An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects
"> Figure 1
<p>IOT-JFML architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Methodology to represent the expert knowledge from a panel of experts.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Definition of fuzzy risk levels.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Visual example of material loading tasks: Low risk.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Visual example of material loading tasks: Medium risk.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Visual example of material loading tasks: Very High risk.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Execution Phase of the Life Cycle in the Construction Field
- Monitoring of resources and materials. The monitoring and tracking of equipment and materials can bring important benefits for the execution of the process, achieving a reduction in the deadlines as well as in the costs of the work [33].
- Communication and collaboration. Management during the construction process could be improved using real-time communication and collaboration with devices that integrate building information modeling (BIM) and IoT technologies [34]. Currently, a new approach named “active building information modeling” is emerging in the construction community, connecting optimization techniques and BIM [6,35].
- Performance of the construction process and progress monitoring. This aspect can leverage these technologies in several ways. First, to know the current status of the construction process in real-time. On the other hand, to synchronize the construction planning based on the monitoring of the [36] process.
- Health and Safety Management. This task is fundamental in construction sites since the accident rate in this sector is very high compared to other sectors. In this sense, the use of technologies that allow monitoring or detecting possible risks in real-time can be of great interest to avoid or reduce the number of accidents [37].
2.2. Risks in the Execution Phase
2.3. Internet of Things
- Perception Layer: The lowest level of the three-layer architecture. This layer covers all physical devices, especially sensors and actuators, focused on measuring and collecting data and processing the information about the state of these devices. Furthermore, this layer is responsiblefor transmitting the information of the devices to the upper layers. For this reason, this layer is also frequently known as the sensor layer.
- Network Layer: This layer is located in the middle of the IoT architecture and is also known as the transmission layer. The purpose of this layer is to receive the data from the bottom and the upper layer and transmit the information to the devices and applications divided across the layers finding the routers to perform the communication.
- Application Layer: This is the upper layer of the IoT architecture and is the last layer. The aim of this layer is to receive the information provided by the network layer and to use this information in the services and applications developed to work with such data. Because this is the last layer where applications in servers are used, this layer is also known as the business layer.
2.4. IEEE Std 1855-2016 and JFML
3. Main Technologies Used in the Execution Phase
4. IoT-JFML Proposal for the Risk of Falling Object Accidents
4.1. Sensors Description
- Use or non-use of a helmet. The adequate use of a helmet is a key factor in the risk of falling objects widely identified in the literature [77].
- Worker’s location. Identifying the exact location of the workers is one of the most important functions for accident prevention [78].
- Load crane location. Each crane has a load chart that, in short, specifies the crane’s capabilities. The location of the load in real-time is another factor to be considered for accident prevention [79].
- Worker’s altitude. Height is another important factor in the risk of falling object accidents. Many consequences of an accident depends on the altitude of the worker and fall and some authors identified the altitude as a good predictor of the overall outcome and chance of survival [80].
- Load crane altitude. In the same way, the altitude of the load is another key aspect of the severity of the accident [81].
- Safety barriers. Many accidents are explained by the lack of physical barrier elements. There is significant potential for accident prevention in the construction industry by systematic barrier management [82].
- Distance between workers and load crane. It is obvious that a worker placed near to the load crane is more likely to fall than another placed in away from that workplace. The distance from the load to the worker is another relevant variable monitored by the system [83].
4.2. Proposed Architecture
- Sensors provide data, which are published into “input” topics. In consequence, they must be associated with input variables. For example, the altimeter sensor for the worker () publishes data into the topic “input/Alt_worker”, the anemometer sensor publishes data into the topic “‘input/Anm_wind”, etc.
- JFML is subscribed to all input topics to receive input data from the sensors and to assign them to the input variables. These input variables are defined in the FLS (represented in the FML file according to the IEEE std 1855-2016). For examxple, JFML is subscribed to the topics “‘input/Alt_worker”, “‘input/Anm’, etc. to receive data from the sensors and , respectively. These sensors are associated with the input variables worker altitude and wind velocity, respectively. Hence, all input variables receive data from sensors.
- When all of the sensors have published their data and JFML has assigned these values to the input variables, the inference is carried out. Rules are fired according to the input values and the rule base defined in the FML file.
- Once the inference process is finished, the output variables obtain values from the corresponding defuzzification method. Then, JFML publishes these values to “output” topics. For example, the value of the output variable smart wristband is published by JFML into the topic “output/wristband”.
- Actuators receive data so they are subscribed to “output” topics. In consequence, they must be associated with output variables. For example, the LED indicator and the vibration sensor are subscribed to the topic “output/wristband” to receive data from the output variable smart wristband.
5. Case Study
5.1. Defining the Fuzzy Logic System
5.1.1. Defining the Knowledge Base
- Safety helmet represents the use of the helmet by the worker. It is an input variable defined by the singletons terms: “Wearing”, “Not wearing”.
