Overview of Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023
:1. Introduction
1.1. Short History of Agent Systems
1.2. Applications of Agent Systems
- Mobility simulations: Traffic situations, such as the avoidance of traffic jams, light control, and route choice [65,66]; ground transportation, mobility planning systems, and urban planning based on accessibility studies with dynamic populations [67]; microscopic pedestrian crowds [68]; and mapping passenger flow for market improvement, evacuation of buildings, and flight or air-traffic control in aviation [69];
2. Structure of the Review
3. Related Work: Earlier Reviews of Agent Platforms
4. General-Purpose Platforms
4.1. Open-Source General-Purpose Platforms
- ActressMas—An agent framework inspired by the actor model and implemented using .NET asynchronous operations. One of its primary design objectives is conceptual simplicity and support for high-level agent abstractions, making it valuable for teaching purposes. In addition to actor-specific reactive behavior, it incorporates mechanisms for proactive behavior and, as such, can be used for the implementation of multi-agent systems. It supports the concept of agent mobility by means of agents residing in distributable containers. Additionally, it adheres to some of the FIPA specification standards for agent platforms, but it is not fully FIPA-compliant;
- Akka—A set of libraries dedicated to highly concurrent and distributed systems. In accordance with its design principles, the toolkit is scalable, fault-tolerant, resilient, and highly performative. Similarly to ActressMas, Akka is based on the actor model, where actors encapsulate states and behaviors. Here, the communication between entities is achieved in a message-driven fashion. The model is based on a hierarchical structure and the concept of actors’ supervision (i.e., “parent” actors are the supervisors of task distribution and failure handlers). Furthermore, Akka systems are distributable on multiple nodes. It is worth pointing out that, since the beginning of 2023, Akka has been distributed under the BSL license. Therefore, it is free only for non-production usage. For production applications, it requires a commercial license;
- Akka.NET—Port of the original Akka to C# and F# for systems developed in .NET and Mono. Similarly to Akka, the toolkit is designed for highly concurrent and event-driven applications. The platform is based on high-level actor abstractions and asynchronous and distributed design. The architectural principles of the actor model are the same as in the original Akka platform. An extension provided for Akka.NET that is worth mentioning is the Phobos 2.0 monitoring tool. In particular, the tool enables tracking the system cluster and capturing different actor metrics (e.g., the actor’s mailbox latency). In contrast to Akka, Akka.NET is fully open source and is released under the Apache 2.0 license;
- ASTRA—A Java-based agent-oriented programming (AOP) language for concurrent and distributed systems. The design of the language is based on simplicity and aims to resemble commonly known OOP languages (e.g., Java, C#). The platform is thus integrated with Java programming principles and, therefore, among other characteristics, it is strongly typed. On the side of AOP, ASTRA is inspired by AgentSpeak(L). As such, it incorporates all of its agent-related functionalities and, specifically, the concepts of the BDI paradigm (e.g., beliefs, events, and plan rules). Moreover, it also extends some parts of the traditional AgentSpeak(L) syntax; for instance, the syntax of plans. In terms of agent interaction, ASTRA provides two methods: (1) the message exchange (with the support of the FIPA ACL concept) and (2) resource sharing;
- BDI4Jade—A platform extending the agent-related functionalities of JADE (e.g., distributivity, agent communication) with BDI paradigm concepts. It provides means for the development of reasoning agents by including definitions of modularized reasoning strategies, goals, beliefs, and plans. In addition to that, the platform adopts the concept of capability relationships [117]. According to the information obtained from the platform’s author, BDI4Jade is in a stable version and, as of now (at the time of writing), is being maintained without further plans to extend it with new features;
- JaCaMo—A platform for multi-agent programming consisting of three technologies: Jason, CArtAgO, and Moise. It is based on the JaCa programming model, which separates the programming for the logic of the agents from the programming for the environment. This separation of concerns is realized through a combination of different agent-based technologies, where (1) Jason facilitates the programming for the cognitive agents using the BDI approach, (2) CArtAgO enables the modeling of multi-agent virtual environments with artifacts, and (3) Moise allows for the definition of specifications for the agents’ organizations. Moreover, JaCaMo can be supplemented with two extensions, JaCaMo Web and JaCaMo REST, that facilitate communication with the platform. JaCaMo REST provides an API for interaction with system components (i.e., agents and artifacts), whereas JaCaMo Web allows modifying agent instances at runtime;
- Java Agent Development Framework (JADE)—A Java-based industrial-grade framework dedicated to the implementation of multi-agent systems. Its primary objective is standard compliance and, therefore, it is fully aligned with the FIPA specification. The communication between agents is undertaken in a peer-to-peer fashion through asynchronous message passing. JADE supports distributing agents on multiple containers running on different hosts. The agents are fully mobile, meaning that they can be moved from one container to another at system runtime. The platform offers a dedicated GUI and several debugging tools for monitoring the system. Besides the standalone functionalities, JADE is supported by several extensions, such as JADE Test Suite and Leap. Furthermore, it can be supplemented with an additional platform called WADE. It extends the original framework by aligning it with the workflow metaphor, where workflows are formalized as Java classes, which facilitates their use in the definition of system-internal logic;
- JADEX—A platform extending JADE with the principles of rational agents. The design of the platform follows the concepts of active components (ACs) and service component architecture (SCA). The JADEX components are able to both (1) act as passive service providers and (2) autonomously execute behaviors. Based on these features, they can be seen as the representation of the agents. The platform facilitates the cognitive BDI approach and the business process modeling notation workflow. It also supports mechanisms of dynamic agent discovery and mobility and allows the distribution of agents across multiple machines. The communication in JADEX is undertaken via the services and offers interaction protocols, including asynchronous message exchange;
- Janus—An agent platform implemented in SARL used in the creation of Web and desktop-based multi-agent applications. It can be used in both organizational-based and holarchy-based agent systems. It incorporates the concepts of BDI architecture, allowing for the development of reasoning agents. In terms of agent interactions, it supports both synchronous and asynchronous communication protocols. The SARL language used in the implementation of Janus adheres to ACL accordingly and, in large part, to the FIPA specification. Furthermore, the platform also offers a set of monitoring tools that allow, for instance, monitoring of agents’ activity (e.g., their beliefs and goals). Currently, the platform is included in the development of SARL. It has an active community and provides communication channels where developers can ask questions regarding encountered issues;
- JS-son—A versatile and extendable JavaScript library for the development of reasoning agents. The library supports the BDI architecture and adheres to reasoning loops within agents. From the conceptual perspective, JS-son agents can be programmed according to three different approaches: (1) a traditional BDI approach, (2) a simplified belief–plan approach, and (3) a goal-based approach. The first approach follows a traditional BDI architecture with concepts of the agent’s beliefs, desires, and intentions. The belief–plan approach is a simplification of BDI where the agents use their perception of the environment and their internal state to execute plans through which they interact and update their own beliefs. Finally, the goal-based approach focuses strictly on the agent’s goals, which are treated as the driving forces behind their behaviors. On the technical side, the platform enables programming distributable Web applications that can also be developed in a serverless manner (using Google Cloud functions);
