Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Digital Twin Technology in Building Energy
:1. Introduction
1.1. Definition and Development History of Digital Twin
1.2. The Importance and Applications of Building Energy Management
1.3. Research Objectives
1.4. Structure of the Literature Review
2. Methodology of the Literature Review
- Those exploring background knowledge on the topic.
- Those related to established software applied to building energy management.
- Those related to emerging machine learning models being applied to building energy management.
3. Background of BIM and Digital Twin
3.1. Building Information Modelling (BIM)
3.2. Digital Twin
3.3. From BIM to Digital Twin
4. Energy and Its Digital Transformation
4.1. Development before Digitalization
4.2. Digitalization in Building Energy Management
5. Digital Twin Technology for Energy Sector Development
5.1. Software for Energy Prediction-Actual Software Cases
5.2. Algorithms and Deep Learning for Energy Efficiency
6. Challenges and Future Directions
6.1. BEM Software
6.2. BEM Algorithms
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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70 | [179] | 2023 | MPC | Model predictive control |
71 | [180] | 2023 | RDPG, A3C, LSTM, CNN, ANN, AVR | Multi building performance vectors prediction |
72 | [181] | 2023 | RF, SVM, KNN | Behavior-orientated prediction |
73 | [182] | 2023 | LSTM | Building energy consumption prediction |
74 | [183] | 2023 | AR, ARIMA, LSTM, CNN | Electricity load and price prediction |
75 | [184] | 2023 | ANN, SVMs, FM, DTs, KNN | Building energy modeling and performance analysis |
76 | [185] | 2023 | ANN, DT, SVM | Building energy consumption prediction |
77 | [186] | 2023 | DNN, LSTM, GRU | Building occupancy prediction |
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Share and Cite
Tahmasebinia, F.; Lin, L.; Wu, S.; Kang, Y.; Sepasgozar, S. Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Digital Twin Technology in Building Energy. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8814. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158814
Tahmasebinia F, Lin L, Wu S, Kang Y, Sepasgozar S. Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Digital Twin Technology in Building Energy. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(15):8814. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158814
Chicago/Turabian StyleTahmasebinia, Faham, Lin Lin, Shuo Wu, Yifan Kang, and Samad Sepasgozar. 2023. "Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Digital Twin Technology in Building Energy" Applied Sciences 13, no. 15: 8814. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158814
APA StyleTahmasebinia, F., Lin, L., Wu, S., Kang, Y., & Sepasgozar, S. (2023). Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Digital Twin Technology in Building Energy. Applied Sciences, 13(15), 8814. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158814