Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges
:1. Introduction
- implications on open stellar clusters: such systems are physically related group of stars held together by the mutual gravitational attraction. Since their constituents typically have similar age and chemical composition, they provide very important laboratories where stellar properties compared to isolated field stars can be studied. In [22], Carvalho et al. have shown that the characteristic relaxation mechanism associated with radial orbital instability cannot be understood in the classical Maxwell–Boltzmann framework, emphasizing the need of non-Gaussian (Kaniadakis-like) statistics to fit the distribution of stellar residual radial velocity in some baseline stellar open clusters.
- Jeans instability and gravitational collapse: the dynamical stability of a self-gravitating system can be described by the Jeans criterion, which states that, if the wavelength of a density fluctuation inside the system is greater than a certain threshold given by the Jeans wavelength, then the density will grow in time exponentially, and the system becomes gravitationally unstable. In [27], this criterion has been revisited in the context of Kaniadakis statistics, obtaining a -deformed critical wavelength larger than the standard expression. Similar studies have also been developed in Eddington-inspired Born–Infeld [28] and [29] gravity, and the dark-baryonic matter model [30], among others.
- Holographic Cosmology: Holographic Dark Energy (HDE) is a theoretical framework that arises from the attempt of applying the holographic principle to the dark energy problem [31]. A crucial ingredient in the construction of this model is the relationship between the entropy of the Universe (conceived as a thermodynamic system) and its geometrical properties, such as its radius. The standard HDE scenario is built upon Bekenstein–Hawking entropy, which arises as the black hole application of the BGS one. However, in [13,14,15,32], a generalized HDE based on Kaniadakis entropy has been investigated along with its implications on the cosmic evolution and thermal properties of the Universe (see also [23,24,33,34,35] for further applications). Remarkably, it has been shown that Kaniadakis dark energy exhibits peculiar features that do not have any correspondence in the traditional HDE, potentially providing a way to alleviate the Hubble tension.
- Entropic gravity: Verlinde’s conjecture of entropic gravity [36] presents gravitational force as an emergent (rather than fundamental) force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. Starting from this idea, an effective gravitational constant can be derived and used to introduce Kaniadakis statistics, the ensuing method being a simpler alternative to the usual procedure employed in non-Gaussian statistics. In [25], such a formalism has been applied to infer Kaniadakis-induced corrections to the Jeans criterion for self-gravitating systems, as well as to establish a connection with deviations of Newton’s law arising in a submillimeter range (for the sake of transparency, it must be said that the issue of whether Newton’s law exhibits deviations from inverse square behavior in submillimeter regime is quite controversial. For instance, in [37], it has been found that there are still no deviations in separation down to μm.) [38].
- Black hole thermodynamics: inspired by a dual Rény entropy [39,40], in [41], Abreu et al. have suggested and applied a dual Kaniadakis entropy to black hole thermodynamics. In this way, a generalized equipartition theorem has been derived, leading to a -modified black hole temperature and heat capacity. In addition, it has been argued that black holes in Kaniadakis statistics could exhibit a thermally stable phase, thus opening new glimpses into the study of black hole thermodynamics at both theoretical and phenomenological levels [41].
- Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG): this is a well-known non-perturbative and background independent theory of gravity which aims to merge Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity [42]. One of the characteristic parameters of LQG is the so-called Immirzi parameter [43], which is an arbitrary number that measures the size of the quantum of area in Planck units. By using Kaniadakis statistics, Abreu et al. have derived a non-trivial relation between the Immirzi parameter, the deformation parameter and the area of a punctured surface [44], which is a topological two-sphere with defects carrying spin quantum numbers endowed by the edges of the spin network that represents the bulk quantum geometry. The question arises as to whether Kaniadakis statistics might play any role in the context of quantum gravity.
2. Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistical Theory: Recent Advances
2.1. Open Stellar Clusters
2.2. Jeans Instability and Gravitational Collapse
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- for , i.e., the classical criterion is restored;
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- for ;
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- for , which means that the self-gravitating systems are always stable (notice that for the modified equipartition law based on Kaniadakis statistics diverges, thus making the derivation of the generalized Jeans criterion meaningless.).