- Smart Python Multi-Agent Development Environment (SPADE)—A multi-agent platform based on the XMPP/Jabber technology that offers features that assist in the construction of MASs. It is the first agent-based system that uses XMPP as its foundation. The communication between agents is achieved via the concept of communication channels, where the messages are dispatched using dedicated message templates. The platform facilitates the creation of agents (represented as users characterized with unique Jabber identifiers) and agent platforms (XMPP-based servers). It provides an extensible XML-based communication protocol that supports FIPA-ACL metadata. Furthermore, the platform offers a plugin (SPADE-BDI) that facilitates the incorporation of the BDI architecture into SPADE agents;
- Tuple Centres Spread over the Network (TuCSoN)—Java-based platform used for the development and coordination of multi-agent systems. Specifically, it is dedicated to model agents written in Java and tuProlog. Its main concept is based on tuple space coordination, where tuples (programmable in ReSpecT language) are data structures shared between and accessed by agents in order to facilitate their communication and coordination. The agents are able to interact in the tuple space through the use of primitives, which are inspired by LINDA’s coordination model. In this context, TuCSoN extends the primitives of LINDA with its own types (e.g., “bulk” and “uniform”). Aside from the base project, several extensions of the platform are available, allowing integration with agents created using other agent platforms, such as JADE or JASON;
- XKlaim—a renewed and enhanced version of KLAIM, a coordination language for modeling and programming distributed systems. In particular, the extension considers the incorporation of high-level programming (Java-based) constructs. Similarly to TuCSoN (and the original KLAIM), the platform is based on the LINDA communication concepts and defines the simulations in tuple space. The nodes (agents) are organized in hierarchical nets. Furthermore, as XKlaim was designed to be used alongside the Java-based Klava library, it provides first-class abstractions known as localities (i.e., network addresses used to distribute the data among the agents), which can be distinguished into physical or logical types.
4.2. Open-Source General Simulations and Modeling Platforms
- Agents Assembly—A domain-specific language based on assembly mnemonics for implementing multi-agent systems. It is part of a toolset intended for large-scale simulations in containerized environments that aims to streamline the development of agent systems for users without specialized programming skills. The language supports programming constructs that are directly related to agent systems (i.e., agents, behaviors, messages) and offers various mathematical statements and concepts commonly used in other programming languages. For the visualization of created systems, the AASM provides a dedicated graph modifier that also supports the creation of graphs based on statistical distributions. The language is translated in two steps: first into a target-agnostic intermediate representation and then into Python, based on the SPADE platform. AASM offers a dedicated GUI for simulation definition and management, a run environment, and an XMPP-based communication server. As the platform enables running SPADE instances in a containerized (dockerized) manner, it is highly scalable and, as such, well-suited for large-scale simulations;
- AgentPy—A platform that facilitates agent-based modeling. It is designed strictly for scientific use; therefore, it provides tools for parameter sampling, Monte Carlo experiments, stochastic processes, and sensitivity analysis, among others. The implemented models are built using agents that are combined in groups called sequences. Such an approach allows the manipulation of multiple entities at once. Furthermore, they are placed in environments according to specified positions. Currently, three types of environment topologies are supported: (1) grids, (2) spaces, and (3) networks. The platform enables the graphical representation of simulations using grid plots and interactive visualization within Jupyter Notebooks. Additionally, AgentPy also offers an experiment class that can facilitate the parallel processing of simulations;
- Agents.jl—A framework for Julia that supports the creation of agent-based models (ABMs). It is based on a modular and function-based design and, as such, is easily extendable. The platform supports the implementation of different types of agents, which can also be generated using Agents.jl macros. The simulations are conducted in structured spaces of four types: grids, graphs, continuous spaces, and OpenStreetMaps. The framework provides tools for collecting the simulations’ aggregated data and presenting them visually. Furthermore, it allows monitoring the process of modeling using an interactive “Data Voyager” tool. The simulations can be executed concurrently on numerous cores. In comparison to other ABM platforms, Agents.jl offers higher memory capacity, and it is restricted only by hardware limits. Additionally, it provides N-dimensional space;
- AgentScript—An agent-based modeling framework that incorporates the semantics of NetLogo and relies on the model/view/control (MVC) architecture. As such, its design is based on the separation of concerns. Specifically, the system is divided into three parts: the first (model) defines the semantics of agents (turtles), connections (links), and patches; the second (view) represents the model graphically using a 2D/3D canvas (with support for GISs or geo-modules); and the third (control) provides functionalities allowing interaction with the system via a dedicated graphical user interface. By relying on the Javascript/Coffeescript programming language, the platform aims to be highly deployable. Furthermore, it provides an online interface for developers to explore and learn how to work with the platform;
- DEVS-Suite—A simulator that is based on the parallel DEVS component and the cellular automata approach. It automates the experimentation process and creates time data trajectories in real time. Furthermore, it features hierarchical model libraries and can be used to animate implemented models. As such, the platform provides the interfaces for both separate and stacked time trajectories, which can be used in component tracking. In terms of cellular automata, DEVS-Suite offers independent tracking of any number of cells with distinct start times. The simulator contains “Models” divided into “CellularAutomata” (e.g., game of life, system biology chemotaxis, forest fire) and “Component” (e.g., single-input single-output, basic, and multiprocessor architectures) packages. However, these packages are not limited, and users can also add their own model packages alongside the provided ones;
- EcoLab—An agent-based simulation framework that facilitates experiment-oriented metaphors. Initially, it was designed for an abstract ecology model, but as the environment evolved and more types of models were developed using it, it expanded to become a general-purpose platform. As EcoLab is implemented in C++, it incorporates several advanced algorithms and data structures. The models implemented with the platform can be modified and controlled dynamically at runtime. Additionally, EcoLab supports creating models of distributed agent topologies that can run on the MPI-based cluster. It also facilitates the checkpoint mechanisms, which make it possible to store the model’s state and periodically report it to the visualization client. As such, the models can be accessed via a dedicated GUI with graph and histogramming features;
