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Resilience Analysis Grid–Rasch Rating Scale Model for Measuring Organizational Resilience Potential

Management Engineering Faculty, Uninettuno University, 00186 Rome, Italy
Psychology Faculty, Uninettuno University, 00186 Rome, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2025, 15(4), 1695; https://doi.org/10.3390/app15041695
Submission received: 4 December 2024 / Revised: 24 January 2025 / Accepted: 4 February 2025 / Published: 7 February 2025



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Streamlining the resilience potential assessment process.


This paper presents a novel method for measuring organizational resilience by integrating the Rasch model into the Resilience Analysis Grid (RAG), providing a robust and objective tool for cross-sectional resilience studies. By treating the four cornerstones of resilience as abilities, Rasch’s model allows for an assessment that positions both the difficulty of the items and the organizations’ ability along a common scale. The requirement is the availability of a number of different organizations to be assessed. We employ a dataset generated through an artificial simulation and analyzed in a controlled environment, demonstrating the potential of Rasch-based resilience assessments to provide accurate, comparable, and scalable results in different organizational contexts. The traditional RAG is designed without a normative reference group, which makes it challenging to evaluate its results. The proposed model overcomes this limitation by offering a measurement scale on which different organizations can be placed without the need to use a normative group, facilitating the more consistent and timely monitoring of systems. This novel approach to quantifying resilience potentials highlights the transformative role of digital technologies in improving workplace safety and resilience. It advances resilience engineering and occupational health and safety practices in complex environments like manufacturing and industrial sectors.

1. Introduction

Managing complexity within sociotechnical systems is essential for effectively implementing occupational safety, where adaptive and resilient systems are needed to handle dynamic, emergent challenges [1,2,3,4]. Ergonomics and human factors experts, safety scientists, as well as resilience engineers are exploring research streams investigating new ways of designing methods capable of managing such challenges [5,6,7], most of which are AI-based [8,9]. Therefore, to leverage digital transformation for enhanced occupational health and safety (OHS) in manufacturing, AI can support critical decision-making processes, which are essential for enhancing both safety protocols and effective risk management in high-stakes work environments and for managing information [10,11]. Integrating AI-driven tools within the Safety-II paradigm offers a promising pathway for enhancing OHS management in sociotechnical systems [12,13]. Safety-II represents a novel approach to OHS management [14]. It is not solely concerned with the prevention of accidents; rather, it also seeks to comprehend and promote the positive aspects of organizational functioning [2]. In contrast to the traditional Safety-I approach, which is predicated on the analysis of errors and non-conformities, Safety-II seeks to comprehend the manner in which routine operational procedures contribute to an organization’s success and resilience [15]. Even though it has not been free from fierce criticism [16], Safety-II signifies a fundamental transformation in the conceptualization of safety management, moving away from a reactive stance centered on incident avoidance toward a proactive orientation that fosters the enhancement in effective organizational practices and adaptive ability [17,18]. By shifting the focus from merely preventing accidents to understanding and supporting successful work practices, AI can help monitor, analyze, and predict the patterns that contribute to both safe and effective operations [19,20]. This proactive approach not only strengthens resilience within dynamic work environments but also aids in adapting safety protocols to real-time information and emergent challenges, ultimately fostering a safer and more adaptive workplace [21,22,23].
Safety-II and resilience engineering gave rise to the question of how resilience can be measured [24,25,26]. The Resilience Analysis Grid (RAG), in its original form, provides four sets of questions that can be tailored by any organization, given that there is no one questionnaire solution that is universally applicable [27,28]. The questions are based on the principles of resilience engineering [29,30]. These questions assist in the identification of resilience potential [31]. The questionnaire, when specifically tailored, offers insights into the organization’s potential resilience in OHS.
Though the RAG is an off-the-shelf tool, some complications make its implementation impractical. For example, it is difficult to assess the weights to be assigned to the items in specific questionnaires. To overcome this limitation, a specific approach was developed [32,33]. These two articles present an analytical framework for assessing organizational resilience through the integration of RAG with Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The objective of the RAG–AHP is to provide an objective method for measuring resilience potential. Specifically, the AHP is employed in the second phase of the RAG, facilitating a systematic approach to the identification and assignment of the weights of the individual items of the four cornerstones of resilience. This hierarchy-based approach facilitates the discernment of the relative importance of each factor and the effective synthesis of expert judgments. A notable drawback of utilizing the AHP in combination with the RAG is the need for comprehensive data gathering and examination, particularly concerning the required pairwise comparison matrices, which can be time-consuming and intricate to complete (an n-sized pairwise matrix necessitates n(n − 1)/2 comparisons, e.g., the standard questionnaire provided by Hollnagel consisting of 39 items requires 741 pairwise comparisons). Additionally, as the AHP is typically based on expert judgement, there is the potential for bias if participants’ experiences or organizational roles exert a significant influence on their responses. Indeed, the RAG–AHP approach requires substantial resources and has limited scalability. The RAG–Rasch method offers a streamlined approach to measuring organizational resilience by providing objective, comparable results across multiple organizations. Its advantages include scalability, reduced complexity, and the potential for integration with real-time monitoring tools to enhance adaptability and decision making.
Furthermore, there is a more profound issue associated with the RAG method: since its beginning, the RAG was intended to assess the resilience potentials providing a snapshot of the current state of an organization. Therefore, in principle, it is only possible to compare different snapshots of the same organization (i.e., longitudinally), not different organizations at the same time, as there is no benchmark value to which to refer [30,31]. Implicitly, the standard RAG cannot be used to compare different organizations cross-sectionally.
On the contrary, in this paper, we precisely state that the concurrent assessment of several organizations’ resilience potentials provides an inherent measurement scale. By means of the Rasch rating scale model (RSM), it is now possible to compare several different organizations at once on a unified scale, without the need to resort to a fixed benchmark.
This present research is the counterpart of a parallel study that is also being published in the same Special Issue of Applied Sciences. It proposes a general method for the design of specific usage scenarios and the subsequent generation of synthetic data of appropriate parameters and characteristics [34]. This generative-artificial-intelligence-based workbench for testing new methodologies has the ability to overcome the difficulties associated with collecting real organizational data, particularly those related to privacy, scalability, and cost constraints. The utilization of synthetic data facilitates the emulation of diverse scenarios, enabling researchers to methodically evaluate hypotheses and refine methodologies within controlled environments. This approach is congruent with contemporary endeavors aimed at enhancing research flexibility and efficiency. The decision to restrict the sample to a limited number of organizations, consistent with standard RAG use cases, aligns with this objective. The two articles collectively portray an overly extensive and detailed research project that would have been oversimplified if consolidated into a single manuscript. They complement each other, with each article reinforcing the other’s findings and justifications. While synthetic data can serve as a preliminary tool, future validation with real organizational data is necessary to ensure the practical applicability and robustness of the developed model. This validation phase will be the subject of future follow-up studies.
This article is structured to provide a clear and systematic presentation of the research conducted. Section 2 delineates the materials and methods employed in this study, offering a detailed account of the RAG and the Rasch model, as well as of their combination. In Section 3, the results are presented. Finally, Section 4 provides a comprehensive discussion of the implications of these findings and concludes with a summary of this study’s potential avenues for future research.

