A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Open Research Challenges
<p>Overview of Research Work.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Overview of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>State-of-the-art Platforms in UWSN.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Requirements of UWSNs.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>A Thematic Taxonomy of UWSN.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Relationship of SDN, IIoT, IoUT and Industry 4.0.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Sound Velocity Factors.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Applications of UWSNs.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Open Research Challenges in UWSN.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Present a brief compilation of motivation for UWSNs and its significance.
- Identify and describe the key requirements to achieve essential procedures of implementing UWSNs.
- Investigate and present required platforms for developing robust UWSNs applications.
- Propose a thematic taxonomy to classify existing literature based on the most important parameters and comprehensively investigate recent advances solutions to get details concept and technical aspects.
- Highlight open research challenges of UWSNs as a guideline for future research to drive innovative development in various fields.
2. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
3. Motivation
4. Platforms for UWSNs
5. Requirements of UWSNs
5.1. Longevity
5.2. Accessibility
5.3. Complexity
5.4. Security and Privacy
5.5. Environmental Sustainability
6. Thematic Taxonomy of UWSNs
6.1. Architectural Elements
6.1.1. Sensors
6.1.2. Network Operation
- (A)
- Localization
- (B)
- Deployment
6.1.3. Enabling Technologies
6.2. Underwater Acoustic Communications
6.2.1. Sound Velocity
- Temperature. The sound velocity and water temperature are closely related to each other: the velocity will be higher with an increase in water temperature. When approaching the surface of the water, the temperature increases as well as the sound velocity.
- Salinity. The second factor that affects the velocity of sound in water is the salinity ratio. However, the salinity factor has a smaller effect on the velocity of sound compared to the temperature. Different concentrations of dissolved salts in pure water affect sound velocity. The level of ocean salinity is typically 35 p.s.u; this value varies depending on the characteristics of the water, and the effect of rock, soil, and atmosphere. Another factor regarding salinity levels is that they vary according to the depth of water.
- Hydrostatic Pressure. The hydrostatic pressure factor has also effect on the velocity of sound in the water. Hydrostatic pressure increases the velocity of sound with depth [53]. The increase in depth is directly proportional to the increase in hydrostatic pressure.
Sound Velocity Profile
- Ocean Depth below 200 m. The surface layer (0–100 m) is subject to change of environment, wind, and temperature. The wind circulation can mix up this layer and convert wind power to isothermal (mixed layer). The sound velocity is reduced dramatically if the wind speed is higher than 7 m/s due to the domination of bubbles found at a distance greater than 10 m below the surface of the water. In the seasonal thermocline region (100–200 m), the temperature changes seasonally. The temperature decreases according to the depth of the water. Consequently, in the winter season, the thermocline is weak since the surface of the water is continuously cool.
- Ocean Depth above 200 m. At depths of 200–100 m, there is a region with minimal sound speed known as the main thermocline. At this depth, the water temperature begins to increase. In the deepest zone, known as the deep isothermal layer, the temperature characteristics depend on the density of water and water salinity. Nevertheless, the impact of hydrostatic pressure on the sound velocity is significantly higher compared to temperature and salinity.
Ray Bending
Long Range Propagation
Sea Surface
6.2.2. Sound Sources
6.2.3. Sound Receiver
6.3. Routing Protocol
6.4. Security
6.4.1. Authentication
6.4.2. Access Control
6.4.3. Data Integrity and Confidentiality
6.5. Applications
6.5.1. Scientific
6.5.2. Industrial
6.5.3. Defense and Disaster Prevention Application
7. Open Research Challenges in UWSNs
7.1. Efficient Multiple Access
- 1.
- Limited Bandwidth
- 2.
- Delay Variance
- 3.
- Propagation Delay
7.2. Real-Time Support for UWSNs
- 1.
- Transmission Range
- 2.
- Link Reliability
7.3. Heterogeneity in UWSNs
- 1.
- Common Standard and Interface
- 2.
- Sensor Heterogeneity
- 3.
- Complex Acoustic Environment
7.4. Big Data-Related
- 1.
- Hardware Dependent
- 2.
- Communication
- 3.
