Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings
<p>Location of the study area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flowchart of the research. Note: PanTex—Built-up Presence Index; MBI—Morphological Building Index; MSI—Morphological Shadow Index; CIIT—Color Invariant Indices; POI—Point of Interests; SHP—shapefile format processed by the ArcMap 10.2 software.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Shadow post-processing procedures.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Population density in the research area.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Dasymetric mapping of the population density in the research area.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Location of the sample area.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>PanTex results derived from different moving window sizes. (<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) indicate the results from window sizes of 4, 7, 9 and 14, respectively (a higher value means higher probability of buildings).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Building extraction results through PanTex. (<b>a</b>) PanTex in research area (window size = 7); (<b>b</b>) building extraction using object-based method (red regions symbolize buildings).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>MBI result derived from different structural element sizes. (<b>a</b>–<b>e</b>) represent granulometry intervals (<math display="inline"> <semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>s</mi> </mrow> </semantics> </math>) of 30, 15, 7, 5 and 2, respectively (a higher value means higher probability of buildings).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Building extraction results through MBI. (<b>a</b>) MBI of research area (<math display="inline"> <semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>s</mi> </mrow> </semantics> </math> = 7); (<b>b</b>) building extraction by object-based method where red regions symbolize buildings.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Shadow extraction using MSI based method in sample area. (<b>a</b>) MSI; (<b>b</b>) MSI filtered by NDVI and NDWI; (<b>c</b>) MSI after component analysis; (<b>d</b>) final shadow extraction results. (Higher value of MSI means higher probability of shadow in (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>), the white color in (<b>d</b>) is the final shadow.)</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Shadow extraction using CIIT in sample area. (<b>a</b>) CIIT; (<b>b</b>) CIIT filtered by NDVI and NDWI; (<b>c</b>) CIIT after component analysis; (<b>d</b>) final shadow extraction results. (Higher value of CIIT means higher probability of shadow in (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>), the white color in (<b>d</b>) is the final shadow.)</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Results of final shadow extraction where black regions indicate shadows. (<b>a</b>) shadows extraced by the MSI method; (<b>b</b>) shadows extraced by the CIIT method.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Results of building height using MSI and CIIT. (<b>a</b>) MSI method; (<b>b</b>) CIIT method.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Population spatialization results (superimposed by the true color synthesis of ZY-3 imagery).</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Accuracy analysis of fine-scale population estimation.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Spatial distribution of RE in the research area (original one has been changed; bad regions indicate RE > 30%).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Dataset
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Preprocessing
3.2. Building Extraction
3.2.1. PanTex Calculation
3.2.2. MBI Calculation
3.2.3. Object-Based Method to Extract Buildings
3.2.4. Residential Building Refinement
3.3. Height Retrieval
3.3.1. Shadow Extraction
3.3.2. Shadow Length Calculation
3.3.3. Building Height Estimation
3.4. Population Estimation
3.5. Accuracy Analysis
4. Comparison and Experimental Results
4.1. Building Extraction Results
4.2. Height Retrieval Results
4.3. Fine-Scale Population Spatialization Results
4.4. Accuracy Analysis
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Camera Mode | Panchromatic (pan) |
Multispectral (mux) | |
Spatial resolution | pan: 2.1 m, mux: 5.8 m |
Wavelength (nm) | pan: 450–800 |
mux: blue: 450–520, green: 520–590, red: 630–690, NIR: 770–890 | |
Image width (km) | pan: 50 × 50, mux: 52 × 52 |
Cloud-cover degree | 0% |
Orbit number | 18,862 |
Procedure | PanTex | MBI |
Multiresolution segmentation | scale: 25 | |
shape: 0.6 | ||
compactness: 0.4 | ||
Classification | PanTex ≥ 1.45 | MBI ≥ 6 |
brightness ≥ 136 | ||
NDVI < 0.1 | ||