2. Materials and Methods

The main concepts of the RAG and the Rasch rating scale model are recalled here. Furthermore, the OHS questionnaire and the synthetic data are presented.

2.1. RAG and the Four Pillars of Resilience

The Resilience Assessment Grid (RAG) is based on four pillar abilities that permit an organization to perform resiliently: responding, monitoring, learning, and anticipating.
  • Responding, i.e., knowing what to do, is concerned with the ability to take prompt and appropriate action in response to a given situation. This pertains to an organization’s ability to discern the optimal response to circumstances of change or disruption, whether through the implementation of pre-established actions, the adaptation of existing operations, or the invention of novel operational methods. It is of the utmost importance for organizations to be able to react to both anticipated and unexpected events in a timely and effective manner. This enables them to maintain readiness and adaptability, thereby avoiding or effectively dealing with crises.
  • Monitoring, i.e., knowing what to look for, is the process of observing and assessing the status of a system or process over time to identify potential issues or changes that may require attention. Monitoring entails monitoring one’s own performance and external operating conditions, thereby enabling the identification of potential threats or opportunities in the near term.
  • Learning, i.e., knowing what has happened, is a crucial aspect of organizational capability. This ability entails an awareness of past occurrences and the ability to learn from them. The ability to learn from experience enables organizations to enhance their responsiveness and adapt their objectives in accordance with evolving needs.
  • Knowing what to expect, i.e., Anticipating potential future developments that could represent changes or difficulties, such as new regulations or alterations in operating conditions, is a crucial ability for organizations seeking to maintain a competitive advantage. By paying attention to scenarios that could impact the organization, this ability allows for the preparation of strategies to navigate environmental changes.

2.2. RAG Phases and the Specific OHS RAG Questionnaire

The RAG questionnaire is a diagnostic tool based on the four resilience abilities used to assess organizational resilience potential. Specific questions must be tailored to evaluate the organization’s resilience potential in the context of OHS challenges.
The RAG is a method that consists of four phases:
  • Define and describe the system: This preliminary phase defines the structure, boundaries, time horizon, people and resources involved in the system. This step is critical to narrowing the scope of the analysis, contextualizing the specific questions to be asked, and ensuring that the analysis remains focused. In our case, this is mainly an intellectual exercise, as the data were generated synthetically, and the only people involved were the research team members. What is provided is the application domain of OHS.
  • Select relevant questions for system elements: This stage involves selecting the relevant questions for the key elements of the system being studied. This process requires considerable effort to ensure that the questionnaire is both reliable enough to describe the system and manageable in size to avoid excessive processing time. Although there are abstract similarities in the interpretation of resilience cornerstones across different high-risk domains, it is almost impossible to create universal questions that apply to all contexts. As resilience is closely linked to the specific purpose of the system, each of the four cornerstones must be adapted to the domain in question. This phase is usually iterative, with questions being formulated and refined on an ongoing basis. It involves several subject matter experts (SMEs) to ensure that the questions are specific to the domain and context. In our research project, the domain was OHS. Appendix B reports the OHS-specific questionnaire for responding (Table A1), monitoring (Table A2), learning (Table A3), and anticipating (Table A4).
  • Evaluate questions for each resilience cornerstone: Once the questions are finalized, it is important to identify a pool of system participants who can reliably answer them. Various data collection methods can be used, including informal interviews, open-ended questions in focus groups, narratives, or surveys. Surveys are the most commonly used technique due to their faster turnaround times, although they lack the dynamic interaction that can help address potential gaps or inconsistencies in responses. In our case, the participant pool was virtual and only allowed the ex ante calibration of the questionnaire.
  • Combine Ratings: At this stage, the data are typically presented in a star chart, with each axis representing the variables used to rate each resilience cornerstone. An additional combined star chart may also be created, combining the individual cornerstones to provide an overall view of the organization’s resilience. In the standard RAG, the star chart is not a direct measure of resilience but rather a snapshot of resilience capacity at a particular point in time under particular conditions. This representation can be used over time to track progress toward resilience goals and monitor performance trends.

