Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia
"> Figure 1
<p>MODIS sinusoidal tiling system [<a href="#B31-ijgi-02-00553" class="html-bibr">31</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Original and new CSV (with shortened header information) text file format for a single meteorological measurement.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>System overview for the framework developed within the Siberian Earth System Science Cluster (SIB-ESS-C). OGC, Open Geospatial Consortium; CSW, Catalogue Service for Web; WMS, Web Map Service; WFS, Web Feature Service; WCS, Web Coverage Service; SOS, Sensor Observation Service; WPS, Web Processing Service.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Processing chain for the integration of MODIS products.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Processing chain for the integration of Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) and Integrated Surface Database (ISD) data.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>MapServer configuration for tile-index and raster layer.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>MapCache configuration XML: source and tileset layer properties (e.g., for MOD13C1 normalized vegetation difference index (NDVI)).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Screenshot of the SIB-ESS-C web portal (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Combination of MODIS NDVI and MODIS burned area datasets (<b>Left</b>: previous-fire NDVI; <b>Middle</b>: post-fire NDVI, <b>Right</b>: burned areas) near Yakutsk, Russia.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Excerpt of a logfile of on-demand processing (processing of a single time step).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Forest Dragon 2 Geoportal (<b>Left</b>) shows the processed datasets from the SIB-ESS-C (<b>Right</b>).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>HTML preview of the retrieved data from Integrated Surface Database of the selected station, Ust-Maja (near Yakutsk), for the 20 July 2012.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- establishing a multi-source data processing middleware for land observations,
- implementing additional and individual processing steps for integrated data,
- providing standard-compliant visualization, access and download services for time-series data,
- and fostering near real-time monitoring of land processes.
2. Data Sources
Data | Provider | Available Time Ranges |
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer | NASA | 2000–present |
Global Surface Summary of the Day | NOAA | 1929–present (depending on station) |
Integrated Surface Database | NOAA | 1929–present (depending on station) |
2.1. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
Science Discipline | Archive Center | Data Access |
Land | Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC) | [32] |
Cryosphere | National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) | [33] |
2.2. Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD)
Parameter | Original Unit | Converted SI-Based Unit |
Mean temperature | Degrees Fahrenheit | Degrees Celsius |
Mean dew point | Degrees Fahrenheit | Degrees Celsius |
Mean sea-level pressure | Millibar | Pascal |
Mean station pressure | Millibar | Pascal |
Mean visibility | Miles | Kilometer |
Mean wind speed | Knots | Meter per second |
Max sustained wind speed | Knots | Meter per second |
Max wind gust | Knots | Meter per second |
Max temperature | Degrees Fahrenheit | Degrees Celsius |
Min temperature | Degrees Fahrenheit | Degrees Celsius |
Precipitation amount | Inches | Millimeters |
Snow depth | Inches | Millimeters |
2.3. Integrated Surface Database (ISD)
3. Framework for the Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware
Software | Version | Function | Source |
PostgreSQL | 9.1 | Database | |
PostGIS | 2.0 | Spatial extension for PostgreSQL for raster and vector data | |
Wget | 1.13.4 | FTP data retrieval | |
Python | 2.7 | Data integration script | |
GDAL | 1.9 | HDF to GeoTIFF, data clipping | |
R | 2.14.1 | Time-series plotting | |
MapServer | 6.0.3 | Data access services | |
MapCache | 1.0 | Caching WMS services | |