- fjåge—A lightweight platform for the development of multi-agent systems. It aims to be fast and easy to understand. The implemented agents are associated with unique identifiers, which facilitate the exchange of messages. Furthermore, it implements various types of agent actions and behaviors. The primary features of the platform were inspired by the JADE framework. Similarly to JADE, fjåge supports the distribution of agents across multiple containers. However, unlike JADE, the concept of container-running platforms is extended by introducing two types of container management: real-time and event-driven. In this way, fjåge facilitates simulation development and is suitable for rapid testing. The core difference between JADE and fjåge is that, while fjåge supports the concepts of FIPA, it cannot communicate with other FIPA-compliant agent-based systems;
- FLAME GPU 2—The second version of the GPU extension to the FLAME framework. It incorporates agent-related concepts into C and CUDA code. The agents implemented in FLAME GPU 2 are associated with specific types (corresponding to given models) and encapsulate the state in the form of sets of behaviors. The communication is undertaken in a message-driven manner, and each message, similarly to agents, is also identified by the corresponding type, which defines a given communication strategy. Furthermore, the method and scope of interaction between agents and the environment are defined through agent functions. The simulations run in FLAME GPU 2 can be executed individually or in a batched manner. Due to the fact that the data are situated on GPUs, the platform offers the ability to visualize a large number of agents. Additionally, the second version of the platform provides a Python-based interface for writing models;
- GAMA—A simulation platform that facilitates the development of spatially explicit multi-agent simulations, including large-scale simulations. The model is based on a general approach and can therefore be used in a variety of applications. Additionally, in order to meet more specific needs, the platform incorporates several plugins (e.g., Remote.GUI for use in participative simulations). The GAMA platform uses a dedicated language called GAML, the design objective of which is to make it intuitive and easy to use by non-computer scientists. Agents in GAMA can be created from any dataset, including geographic information system (GIS) data. Furthermore, it also provides easy agent inspection, allows the creation of user-controlled action panels, and provides multi-layer 2D and 3D visualizations;
- Insight Maker—A modeling framework that employs multimethod models. The platform is capable of mapping conceptual models onto system descriptions through loop diagrams or pictures prepared in a dedicated diagramming tool. The prepared models can then be extended by adding dynamics using one of two modeling paradigms provided by the platform. The first one is called System Dynamics and focuses on the high-level behavior of the system, where the population is treated as a whole. The second approach involves agent-based modeling and allows the creation of separate agents in order to explore interactions between individuals. The diagramming also provides the developers with the ability to share their models publicly;
- JAS-Mine—A platform that facilitates discrete-event simulations and the development of large-scale data-driven models. It is designed to follow the separation principle, where the data management is decoupled from its representation and is based on a three-layer architecture consisting of the model (i.e., implementation of simulation components), collector (i.e., processing of simulation statistics), and observer (i.e., simulation visualization). The simulation is handled and organized by the “scheduler” component, which is common to all agents and responsible for ordering the simulation events. Among its features, JAS-Mine also provides integrated I/O communication services (e.g., RDBMS and automatic CSV table creation), and it includes an advanced multi-run utility that supports experiment design. Furthermore, the platform implements regression libraries that assist in the uncertainty analysis of the model outcome;
- JSimpleSim—A Java-based simulation and modeling framework that employs a discrete-event approach. It aims to facilitate the building of agent-based models while also supporting fast simulations. The models are interpreted as grids that embed the agents, with behaviors defined in an event-driven fashion (i.e., agents contain queues listing all of their events). The communication between agents employs two concepts: direct messaging and routing, where the messages are sent via dedicated ports. From the architectural perspective, the platform is characterized by the separation of simulation from modeling. Therefore, models prepared using the platform can be run on another simulator. Additionally, JSimpleSim supports sequential and concurrent simulation execution. It also offers, for the developers, diverse models, including cellular automata, hierarchical models, and mesh models;
- Multi-Agent Simulator of Neighborhoods/Networks (MASON)—A Java-based, discrete-event, multi-agent simulation platform for lightweight, large-scale simulations. It offers model libraries and visualization tools for both 2D and 3D applications. It is dedicated to multi-agent simulations with numerous agents that run on a single machine. Furthermore, it is complemented by several extensions, including GeoMason (support for GIS), Distributed MASON (cluster computing using MPI, cloud computing, and distributed applications), and D-MASON (the stable predecessor of Distributed Mason). Even though the latest platform release was at the end of 2022, the platform is still under continuous development. The information regarding the latest MASON versions is available only on the official platform’s website and is no longer included in the code repository;
- MASS—A library designed for parallelizing multi-agent and spatial simulations, enabling the modeling of emergent collective behavior. It addresses the parallelization challenges in prevalent shared-memory approaches by offering a parallel-computing capability for multi-agent and spatial simulations across a cluster of computing nodes. The simulation entities are represented by the distributed arrays of agents. The communication between these agents is undertaken through periodic data exchange. The agents can communicate with both the agents residing in the same place as well as the agents from other places. Furthermore, the platform supports agent mobility by facilitating the migration of agents to remote nodes;
- Mesa—A modular framework used for the development of agent-based models. It is composed of modules that are organized into three categories: modeling, analysis, and visualization. The modeling modules define structures used in the development of agents. In particular, they include classes of agents, a definition of agents’ movement space (which can be seen as a grid), and a scheduler used to organize actions (which can also be added at runtime). Analysis modules provide tools for data collection and the capability of running the model with various parameter settings. Finally, the visualization modules include classes for interactive model visualizations through a JavaScript-based server;
- Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE)—A finite-element, multiphysics framework that provides a high-level interface for nonlinear solver technology. Its design aims for it to be aligned with real-life problems and provide a modular and extendable architecture. As such, it offers a straightforward API. Among its other features, the platform provides fully coupled and fully implicit multiphysics solvers. Additionally, it supports automatic parallelization and, in particular, it enables runs that utilize over 100,000 CPU cores. Such a dimension-independent, parallel-geometric search feature makes it suitable for contact-related applications. Furthermore, MOOSE offers built-in discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods and parallel multiscale solutions;
- NetLogo—A modeling platform that is suitable for the representation of complex dynamic systems. In particular, it can facilitate the simulation of natural and social phenomena. Through the utilization of thousands of autonomous “agents”, the platform allows exploring linkages between the micro-level behavior of individuals and the macro-level patterns of their collective interactions. In particular, NetLogo agents are grouped into “patches” (stationary agents), “turtles” (mobile agents), and “links” (connections between agents). The platform provides utilities that allow monitoring and modifying agents at runtime. It also offers a set of visualization tools, including plots (e.g., line plots, bar plots, etc.) and model visualization in 2D or 3D. Furthermore, NetLogo can be run using HubNet, which enables participatory simulations that can be used in teaching agent systems. Here, HubNet makes it possible to connect and control the system using individual student devices;