2.3. The Rasch Model

The Rasch model is a statistical approach that is primarily employed in the field of measurement theory, particularly for the examination of the data obtained from questionnaires, educational tests, or psychometric surveys [35]. It is an integral component of item response theory (IRT), yet it possesses distinctive characteristics that differentiate it from other models [36]. The Rasch measurement model, while primarily used in the fields of psychometrics and human sciences, has been effectively applied across various disciplines because of its versatility and robustness [35,37]. In the field of psychological sciences, it is a fundamental tool for developing and validating assessment instruments as well as ensuring measurement precision and validity [37,38,39,40,41]. As a peculiar application case, it has been employed as a tool to develop a questionnaire for measuring videogaming engagement levels [42].
In marketing, the Rasch model has been used to analyze customer satisfaction surveys and brand perception [43] and to measure affective responses to products [44], while in the field of economics, it was employed to analyze the construct of poverty [45].
In health sciences, particularly in rheumatology, the Rasch model has been increasingly used over the past two decades to validate outcome measures and develop new scales [46]: a systematic review identified 114 relevant articles, with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and general musculoskeletal disorders. The Rasch model has been used in the field of rehabilitation to assess patient outcomes and comparing them over time [47]. An extensive use of Rasch analysis has emerged in diagnostic imaging [48,49,50].
It is noteworthy that within the domain of safety science, the Rasch model was utilized for evaluating the preparedness and awareness regarding the risk of flooding [51] and more specifically within the OHS domain to conduct a psychometric evaluation of the leading indicators suggested by organizational performance metrics [52].
The model, formulated by Danish mathematician Georg Rasch, is predicated on the fundamental premise that the probability of a respondent selecting a particular category for an item is a function of only two variables: the latent ability of the examinee to be high-scoring on an item of a test or questionnaire and the intrinsic difficulty of the item. The Rasch model postulates that each item can be characterized by an item difficulty parameter (δ), while the response categories are defined by threshold parameters that are consistent across all items. The ability of each respondent is represented by a single person (ability) parameter (θ) (see Equation (1)).
l n P n i ( x = k ) P n i ( x = k 1 ) = θ n δ i τ k
The parameters are positioned on a uniform logit scale (log-odds), thereby ensuring direct comparability between groups and samples. The model predicts that as a respondent’s ability level increases relative to an item’s difficulty, the probability of selecting higher response categories increases. Conversely, as the item’s difficulty exceeds the individual’s ability, the probability of selecting lower response categories increases. The likelihood of choosing each response category given a person’s ability level is plotted through the item characteristic curves (ICCs) to help evaluate the discriminative power of each item and the functioning of the response categories. The independent calibration of item difficulty and individual ability permits the application of the same questionnaire items in disparate populations, ensuring the consistency of difficulty measures irrespective of specific sample characteristics. In addition, the Rasch model estimates the extent of the match between empirically observed responses and modeled response patterns. Infit statistics are more sensitive to unexpected responses from individuals whose abilities are close to the item’s difficulty level. Outfit statistics, on the other hand, are more sensitive to unexpected responses from individuals whose abilities are far from the item’s difficulty level. A further feature of the Rasch model is its assumption of unidimensionality, namely, that all items reflect a single underlying trait or construct.

2.4. The RAG–Rasch Model

The Rasch model offers significant advantages when applied to the RAG, as long as one substitutes the individual with the organization and the person ability with the level of resilience potential.
The main benefits are as follows:
  • Concurrent measurement and sample independence: A major advantage of the Rasch model is its property of specific objectivity, which allows for the estimation of item difficulty and the organization resilience potential to be, in principle, independent of the specific samples used. As a consequence, item difficulty estimates are invariant across different samples of organizations, and, similarly, an organization ability estimates do not depend on the specific item used. This allows for the assessment and comparison of several organizations’ resilience potentials at once.
  • Interval-level measurement: The Rasch model allows for the construction of an interval measurement scale where differences between scores are interpretable and represent equal intervals in the latent trait (e.g., anticipating, responding, learning, monitoring). Therefore, the difference between two scores on the scale represents a constant difference in resilience potential, making it easier to interpret and compare results. This means that different resilience potential levels can be compared across organizations on the same scale.
  • Unidimensionality: The Rasch model assumes that all items measure a single latent trait (such a single resilience ability). This requirement ensures that the constructed scale is consistent and provides a unidimensional measure of the construct. This requires that each pillar ability be considered as a separate construct and analyzed individually.
  • Separability of estimates: The Rasch model allows the separate estimation of item and organization parameters. This separability property simplifies item calibration and allows for the addition or replacement of items without affecting the validity of previously obtained measures. This property allows for a continuous improvement in the assessment tool by expanding, pruning, or refining the questionnaire/
  • Fit statistics for data quality: The Rasch model includes methods for checking the goodness of fit of the data to the model through fit statistics (such as infit and outfit). These statistics help identify any atypical responses or items that do not fit the structure of the model, allowing the quality and accuracy of the test to be improved by removing or revising items that do not fit.
  • Item bias detection: Because of its invariance property and rigorous formulation, the Rasch model is effective in identifying item bias, i.e., items that are systematically easier or harder for certain groups of organizations, regardless of their ability. This standardizes the assessment and cross-cultural testing.
  • Parsimony of the model: Unlike other item response theory (IRT) models, which may include several parameters (e.g., discrimination and guessing parameters in two- or three-parameter models), the Rasch model uses only one parameter to describe each item (i.e., difficulty). This simplicity guarantees the fast and easy applicability of the model.

2.5. RAG–Rasch Analysis

In the present study, we applied the Rasch rating scale model, also called the polytomous Rasch model (hence, RSM), to synthetically generate data for an ideal questionnaire based on Hollnagel’s general one to assess item functionality and to facilitate score interpretation, following the foundational framework outlined by Aryadoust et al. [53]. The synthetic data generation and the analytical procedure were entirely carried out in the R environment for statistical computing mainly using the TAM package for Rasch analysis [54,55]. Responses were encoded to ensure the lowest category was assigned a value of zero, adhering to the requirements of the TAM package. Although the synthetic nature of the data precluded missing values, in real data scenarios, missing responses would be imputed to maintain the integrity of the scale’s analysis.
Likert-scale instruments, commonly analyzed through the RSM, allow for the detection of item misfit and differential item functioning, which can reveal deviations from the original conceptual design of the instrument [56,57,58]. The RSM assumes that the structure of the response categories is consistent across all items, meaning that the category thresholds are the same for each item. Such assumption aligns well with the uniform scaling of our items. We modeled organizations’ responses to account for the relationship between item responses and latent organizational resilience levels. To assess model fit, we first fitted the RSM to the response data and examined summary indices, inspecting the average of organization ability estimates, which reflects the average respondent level on the latent trait.
We computed individual item fit statistics to verify item conformity to RSM expectations. Mean square (MNSQ) and standardized fit statistics (ZSTD) for both infit and outfit measures were calculated using Bond and Fox’s guidelines for acceptable MNSQ ranges (0.6 to 1.4) and ZSTD values (±2) for Likert-scale items [35]. Items exhibiting ZSTD values above +2 were considered underfitting, indicating overly unpredictable response patterns, while ZSTD values below −2 suggested overfitting, indicating excessively predictable patterns. The infit and outfit MNSQ and ZSTD statistics for each organization were calculated, using the same criteria as for item fit to assess how well each organization’s response pattern conformed to the model expectations.
Next, we analyzed item difficulty estimates, which place each item on the latent trait continuum. The term endorsement of an item indicates that a respondent selects one of the higher response categories that indicates agreement, approval, or affirmation of the item’s statement. Note that higher item difficulty values indicate more challenging items for organizations to endorse. For example, in the case at hand for the anticipating resilience ability, the term endorsement indicates which aspects of the specific ability’s resilience potential are more difficult to achieve.
Finally, we estimated the organizational ability levels (person calibration), providing a measure of each organization’s position on the latent trait continuum. Higher ability estimates indicate higher levels of the latent trait, allowing for the comparison of organizations based on their specific resilience potential. Furthermore, we generated item characteristic curves (ICCs) for each item to illustrate the likelihood of selecting each response category based on organization ability, thereby assessing the discriminative capacity of each item and the functionality of the response categories.
The R syntaxes and datasets are available on the Open Science Framework (OSF), as Supplementary Materials, at the following link: https://osf.io/w56a2/?view_only=a4f343d5b82c4fb99014ce5f8c57f0dd (accessed on 4 December 2024).