- Distance worker-load represents the distance between the worker and the load crane. This variable is an aggregated variable that is calculated by means of both the altitude and the position of the load and the worker. It is an input variable composed of the fuzzy terms “Near”, “Medium” and “Far” in the domain and represented in meters.
- Safety barrier i represents the correct placement of the barrier i. We consider 3 barriers in this research. Each variable is an input variable defined by the singletons terms: “Installed”, “Uninstalled”.
- Wind velocity represents the speed of the wind in the workerplace. It is an input variable defined by the fuzzy terms “Low”, “Medium” or “High” in the domain and represented in km/h.
- Smart wristband represents the level of falling object accident risk. It is an output variable defined by the fuzzy terms “Low Risk”, “Medium Risk”, “High Risk” and “Very High Risk” in the domain .
5.1.2. Defining the Rule Base
- IF
- Safety barrier IS Installed AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing AND
- Wind velocity IS Low
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Low Risk
- IF
- Safety barrier IS Installed AND
- Safety helmet IS Not wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Medium Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Near AND
- Safety helmet IS Not wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Very High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Medium AND
- Safety helmet IS Not wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Medium AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Medium Risk
- IF
- Safety barrier IS Uninstalled AND
- Distance worker-load IS Far AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Low Risk
- IF
- Safety barrier IS Installed AND
- Distance worker-load IS Far AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Very Low Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Far AND
- Wind velocity IS High
THEN- Smart Wristband IS High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Near AND
- Wind velocity IS High
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Very High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Medium AND
- Wind velocity IS High
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Very High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Near AND
- Wind velocity IS Medium
THEN- Smart Wristband IS High Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Near AND
- Wind velocity IS Medium AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Medium Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Medium AND
- Wind velocity IS Medium AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Low Risk
- IF
- Distance worker-load IS Medium AND
- Wind velocity IS Medium AND
- Safety helmet IS Wearing AND
- Safety barrier IS Installed
THEN- Smart Wristband IS Very Low Risk
5.2. Fuzzy Logic System According to the IEEE 1855-2016
5.3. Some Illustrative Results
5.3.1. Case 1: Low Risk Scenario
5.3.2. Case 2: Medium Risk Scenario
5.3.3. Case 3: Very High Risk Scenario
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BIM | Building Information Modeling |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
FLSs | Fuzzy Logic Systems |
FML | Fuzzy Markup Language |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
IEEE-CIS | IEEE Computational Intelligence Society |
IoT | Internet of Things |
JAXB | Java Architecture for XML Binding |
JFML | Java Fuzzy Markup Language |
MQTT | Message Query Telemetry Transport |
PMML | Predictive Model Markup Language |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
WSDs | Wearable sensing devices |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
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Technologies | ||||||
Accelerometer | Beacons | Gyroscope | Optical Pulse | RFID | GPS | |
Wu et al. [41] | x | |||||
Teizer and Cheng [64] | x | |||||
Park et al. [65] | x | |||||
Nath et al. [66] | x | x | x | |||
Fang et al. [67] | x | x | ||||
Wang and Razavi [68] | x | |||||
Barro-Torres et al. [69] | x | |||||
Park et al. [70] | x | |||||
Lee et al. [71] | x | |||||
Valero et al. [72] | x | |||||
Park et al. [73] | x | x | x | |||
Kanan et al. [9] | x | |||||
Antwi-Afari and Li [74] | x | |||||
de Gabriel et al. [75] | x | x | ||||
Chae and Yoshida [57] | x | |||||
Yang et al. [43] | x | x | ||||
Robinson et al. [76] | x | x | x |
Variable Name | Sensor Type | Sensor Notation |
Safety Helmet | Optical Pulse [86] | |
Worker Location | GNSS [87] | |
Load Location | GNSS [87] | |
Worker Altitude | Altimeter [88] | |
Load Altitude | Altimeter [88] | |
Safety barrier | Gyroscope [89] | |
Distance worker-load | Altimeter [88]/GNSS [87] | |
Wind velocity | Anemometer [90] | |
Smart wristband | Vibration [86]/Color LED |
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Share and Cite
Martínez-Rojas, M.; Gacto, M.J.; Vitiello, A.; Acampora, G.; Soto-Hidalgo, J.M. An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects. Sensors 2021, 21, 6461.
Martínez-Rojas M, Gacto MJ, Vitiello A, Acampora G, Soto-Hidalgo JM. An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects. Sensors. 2021; 21(19):6461.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMartínez-Rojas, María, María José Gacto, Autilia Vitiello, Giovanni Acampora, and Jose Manuel Soto-Hidalgo. 2021. "An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects" Sensors 21, no. 19: 6461.
APA StyleMartínez-Rojas, M., Gacto, M. J., Vitiello, A., Acampora, G., & Soto-Hidalgo, J. M. (2021). An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects. Sensors, 21(19), 6461.