- Repast Suite—A collection of agent-based platforms that consists of three open-source frameworks: Repast Symphony, Repast HPC, and Repast4Py:(1) Repast Symphony is a Java-based toolkit that offers features for agent-based modeling. It allows development using ReLogo (a dialect of Logo), Groovy, or Java, as well as including a pure Java point-and-click execution environment with built-in logging and graphing utilities. The platform offers a hierarchically nested definition of space. It allows for the visualization of 2D and 3D environments, networks (with the JUNG network modeling library), and geographical spaces (GIS support). Furthermore, Repast incorporates a concurrent, multi-threaded discrete event scheduler and provides a set of built-in statistical and numerical methods, including random number generation, statistical distributions, and specialized mathematics;(2) Repast High-Performance Computing (HPC) is the C++ version of Repast Symphony optimized and rewritten from its previously created Java-based version. It incorporates the fundamental concepts of its predecessor, such as contexts and projections, while optimizing them to function in a parallel-distribution manner. It was specifically designed for utilization with large computing clusters and supercomputers;(3) Rephast4Py is the latest addition to the Repast Suite and is built on the foundation of Repast HPC. It offers features and functionalities facilitated by the Python programming language. In contrast to its high-performance counterpart, Repast4Py prioritizes accessibility and ease of use. Its distributed agent-based modeling capability enables the development of complex system models that capture the scale and relevant details of many social problems;
- SIMILAR—Agent-based modeling (ABM) meta-model based on the influence reaction model (IRM4MLS). It is based on two-step action processing, where firstly agents generate “influences” (i.e., decisions made based on the agent’s internal state) and then the system “reacts” (i.e., evaluating effects according to the environment’s state). It is dedicated to complex systems that use knowledge from multiple viewpoints. The platform includes a generic and modular formal model and a simulation API preserving the formal model structure. To enhance efficiency, the API suite is separated between two kernels (a micro-kernel and extended kernel), which the developers may fine-tune according to their needs. Furthermore, another SIMILAR-based platform exists, Similar2Logo, which employs a logo-like approach. It serves as an example of how the SIMILAR platform can be employed in practice and is being used for educational purposes;
- SpaDES—An R meta-package that facilitates the implementation of event-based models, particularly spatial models (i.e., raster-based, event-based, and agent-based models). Its main objective is modularity, through which the users can extend the platform with additional functionalities. The SpaDES core is based on discrete event simulation (DES). The platform is composed of modules represented by structured R scripts that utilize event scheduling and offer distinct semi-autonomous algorithms. The dependencies of modules, individual parameters, and input and output data are defined in module metadata. From the architectural perspective, the platform follows the bottom-up approach, where the model is set up based on the modules’ dependencies. Additionally, SpaDES offers several visualization tools and caching methods.
4.3. Commercial Platforms
- AnyLogic—A modeling tool designed to support business simulations across a wide range of industries by offering dedicated libraries for domain-specific purposes. The software facilitates the multimethod modeling strategy and, as such, incorporates several modeling approaches, including agent-based, discrete-event, and system dynamics. All of these methods can be used separately or in combination with each other. With respect to the ABM, AnyLogic supports the development of various types of agents that can be encapsulated within one another or can form populations. The platform offers three types of spaces in which the agent can reside: continuous 3D space, grid-based discrete space, and geographic information system (GIS) space. Furthermore, AnyLogic supports the concepts of extended agent mobility (e.g., allowing specification of the time of agent movement) and offers various types of networks that can be used to define agent connections. It also implements inspection and statistic-collection tools that allow monitoring of the simulation flow;
- ExtendSim—A suite of simulation tools that enable continuous process modeling and discrete-event simulation. It offers different modeling approaches, including Monte Carlo, state/action and agent-based modeling. In the simulator, the agents are represented as ExtendSim blocks. They are perceived as individual decision-making entities, and their interaction is block-to-block-based. Furthermore, the platform supports removing/adding or moving agents from the model. ExtendSim consists of several modeling products. It includes (1) ExtendSim CP, which is a product designed for modeling and analysis of continuous, time-based operations; (2) ExtendSim DE, which is a tool facilitating the construction of a comprehensive message-based discrete-event architecture; and (3) ExtendSim Pro, which offers additional capabilities, such as the Discrete Rate Module;
- FlexSim—A tool that enables the modeling, simulation, prediction, and visualization of various business systems across multiple industries. The modeling is undertaken in 3D virtual environments. The agents are referred to as model objects. They are used to generate events that are executed chronologically in a synchronized, discrete-event manner. The platform also facilitates agent (object) grouping with the support of different types of groups. Furthermore, FlexSim provides functionalities that can be used in agent learning; hence, it can serve as a tool to evaluate and implement the reinforcement learning algorithms. Additionally, the simulator also incorporates statistical distribution methods and random number generation (which account for the simulation variability). The software is also complemented by pre-made 3D models that facilitate visualization, as well as by a graphical interface;
- FlexSim HC—A specialized simulation software package designed for the healthcare industry. The tool is provided by the same company that developed FlexSim. It offers a variety of 3D models specifically tailored for modern medical facilities, providing a virtual environment for healthcare professionals to visualize and optimize their operations. From the conceptual perspective, it follows similar principles as FlexSim; however, the concept of 3D objects has some differences. For instance, FlexSim HC extends the idea of object groups into sub-groups and provides different object types (e.g., patients, not items). As such, the simulator allows emulating the flow of patients through the healthcare system, taking into account factors such as recoveries, patient outcomes, and time required for diagnoses;
- GoldSim—A platform that enables users to visually and dynamically model and simulate complex systems in a range of fields, including engineering, science, and business. It is based on a “visual spreadsheet” interface, which facilitates graphical creation, manipulation, and analysis of the data, equations, and models. For instance, it provides tools for probabilistic analysis, such as Monte Carlo simulations. The GoldSim simulations are built from modules that follow the top-down hierarchical approach. Furthermore, similarly to AnyLogic, GoldSim introduces different types of simulation approaches, including discrete-event simulations, agent-based simulations, and continuous simulations (as well as hybrid combinations of simulations). However, it does not provide explicit built-in mechanisms to facilitate them. Rather, it allows their exploitation through its general capabilities;