3. Results

Due to the simulated nature of the data, detailed results are presented exclusively for the responding resilience potential. The analytical procedures for the other three resilience potentials are identical, with the exception that the anticipating potential consists of nine items instead of ten.
In the given example, the Rasch model converged successfully for the responding resilience potential, as measured for eight organizations, with a log-likelihood of −83.76 for 14 degrees of freedom. Table 1 shows a summary of the results for the overall model for responding resilience potential.
As shown, the outfit and infit mean square (MNSQ) means for the items were 0.97 and 0.99, respectively, both within the recommended acceptability range of 0.6 to 1.4 [35]. The Z-standardized (ZSTD) outfit mean (−0.17) and Z-standardized infit mean (−0.13) for the items were also well within the ±2 threshold, further supporting a good model fit. For person (i.e., organization) abilities, the outfit and infit MNSQ means were 0.87 and 0.93, respectively, also within the acceptable limits, indicating good model fit. The corresponding standardized person fit statistics indicated acceptable agreement with model expectations, with Z-standardized outfit and infit means of −0.14 and −0.09, respectively.
Moreover, item separation reliability was 0.85, indicating that the items reliably discriminated between the different levels of the latent trait. Person separation reliability was 0.86, meaning that the given set of items could efficiently separate the differences in responding potential between the assessed organizations. Thus, the summary fit statistics suggest that the Rasch rating scale model provided an adequate fit to the data for responding potential, with both items and organizations fitting well with model expectations.

3.1. Responding Item Fit Statistics

In Appendix A, the item characteristic curves (ICCs) for the ten items (R1–R10) of the responding resilience potential are presented. These ICCs show how the probability of selecting each response category on the Likert-scale rating varied as a function of the underlying latent trait. As shown in Table 2, Item R1 showed infit and outfit mean square (MNSQ) values above the recommended cut-off of 1.4, with an infit MNSQ of 2.94 and an outfit MNSQ of 2.89. The corresponding standardized infit (2.79) and outfit (2.74) statistics also exceeded the +2 threshold, indicating significant underfit. This suggested that R1 was unpredictable within the framework of the model expectations, potentially reducing the overall reliability of the scale and introducing noise into the measurement.
In contrast, Items R7 and R10 had infit and outfit MNSQ values below 0.6 (infit MNSQ: 0.39 and 0.54; outfit MNSQ: 0.39 and 0.54, respectively). While their standardized infit and outfit statistics (infit ZSTD: −1.61 and −1.02; outfit ZSTD: −1.59 and −1.04) did not exceed the −2 threshold, the low MNSQ values suggested that these items were overly predictable. This indicated redundancy or limited discriminative power, potentially contributing less useful information to the measurement of the latent trait (i.e., the responding resilience potential).
Item difficulty estimates (δ) were examined to indicate each item’s position on the latent responding continuum. Most items showed negative difficulty estimates, suggesting they were comparatively easier for organizations to endorse with higher agreement ratings. In particular, R4 (δ = −3.55) emerged as the item with the lowest difficulty. Conversely, items with positive difficulty estimates, R1 (δ = 0.10) and R6 (δ = 0.26), were more difficult to endorse, indicating they required a higher level of the responding trait. Although particular caution is required regarding the interpretations related to Item R1, as it demonstrated high unpredictability, this indicated that many aspects of resilience assessed by the easier items were more readily selected by the organizations, while the two more difficult items represented areas requiring further development.