2.3. Holographic Dark Energy
2.4. Entropic Gravity
2.5. Black Hole Thermodynamics
2.6. Loop Quantum Gravity
3. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in Kaniadakis Statistics
3.1. Freeze-Out Mechanism
3.2. Primordial Abundances of and Deuterium D
4. Discussion and Conclusions
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- as a first extension of the above analysis, it would be interesting to search for signatures of inflationary perturbations propagated during the hypothetical Kaniadakis cosmic epoch in present/upcoming experiments on primordial gravitational waves, such as VIRGO, LIGO or LISA. This work is already in progress.
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- It has been recently argued that Holographic Dark Energy construction might alleviate the tension [70], the reason being that it could lead to the phantom regime for dark energy. Since KHDE has been shown to exhibit this feature [15], it is worth going more deeply into the problem to understand whether KHDE may provide a good candidate toward a solution to the tension.
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- In [58], BBN has been studied by using the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP), which emerges from the phenomenological attempt to embed gravity corrections in quantum mechanics so as to predict a minimal length at Planck scale (see [71,72,73] and references therein). Specifically, it has been shown that GUP enters Friedmann equations through a deformation of the entropy area law, which in turn modifies the density/temperature dependence of Hubble constant. Primordial abundances evaluated in this way exhibit a non-trivial dependence on the GUP deformation parameter. Given the formal analogies between such a result and those obtained in the present context, the question naturally arises as to whether any kind of connection between Kaniadakis statistics and GUP can be established at a more fundamental level. We expect that this study could also pave the way toward formulating a relativistic model of GUP.
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- As argued in Section 2.5, the analysis of black holes thermodynamics from a dual Kaniadakis entropy reveals a possible thermally stable phase in Kaniadakis statistics, a fact that cannot be noticed when working in Boltzmann theory. This shows that -deformed entropy not only generalizes standard results, but also predicts features that do not have any correspondence in the ordinary black hole thermodynamics. Without a doubt, a thorough examination of this framework is needed to find out all peculiarities of black holes in Kaniadakis statistics.
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- In the recent study of [30], effects of Kaniadakis statistics on the Jeans instability have been analyzed for gravitational systems composed by dark and baryonic matter. As a result, it has been found that instability is suppressed in comparison with the background of Maxwell distribution and, thus, opposes the gravitational collapse of such systems. An appealing extension of this work is to consider Kaniadakis implications on Jeans instability of partially ionized dusty plasma and discuss their relevance in the formation of planetesimals and collapse of interstellar clouds in star forming regions.
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- Based on the quantum tunnelling concept and Boltzmann statistics, one can derive the critical Gamow temperature at which the star-burning process occurs. The problem has been recently addressed in the context of Kaniadakis statistics [26], showing that Gamow temperature decreases with respect to the standard value. Therefore, stars whose burning temperature differs from might be signals of deviations from Gaussian statistics in stellar sciences. This provides a challenging framework where to test the Kaniadakis theory experimentally.
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- In [34], Abreu et al. have derived a -modified version of the Tully–Fisher relation, which connects the rotation velocity of galaxies to their mass. In contrast to the classical formula, this new relation contains a dependence on the distance of the star to the center of the galaxy. By virtue of this result, it would then be interesting to study whether Kaniadakis statistics can shed any new light on the dark-matter problem.
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- Kaniadakis entropy has also been applied to the context of quantum information. In particular, in [74], it has been found to exhibit suitable properties to be a candidate for a generalized quantum information theory. Along this direction, a demanding perspective is to explore the possible relevance of Kaniadakis information theory in solving some puzzles arising in quantum gravity scenarios, such as the black hole information paradox and the firewall paradox (see [75] for a recent review on the topic).
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
KHDE | Kaniadakis Holographic Dark Energy |
BGS | Boltzmann–Gibbs–Shannon |
BBN | Big Bang Nucleosynthesis |
GR | General Relativity |
BH | Bekenstein–Hawking |
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Luciano, G.G. Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges. Entropy 2022, 24, 1712.
Luciano GG. Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges. Entropy. 2022; 24(12):1712.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLuciano, Giuseppe Gaetano. 2022. "Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges" Entropy 24, no. 12: 1712.
APA StyleLuciano, G. G. (2022). Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges. Entropy, 24(12), 1712.