- Java Agent Construction Kit (JACK)—A Java-based development platform for creating MASs with the BDI approach. JACK agents can be described by means of their desires and can implement reasoning behaviors in response to both proactive (when the agent’s knowledge changes) and reactive (in response to external events) triggers. JACK also provides generic templates that can help new developers in the creation of simple agent plans. As defining pre-compiled plans ensures system performance and predictability, JACK is suitable for time-sensitive and mission-critical applications. Additionally, JACK is complemented by the JACK Development Environment (JDE), which is a graphical tool that simplifies application development:(1) C-BDI is another framework distributed by the AOS company that developed JACK that aims to facilitate building human–machine teams based on the BDI approach. It aims at facilitating applications with distributed team reasoning, resilience, and scalability. The framework utilizes an explainable AI in its models, making the applications more efficient. The modeling is undertaken through a dedicated GUI that also assists in the visualization of prepared simulations. It is critical to stress that one of the key objectives behind the C-BDI is ethical AI support;(2) CoJACK is the third product distributed by the same company and is intended specifically for the modeling of human behaviors. It applies the principles of cognition theory inside the virtual actors, making it suitable for modeling individual and team behaviors. Its primary applications include simulations of armed engagements with hostile forces;
- Simio—A platform that offers an object-based modeling environment that enables the construction of 3D models directly from a top-down 2D view. The platform facilitates step-based model creation in which models are created incrementally. Similarly to previously described platforms (AnyLogic and GoldSim), Simio also combines discrete-event, agent-based, and continuous simulation approaches. The agents developed in Simio are defined using behavioral patterns and can further incorporate physical attributes (e.g., speed, orientation). Such agent-based models can also be used in combination with discrete-event simulations;
- Simudyne—SDK with an agent-based approach for building models that mimic the real world’s complexity. Simudyne’s agents can interact with each other and react to environmental changes. The relationships between them are represented by networks composed of links, which can be constructed using specific built-in graph-generation algorithms. The platform also allows the modification of the network’s links during runtime, which supports their dynamic evolution. Agents communicate through message exchange, which facilitates both unordered and ordered methods of sending messages. Additionally, it provides an extensive dashboard to visualize simulation outcomes;
- Simul8—A tool that offers support for simulations across various domains, including those involving continuous processes, discrete events, or agent-based models. Among its features, it offers a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the creation of simulations, provides a scenario manager that allows testing diverse simulation ideas, and incorporates tools enabling exporting of the simulation’s results to external files. Additionally, it is equipped with the capability to perform optimization through the integration of the “OptQuest” plugin. Moreover, an online version of the software, “Simul8 Online”, is also available and offers the same feature set as the desktop version.
5. Special-Purpose Platforms
5.1. Cognitive, Social, and Affective Agent Platforms
- ACT-R—A system that resembles a programming language but its underlying constructs reflect assumptions about human cognition taken from empirical findings of psychological experiments. The framework architecture is based on the modules that allow simulating cognitive processes (e.g., decision making, perception, and attention memory) and, as such, facilitate cognitive reasoning in agents. The agents rely on the knowledge base, which includes “facts”, “concepts”, and “rules” that dictate their behaviors. They are able to interact with the environment through perceptual interfaces. Furthermore, ACT-R provides metrics that enable the evaluation of the models’ performance, including traditional cognitive psychology metrics, such as task completion time, accuracy, and neuroimaging. As such, the language facilitates comparisons of collected results with those derived from actual human subjects;
- Cormas—Agent-based modeling platform designed to emulate communal resource management and the influence that a population has on its surrounding natural environment. The software is aimed at modeling the interactions among the different participants involved in managing sustainable natural resources. The platform enables the creation, examination, and analysis of simulated scenarios. Moreover, it allows for interaction with the simulation in real time by modifying agent behavior and resource usage. The implementation of customized models is facilitated by the use of generic classes offered by Smalltalk. Additionally, Cormas includes addons that enable the generation of source code from UML class diagrams and support R routines for remote control of simulations;
- DALI—A meta-interpreter built on top of Sicstus Prolog. It is a logic programming language that allows the usage of computational logic in the context of agent systems. The primary objective of the specification of this language is the identification and formalization of the basic patterns for proactivity, reactivity, autonomous “thinking”, and “memory”. The DALI agents are built upon the YARP communication toolkit, which enables them to exchange action commands with a platform. As a result of the integration of ServerDALI, the agents may also be placed on a server, which allows them to be accessed from an external environment;
- GOAL—A programming language designed for creating agents with cognitive capabilities. Specifically, it facilitates the programming at the “knowledge level”. The information possessed by the agent is represented using KR semantics (e.g., OWL/prolog), and these semantics are also used in agent communication. GOAL facilitates dynamic changes in the beliefs and goals of an agent and allows for the structuring of their decision-making processes. The platform implements the blind commitment strategy, meaning that the agent’s goals are discarded only upon their achievement. Additionally, GOAL supports agent training by implementing reinforcement learning algorithms;
- GROWLab—A Java-based software toolbox for modeling social phenomena in the field of geographic conflict research. Specifically, it is intended for applications that require the integration of actual GIS data. Its design considers the implementation of hierarchical agent structures. In particular, it provides notions of “layers” (i.e., groups of agents), “topologies” (i.e., agent interconnections), and “configurations” (i.e., agent hierarchies). Furthermore, the platform provides different types of spaces (e.g., grids, hexagonal spaces, geographic spaces). In order to assess the simulation results, GROWLab also offers tools for gathering statistics and model visualization;
- JASON—An interpreter for an extended version of the AgentSpeak programming language. In particular, it is characterized by speech act-based inter-agent communication. It is used for creating MASs based on the BDI architecture (e.g., ref [120] used JASON in DEVS simulation). As such, it provides concepts of perceptions, beliefs, desires, and intentions. Furthermore, by incorporating features from other frameworks, it facilitates the programming of multi-agent system organizations (by using Moise) and supports the distributivity of agents across the network (by using JADE);
- Neural MMO—An open-source research platform that allows for the simulation of populations of agents within virtual worlds generated using procedural methods. As such, the tool can facilitate foraging tasks, including survival, exploration, and combat, involving a large number of agents generated over several hours. The agents reside in auto-generated environments (initially at random locations) and perform the action in each simulation tick according to the observed game state. Furthermore, they are capable of interacting with each other (e.g., competing for food). In order to control the agents, Neural MMO uses the policies parameterized by neural networks;