3.2. Responding Person Fit Statistics

As shown in Table 3, all organizations demonstrated infit and outfit mean square (MNSQ) statistics within the recommended range of 0.6 to 1.4, indicating acceptable fit to the Rasch model expectations. The standardized fit statistics (ZSTD) for both infit and outfit were also within the acceptable threshold of ±2, suggesting that the response patterns of the organizations were neither overly predictable nor erratic. However, organization 3 showed infit and outfit MNSQ values approaching the upper limit of the acceptable range (infit MNSQ = 1.32; outfit MNSQ = 1.32), with corresponding standardized infit and outfit ZSTD values of 0.82 and 0.81, respectively.
While still within acceptable limits, these higher values may indicate some unpredictability in that organization’s responses, suggesting that its response pattern was less consistent with model expectations compared to other organizations. Conversely, Organizations 7 and 8 had infit MNSQ values near the lower limit of the acceptable range (Organization 7 infit MNSQ = 0.64; Organization 8 infit MNSQ = 0.63); their standardized infit ZSTD values were −0.83 and −0.85, respectively. Although these values are within acceptable limits, the lower MNSQ statistics suggest that their response patterns were slightly more predictable than expected, potentially indicating limited variability in their responses.
Organization ability estimates (θ) were examined to determine each organization’s comparative position on the latent trait continuum. Organizations with positive ability estimates, particularly organization 1 (θ = 2.55) and organization 2 (θ = 1.06) (see Figure 1a,b), showed higher levels of resilience potential as measured by the responding scale; in particular, organization 1, with the highest ability estimate, appeared to show the strongest potential for responding ability. In opposition, organizations with negative ability estimates demonstrated lower levels of the latent trait.
Specifically, organization 6 (θ = −1.56) appeared to show weaker potential for responding ability, indicating potential areas for improvement (Figure 1f).
Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 compare the organizations’ ability estimates for each of the four resilience potentials, each analyzed separately. These maps offer a comparative visualization of the latent trait estimates (θ) across each potential for every assessed organization.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper demonstrates the practical feasibility of the proposed method in the context of OHS through the use of a dedicated questionnaire and summary data.
The standard RAG provides a snapshot of the state of an organization’s resilience potential in the absence of a normative sample. It can be employed as a longitudinal analysis tool to examine the changes in an organization’s resilience potential over time. When a questionnaire is distributed to multiple organizations, direct comparison on a defined scale is inherently limited by the absence of a common standard against which the datasets can be evaluated.
The integration of the Rasch model into resilience measurement has several advantages in terms of reduced complexity and increased objectivity. The simplification achieved with the Rasch model is largely due to its unidimensional structure, where all items on a rating scale measure a single latent trait, i.e., the potential of the corresponding ability possessed by each organization. The Rasch model estimates both the item difficulty and organizational resilience potential for each of the four pillar abilities on the same scale, allowing organizations to be differentiated according to their responses to the individual items for each ability. This change in methodology allows practitioners to derive a direct, quantifiable measure on an objective relative scale of resilience potential based solely on questionnaire responses from a group of organizations, dispensing with a normative group. Because the Rasch model produces estimates on a common, unidimensional scale, it provides a standardized measure of resilience that facilitates comparisons of potential between different groups, such as departments, professional teams, or demographics.
The potential for the RAG–Rasch scale model to be a valuable tool in OHS field is significant, and it offers a means of overcoming the limitations of its predecessor. The method permits a single cross-sectional measurement campaign to evaluate the resilience potential of a set of comparable organizations, providing an objective scale that does not require a normative sample.
This work presented here, although based on synthetic data, delineates a methodology suitable for assessing organizational resilience in OHS. As is, this methodology could be applied in real organizational contexts to compare the resilience of different organizations operating under the same conditions. Depending on the extent of the sociotechnical system being analyzed, several factories operating in the same domain can be assessed at once, and it is possible to compare different teams in the same organization. Moreover, an organization that has demonstrated resilience in the past could be in principle used as a benchmark, which simplifies the assessment process for managers and provides them with a more reliable measure.
This study has several limitations that require further exploration. Firstly, while the RAG–Rasch model demonstrates scalability in handling multiple organizations simultaneously, its application to larger datasets or diverse sectors remains untested. Future research should explore the model’s performance with real-world organizational data and assess its scalability in more complex sociotechnical systems. Secondly, the integration of this framework with real-time monitoring tools could enhance its practical applicability by enabling continuous data collection and immediate feedback, facilitating dynamic resilience assessment and adaptation. Investigating these avenues will be critical for validating and extending the utility of the RAG–Rasch approach in operational contexts. The RAG–Rasch model inherits the assumptions of the Rasch RSM, but without implying operational changes in the administration of the RAG instrument. The analysis is facilitated by the use of statistical packages and software and is sufficiently stable to be carried out even with small samples (e.g., eight), as is the case in real operating conditions.
The tool will need to be verified with data from real OHS contexts, and context-specific questionnaires can be used in future practical applications in sectors such as health, industry, and safety. Challenges such as data collection limitations and organizational cultural differences may affect the practical application of the RAG–Rasch method. Future research should explore solutions to these issues to enhance its adaptability and implementation.

Supplementary Materials

The R syntax is available on the Open Science Framework (OSF) repository at the following link: https://osf.io/w56a2/?view_only=a4f343d5b82c4fb99014ce5f8c57f0dd (accessed on 4 December 2024).

Author Contributions

A.F.: Conceptualization, methodology, software, data curation, writing—original draft preparation, results’ interpretation, figures realization, validation, reviewing and editing; A.T.: conceptualization, methodology, software, data curation, writing—original draft preparation, results’ interpretation, figures’ realization, validation, reviewing and editing; G.C.: methodology, formal analysis, software, data curation, writing—original draft preparation, results’ interpretation, validation; E.R.: writing—original draft preparation, interpretation of results, validation. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated and analyzed are available from the Open Science Framework (OSF) repository at the following link: https://osf.io/w56a2/?view_only=a4f343d5b82c4fb99014ce5f8c57f0dd (accessed on 4 December 2024).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

  • Item Characteristic Curves of the RAG–Rasch RSM in OHS for Responding
Figure A1. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 1 and 2.
Figure A1. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 1 and 2.
Applsci 15 01695 g0a1
Figure A2. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 3 and 4.
Figure A2. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 3 and 4.
Applsci 15 01695 g0a2
Figure A3. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 5 and 6.
Figure A3. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 5 and 6.
Applsci 15 01695 g0a3
Figure A4. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 7 and 8.
Figure A4. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 7 and 8.
Applsci 15 01695 g0a4
Figure A5. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 9 and 10.
Figure A5. Responding item characteristic curves for Items 9 and 10.
Applsci 15 01695 g0a5

