A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data
<p>Theoretically schematic relationship between surface temperature and albedo in the S-SEBI (after [<a href="#b34-sensors-09-03801" class="html-bibr">34</a>]).</p> ">
<p>The simplified VI-T<sub>s</sub> triangular space (after [<a href="#b133-sensors-09-03801" class="html-bibr">133</a>]).</p> ">
<p>The hypothetical trapezoidal space between <span class="html-italic">T<sub>s</sub>-T<sub>a</sub></span> and <span class="html-italic">F<sub>r</sub></span> (after [<a href="#b60-sensors-09-03801" class="html-bibr">60</a>]).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Overviews of Remote Sensing-Based Evapotranspiration Models in the Past Decades
2.1. Simplified Empirical Regression Method
2.2 Residual Method of Surface Energy Balance
2.2.1 Single-Source Model Net Radiation Equation (Rn) Soil Heat Flux (G) Sensible Heat Flux (H)
(1) SEBI (Surface Energy Balance Index) and SEBS (Surface Energy Balance System)
(2) S-SEBI
(4) VI-Ts Triangle/Trapezoidal Feature Space
i) Triangle Method
ii) Trapezoid Method
2.2.2. Dual-Source Model (Also Called Two-Source Model)
2.3. Data Assimilation
3. Scaling from Instantaneous ET to Daytime Integrated Value
3.1. Sine Function
3.2. Constant Evaporative Fraction (EF)
3.3. Constant Reference ET Fraction (ETrF)
4. Problems/Issues
4.1. Problems Related to Remotely Sensed Data Itself
4.2. Uncertainty of the Remote Sensing ET Models
4.3. Uncertainties in the Accuracy of the Retrieved Land Surface Variables (Parameters)
4.4. Lack of the Measurements of Near-Surface Meteorological Variables
4.5. Spatial and Temporal Scaling Effects
4.6. Lack of the Land Surface ET at Satellite Pixel Scale for the Truth Validation
5. Future Trends and Prospects
5.1. Modeling of Land Surface Processes at Interface of Soil-Biosphere-Atmosphere at Regional Scale
5.1.1. Dialectical Approach to Model the Spatial-Temporal Variations of Land Surface Processes at Various Scales Integrating Method
- to benefit from “simplifications” which must appear at large scale, due to the fact that one cannot measure all the characteristics of the elements composed the pixel.
- to highlight “the good” variables representative of the system at large scales. “Autonomous” Method at Large Scales
5.1.2. Reformulation of the Energy Balance at Large Scales
5.1.3. Phenomenological Analysis of the Spatial-Temporal Variations of the Spatial Indicators Characterizing Surface States and Processes at Satellite Pixel Scale
- description of phenomenological relations between surface variables and/or spatial indicators and to reveal possibly new parameters characterizing land surface states and processes, to highlight characteristic thresholds of the release of certain phenomena (erosion, release of sandstorm, degradation etc…),
- establishment of the laws and properties which take into account these variations,
- to study these laws and the stability of the processes which they describe in function of the parameters controlling these laws.