- PAXelerate—A software that creates simulations of movements of passengers in airplane cabins. It aims to improve the layout of the boarding-process cabins. The system consists of two main parts: (1) a cabin editor that allows for changes to the cabin layout and (2) a simulator that runs the boarding simulation. The passengers are represented by computer-generated agents with randomly generated physical characteristics who find their seats using an A-Star path-finding algorithm. The simulation uses a grid of nodes to represent the cabin area, and movement is based on cellular automaton principles. As such, PAXelerate can also be used to facilitate real-time simulations;
- Sim2APL—A library facilitating social simulations with intelligent agents. It is based on the 2APL architecture and enables agents to coordinate their actions using time intervals called “ticks”. Each tick represents a complete thinking process for the agents, involving sensing, reasoning, and acting. Unlike the standard 2APL, Sim-2APL relies on agents generating action references instead of directly affecting the environment. After each tick, the actions are carried out in a predictable way, making it possible to create simulations that are consistent and predictable even with complex, intelligent agents. The library comes with pre-set options for starting, scheduling, and running agents. Agents can be created, modified, and removed using a central component called the Platform;
- Soar—A cognitive architecture designed to create intelligent agents. It aims to generate agents with the ability to mimic the complete range of cognitive capabilities of a human, such as learning, decision making, and adapting. Agents themselves are composed of fixed blocks provided by the architecture. They make the decisions based on (1) sensed data, (2) the contents of the working memory, and (3) long-term knowledge. The platform is still active and has often been used by AI researchers since 1983, mainly because of the native support for reinforcement learning for each agent;
- Self-Organizing Social and Inductive Evolutionary Learning (SOSIEL)—A multi-agent algorithm simulating social phenomena that considers large areas and long time spans. Each agent has its personalized knowledge, and sharing it is bounded by spatial criteria. Each agent can learn from the experiences of others and can adapt their practices based on that knowledge. The algorithm allows for the process of modeling the collective adaptation of the whole population after a single member has gained sufficient experience and starts sharing it.
5.2. Platforms for Learning Agents
- Brax—A physics engine that aims to facilitate developments in the areas of robotics, human perception, materials science, and reinforcement learning, among others [122]. It supports both single-device simulations and distributed, parallelized ones. The engine was implemented using JAX and, as such, it can facilitate the environment’s simulation of millions of “physics steps” per second and support fast agent training. The training is undertaken using already implemented algorithms provided in Brax (e.g., proximal-policy optimization, evolutionary strategy). In order to simulate the physics in the system, the platform incorporates the concepts of rigid bodies. Furthermore, it provides interfaces that allow for model visualization;
- Deepmind Garage—A toolkit for the development and assessment of reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides features for defining custom environments in which agents (robots) are represented by 2D observation points executing 2D actions (defined as velocities). The state of the agents is updated in a step-based manner. Furthermore, the platform provides a set of libraries that contain constructs that can be used in the implementation of agent training algorithms. Among other resources, it includes composable neural network models, replay buffers, and high-performance samplers. The platform also provides a graphical interface for defining experiments and experiment checkpointing tools;
- Deepmind lab—A platform that offers a set of tasks requiring agents to implement 3D navigation and puzzle solving. These tasks are created by adapting levels from Quake III Arena, a first-person shooter game, as well as custom levels designed by the community using the platform’s built-in level editor. Its primary aim is to serve as a testing ground for artificial intelligence research, particularly in the field of deep reinforcement learning. Furthermore, utilizing Quake levels as the environment for simulations allows for comparisons of the performance of the implemented learning agent algorithms against the behavior of the significant Quake player base;
- Gazebo—A 3D dynamic software package that allows for the simulation of populations of robots in both indoor and outdoor environments. It is based on a robust physics engine (DART) with support for kinematic and dynamic applications. Furthermore, the platform facilitates realistic simulations through a set of sensor and noise models, as well as the incorporation of 3D rendering techniques. The simulations implemented in Gazebo are time step-based; therefore, the platform can also be used for real-time simulations. In particular, it is commonly used for rapid testing of robotics algorithms and performing regression testing in realistic scenarios;
- Gymnasium—Open-source Python library for creating and analyzing reinforcement learning algorithms. It achieves this goal by providing a standardized API that enables communication between learning algorithms and environments. The actions are executed on the environment in a step-based manner, where “steps” refer to the agent observations (i.e., rewards resulting from actions). Besides facilitating the creation of custom environments, the platform also provides a predefined collection that can be used in the implementation of models in domains including Atari games, robotics simulations, and control problems;
- Habitat—Simulation toolkit that facilitates the development and training of embodied AI agents. It allows visualizing agents in photorealistic 3D environments. The toolkit consists of two main components: Habitat-Sim and Habitat-Lab. Habitat-Sim is a 3D high-performance simulator with, among other assets, enabled physics, rigid-body structures, CAD models of spaces, and configurable sensors. Habitat-Lab facilitates embodied AI tasks; specifically, the configuration and training of agents;
- MAgent2—A research tool designed for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with the goal of scaling up to a large number of agents. As such, Magent2 provides implementations of baseline algorithms, including parameter-sharing DQN, DRQN, and a2c, which are used in agent learning. The platform allows for the development of customized agent behaviors executable in a decentralized manner. The communication and collaboration between agent entities are undertaken using global observations of the environment and of the states of other agents. Similarly to the previous platforms, the state of the system is defined in a step-based manner. Although the project was originally discontinued by its authors, it has since been taken up by the Farama Foundation and is now regularly updated;
- Mava—A comprehensive framework for creating multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) that offers modular abstractions. It follows the executor–trainer paradigm inspired by the actor–learner concept in distributed single-agent reinforcement learning. Mava facilitates the interaction between systems and the environment. It supports distributed system training and provides various components and architectures for system creation. Furthermore, it offers baseline system implementations and demonstrates its functionality by featuring modularized, modifiable components. Additionally, Mava incorporates Launchpad, which enables the seamless launch of distributed multi-agent MARL systems;