Appendix B

  • OHS RAG Questionnaire (as described in [34]).
Table A1. Ability to respond (OHS in manufacturing context).
Table A1. Ability to respond (OHS in manufacturing context).
Possible Answers
R1Event listWhat are the key OHS incidents for which the system has predefined responses (e.g., machinery accidents, chemical spills, fire, electrical hazards, slips/trips)? Are there prepared responses for different types of injuries (e.g., fractures, burns)?No prepared responses for any eventsVery few events have prepared responsesSome events have prepared responses, but important gaps existMost events have prepared responsesAll critical events have detailed, prepared responses
R2BackgroundHow were these OHS events identified as critical? Was it based on risk assessments, regulatory requirements (e.g., OSHA, EU regulations), historical incidents within the manufacturing sector, or industry-wide trends?No clear rationale for event selectionSome events were selected with rationale, but most were notSelection process is based on partial evidence or incomplete analysisSelection process is mostly thorough and follows industry standardsEvent selection is fully based on comprehensive risk assessments and regulatory requirements
R3RelevanceWhen was this list of OHS-related events created? How frequently is it reviewed or updated? Is the list modified after a near miss, safety audit, or based on new regulatory requirements? Who is responsible for updating it—HR, safety officers, or the compliance team?The list has never been revisedThe list is rarely revised (e.g., only in response to incidents)The list is updated occasionally (e.g., after audits or inspections)The list is regularly updated based on industry trends or regulatory changesThe list is continuously and proactively revised with a formal review process
R4ThresholdWhat is the threshold for activating a safety response (e.g., injury severity, exposure to hazardous substances)? Does it vary depending on internal factors like production demands or external factors like weather conditions? Is there a trade-off between safety and maintaining production schedules?There are no defined criteria for triggering a responseCriteria exist but are vague or rarely followedSome criteria are clear, but others remain inconsistent or dependent on factors like production pressureMost criteria are well defined and generally followedCriteria are fully defined, specific, and consistently applied across all OHS scenarios
R5Response listHow was the list of specific OHS responses developed (e.g., use of safety standards like ISO 45001)? Is it based on empirical evidence from accidents in the manufacturing sector or on model simulations?The response list is inadequate for almost all eventsThe response list is inadequate for many eventsThe response list is somewhat adequate, but significant gaps remainThe response list is adequate for most events, but a few gaps existThe response list is comprehensive and fully adequate for all expected events
R6SpeedHow quickly can the safety team respond to different types of incidents (e.g., how fast can machinery be shut down in an emergency)? What measures ensure quick response (e.g., location of first aid kits, accessibility of fire extinguishers, on-site medical staff)?Responses are slow and usually delayedResponses are often slow but occasionally timelyResponses are reasonably quick but may face occasional delaysResponses are quick and timely in most casesResponses are implemented rapidly and effectively in all cases
R7DurationFor how long can an emergency response (e.g., handling a chemical spill) be maintained before additional resources are required? What is the minimum acceptable response level (e.g., having a trained first responder on site) and how long can that level be sustained?Full response cannot be sustained for any meaningful timeFull response can be sustained only for a short periodFull response can be sustained for a moderate amount of timeFull response can be sustained for an extended periodFull response can be sustained indefinitely or as long as needed
R8Stop ruleWhat criteria are used to determine when it is safe to resume normal operations after an incident (e.g., after machinery has been inspected after an accident or air quality has been verified after a gas leak)?There are no defined criteria for stopping a responseStop criteria are vague or inconsistently appliedStop criteria exist but are not always followed or well understoodStop criteria are clearly defined and generally followedStop criteria are well defined, consistently applied, and understood by all employees
R9Response capabilityWhat resources (e.g., personal protective equipment (PPE), fire suppression systems, spill control materials) are allocated to ensure readiness? How many workers are trained for OHS emergency responses, and who is responsible for maintaining this readiness (e.g., safety officers, OHS department)?Resources are wholly inadequateResources are often insufficient to maintain readinessResources are adequate but stretched thin at timesResources are mostly sufficient, with minor occasional limitationsResources are fully adequate and consistently available for all OHS needs
R10VerificationHow is OHS response readiness maintained (e.g., regular drills, inspections)? How often is readiness verified and by whom (e.g., through third-party safety audits, internal audits)?Readiness is never or rarely verifiedReadiness is verified occasionally but without consistencyReadiness is verified, but the process is incomplete or irregularReadiness is regularly verified and mostly thoroughReadiness is systematically and consistently verified with comprehensive testing
Table A2. Ability to Monitor (OHS in Manufacturing Context).
Table A2. Ability to Monitor (OHS in Manufacturing Context).
Possible Answers
M1Indicator listHow are safety performance indicators defined in the manufacturing context? Are they based on historical incident data, regulatory requirements (e.g., incident rates, near-miss reports), or industry best practices?No indicators are definedIndicators are poorly defined and lack relevance to OHS risksSome indicators are well-defined, but important areas are missingMost indicators are clearly defined and relevant to OHS risksIndicators are comprehensively defined and fully relevant to all OHS risks
M2RelevanceWhen was the OHS indicator list created? Is it regularly updated based on audits, risk assessments, or changing legal requirements? Who is responsible for maintaining the list (e.g., the safety officer or compliance manager)?The list is outdated and irrelevantThe list is mostly outdated with minimal relevance to current risksThe list is somewhat relevant but needs regular updatesThe list is relevant and updated fairly regularlyThe list is fully up to date and relevant, with a clear process for regular revisions
M3Indicator typeAre the OHS indicators leading (e.g., number of near-misses, safety training completion rates) or lagging (e.g., injury frequency, lost workdays)? Are they based on individual incidents or aggregated data from across multiple workstations or facilities?Only lagging indicators are usedMostly lagging indicators, with very few leading onesA balance of leading and lagging indicators is present, but needs improvementA strong balance between leading and lagging indicators is maintainedLeading and lagging indicators are fully integrated and balanced
M4ValidityHow is the validity of OHS indicators ensured? Are they tied to an articulated risk management model (e.g., hazard identification and control) or just general safety guidelines?Indicators lack validity and are not tied to any systematic modelIndicators have limited validity, often relying on assumptionsSome indicators are valid, but others are based on informal processesMost indicators are valid and based on articulated OHS modelsIndicators are fully valid, systematically derived from risk models or empirical data
M5DelayWhat is the typical lag between a safety incident (e.g., injury, equipment malfunction) and the reporting of the corresponding indicator? Is the delay acceptable for timely corrective actions?The delay is unacceptable and causes significant problemsThe delay is too long and hampers corrective actionsThe delay is manageable but should be improvedThe delay is acceptable in most casesThe delay is minimal and fully acceptable for all indicators
M6Measurement typeAre OHS measurements qualitative (e.g., employee feedback on safety culture) or quantitative (e.g., incident rates, exposure levels)? If quantitative, what scales are used (e.g., accident severity scales)?Measurements are exclusively qualitative with no quantifiable dataMeasurements are mostly qualitative with minimal quantitative dataA mix of qualitative and quantitative measurements is used, but it is inconsistentMeasurements are mostly quantitative, with some qualitative inputsMeasurements are systematically quantitative, with qualitative inputs where necessary
M7Measurement frequencyHow often are safety indicators measured? Is it continuous (e.g., real-time monitoring of air quality or noise levels) or periodic (e.g., monthly safety audits)?Measurements are rarely taken and are inconsistentMeasurements are taken occasionally but not regularlyMeasurements are taken periodically but not with high enough frequencyMeasurements are taken regularly and with sufficient frequencyMeasurements are taken continuously or at very regular intervals, ensuring constant monitoring
M8Analysis/interpretationWhat is the time gap between collecting safety data (e.g., incident reports) and analyzing them? How many indicators require deeper analysis (e.g., trend analysis of near misses), and how are the results communicated to workers and management?There is a significant delay between measurement and analysisAnalysis is slow and often incompleteAnalysis is timely but requires improvement for deeper insightsAnalysis is timely and mostly effectiveAnalysis is prompt, thorough, and leads to actionable insights quickly
M9StabilityAre the measured safety effects temporary (e.g., reduced accidents during a safety campaign) or long-lasting (e.g., consistently low incident rates over years)?The measured effects are highly transient and do not lastThe effects are mostly transient with occasional lasting impactsThe effects are somewhat stable, but not consistently long-lastingThe effects are mostly stable and sustained over timeThe effects are highly stable and consistently permanent