5.1.4. Modeling and Assimilation of the Data
5.2. Further Improvement of the Accuracy of Land surface Variables (Parameters) Retrieved from Remotely Sensed Data
5.3. Research In-Depth on the Impact of the Advection on Regional Estimates of ET
5.4. Calibration of Land Surface Process Models with the Remote Sensing ET to Map Regional and Time-Integrated ET
5.5. Validation of the ET and Land Surface Variables (Parameters) at Satellite Pixel Scale
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Cp | Specific heat of air at constant pressure | J/(m·K) |
Crad | Correction coefficient used in sloping terrain | - |
d | Zero plane displacement height | m |
dT | Surface-air temperature difference | K |
dTdry | Surface-air temperature difference at dry pixel | K |
dTwet | Surface-air temperature difference at wet pixel | K |
dTs | Surface temperature difference of two times in the morning | K |
D | Day of year | day |
EF | Evaporative fraction | - |
EFr | Relative evaporative fraction | - |
ET | Evapotranspiration | mm/h |
ETi | Instantaneous ET | mm/h |
ETr | Reference ET (over the standardized 0.5 m tall alfalfa) | mm/h |
ETd | Cumulative daily ET | mm/d |
ETr_d | Cumulative daily reference ET | mm/d |
ETrF | Reference ET fraction | - |
Fr | Fractional vegetation cover | - |
f (θ) | Fraction of canopy in the field of view of the radiometer | - |
g | Acceleration due to gravity of the earth | m/s2 |
G | Soil heat flux density | W/m2 |
hpbl | Height of the PBL | m |
H | Sensible heat flux | W/m2 |
Hdry | Sensible heat flux at dry limit | W/m2 |
Hwet | Sensible heat flux at wet limit | W/m2 |
k | Von Karman's constant | - |
L | Latent heat of vaporizaiton | J/kg |
LE | Latent heat flux density | W/m2 |
LEd | Daily ET | mm/d |
LEp | Potential ET | W/m2 |
LEwet | Latent heat flux at wet limit | W/m2 |
N | Daylight period between sunrise and sunset | h |
ra | Stability-corrected aerodynamic resistance to heat transfer between surface and reference height | s/m |
ra,max | Maximum aerodynamic resistance to sensible heat transfer | s/m |
ra,min | Minimum aerodynamic resistance | s/m |
re | Excess resistance | s/m |
rrc | Effective radiometric-convective resistance | s/m |
rs | Soil-surface resistance | s/m |
Rs | Incoming shortwave solar radiation | W/m2 |
t | Duration time starting at sunrise | h |
Ta | Air temperature measured at a reference height | K |
Tc | Vegetation canopy temperature | K |
T0 | Soil surface temperature | K |
Tpbl | Average planetary boundary layer temperature | K |
TRAD(θ) | Directional radiometric surface temperature | K |
TB(θ) | brightness temperature | K |
Ts,max | Maximum surface temperature | K |
Ts,min | Minimum surface temperature | K |
u | Wind speed | m/s |
u* | Friction velocity | m/s |
za | Measurement height of wind speed and air temperature | m |
zoh | Surface roughness length for heat transfer | m |
zom | Surface roughness length for momentum transfer | m |
αs | Surface shortwave albedo | - |
γ | Psychrometric constant | kPa/°C |
Δ | Slope of saturated vapor pressure as a function of Ta | kPa/°C |
εa | Atmospheric emissivity | - |
εs | Surface emissivity | - |
λ | Geographical latitude (expressed in decimal degrees) | degrees |
Λ | Monin-Obukhov length | m |
ρ | Density of a certain entity | kg/m3 |
ρw | Density of water | kg/m3 |
σ | Stefan-Boltzman constant (5.67×10-8) | W/(m2K4) |
ϕ | Combined-effects parameter in equations (28) and (29) | - |
θ | View zenith angle | degrees |
Ψ1 | Stability correction function for momentum transfer | - |
Ψ2 | Stability correction function for heat transfer | - |
Methods | Refs. | Equations | Main inputs | Main assumptions | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Simplified Equation | [20] [22] | (1) | Rnd, Ts, Ta | 1) Daily soil heat flux is negligible; 2) Instantaneous H at midday can express the influence of partitioning daily available energy into turbulent fluxes. | Simplicity | Site-specific |