- Visualization
8. Conclusions and Future Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Contributions | Previous Study | Proposed Study | ||||
[3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | ||
Underwater Sensor Networks Architecture | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ |
Platforms for UWSNs | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
Requirements of UWSNs | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Thematic Taxonomy of UWSNs | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Architectural Elements | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ |
Underwater Acoustic Communications | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Routing Protocols | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
Security | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Applications | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Open Research Challenges | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Abbreviation | Description |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AUVs | Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
DAC | Digital-to- Analog |
DAQ | Data Acquisition |
IIoT | Industry Internet of Things |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IoUT | Internet of Underwater Things |
M2M | Machine-to-Machine |
Mbps | Megabits per second |
ROVs | Remotely Operative Underwater Vehicles |
SDN | Software Define Networking |
SOFAR | Sound Fixing and Ranging |
TTL | Time to live |
UWSNs | Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Networks |
Author | Algorithm | Objective | Deployment Criteria | ||
Energy Consumption | Coverage | Connectivity | |||
[35] | Self-deployment Particle swarm | Optimize events coverage | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[36] | Construction of initial infrastructure | Node placement strategy to minimize transmission cost | No | Yes | Yes |
[37] | Uneven cluster deployment | Improves network reliability and prolongs network lifetime | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[38] | Fisher information matrix (FIM) | Target positioning precision | Yes | No | No |
[39] | A three-dimensional coverage pattern and deployment scheme | Preserve network coverage | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[32] | Game theory | Optimize mobility of nodes and targets | No | Yes | Yes |
[40] | Integration of a realistic model and gradient descent method | Improve sensor node placement | Yes | Yes | No |
[41] | Multiobjective optimization framework | optimal deployment of a sparse network of sensors against moving targets | No | Yes | Yes |
[42] | Autonomous deployment algorithm for k-barrier coverage | Utilize self-deployment method to improve coverage | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[43] | Greedy Iterative Approach (GFCND) | Improve network connectivity and coverage | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[44] | Stratified Connected Tree | Optimize leaf nodes position to improve coverage and connectivity | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Author | Method | Description | Environmental Parameters | System-Parameter | Advantages |
[57] | Relative positioning system | the propagation times of acoustic used to measure the position of buoys | temperature, depth, salinity, bottom and water densities, wind speed or sound speed at bottom material | signal frequency, hydrophones’ depth, the aperture angle of the transducer or the position of the buoys | Able to understand the region surface current |
[58] | Adaptation of data and model-based framework | apply a high-fidelity acoustic modeling infrastructure | Sea state, Sea floor depth | Source and receiver (Buoy) depth and speed, Source Level, Frequency (carrier), Bandwidth, Modulation | A set of behaviors able to extend the decision of typical behavior-based systems |
[59] | An intelligent online framework for communication environment changes | Provide database tracks for communications layer visibility | Bathmetry, bottom type, water column | Mission Path Size, Ambient Noise, Sound Speed Profile, Vehicle Type | can provide acoustic modem optimization for collaborative AUV missions |
[60] | A C-SLAM algorithm | communication packets generation with observed features | Doppler velocity | Strategy, design measurements | Allow associating the uncertainties position of vehicles without infrastructure |
[61] | A decentralized formation control algorithm | Maintain the distance and angle without relies on leader robot information | location of the obstacle | avoidance layer, formation generation layer | Enable shortening the procedure of the information process |
[62] | A data-driven method | Minimize the target location error of the onboard tracker | sound speed, noise level, reflection loss gradient, maximum depth | prediction steps, step time length, heading choices, maximum heading change decisions | ability to handle outliers and computational limitations |
[63] | A software/hardware hybrid system | Real-time AUVs operation with acoustic modem telemetry | Ocean model, acoustic model | Communication model | The design is flexible to existing and new modems |
[64] | stochastic level-set partial differential equations | calculate stochastic reliability in three different scenarios | Wind stress, ocean flows | vehicle-speed | the vehicles can move in unreliable flows of coastal ocean |
Energy Efficient Protocol | Methodology | Advantages | Requirements | Performance |
Joint Routing and Energy Management [65] | Minimize nodes communication energy throughout data transmission process | Balance energy distribution of all nodes | Next hops address, node capacity and low energy data transmission | Fair |
DRP [66] | Find a path with high energy and transmission rate | Prolongs network lifetime, improve throughput | Periodic broadcast of HELLO packets | High |
E-CBCCP [67] | Consider energy of the cluster heads | Reduce nodes communication cost and high network lifetime | Ocean environment is stable | Fair |