M10Organizational supportIs there a structured schedule for safety inspections (e.g., weekly equipment checks, quarterly safety audits)? Is there adequate resource allocation for ongoing monitoring (e.g., dedicated safety officers, budget for safety improvements)?There is little to no support for OHS monitoringThe organization provides minimal support for OHS monitoringThere is some support, but it is inconsistent or insufficientThe organization provides adequate support, with room for improvementThe organization provides full and consistent support, ensuring the monitoring process is well resourced and effective
Table A3. Ability to learn (OHS in manufacturing context).
Table A3. Ability to learn (OHS in manufacturing context).
Possible Answers
L1Selection criteriaWhat types of OHS incidents or near misses are investigated (e.g., only severe accidents or also near-misses)? What criteria (e.g., injury severity, frequency) are used for selecting cases for detailed investigation?No clear criteria for selecting events to investigateEvents are rarely selected based on clear criteriaEvents are sometimes selected based on frequency or severity, but inconsistentlyMost events are selected for investigation based on relevant criteriaAll OHS events are consistently selected based on well defined and appropriate criteria
L2Learning basisDoes the organization learn from positive events (e.g., instances where employees avoided accidents through proper safety behavior) as well as negative ones (e.g., actual accidents)?The system learns only from failures, never from successesThe system rarely learns from successes, primarily focusing on failuresThe system sometimes learns from successes, but mostly from failuresThe system often learns from both successes and failuresThe system fully integrates learning from both successes and failures in a balanced manner
L3ClassificationHow are OHS incidents described, classified, and categorized (e.g., based on type of injury, location, equipment involved)?There is no system for classifying or categorizing incidentsIncidents are rarely classified or categorized in a meaningful wayIncidents are classified inconsistently or with limited structureMost incidents are systematically classified and categorizedAll incidents are comprehensively described, classified, and categorized in a standardized manner
L4FormalizationAre there formal procedures for collecting, analyzing, and learning from OHS incidents (e.g., root cause analysis, safety debriefs)?There are no formal procedures in placeProcedures are informal and inconsistently appliedSome formal procedures exist, but they are not always followedProcedures are mostly formalized and followedFully formalized procedures are in place and consistently applied for all aspects of data collection and learning
L5TrainingIs there formal training on how to collect and analyze safety data? Are employees and supervisors trained on how to apply lessons learned from past incidents?There is no training providedTraining is minimal and insufficientSome training is provided, but it needs improvementAdequate training is provided, but with occasional gapsComprehensive and regular training is provided to all relevant staff, ensuring effective learning from incidents
L6Learning styleIs learning from safety incidents continuous (e.g., integrated into regular safety meetings) or only triggered by specific events (e.g., after a major accident)?Learning only occurs after major incidents or accidentsLearning is mostly event-driven, with little focus on continuous improvementLearning is a mix of event-driven and continuous, but mostly reactiveLearning is often continuous, with some event-driven elementsLearning is fully continuous and integrated into everyday practices
L7ResourcesAre there adequate resources (e.g., dedicated investigation teams, software tools for incident tracking) allocated for investigating safety incidents and facilitating learning?There are no dedicated resources for investigation and learningResources are very limited and inadequateResources are available but are often stretched too thinAdequate resources are available, but occasional limitations occurResources are fully sufficient and consistently available for thorough investigation and learning
L8DelayWhat is the delay between an incident and learning from it (e.g., how quickly are root causes identified, and corrective actions implemented)? How are the outcomes communicated internally (e.g., through safety bulletins) and externally (e.g., regulatory bodies)?There is a significant delay that prevents timely learningDelays are often too long to ensure effective learningThere are occasional delays, but learning is generally timelyThe delay is minimal, and learning occurs in a timely mannerLearning happens promptly after every incident, with immediate analysis and corrective actions
L9Learning targetAt what level does learning take place? Does it focus on individual workers, specific teams, or at the organizational level?Learning rarely takes effect at any levelLearning mostly affects individuals, with little collective or organizational impactLearning has some impact on teams or individuals, but limited organizational changesLearning impacts both individuals and teams, with some organizational changesLearning is systematically applied at the individual, team, and organizational levels
L10ImplementationHow are lessons learned from OHS incidents implemented? Are they translated into revised safety procedures, updated training programs, or new workplace designs?Lessons learned are rarely, if ever, implementedImplementation of lessons learned is sporadic and ineffectiveLessons are sometimes implemented, but often inconsistentlyLessons learned are implemented effectively most of the timeLessons learned are always implemented thoroughly and consistently across the organization, with clear impact on procedures and practices
Table A4. Ability to anticipate (OHS in manufacturing context).
Table A4. Ability to anticipate (OHS in manufacturing context).
Possible Answers
A1ExpertiseWhat kind of expertise is used to anticipate future OHS risks (e.g., in-house safety experts, external consultants)? Is expertise drawn from cross-industry practices, ergonomics, or specific manufacturing knowledge?No expertise is used to anticipate future risksMinimal expertise is available, and it is often insufficientExpertise is available but is inconsistently applied or limited in scopeExpertise is mostly sufficient and appropriately appliedExpertise is fully sufficient, comprehensive, and consistently applied
A2FrequencyHow often are future OHS threats (e.g., potential risks from new machinery, changes in production lines) assessed?Future threats and opportunities are never assessedAssessments are very rare and typically ad hocAssessments are conducted occasionally, but not regularlyAssessments are conducted regularly, with some gapsFuture threats and opportunities are assessed frequently and systematically
A3CommunicationHow are forecasts of future OHS risks or opportunities (e.g., new safety technologies) communicated within the organization?Expectations are never communicatedCommunication of future risks is very poor and rarely reaches relevant partiesCommunication occurs but is often unclear or inconsistentCommunication is mostly clear and reaches relevant stakeholdersCommunication is always clear, consistent, and reaches all relevant stakeholders in a timely manner
A4StrategyDoes the organization have a clear safety vision or strategy for addressing future OHS risks (e.g., zero-accident policies, advanced automation for hazardous tasks)?There is no strategy for future OHS risksThere is a very vague or informal strategy with minimal planningThere is a strategy, but it is incomplete or not well formulatedThe strategy is well formulated and mostly clear, with minor gapsThe organization has a clearly formulated and comprehensive strategy for addressing future OHS risks
A5ModelIs the safety strategy or model of future OHS risks explicitly defined (e.g., through formal risk assessments), and is it qualitative (e.g., expert judgment) or quantitative (e.g., risk probability models)?There is no explicit model or assumptions about future risksModels are mostly implicit and qualitative, with little structureModels are somewhat explicit but lack thoroughness, primarily qualitativeModels are explicit and reasonably detailed, often blending qualitative and quantitative elementsModels are fully explicit, highly detailed, and include both qualitative and quantitative aspects
A6Time horizonHow far ahead does the system look in terms of OHS risk anticipation? Does this vary between business goals (e.g., production targets) and safety priorities?No forward-looking assessments are madeThe time horizon is very short (e.g., only a few months)The time horizon is moderate (e.g., 1–2 years) but may not account for long-term risksThe time horizon is substantial (e.g., 3–5 years), with good planning for future risksThe organization looks far ahead (5+ years), with comprehensive risk assessments for the long-term future
A7Acceptability of risksWhat criteria are used to determine which OHS risks are acceptable (e.g., minor injuries) and which are not (e.g., fatalities, permanent disabilities)?No distinction is made between acceptable and unacceptable risksThe definition of acceptable risks is vague or inconsistently appliedSome criteria exist for defining acceptable risks, but they are incompleteAcceptable and unacceptable risks are mostly well defined and understoodThere are clear, well-documented criteria for distinguishing acceptable and unacceptable risks, consistently applied across the organization
A8EtiologyHow does the organization define the nature of future OHS threats? Are they seen as inherent to the manufacturing process (e.g., machinery risks) or as preventable through better safety controls?The nature of future threats is not anticipated at allFuture threats and opportunities are anticipated in a very limited and reactive waySome effort is made to anticipate future threats, but the approach is incompleteThe organization mostly anticipates the nature of future threats and opportunities in a proactive wayThe organization systematically anticipates and plans for future OHS threats and opportunities with a proactive approach
A9CultureIs there a strong culture of risk awareness in the organization? Do employees actively contribute to risk assessments and proactive safety measures?Risk awareness is not part of the culture at allRisk awareness is minimal and rarely encouraged within the organizationRisk awareness is present but not consistently reinforced across the organizationRisk awareness is a part of the culture and generally reinforced in most areasRisk awareness is fully embedded in the organizational culture and actively promoted at all levels


