and if it is assumed that all of these are in the 3000 Million Homes Programme apartments, the cost per year per apartment would be around €650. Further assuming that energy use falls with 20 kWh per m2 and year, then for an average apartment of 70 m2, the reduction in energy cost would be around €150 (energy price €0.1/kWh). Other operational expenses are estimated to be reduced by €150 per apartment per year. The total reduction in operating costs would then be €950 per year.
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- The company gives priority to social sustainability, as it does not choose the most profitable alternative.
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- A private profit-maximising company would renovate to a higher standard (Midi).
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- It is therefore questionable whether the municipal housing company acted in line with the new legislation about acting in a “business-like way.”
5.3. From a Company Perspective
5.4. From a Municipality Perspective
5.5. Technical Sustainability
6. Concluding Analysis
The Result Points to a Number of Crucial Issues
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- The concept of sustainability. There seems to be a need for a fourth interpretation of sustainability in the context of housing renovation and that is “technical sustainability.” This means that more reliable, less risky and longer-term solutions are chosen, even if these cannot be justified from an environmental or economic perspective. Pipes are, e.g., replaced instead of relined.
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- Priority between different sustainability dimensions. Within social sustainability there is a conflict between a focus on the current tenants and their situation, and trying to create more mixed communities. The company gives priority to the current tenants. Economic sustainability was seen as a long-term precondition for the other dimensions and the company therefore did not go as far as some other companies have in trying to reduce energy use.
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- The possibility of sustainable renovation. The case presented here shows that it is possible to reach fairly high levels of sustainability in all dimensions or, in other words, to satisfy (the prioritised) needs of the community at least as well as before renovations and simultaneously reduce or sustain negative impact on the environment. Even if social and economic sustainability were the focus, a number of environmentally motivated measures were carried out and the company also tried to act more proactively with technical sustainability in focus.
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- The role of the new legislation. It seems that the company did not choose the most profitable alternative from a business perspective. The company interpreted “acting in a business-like way” as “not needing any direct subsidies from the owner” and “acting professionally with a customer focus,” but this is perhaps not the correct interpretation.
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- Optimal timing. The profitability of the renovation depends in this case on fairly high operating and maintenance costs before the renovation, primarily because of water damage. If the company had acted more proactively and started the renovation earlier, it would not have been profitable.
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- Financial aspects. Even if the renovation was profitable it was judged to be necessary to sell part of the unrenovated stock in order to finance the renovation. An important aspect is then what happens to the stock that is sold. The economic analysis above indicates that the buyer will wait a few more years and then renovate to a higher standard, meaning that some of the households will not be able to afford to move back. If this predication is correct, then some areas would have to be “sacrificed” from a social sustainability perspective in order to create financial resources that “save” others.
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- Relation between renovation and new construction of affordable housing. Looking at the housing market as a whole, the supply of affordable housing is crucial. If older areas are renovated to a high standard, this might not be problematic from a social perspective if there is either a filtering down in other not-so-old areas, or new construction of affordable housing.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Alternative | Total Cost per Apartment | Negotiated Rent Increase per Month |
Mini | €49,000 (€800/SQM) | €82 |
Midi | €51,000 (€840/SQM) | €179 |
Maxi | €68,500 (€1120/SQM) | €190 |
Renovation Cost per Apartment | 49,000 |
Rent increase per apartment per year | 1000 |
Present value of rent increases | 8500 |
Reduction in operating cost by renovation, per apartment | 950 |
Present value of reduction in operating costs | 8100 |
Difference in value at the end of year 10 | 49,000 |
Present value of difference in exit value | 36,500 |
Total present value of project | +4100 (53,100–49,000) |
Present Value of Project | |
Interest rate 4% | −100 |
Reduction in operating costs of €700 | +1700 |
Extra Renovation Cost | 2000 |
Extra rent increase per apartment per year | 1160 |
Present value of rent increases | 9850 |
Difference in value at the end of year 10 | 2000 |
Present value of difference in exit value | 1490 |
Increase in present value of project | +9300 |
Extra Renovation Cost | 17,500 |
Extra rent increase per apartment per year | 130 |
Present value of rent increases | 1110 |
Difference in value at the end of year 10 | 17,500 |
Present value of difference in exit value | 13,000 |
Total present value of project | −3400 |
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Share and Cite
Lind, H.; Annadotter, K.; Björk, F.; Högberg, L.; Af Klintberg, T. Sustainable Renovation Strategy in the Swedish Million Homes Programme: A Case Study. Sustainability 2016, 8, 388.
Lind H, Annadotter K, Björk F, Högberg L, Af Klintberg T. Sustainable Renovation Strategy in the Swedish Million Homes Programme: A Case Study. Sustainability. 2016; 8(4):388.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLind, Hans, Kerstin Annadotter, Folke Björk, Lovisa Högberg, and Tord Af Klintberg. 2016. "Sustainable Renovation Strategy in the Swedish Million Homes Programme: A Case Study" Sustainability 8, no. 4: 388.
APA StyleLind, H., Annadotter, K., Björk, F., Högberg, L., & Af Klintberg, T. (2016). Sustainable Renovation Strategy in the Swedish Million Homes Programme: A Case Study. Sustainability, 8(4), 388.