EBET & EEBET [68] | Selection of high energy node | Practical for large scale network | Predetermined location of sensor nodes | Fair |
E-CARP [69] | Allows the previous collected data to be stored at the sink node | Effective communication cost; Minimize energy consumption | Predefined location of both sensor and sink nodes | High |
EBECRP [70] | Exploit the use of mobile sinks | Prolong network lifetime by reducing number of data transmissions | Sinks have knowledge of sparse and dense regions | Fair |
SEEC, CSEEC & CDSEEC [71] | Perform clustering and the used of sink mobility | Minimize the energy consumption of sparse regions | Depth threshold of each node is 25 m | Fair |
Category | Protocol | Void Avoidance | Improve Data Delivery Ratio | Energy Efficiency | Multi Hop | Mobile /Static Nodes | Multiple/Single Sink | Location is Known | Cluster or Single Entity |
Adaptive | SACRP [72] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Single |
AHH-VBF [73] | No | ✔ | ✔ | No | Both | Single | Yes | Single | |
iAMCTD [74] | No | ✔ | ✔ | No | Mobile | Multiple | No | Single | |
AVN-AHH-VBF [75] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Single | |
QL-EEBDG [76] | No | ✔ | ✔ | No | Static | Multiple | Yes | Single | |
Geographic & Opportunistic | EnOR [77] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Single |
Co-improved Hydrocast [78] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | No | Static | Multiple | Yes | Single | |
VHGOR [79] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | No | Static | Single | Yes | Single | |
GEDAR [80] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Single | Yes | Cluster | |
GGFGD & GFGD [81] | No | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Single | |
3DRanDomProb [82] | No | ✔ | ✘ | Yes | Mobile | Single | No | Single | |
Cross-Layer | cross-layer protocol stack [83] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Cluster |
NCRP [84] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Single | Yes | Cluster | |
VBF-improve [85] | No | ✘ | ✔ | No | Mobile | Single | Yes | Single | |
Cooperative | Co-UWSN [86] | Yes | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Multiple | Yes | Single |
NC [87] | No | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Multiple | No | Single | |
S-DCC [88] | No | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Multiple | No | Single | |
HAMA [89] | Yes | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Single | Yes | Cluster | |
CoDBR [90] | No | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Multiple | Yes | Cluster | |
EOCA [91] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Single | Yes | Cluster | |
SPARCO [92] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Single | Yes | Cluster | |
Artificial Intelligence Related | QKS [93] | No | ✘ | ✔ | No | Mobile | Single | Yes | Cluster |
QELAR [94] | No | ✘ | ✔ | Yes | Mobile | Single | Yes | Single | |
UW-ALOHA-Q [95] | No | ✔ | ✔ | Yes | Static | Multiple | Yes | Single |
Reference | Application | Network Deployment | Communication | Sensor Node | |||||
Salinity Level | Network size | Operable Depth | Channel Frequency | Type | Type | Distance | Number | ||
[116] | Fish farm | Ocean | Up to 2.4 km | 30 m | 26.8 kHz | RF, Acoustic | Static | 6 m | 5 |
[117] | River Monitoring | River | 5000 m × 200 m | 50 m | 35 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 300 m | 2 |
[118] | Ocean Monitoring | Shallow Water | 90 × 38 × 45 cm | Up to 3 m | 433 MHz | RF, Acoustic | Static | 15 cm | 2 |
[119] | Environmental Monitoring | Sea | Up to 2 km | 2 m | 28 kHz | RF, Acoustic | Static | 100 m | 3 |
[120] | Water Quality | Sea | 4500 to 5500 m3 | 45 m | 25 to 40 KHz | RF, Acoustic | Static | 110 m | 3 |
[121] | Surveillance | Sea | 23 km × 30 km × 300 m | 50 m | 1 kHz to 4 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 75 m | 2 |
[122] | Target Tracking | Sea | Up to 1 km | 32 m | 2 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 300 m | 2 |
[123] | Exploration | Sea | 14.5 m × 12 m | 2 m | 2 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 10 m | 3 |
[124] | Survey Planning | Sea | 600 m × 600 m | 20 m | 1 kHz to 4 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 10 m | 2 |
[125] | Target Tracking | Sea | 30 m × 30 m × 25 m | 25 m | 2 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 4 m | 6 |
[126] | Surveillance | Sea | 400 m × 400 m × 400 m | 20 m | 3 kHz | RF, Acoustic | Static | 20 m | 4 |
[127] | Surveillance | Ocean | Up to 3 km | 90 m to 98 m | 25.6 kHz | RF, Acoustic | Static, Mobile | No Info | 7 |
[128] | Exploration | Sea | 600 m × 900 m | Up to 80 m | 3 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 75 m | 2 |
[129] | Ocean Sampling | Ocean | 500 m × 500 m | 10 m | 2 kHz | Acoustic | Mobile | 10 m | 2 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Fattah, S.; Gani, A.; Ahmedy, I.; Idris, M.Y.I.; Targio Hashem, I.A. A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Open Research Challenges. Sensors 2020, 20, 5393. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185393
Fattah S, Gani A, Ahmedy I, Idris MYI, Targio Hashem IA. A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Open Research Challenges. Sensors. 2020; 20(18):5393. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185393
Chicago/Turabian StyleFattah, Salmah, Abdullah Gani, Ismail Ahmedy, Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, and Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem. 2020. "A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Open Research Challenges" Sensors 20, no. 18: 5393. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185393
APA StyleFattah, S., Gani, A., Ahmedy, I., Idris, M. Y. I., & Targio Hashem, I. A. (2020). A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Open Research Challenges. Sensors, 20(18), 5393. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185393