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Figure 1. Organizational resilience potential estimates for eight synthetic organizations: (a) organization 1; (b) organization 2; (c) organization 3; (d) organization 4; (e) organization 5; (f) organization 6; (g) organization 7; (h) organization 8.
Figure 1. Organizational resilience potential estimates for eight synthetic organizations: (a) organization 1; (b) organization 2; (c) organization 3; (d) organization 4; (e) organization 5; (f) organization 6; (g) organization 7; (h) organization 8.
Applsci 15 01695 g001
Figure 2. Organization ability estimates for responding (error bars represent standard error).
Figure 2. Organization ability estimates for responding (error bars represent standard error).
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Figure 3. Organization ability estimates for monitoring (error bars represent standard error).
Figure 3. Organization ability estimates for monitoring (error bars represent standard error).
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Figure 4. Organization ability estimates for learning (error bars represent standard error).
Figure 4. Organization ability estimates for learning (error bars represent standard error).
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Figure 5. Organization ability estimates for anticipating (error bars represent standard error).
Figure 5. Organization ability estimates for anticipating (error bars represent standard error).
Applsci 15 01695 g005
Table 1. Summary of responding model statistics.
Table 1. Summary of responding model statistics.
Outfit MNSQ Mean0.970.87
Outfit MNSQ SD0.720.23
Outfit ZSTD Mean−0.17−0.14
Outfit ZSTD SD1.190.54
Infit MNSQ Mean0.990.93
Infit MNSQ SD0.730.25
Infit ZSTD Mean−0.13−0.09
Infit ZSTD SD1.200.62
Reliability of Separation0.850.86
Table 2. Responding item fit indices and item calibration statistics.
Table 2. Responding item fit indices and item calibration statistics.
Table 3. Responding person fit indices and person calibration statistics.
Table 3. Responding person fit indices and person calibration statistics.
Infit ZSTDOutfit MNSQOutfit ZSTDAbility
Estimate SE
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MDPI and ACS Style

Falegnami, A.; Tomassi, A.; Corbelli, G.; Romano, E. Resilience Analysis Grid–Rasch Rating Scale Model for Measuring Organizational Resilience Potential. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 1695. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15041695

AMA Style

Falegnami A, Tomassi A, Corbelli G, Romano E. Resilience Analysis Grid–Rasch Rating Scale Model for Measuring Organizational Resilience Potential. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(4):1695. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15041695

Chicago/Turabian Style

Falegnami, Andrea, Andrea Tomassi, Giuseppe Corbelli, and Elpidio Romano. 2025. "Resilience Analysis Grid–Rasch Rating Scale Model for Measuring Organizational Resilience Potential" Applied Sciences 15, no. 4: 1695. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15041695

APA Style

Falegnami, A., Tomassi, A., Corbelli, G., & Romano, E. (2025). Resilience Analysis Grid–Rasch Rating Scale Model for Measuring Organizational Resilience Potential. Applied Sciences, 15(4), 1695. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15041695

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