- MuJoCo—A physics engine designed to support research and development applications in the robotics and machine learning fields. It is able to handle high-dimensional states and action spaces and supports multiple types of controllers (e.g., position-based, velocity-based, torque-based). The physical interactions that can be modeled in the system include contacts, friction, and joint constraints. Furthermore, its engine combines two techniques: generalized coordinates (for representing the state of the system) and optimization-based contact dynamics (for modeling physical interactions). Moreover, MuJoCo features its own modeling language, MJCF, which allows users to create and manipulate physical models. Additionally, it includes a native 3D visualizer based on open GL that supports real-time interactions with the models;
- OpenSpiel—A research platform for developing and studying games and algorithms in the domain of reinforcement learning and game theory. It offers several simulations (e.g., n-player zero-sum, cooperative and general-sum, and perfect and imperfect information games) and provides tools for agent-based modeling and analysis. It also supports interfaces for developing both single-agent and multi-agent reinforcement learning models. In this context, it provides built-in algorithms, such as Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) and counterfactual regret minimization (CFR). It also enables developers to define custom games and extend the library with new game implementations. Additionally, it offers a set of evaluation tools and benchmarking capabilities;
- PySC2—An environment intended for training agents based on Starcraft II that provides a comprehensive simulation of the game. It implements algorithms facilitating training agents using reinforcement learning techniques. The platform supports real-time game-state observation and reward access, enabling an informed decision-making process in agents. Furthermore, it provides support for two types of agents: scripted and random. These agents are able to interact with each other and the environment using the game’s API, and as such, they can perform actions, including movement or combat. Additionally, the visualization of prepared simulations is achieved through integration with the StarCraft II game client, which provides tools to render game states, agent actions, and maps;
- Unity ML-Agents—A game-based platform for developing intelligent agents. It provides tools for creating virtual environments for simulations in 2D, 3D, VR, and AR formats, as well as facilitating the handling of sensory input, such as visual and auditory data. The platform supports both single-agent and multi-agent training, including distributed training in which multiple agents are trained simultaneously. It provides three types of agent behaviors: (1) learning (when the agent is about to be trained), (2) heuristic (hard-coded rules), and (3) inference (training with neural networks). Additionally, it contains built-in tools (Demonstration Recorder) to record the agent behaviors, which allows for the monitoring of the statistics of the models.
5.3. Platforms for Modeling and Simulating Environments and Ecosystems
- Alchemist—A simulation framework that incorporates chemistry terminology within an agent-based system. Initially, the platform was dedicated strictly to chemistry-oriented multi-compartment stochastic simulations [124]. However, the chemistry-inspired concepts of the Alchemist’s meta-model are now treated in an “abstract” manner. For instance, the model defines “nodes”, “reactions”, “molecules”, and “concentrations”. In this context, the “molecules” can be interpreted as identifiers and the “concentrations” as pieces of data. The Alchemist’s meta-model also includes “incarnations”, which are concrete instances of a given type. As such, these concepts allow for the definition of cognitive agents, which are created by adding a particular type to given node properties. Additionally, in order to streamline the simulation, the platform provides an incarnation-agnostic simulation engine with a customizable GUI;
- BioDynaMo—A simulation framework designed for multi-scale agent-based modeling of biological systems. Its design principles emphasize two main aspects: (1) a high-performance engine and (2) a modular component design. The agents are used to represent individual cells that reside in a 3D environment and are capable of dividing (creation of new agents), moving, and interacting with each other. The platform also supports the creation of agents in batches. From the technical perspective, the BioDynaMo simulation engine is fully parallelized, allowing it to be run on multi-core CPUs. As such, the platform is compatible with both standard computers and HPCs. By enabling GPU acceleration for faster processing, BioDynaMo can be used to simulate large-scale models;
- FAME—Toolkit that facilitates the development of agent-based models and simulations for energy systems. It consists of several modules, including FAME-Core, FAME-Prepare, FAME-Io, and FAME-MPI. The agent-based models are being developed using FAME-Core. It aims to provide built-in functionalities to simplify ABM development for programmers without specialized knowledge. The FAME agents are able to interact with the environment, process the input configuration files, and produce the output data. The interaction between multiple agents is coordinated by the concept of contracts. The scheme of the defined models is prepared by the FAME-Prepare component, whereas the input and output data of the simulation are handled by FAME-Io. Additionally, FAME provides a FAME-MPI package for running parallelized applications on clusters using MPI;
- ForestSim—An agent-based model for researching policy and sustainability issues related to woody biomass-based biofuels and bioenergy options. The platform is Java-based and relies on the MASON toolkit for simulation management. It is designed to be modifiable for the purpose of studying more specific research areas. Among its features, it integrates techniques from biomass estimation, ABM, sustainability assessment, and forest-growth modeling. By simulating the harvest activities of decentralized private forest owners, it can be used to aid research aiming to determine the impact of changing forest management policies on locally derived sustainability indicators. Based on the information obtained from the platform’s authors, ForestSim is currently in a stable state, and there are no plans to enhance it with new features;
- Framesticks—A system for modeling artificial life and observing the effects of aimless evolutionary mechanisms. It allows for separate simulations of the physical and neural components of a creature, taking into consideration genotype–phenotype mappings. The physical simulation consists of representing the creature’s body as a finite number of points and considering the effects of forces applied on it by other points, as well as outside physical forces (i.e., gravity, friction, elasticity). The neural part of the system represents a creature’s brain as a neural network. Moreover, Framsticks provides two sets of neurons: actuators responsible for the orientation of the creature’s body and receptors providing information about the simulated environment. Besides that, users can define their own neuron types using editing scripts included in the platform. The system also includes a GUI for 3D simulation visualization;
- HexSim—A computer application specifically designed for constructing plant and animal population models in the field of computational biology research. Users can define the structure, complexity, and data requirements of their models within the HexSim platform. It leverages spatial data to capture aspects such as landscape structure, habitat quality, and the distribution of stressors. Moreover, the platform allows users to define the animal model structure by creating a customized life cycle. The life cycle serves as the driving force behind the model’s processing and data requirements. Users can select from a list of life-history events, including survival, reproduction, movement, resource acquisition, and species interactions. This makes it useful for studying the cumulative impacts on wildlife populations and plants resulting from the interaction of multiple natural and human-induced disturbances;
- LANDIS-II—A modeling framework for simulating and studying the long-term ecological processes in forests. It represents trees and shrubs as individual agents that model their growth, mortality, and regeneration. The communication is undertaken through the effects of the agents’ actions observable in the environment. As such, the platform enables the modeling of species interactions, including competition and facilitation. Furthermore, in the environment, the simulator incorporates spatially explicit factors (such as climate change) and disturbances (e.g., fire, insect outbreaks, harvesting). Additionally, it is worth pointing out that LANDIS-II models are customizable and, as a result, the platform has gathered an active community that has contributed significantly to the development of several extensions;