1.5 ≤ length/width ratio ≤ 4.5 | ||
rectangular fit ≥ 0.6 | ||
shape index ≤ 2.6 | ||
Post-processing | reference: object | |
mode: growing | ||
value: 0.5 | ||
box size in X and Y: 5 |
User Class/Sample | Buildings | Non-Buildings | Sum |
Confusion Matrix | |||
Buildings | 158 | 57 | 215 |
Non-buildings | 29 | 330 | 359 |
Sum | 187 | 387 | |
Accuracy | |||
Producer | 0.85 | 0.85 | |
User | 0.73 | 0.92 | |
Kappa per class | 0.75 | 0.86 | |
Totals | |||
Overall Accuracy | 0.85 | ||
Kappa | 0.66 |
User Class/Sample | Buildings | Non-Buildings | Sum |
Confusion Matrix | |||
Buildings | 86 | 55 | 141 |
Non-buildings | 100 | 333 | 433 |
Sum | 186 | 388 | |
Accuracy | |||
Producer | 0.46 | 0.86 | |
User | 0.61 | 0.77 | |
Kappa per class | 0.29 | 0.43 | |
Totals | |||
Overall accuracy | 0.73 | ||
Kappa | 0.34 |
Absolute Error (m) | CIIT | Percentage (%) | MSI | Percentage (%) |
≥12.5 | 25 | 4.36 | 7 | 1.22 |
[10.0, 12.5) | 58 | 10.10 | 38 | 6.62 |
[7.5, 10.0) | 66 | 11.50 | 52 | 9.06 |
[5.0, 7.5) | 93 | 16.20 | 101 | 17.60 |
[2.5, 5.0) | 124 | 21.60 | 145 | 25.26 |
[0, 2.5) | 208 | 36.24 | 231 | 40.24 |
Total | 574 | 100 | 574 | 100 |
No. | Region Name | Population (Statistics) | Dwelling Objects | Population (Model) | RE (%) |
1 | Anzhen Sub-district | 48,467 | 711 | 46,031.227 | −5.03 |
2 | Olympic Village Sub-district | 57,509 | 1771 | 55,101.244 | −4.19 |
3 | Changying Sub-district | 24,770 | 1240 | 32,120.220 | +29.67 |
4 | Chaowai Sub-district | 43,162 | 496 | 39,569.780 | −8.32 |
5 | Chaoyangbalizhuang Sub-district | 85,897 | 1049 | 61,229.257 | −28.72 |
6 | Cuigezhuang Sub-district | 24,448 | 4691 | 30,771.512 | +25.87 |
7 | Datun Sub-district | 71,615 | 2345 | 77,291.336 | +7.93 |
8 | Dongba Village | 37,907 | 4732 | 38,612.750 | +1.86 |
9 | Dongfeng Sub-district | 30,926 | 1187 | 37,596.391 | +21.57 |
10 | Dougezhuang Village | 12,719 | 2178 | 18,841.690 | +48.14 |
11 | Fatou Sub-district | 31,964 | 735 | 29,591.992 | −7.42 |
12 | Gaobeidian District | 48,234 | 2969 | 71,468.861 | +48.17 |
13 | Guanzhuang Sub-district | 57,269 | 2853 | 73,120.667 | +27.68 |
14 | Hepingjie Sub-district | 98,710 | 881 | 59,449.281 | −39.77 |
15 | Heizhuanghu Village | 49,681 | 3806 | 51,199.561 | +3.06 |
16 | Hujialou Sub-district | 64,264 | 416 | 49,410.197 | −23.11 |
17 | Jianwai Sub-district | 42,302 | 1265 | 54,101.568 | +27.89 |
18 | Jiangtai Sub-district | 26,119 | 2200 | 28,267.330 | +8.23 |
19 | Jianzhan Sub-district | 59,144 | 6891 | 60,010.514 | +1.47 |
20 | Jingsong Sub-district | 73,200 | 1003 | 59,991.594 | −18.04 |
21 | Jiuxianqiao Sub-district | 69,146 | 1297 | 70,233.239 | +1.57 |
22 | Laiguangying Sub-district | 47,269 | 3889 | 51,471.291 | +8.89 |
23 | Liulitun Sub-district | 62,168 | 891 | 48,996.313 | −21.19 |
24 | Maizidian Sub-district | 21,674 | 954 | 24,664.127 | +13.80 |
25 | Nanmofang Sub-district | 59,499 | 2014 | 70,155.476 | +17.91 |
26 | Panjiayuan Sub-district | 81,055 | 762 | 59,981.261 | −26.00 |
27 | Pingfang Sub-district | 33,492 | 2673 | 46,781.497 | +39.08 |
28 | Sanjianfang Sub-district | 71,011 | 1443 | 78,501.201 | +10.55 |
29 | Sanlitun Sub-district | 38,285 | 728 | 36,799.497 | −3.88 |
30 | Shibalidian Sub-district | 38,950 | 6658 | 41,719.462 | +7.11 |
31 | Beijing Airport Sub-district | 24,735 | 832 | 25,184.881 | +1.82 |
32 | Shuangjing Sub-district | 72,360 | 1063 | 66,849.199 | −7.62 |
33 | Sunhe Sub-district | 21,979 | 3760 | 26,109.591 | +18.79 |
34 | Taiyanggong Sub-district | 45,381 | 1147 | 48,487.497 | +6.85 |
35 | Tuanjiehu Sub-district | 36,869 | 264 | 33,996.495 | −7.79 |
36 | Wangsiying Village | 19,517 | 2394 | 27,106.487 | +38.89 |
37 | Wangjing Sub-district | 82,815 | 2321 | 82,599.481 | −0.26 |
38 | Xiangheyuan Sub-district | 34,636 | 350 | 32,841.498 | −5.18 |
39 | Xiaoguan Sub-district | 51,401 | 663 | 45,998.869 | −10.51 |
40 | Xiaohongmen Sub-district | 29,112 | 2100 | 40,009.487 | +37.43 |
41 | Yayuncun Sub-district | 48,858 | 858 | 53,299.819 | +9.09 |
42 | Zuojiazhuang Sub-district | 67,016 | 799 | 59,996.794 | −10.47 |
Total | 2,045,535 | 81,279 | 2,045,560.434 | - |
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Share and Cite
Wang, S.; Tian, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, W.; Lin, C. Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings. Sensors 2016, 16, 1755.
Wang S, Tian Y, Zhou Y, Liu W, Lin C. Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings. Sensors. 2016; 16(10):1755.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Shixin, Ye Tian, Yi Zhou, Wenliang Liu, and Chenxi Lin. 2016. "Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings" Sensors 16, no. 10: 1755.
APA StyleWang, S., Tian, Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, W., & Lin, C. (2016). Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings. Sensors, 16(10), 1755.