Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification Based on Multispectral Images Using Multi-Layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network
<p>Proposed architecture of multilayered deep convolutional neural network.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Architecture of proposed multilayered deep convolutional neural network.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Different classes of natural disasters from dataset.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>4-Class matrix of natural disasters classification by using the proposed method on the testing dataset.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Confusion matrix of 4-class of natural disaster classification by using the proposed method on the training dataset.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Graphical representation of training and validation accuracy and loss on various iterations.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Block-I Convolutional Neural Network (B-I CNN)
3.2. Block-II Convolutional Neural Network (B-II CNN)
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Dataset and Preprocessing
4.2. Evaluation Criterion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Methodology Name | Outcomes | Weakness |
[26] | Signal processing, image processing and statistical technique | More accurate prediction of natural disasters | Limited statistical parameters for prediction |
[27] | Particle swarm optimization | Predict magnitude of earthquake | Work only for prediction on seismic dataset |
[28] | Neural network | Predict magnitude of earthquake | Limited parameters used for prediction |
[29] | Text mining, regular log mining technique | Detect earthquake with speed and accuracy on seismological data | Depends on public feedback to detect earthquake |
[30] | Decision tree | Utilize some parameters to access the model for flood damage area detection | Parametric limitation for the detection of flood damaging regions |
[31] | Artificial neural network, genetic algorithm and wavelet transfer technique | Sum-up good results as compared to the already existing techniques in the southeast Asia | Work for monsoon floods in June and September for specific regions in India for time series data |
[32] | Support vector machine, naïve Bayes | Classify the natural disasters on various parameters | Limited for only early stages of natural disasters |
[33] | Machine learning technique | Predict the land slidding with the accuracy rate of 75 to 95 | More guidlines for model selection for predition large scale landslide |
[34] | Neural network and back propagation | Prediction occur on past dataset | Dyanamic prediction is very much crucial for this system |
[35] | Clustering for multivariable time series | Proposed a dynamic clustering approch for time series analysis and self-optimize organizing mapping technique | Dynamic time series data required for clustering process |
[36] | Data mining technique | A real time desktop-based GUI system is designed to predict local storm | Use parallel computing process that takes various amounts of time to predict storm |
[37] | Text mining technique | Develop a public platform to inform early tsunami prediction and information | Public feedback is compulsory for prediction process |
[38] | Random forest, long short-term model | Evaluate the flood severity in terms of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy as 71.4%, 85.9%, 81.13%, respectively | Particle swarm optimization and other deep learning techniques can be used as a future work |
[39] | A learning-based wildfire model | Proposed method can predict the short term spread of wildfire | Real time rate of wildfire spread is required for initial stage |
[40] | Machine learning technique | The gradient boosting tree and CLIPER model used for cyclone prediction | Model is still weak to produce velocity sensitivities |
[41] | Machine learning technique with numerical weather prediction | The prediction method is used for China that shows significant improvement as compared to the traditional methods | Still lack symmetric parameters for numerical computations |
[42] | Artificial neural network | A fully connected neural network for segmentation which is used for multivariable pattern recognition at different levels | It works on multivariable parameters rather than the pixel by pixel parameters |
Block-I Convolutional Neural Network (B-I CNN) with Learning Rate = 0.001 and Epochs = 40 | ||
Layer Name and Batches | Parameters | |
Image Input Layer | Height: 100, Width: 120, Channel: 3 | |
Batch I: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Relu Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 8, stride = 1 |
Batch II: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Relu Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 16, stride = 1 |
Batch III: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Relu Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 32, stride = 1 |
Fully Connected Layer | 4 Classes |
Block-II Convolutional Neural Network (B-II CNN) with Learning Rate = 0.001 and Epochs = 30 | ||
Layer Name and Batches | Parameters | |
Image Input Layer | Height: 100, Width: 120, Channel: 3 | |
Batch I: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 8, stride = 1 |
Batch II: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 16, stride = 1 |
Batch III: | Convolution Layer Batch Normalization Layer Max Pooling Layer | Filter size: 3 × 3, No. of filters = 32, stride = 1 |
Fully Connected Layer | 4 Classes |
Disaster Type | Total | Training | Test | Validation |
Cyclone | 928 | 500 | 300 | 128 |
Earthquake | 1350 | 600 | 300 | 450 |
Flood | 1073 | 600 | 300 | 173 |
Wildfire | 1077 | 600 | 300 | 177 |
Total | 4428 | 2300 | 1200 | 928 |
Sr. | Disaster Type | SE (%) | SP (%) | AR (%) | PRE (%) | F1 (%) |
1 | Cyclone | 97.15 | 98.08 | 100.00 | 97.32 | 97.36 |
2 | Earthquake | 95.18 | 97.11 | 99.70 | 96.34 | 98.88 |
3 | Flood | 99.17 | 99.13 | 100.00 | 99.05 | 99.23 |
4 | Wildfire | 98.67 | 98.56 | 100.00 | 98.45 | 96.44 |
Average | 97.54 | 98.22 | 99.92 | 97.79 | 97.97 |
Cited | Technique Used | Accuracy-Rate (%) | Year |
[43] | CNN | 84.00 | 2015 |
[44] | Feed-Forward neural network | 92.00 | 2016 |
[45] | Support Vector Machine | 87.00 | 2016 |
[46] | CNN | 90.00 | 2016 |
[47] | Glaucoma-Deep (CNN, DBN d, Softmax) | 99.0 | 2017 |
[48] | RestNet-50 | 96.02 | 2018 |
[7] | WSDD-Net | 99.20 | 2019 |
[49] | OCT Probability map using CNN | 95.7 | 2019 |
[50] | Attention Guided Convolutional Neural Network | 95.3 | 2019 |
[51] | ML-DCNN | 99.39 | 2020 |
[52] | ML-DCNNet | 99.14 | 2020 |
Proposed Multilayered Deep Convolutional Neural Network | 99.92 | 2021 |
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Aamir, M.; Ali, T.; Irfan, M.; Shaf, A.; Azam, M.Z.; Glowacz, A.; Brumercik, F.; Glowacz, W.; Alqhtani, S.; Rahman, S. Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification Based on Multispectral Images Using Multi-Layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors 2021, 21, 2648.
Aamir M, Ali T, Irfan M, Shaf A, Azam MZ, Glowacz A, Brumercik F, Glowacz W, Alqhtani S, Rahman S. Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification Based on Multispectral Images Using Multi-Layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors. 2021; 21(8):2648.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAamir, Muhammad, Tariq Ali, Muhammad Irfan, Ahmad Shaf, Muhammad Zeeshan Azam, Adam Glowacz, Frantisek Brumercik, Witold Glowacz, Samar Alqhtani, and Saifur Rahman. 2021. "Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification Based on Multispectral Images Using Multi-Layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network" Sensors 21, no. 8: 2648.
APA StyleAamir, M., Ali, T., Irfan, M., Shaf, A., Azam, M. Z., Glowacz, A., Brumercik, F., Glowacz, W., Alqhtani, S., & Rahman, S. (2021). Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification Based on Multispectral Images Using Multi-Layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors, 21(8), 2648.