Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation
"> Graphical abstract
"> Figure 1
<p>Schematic overview of a renovation process.Adapted from [<a href="#B44-sustainability-04-01188" class="html-bibr">44</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Examples of decision-making tools and methods used (own) or purchased by housing managers and offered by other stakeholders in the preliminary investigation phase.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Aim and Scope
1.3. Approach
2. Terminology and Concepts
2.1. What do We Mean by Renovation and Sustainable Renovation?
2.2. Renovation Process and Preliminary Investigation
3. Literature Review of Existing Tools and Methodologies
3.1. Framework for Description
3.2. What Tools and Methods Are There to Support Decision-Making for Sustainable Renovation?
3.3. Analysis of the Results
Methods | Addressed values | ||||
Economic | Environmental | Social | Architectural | Cultural historical | |
BREEAM [57] | Value management
-Planning/preparation -Management Whole life costs Ease of maintenance | Primary energy consumption (operational)
Materials Construction phase Land use and ecology Water Waste Management and risk LCA indicators -Global warming potential -Ozone depletion potential | Comfort and Health *
Building safety assessment User well being Accessibility -Physical impaired people -Green and open spaces -Public services/amenities Access to transport Social and ethical responsibility | Building esthetics and context | - |
LEED [57] | Asset Value
-Building adaptability | Primary energy consumption (operational)
Materials Construction phase Land use and ecology Water Waste | Comfort and Health *
Building security Accessibility -Public services/amenities | Building adaptability | - |
DGNB [57] | Value management
-Planning/preparation -Management Whole life costs Asset Value -Building adaptability Ease of maintenance | Primary energy consumption (operational)
Materials Construction phase Land use and ecology Water Management and risk LCA indicators -Global warming potential -Ozone depletion potential -Acidification potential -Eutrophication potential -Photochem. oz. creation potential | Comfort and Health *
Building safety assessment User well being Accessibility -Physical impaired people -Green and open spaces -Public services/amenities Access to transport | Building esthetics and context | - |
CASBEE [57] | Value management
-Service life Asset Value -Building adaptability Ease of maintenance | Primary energy consumption (operational)
Materials Construction phase Water Waste Management and risk LCA indicators -Global warming potential | Comfort and Health *
User well being | Building adaptability | - |
EPIQR [72] | Refurbishment cost | Heating/cooling energy requirement and energy saving potential | Occupants and indoor environment quality | - | - |
OPEN HOUSE [64] | Building-related Life Cycle Costs (LCC)
Value stability | Primary energy consumption
Energy efficiency Biodiversity Light pollution Materials Water and waste water Waste LCA indicators -Global warming potential -Ozone depletion potential -Acidification potential -Eutrophication potential -Photochem. oz. creation potential | Comfort and Health *
Operation comfort Safety and security Service quality Electro-magnetic pollution Accessibility -Barrier-free -Public -Bicyclecomfort | Quality of the design and urban development of the building and site | - |
Retrofit Advisor [65] | Investment costs
Management costs Rent income Asset Value -Building adaptability | Energy characteristic values
Eco-indicator (points/sqm) construction and management | Accessibility
-Physical impaired people -Green and open spaces Places for meeting and social contacts -Mixture of apartments -Common facilities | Building adaptability Architectural quality Architectural integration neighborhood | Identity and re-recognition Existing building fabric |
ADE-renewal [66] | Renovation costs | Energy efficiency
Materials | - | Architectural concept | Existing building fabric
Original color concept |
3.4. Discussion and Conclusions from the Literature Review
4. The Workshop
4.1. Preparation and Execution
Type of stakeholder company (Number of participating representatives) | Main business area | Type of ownership | Nr. of employees | Main field of work |
Property owner and manager A (1) | Local, inside growth region | Municipally owned
parent company of 10 subsidiary municipal property companies | 940 | Strategic development of property 70.000 apartments
4.413.000 square meters 560.000 square meters of commercial premises |
Property owner and manager B (1) | Local, inside growth region | Municipally owned | 260 | Under umbrella of A.
23.000 apartments 1.410.000 square meters |
Property owner, manager and developer C (1) | Local, inside growth region | Municipally owned | 40 | Urban developer, management of 77 buildings
376.000 square meters |
Property owner and manager D (1) | Local, inside growth region | Municipally owned | 110 | Management of 9.800 apartments
635.000 square meters |
Property owner and manager E (1) | National, inside growth region | Privately owned | 260 | 23.500 apartments
1.640.000 square meters |
∑ Homework presentations: 6 * | ||||
Architect A (2) | International | Employee owned | 660 | Architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, environment and architecture, design, interior design, project management, visualization |
Architect B (1) | Local, inside growth region | Privately owned | 7 | Architecture, research and development |
∑ Homework presentations: 2 | ||||
Technical consultant A (2) | International | Private (foundation) | 9.000 | Engineering, design and consultancy |
Technical consultant B (2) | National, mainly inside growth region | Privately owned | 300 | Technical consultancy: HVAC, energy and environment, BMS, fire and risk, technical administration |
∑ Homework presentations: 3 | ||||
Construction company A (2)
∑ Homework presentations: 1 | International | Privately owned | 15.000 | Infrastructures, construction, residential developer |
Organization A (1) | National, regional | Member organization | 850 | Tenants’ interests |
Organization B (1) | Local | Public | 60 | History of Göteborg, referral body |
Organization C (1) | Local | Public | 260 | Urban planning, building permissions |
Organization D (1) | Regional | Public | 270 | Heritage administration |
Organization E (2) | Regional | Public | 50.000 | County Council (health, work, education, culture, etc.) |
∑ Homework presentations: 2 | ||||
Research Organization A(3) | Local | Foundation | University of Technology | |
Research Organizations B (2) | National | State owned | Technical Research Institute | |
∑ Homework presentations: - | ||||
In total: 25 Participants, 16 Companies, 14 Homework presentations |
(i) About the process—decision about preliminary investigation |
(ii) Thorough preliminary investigations |
(iii) Evaluation of renovation options |
(iv) Decision on action |
4.2. Analysis and Results
4.3. Workshop Discussion and Conclusion
5. Towards a Sustainable Renovation and Decision-Making Process
6. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
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© 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
Share and Cite
Thuvander, L.; Femenías, P.; Mjörnell, K.; Meiling, P. Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation. Sustainability 2012, 4, 1188-1213. https://doi.org/10.3390/su4061188
Thuvander L, Femenías P, Mjörnell K, Meiling P. Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation. Sustainability. 2012; 4(6):1188-1213. https://doi.org/10.3390/su4061188
Chicago/Turabian StyleThuvander, Liane, Paula Femenías, Kristina Mjörnell, and Pär Meiling. 2012. "Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation" Sustainability 4, no. 6: 1188-1213. https://doi.org/10.3390/su4061188
APA StyleThuvander, L., Femenías, P., Mjörnell, K., & Meiling, P. (2012). Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation. Sustainability, 4(6), 1188-1213. https://doi.org/10.3390/su4061188