Designing the Undersea Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications Using UnderWater Acoustic MIMO Networks
This review paper tries to assess the spectral-efficient (SE) and energy-efficient (EE) performance of underwater acoustic multiple-input multiple-output (UWA/MIMO) networks. Since UWA/MIMO networks define the cutting-edge communications platform of the future's undersea IoT and M2M networks, the factors that influence their SE and EE performance are thoroughly examined in this paper.
The contribution of this paper is three-fold. First, the performance of UWA/MIMO networks is studied with regard to appropriate transmission, SE and EE metrics. The SE and EE performance of these networks drastically depends on the used frequency band, the transmitted power, the MIMO scheme properties, the power consumption profile of the deployed UWA system equipment and the topological characteristics of MIMO configurations. In order to achieve the transition from traditional UWA single-input single-output (UWA/SISO) networks to UWA/MIMO networks, a new singular value decomposition MIMO (SVD/MIMO) module, which also permits the theoretical computation of the aforementioned transmission, SE and EE metrics in UWA networks, is first presented. Second, based on the aforementioned transmission, SE and EE metrics, a SE/EE trade-off relation is proposed in order to investigate the combined SE and EE performance of UWA/MIMO networks. On the basis of this SE/EE trade-off relation, it is first revealed that today's UWA system equipment cannot support the further IoT broadband exploitation with satisfactory EE performance. Third, the concepts of multi-hop UWA communications and standard UWA topologies are outlined and promoted so that further SE and EE improvement can concurrently occur. These concepts are quantitatively validated by the SE and EE metrics as well as the SE/EE trade-off curves.
Based on the findings of this paper, suitable transmitted power levels and better design of UWA/MIMO configurations are promoted so that: (i) SE and EE requirements can be satisfied at will; and (ii) EE-oriented high-bitrate M2M communications network design can be established.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2016). Designing the Undersea Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications Using UnderWater Acoustic MIMO Networks. Trends in Renewable Energy, 2(1), 13-50. doi:
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