istSOS | 2.0 | OGC SOS services | |
PyWPS | 3.2.1 | Data processing services | |
pycsw | 1.4.0 | Metadata services | |
Apache | 2.2.22 | Web server | |
Drupal CMS | 7 | Web content management system | |
jQuery | 1.8 | Frontend JavaScript library | |
OpenLayers | 1.12 | Frontend web mapping library | |
3.1. Data Integration
3.1.1. Integration and Processing of MODIS Products
- data server and directory where files are stored (e.g., FTP)
- raster type of product (Swath, Tile, CMG)
- whether 5 min swaths or tiles are needed (if raster type is equal to swath/tile)
- dataset names to be extracted
- no-data and scale information (if necessary for processing)
Column Name | dataset | date | location | geom | raster |
Column Type | String | Date | String | MultiPolygon | Raster |
3.1.2. Integration and Processing of the GSOD Dataset
Gid | USAF | WBAN | Call (ICAO) | Country | Fips | US state | Station name |
Lat | Lon | Elevation | Date begin | Date end | Geometry | Location | File identifier |
3.1.3. Integration and Processing of the ISD Dataset
3.2. Data Provision
3.2.1. MODIS Data Visualization and Download Services
- dataset (layer) name
- time extend (start, end, interval)
- default time
- time positions
- styling and legend information
3.2.2. Climate Data Services
3.2.3. Metadata Services
General Metadata | |
File Identifier | MODIS_MOD11_C3_LST_Day_Series |
Title | Monthly Daytime Land Surface Temperature from MODIS Terra |
Abstract | Time-series of monthly Terra MODIS daytime land surface temperature in Kelvin at 0.05 degrees spatial resolution. To retrieve actual values in Kelvin, a scale factor of 0.02 has to be applied. The unscaled no-data value is encoded as 0. Original MODIS data retrieved from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center ( |
Keywords | MODIS, Terra, Siberia, Temperature, Global, Monthly, Series, Daytime |
Lineage | MODIS HDF Level 2 product was converted to GeoTIFF with gdal_translate (Version 1.9) |
Data Information | |
Description | Land Surface Temperature |
Data Type | RASTER |
Coverage Content Type | Physical Measurement |
SRS | EPSG:4326 |
BBOX | 57.1301270 81.2734985 179.8292847 42.2901001 |
Columns | 2,454 |
Rows | 780 |
Resolution | 0.05 |
Scale Factor | 0.02 |
No Data Value | 0 |
Time Begin | 2000-03-01 |
Time End | 2012-09-01 |
Time Interval | P1M |
Dates | 2000-03-01, 2000-04-01, 2000-05-01,…, 2012-08-01, 2012-09-01 |
Services | |
WMS Protocol | WebMapService:1.3.0:HTTP |
WMS Description | MODIS Terra LST Day Monthly |
WMS Name | mod11c3_lst_day |
WCS Protocol | WebCoverageService:1.1.0:HTTP |
WCS Description | MODIS Terra LST Day Monthly |
WCS Name | mod11c3_lst_day |
4. SIB-ESS-C Web Portal as Client for Middleware Services
5. Applications for the Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware
Short name | Platform | Resolution | Temporal coverage | Data period |
Snow Cover | ||||
MOD10CM | Terra/Aqua | 0.05° | 2000/2002–present | Monthly |
MOD10C2 | Terra/Aqua | 0.05° | 2000/2002–present | 8-day |
Land Surface Temperature | ||||
MOD11C3 | Terra/Aqua | 0.05° | 2000/2002–present | Monthly |
MOD11A1 | Terra | 1,000 m | 2010–present | Daily |
Vegetation Indices (NDVI, EVI) | ||||
MOD13C2 | Terra/Aqua | 0.05° | 2000/2002–present | Monthly |
MOD13C1 | Terra/Aqua | 0.05° | 2000/2002–present | 16-day |
MOD13A1 | Terra | 500 m | 2010–present | 16-day |
Burned Area | ||||
MCD45A1 | Terra + Aqua | 500 m | 2000–present | Monthly |
5.1. Automatic Data Integration
5.2. On-Demand Data Integration
6. Conclusion and Outlook
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Share and Cite
Eberle, J.; Clausnitzer, S.; Hüttich, C.; Schmullius, C. Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2013, 2, 553-576.
Eberle J, Clausnitzer S, Hüttich C, Schmullius C. Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2013; 2(3):553-576.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEberle, Jonas, Siegfried Clausnitzer, Christian Hüttich, and Christiane Schmullius. 2013. "Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2, no. 3: 553-576.
APA StyleEberle, J., Clausnitzer, S., Hüttich, C., & Schmullius, C. (2013). Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2(3), 553-576.