VI-Ts Triangle | [115] | (28) | Rn, G, Ts, VI | 1) Complete range of both soil moisture and vegetation coverage exists within the study area at satellite pixel scale; 2) Cloud contaminations are discarded and atmospheric effects are removed; 3) EF varies linearly with Ts for a given VI | No ground-based measurements are needed | 1) Difficult to determine the dry and wet edges; 2) VI-Ts triangle form is not easy recognized with coarse spatial resolution data |
VI-Ts Trapezoid | [60] | (29) | Ta,VPD, u, Ts,VI, Rn, G | 1) Dry and wet edges are linear lines and vary linearly with VI 2) EF varies linearly with Ts for a given VI. | Whole range of VI and soil moisture in the scene of interest is not required; | 1) Uncertainty in the determination of dry and wet edges; 2) A lot of ground - based measurements are needed. |
SEBI | [81] | (17) | Tpbl, hpbl, u, Ts, Rn, G | 1) Dry limit has a zero surface ET; 2) Wet limit evaporates potentially. | Directly relating the effects of Ts and ra on LE. | Ground-based measurements are needed. |
SEBAL | [33] | (26) | u, za,Ts, VI, Rn, G | 1) Linear relationship between Ts and dT; 2) ET of the driest pixel is 0; 3) ETwet is set to the surface available energy. | 1) Minimum ground measurements 2) Automatic internal calibration; 3) Accurate atmospheric corrections are not needed | 1) Applied over flat surfaces; 2) Uncertainty in the determination of anchor pixels. |
S-SEBI | [34] | (25) | Ts, αs, Rn, G | 1) EF varies linearly with Ts for a given surface albedo. 2) Ts,max corresponds to the minimum LE. 3) Ts,min corresponds to the maximum LE. | No ground-based measurements are needed | Extreme temperatures have to be location specific. |
SEBS | [2] | (20) | Ta, za, u,Ts, Rn, G | 1) At the dry limit, ET is set to 0; 2) At the wet limit, ET takes place at potential rate. | 1) Uncertainty in SEBS from Ts and meteorological variables can be limited and reduced; 2) Computing explicitly the roughness height for heat transfer instead of using fixed values. | 1) Too many parameters are required 2) Solution of the turbulent heat fluxes is relatively complex. |
METRIC | [36] [105] | (26) | u, za,Ts, VI, Rn, G | 1) For the hot pixel, ET is equal to zero 2) For the wet pixel, LE is set to 1.05ETr. | Same as SEBAL but surface slope and aspect can be considered. | Uncertainty in the determination of anchor pixels. |
TSM | [37] | Soil and canopy energy budgets | u, za Ta,Ts, Tc, Fr or LAI, Rn, G | 1) Fluxes of soil surfaces are in parallel or in series with fluxes of canopy leaves; 2) Priestly-Taylor Equation is employed to give the first-guess of canopy transpiration | 1) Effects of view geometry are taken into account; 2) Empirical corrections for the ‘excess resistance’ are not needed; | 1) Many ground measurements are needed. 2) Component temperatures of soil and vegetation are required. |
TSTIM/ALEXI | [137] | Soil and canopy energy budgets | u, za dTs, Fr or LAI, Rn, G. | Surface temperature changes linearly with the time during the morning hours of the sensible heating | Errors due to atmospheric corrections and surface emissivity specification are significantly reduced; | Determination of an optimal pair of thermal observation times for the linear rise in sensible heating is needed. |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
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Li, Z.-L.; Tang, R.; Wan, Z.; Bi, Y.; Zhou, C.; Tang, B.; Yan, G.; Zhang, X. A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data. Sensors 2009, 9, 3801-3853. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503801
Li Z-L, Tang R, Wan Z, Bi Y, Zhou C, Tang B, Yan G, Zhang X. A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data. Sensors. 2009; 9(5):3801-3853. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503801
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Zhao-Liang, Ronglin Tang, Zhengming Wan, Yuyun Bi, Chenghu Zhou, Bohui Tang, Guangjian Yan, and Xiaoyu Zhang. 2009. "A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data" Sensors 9, no. 5: 3801-3853. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503801
APA StyleLi, Z.-L., Tang, R., Wan, Z., Bi, Y., Zhou, C., Tang, B., Yan, G., & Zhang, X. (2009). A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data. Sensors, 9(5), 3801-3853. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503801