Efficient Lazy Theta* Path Planning over a Sparse Grid to Explore Large 3D Volumes with a Multirotor UAV
"> Figure 1
<p>Ray traces used in the geometrical approach. The cylindrical shape with the hemisphere around the goal can be identified in both images. (<b>a</b>) Visualization of the flight corridor with the grid illustrating the space discretization resolution. (<b>b</b>) Simulation example in which red rays have collided with obstacles but green rays are in free space.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Octomap of the synthetic scenario: a three-dimensional puzzle. This synthetic map showcases the three-dimensional planning potential of Lazy Theta*. Holes in the obstacles are denoted by letters. The resolution of the map is 0.5 m such that the smaller cubes have 0.5 m edges. (<b>a</b>) Front view of the structure. (<b>b</b>) Top-down view of the structure.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The UAV used in outdoor flights as seen from above (<b>a</b>) and from the side (<b>b</b>). The platform is a DJI S1000 and consists of one Hokuyo 10Lx sensor (A), an UpBoard with an Intel<sup>®</sup> Atom<sup>TM</sup> x5 (B), a 5 GHz wireless communication rocket (C), a pair of batteries (D), a Pixhawk v1 (E), a Here+ RTK (F).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The outdoor setting for real flights using the UAV in <a href="#sensors-19-00174-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a>, the obstacle to avoid, and the safety pilot.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Obstacle avoidance times for varying flight corridor lengths and widths from experimental data with 0.5 m resolution. Avoidance time measures the processing time needed to cast all the rays that cover a flight corridor. Different flight corridor lengths (distance between start and end locations) and widths (safety margin) are shown. (<b>a</b>) The flight corridor measures two meters in width. (<b>b</b>) The flight corridor measures five meters in width. (<b>c</b>) The flight corridor measures eight meters in width. (<b>d</b>) Presentation of the results in the same scale to illustrate the magnitude of the variation in computation time of the two approaches and the influence of the flight corridor width.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>In the synthetic map, the paths generated have a maximum length of a hundred and twenty meters. In the experimental snapshots, the paths have at most thirty-three meters. Both maps have a half a meter resolution. (<b>a</b>) The obstacle density in each map. It registers the relationship between the total number of ray casts and the number of ray casts that detected an obstacle. Unknown space is treated as an obstacle. In each environment, all the individual cases used for data collection are considered. (<b>b</b>) The success rate across versions and maps types. LTS_G has the highest success rate, but LTS_SN already shows improvements in comparison to LTS. Each dot represents the combined success rate of a flight corridor width. The widths sampled were three and nine tenths of a meter, five meters, and five and four tenths of a meter.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Example path (yellow lines) between two points that are 82 m apart. Purple cubes are voxels whose centers are used as waypoints, and the size of each cube reflects the size of its corresponding voxel. Adequate solution candidates are shown as small green spheres. The white line connects the start (C) and goal (E) positions. The flight corridor is 3.9 m wide, the map’s resolution is 0.5 m, the gaps and passages are 6 m wide by 6 m tall, and the whole structure measures 90 m by 56 m and is 85 m tall. (<b>a</b>) The image shows both the generated path and the world representation. (<b>b</b>) The same path is shown without the occlusion of the world representation. Additionally, the centers of the voxels candidates adequate for the solution are plotted as small green spheres.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Computational times needed to find paths using three variants of Lazy Theta* in the simulated puzzle for different flight corridor lengths and widths. The points selected as start and goal were used interchangeably. The computation time need to generate paths that keep a free flight corridor was measure for: (<b>a</b>) a width of 3.9 m; (<b>b</b>) a width of 5 m; and (<b>c</b>) a width of 5.4 m; (<b>d</b>) The results obtained with LTS_G with the three flight corridor widths.