- lemlab—An agent-based modeling platform designed to facilitate the development and testing of local energy market (LEM) models. The platform is based on a modular design that incorporates a generic LEM architecture, which allows for the adaptation of the system to meet the research needs of the user. Lemlab includes integrated time-series data for simulating agents as several types of both power producers and consumers, such as household loads, photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, heat pumps, and electric vehicles. It offers real-time capabilities for model development, along with an analysis toolbox for result testing. Furthermore, the platform also supports a database-agnostic approach, which facilitates the integration of multiple database technologies;
- Osmose—An R package for simulation of aquatic wildlife that can represent multiple different species in one environment. Specifically, the platform facilitates the implementation of individual-based and spatially explicit models. Its core concept is based on the co-occurrence of predators and prey. Each specimen (agent) represented in the simulation is characterized by a distinct set of parameters, such as weight, age, and size. Moreover, they undergo life cycle-related changes, including aging and reproduction. As such, the simulation is also capable of modeling predation between species, starvation in cases of insufficient resources, and introduction of the human element with fishing exploitation;
- ReMobidyc—A Web-based ABM platform used in individual-based modeling of population dynamics and ecotoxicology. From the theoretical perspective, it is based on the design principles of Mobidyc, but from the technical side, it utilizes Pharo instead of VisualWorks. In its design principles, the platform aims to facilitate the verification of models, reproduction of simulations, and tracing of the simulation process (by enabling the users to interact with agents at runtime). Therefore, ReMobidyc offers persistent storage (e.g., RDBs, which can be used in storing the simulation steps), a random number generator (which can support simulation reproducibility), and a Web-based UI (to make the systems shareable in the community);
- Simona—An agent-based discrete-event modeling tool dedicated to distributed grid simulations. It is primarily used for modeling power grids, their analysis, and planning. The grids are designed using input data that must adhere to the dedicated PowerSystemDataModel format. As the platform employs the individuality approach, it focuses on the behavior of individual assets, which are implemented as agents, rather than the entire grid. Additionally, it supports storing of the output of the simulation in specific output files that are configurable by the user;
- TerraME—A programming environment designed to simulate the impact of human-related and natural phenomena across anisotropic regions. It enables the implementation of three distinct modeling paradigms; namely, agent-based models, cellular automata, and network models. The simulations executed in TerraME are based on the events realized in discrete time steps. Furthermore, to execute scenarios, the platform can be integrated with GIS data through a customized TerraLib interface. Additionally, TerraMe includes a bundled 2D graphical user interface that focuses on capturing environmental variations within a grid.
5.4. Platforms for Transport-Related Simulations
- AGADE Traffic—An agent-based platform for traffic simulation. It utilizes NetLogo agents to model traffic participants and provides a graphical user interface for their visualization. The platform allows the specification of routes for individuals by defining their origins and destinations. Furthermore, AGADE enables the definition of cost and pricing schemes, which facilitates the comparison of routing and social optimization effects. The tool’s architecture allows it to run in a distributed environment using the mechanisms of the graph database. Additionally, AGADE facilitates simulations of real-world scenarios by acquiring geographic information from OpenStreetMap;
- Carla—A platform for autonomous driving simulations. It includes built-in protocols and components for mobility modeling (e.g., city structures and vehicles). It enables control of static and dynamic actors used to represent vehicles. Furthermore, it provides sensor suites and implementation of environmental conditions. The platform consists of two main modules. The Carla simulator handles the majority of the workload and is responsible for rendering and managing the actors and sensors in the simulated environment. The Carla Python API provides an interface that enables control of vehicles, attaching of sensors to them, and collection of generated data;
- MATSim—An agent-based platform that provides a set of methods for running and implementing large-scale mobility simulations. It comprises “modules” (e.g., modules with configuration options) that can be used independently or in combination with each other. Moreover, it enables the definition of custom module implementations in order to test research-specific features. The MATSim simulations are run in a co-evolutionary manner, where agents are executed iteratively and compete for the space–time slots with other agents. A single iteration ends with the assessment of the agents’ experiences. Furthermore, all of the events executed in the simulation are captured for analysis. MATSim also provides the dedicated “Via” visualization software that enables the display of the simulation results;
- Microsoft AirSim—A simulator for ground vehicles and aircraft that has versions using both the Unity engine and Unreal Engine. The environment is open-source and cross-platform and supports both software-in-the-loop simulation (with flight controllers) and hardware-in-loop simulation (for physically and visually realistic simulations). It defines vehicles as autonomous robots composed of shapes and sets of points, mapping them to corresponding forces. These robots are simulated in an environment that incorporates physics phenomena, such as gravity or air density. AirSim also provides multiple types of sensors, such as GPS, barometers, distance sensors, and Lidar. Moreover, it implements baseline learning algorithms (e.g., reinforcement learning), making it possible to build simulations in the AI research domain;
- The Open Racing Car Simulator (Torcs)—A portable, multi-platform game that can be used for both entertainment and research purposes. It incorporates an advanced physical model that allows for realistic car racing scenarios and offers a range of components, including racing tracks, opponents, and cars. Furthermore, the simulator features, among other elements, a damage model, collisions, and aerodynamics. In addition to being a car racing game, Torcs can be utilized as a platform for testing autonomous driving algorithms and, hence, can be used in the development of AI technology in the field of racing.
6. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Wrona, Z.; Buchwald, W.; Ganzha, M.; Paprzycki, M.; Leon, F.; Noor, N.; Pal, C.-V. Overview of Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023. Information 2023, 14, 348. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14060348
Wrona Z, Buchwald W, Ganzha M, Paprzycki M, Leon F, Noor N, Pal C-V. Overview of Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023. Information. 2023; 14(6):348. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14060348
Chicago/Turabian StyleWrona, Zofia, Wojciech Buchwald, Maria Ganzha, Marcin Paprzycki, Florin Leon, Noman Noor, and Constantin-Valentin Pal. 2023. "Overview of Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023" Information 14, no. 6: 348. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14060348
APA StyleWrona, Z., Buchwald, W., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Leon, F., Noor, N., & Pal, C.-V. (2023). Overview of Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023. Information, 14(6), 348. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14060348