Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement
<p>Study sites and overview of the images used in this research: (<b>a</b>) Geographic distribution of the study regions (Google Earth©); (<b>b</b>) Overview of the Istanbul region; (<b>c</b>) Overview of the Bursa region; (<b>d</b>) Overview of the Izmir region.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Topographic characteristics of the study regions.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Land cover (LC) characteristics of the study regions.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Diagram of the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based automated orthorectification.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The steps of SIFT feature extraction: (<b>a</b>) scale space generation; (<b>b</b>) DOG image generation; (<b>c</b>) detection of local maximum and minimum; (<b>d</b>) gradient calculation; (<b>e</b>) histogram calculation and generation of 128 dimensional vectors.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of the results of the orthorectification process for different study areas based on the RMSE (number of the validated Ground Control Points (GCPs) given over each bar).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Accuracy of the results obtained using the original RPC model.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Improvement ratio of the GCPs retrieved using SIFT to the results using the original RPC-based orthorectification results as a reference.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Comparison of the process times for single and multithread approaches.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>Distribution of the SIFT-based GCPs and Independent Check Points (ICPs) for the arithmetic mean of the RGB channels.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Data
3. Methodology
3.1. Geometric Correction (Orthorectification)
3.1.1. RPC Refinement
· Line + aL2 · Line2 + aS2 · Sample2 + …
· Line + bL2 · Line2 + bS2 · Sample2 + …
3.1.2. SIFT Algorithm
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Region/Incidence Angle | Point Type | Spectral Band/Number of Points | Matching Ratio (%) | ||||||||||||
Low Incidence | Matching Points | 197 | 194 | 207 | 211 | 193 | 224 | 178 | 97% | 96% | 96% | 95% | 95% | 96% | 96% |
Validated GCPs | 191 | 186 | 199 | 200 | 183 | 215 | 170 | ||||||||
High Incidence | Matching Points | 44 | 52 | 50 | 51 | 38 | 37 | 49 | 64% | 56% | 68% | 47% | 42% | 59% | 59% |
Validated GCPs | 28 | 29 | 34 | 24 | 16 | 22 | 29 | ||||||||
Low Incidence | Matching Points | 224 | 225 | 229 | 227 | 188 | 225 | 203 | 96% | 96% | 95% | 96% | 95% | 96% | 95% |
Validated GCPs | 214 | 216 | 217 | 217 | 179 | 216 | 192 | ||||||||
High Incidence | Matching Points | 62 | 66 | 65 | 82 | 49 | 71 | 58 | 92% | 91% | 89% | 89% | 86% | 87% | 86% |
Validated GCPs | 57 | 60 | 58 | 73 | 42 | 62 | 50 | ||||||||
Low Incidence | Matching Points | 156 | 178 | 188 | 171 | 185 | 179 | 147 | 96% | 96% | 95% | 96% | 96% | 95% | 97% |
Validated GCPs | 150 | 170 | 178 | 164 | 177 | 170 | 142 | ||||||||
High Incidence | Matching Points | 92 | 100 | 56 | 73 | 101 | 99 | 98 | 87% | 91% | 71% | 79% | 76% | 89% | 89% |
Validated GCPs | 80 | 91 | 40 | 58 | 77 | 88 | 87 |
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Region | Istanbul | Bursa | Izmir | |||
Date | Incidence Angle | Date | Incidence Angle | Date | Incidence Angle | |
Reference | 24 December 2015 | 2.03° | 25 September 2014 | 1.07° | 4 December 2015 | 8.90° |
Low | 9 December 2016 | 12.53° | 2 November 2015 | 1.36° | 29 January 2017 | 8.22° |
High | 29 April 2017 | 26.10° | 9 July 2014 | 18.74° | 28 March 2017 | 18.48° |
RMSE (±m) | ||||||
Region | Istanbul | Bursa | İzmir | |||
Poly. Order | 1st | 2nd | 1st | 2nd | 1st | 2nd |
Low Incidence | 1.80 | 1.70 | 3.10 | 3.00 | 4.72 | 4.66 |
High Incidence | 5.13 | 4.90 | 4.86 | 4.71 | 4.96 | 4.95 |
Region/Incidence | 0–2% | 2–5% | 5–8% | 8–16% | 16–30% | 30–45% | 45+% | ||||||||
Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | ||
Istanbul | Low | 3 | 1.135 | 14 | 1.328 | 19 | 1.367 | 70 | 1.406 | 65 | 1.348 | 18 | 1.305 | 3 | 1.720 |
High | 1 | 1.912 | 3 | 1.970 | 4 | 2.212 | 11 | 2.307 | 6 | 1.927 | 1 | 2.388 | 0 | 0.000 | |
Bursa | Low | 1 | 0.969 | 3 | 0.516 | 5 | 0.692 | 33 | 0.638 | 75 | 0.520 | 60 | 0.506 | 31 | 0.529 |
High | 0 | 0.000 | 1 | 1.240 | 2 | 1.454 | 12 | 1.793 | 24 | 1.507 | 12 | 1.937 | 5 | 2.043 | |
Izmir | Low | 8 | 1.744 | 19 | 1.586 | 22 | 1.409 | 44 | 1.510 | 44 | 1.642 | 19 | 1.737 | 8 | 2.741 |
High | 3 | 2.473 | 8 | 1.934 | 10 | 1.700 | 22 | 1.766 | 25 | 2.129 | 5 | 2.311 | 1 | 2.920 |
Region/Incidence | Artificial Surfaces | Agricultural Areas | Forest and S. Natural | Wetlands | Water Bodies | ||||||
Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | Ct. | RMS | ||
Istanbul | Low | 37 | 1.478 | 13 | 1.340 | 139 | 1.351 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1.943 |
High | 11 | 2.181 | 5 | 1.688 | 9 | 2.517 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.136 | |
Bursa | Low | 2 | 0.573 | 38 | 0.615 | 167 | 0.522 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
High | 1 | 1.266 | 13 | 1.593 | 43 | 1.747 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Izmir | Low | 48 | 1.666 | 35 | 1.686 | 81 | 1.623 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
High | 19 | 1.821 | 23 | 2.162 | 33 | 1.951 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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Share and Cite
Kartal, H.; Alganci, U.; Sertel, E. Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 229.
Kartal H, Alganci U, Sertel E. Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2018; 7(6):229.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKartal, Hakan, Ugur Alganci, and Elif Sertel. 2018. "Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7, no. 6: 229.
APA StyleKartal, H., Alganci, U., & Sertel, E. (2018). Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(6), 229.