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Computation times for different experimental snapshot flight corridors. The same paths are generated with increasing flight corridor widths. (<b>a</b>) Paths calculated with a 3.4 m flight corridor width. (<b>b</b>) Paths generated with a 5 m flight corridor width. (<b>c</b>) Paths computed with a 5.4 m flight corridor width. (<b>d</b>) The impact of the width of the flight corridor for LTS_G.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Photographs from outdoor flights. The UAV avoids an obstacle autonomously (<b>b</b>) that appears green in the map (<b>a</b>) that is generated in real time. In (<b>a</b>), the small cubes’ edges are 0.5 m.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The computation time of the paths generated in real time, onboard during flight.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Increasing the Efficiency of Lazy Theta* for Exploration
3.1. Flight Corridor
3.2. Sparse Neighbors
3.3. Efficient Geometric Obstacle Detection
3.3.1. Three-Dimensional Discretization
3.3.2. Geometrical Two-Dimensional Discretization
Algorithm 1 Generate a rotation matrix to transform from the local coordinate frame into the global coordinate frame. The z axis is used to calculate a vector orthogonal to . The exception is to avoid precision issues with the cross-product due to collinearity. The final axis is orthogonal to both directions and the previously found axis. The vector is always pointing as vertical as possible. The algorithm is applied to each set of start and end positions as the rotation is the same for both local frames. |
Input: Output: 1: 2: if then 3: 4: else 5: 6: end if 7: 8: 9: return |
4. Development Methodology
4.1. Software Engineering Considerations
4.1.1. Development Environments and Data
4.1.2. Test-Driven Development
4.2. Automated Data Collection
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Preliminary Bottleneck Analyses
5.2. Map Generation in the Different Environments
5.2.1. Synthetic Map
5.2.2. Experimental and Continuously Generated Maps
5.3. Obstacle Avoidance Approaches
5.4. Lazy Theta*
5.4.1. Synthetic Map
5.4.2. Experimental Snapshots
5.4.3. Outdoor Flights with a Rotary Wing UAV
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
HitL | Hardware in the Loop |
IMU | Inertial measurement unit |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
LTS | Lazy Theta* offline version |
LTS_SN | Lazy Theta* Sparse Neighbors |
LTS_G | Lazy Theta* Sparse Neighbors and Geometrical two-dimensional discretization |
RRT | Rapidly Exploring Random Trees |
PRM | Probabilistic Road Map |
TDD | Test-Driven Development |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
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Order | Development Environment | Type of map | Processors | Data Collection |
1 | Dev | Synthetic and experimental snapshots | Intel® CoreTM i7 | - |
2 | HitL | Synthetic and experimental snapshots | Intel® AtomTM x5 | Yes |
3 | Flight | Continuously generated | Intel® AtomTM x5 | Yes |
Total Computation Time for | Total Computation Time Used in Obstacle Detection | Flight Corridor Width | |
Path Generation (Milliseconds) | (Milliseconds) | (Percentage) | (Meters) |
5,809,367 | 5,627,883 | 96.9% | 2 |
18,211,941 | 17,698,871 | 97.2% | 2.5 |
37,417,587 | 36,723,194 | 98.1% | 3 |
Synthetic | Experimental Snapshots | |||||
Path requests | 1.118 | 2.396 | 2.021 | 72 | 72 | 72 |
Successful requests | 3 | 700 | 1.984 | 14 | 51 | 60 |
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Faria, M.; Marín, R.; Popović, M.; Maza, I.; Viguria, A. Efficient Lazy Theta* Path Planning over a Sparse Grid to Explore Large 3D Volumes with a Multirotor UAV. Sensors 2019, 19, 174. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010174
Faria M, Marín R, Popović M, Maza I, Viguria A. Efficient Lazy Theta* Path Planning over a Sparse Grid to Explore Large 3D Volumes with a Multirotor UAV. Sensors. 2019; 19(1):174. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010174
Chicago/Turabian StyleFaria, Margarida, Ricardo Marín, Marija Popović, Ivan Maza, and Antidio Viguria. 2019. "Efficient Lazy Theta* Path Planning over a Sparse Grid to Explore Large 3D Volumes with a Multirotor UAV" Sensors 19, no. 1: 174. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010174
APA StyleFaria, M., Marín, R., Popović, M., Maza, I., & Viguria, A. (2019). Efficient Lazy Theta* Path Planning over a Sparse Grid to Explore Large 3D Volumes with a Multirotor UAV. Sensors, 19(1), 174. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010174