Domain Model Based Design of Business Process Architectures
<p>Model for the concepts of business process architecture and other related concepts (instantiation of [<a href="#B14-applsci-12-02563" class="html-bibr">14</a>] for a BPA.)</p> "> Figure 2
<p>DSRM applied to develop the dBPA method. (The communication step has been omitted for simplicity.).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Domain model (<b>left</b>) and data dictionary (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Object lifecycles.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Concepts and symbols for the BPA viewpoint.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Business Process Architecture model.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Domain-based Business Process Architecture (dBPA) method.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Summary of the data (PEOU: perceived ease of use, PU: perceived usefulness, ITU: intention to use, A: BPTA, and B: dBPA).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Affinity diagram: the numbers indicate how many participants referred to the (sub)category.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Identify Problem and Motivate
- I1. Lack of structured business knowledge inputs. BPA design methods usually rely exclusively on unstructured inputs, e.g., expert knowledge and company’s documents [8,10,31]. This issue challenges the efficiency and ease of use of methods since their success strongly relies on personal factors of those implementing the method, e.g., process architecture modeling experience, personal bias, and domain knowledge.
- I2. Limited consideration of business process relations Though relations between business processes are key elements of BPAs [1], most BPA design methods support only one or two types, e.g., [8,10,31]. It has been established that business processes can be interconnected by at least four relation types, namely composition, specialization, trigger, and resource flow [1]. Not supporting these types jeopardizes the generality of the method, and its resulting BPA models are likely to have completeness and fidelity shortcomings.
- I3. Restricted use of industry-standard languages. The use of industry-standard languages is very low among BPA design methods, with some exceptions, e.g., [34]. Instead, most methods use dedicated notations, e.g., [8,10,31]. This may be problematic in terms of tool support and integration with other models.
3.2. Define Objectives of a Solution
- DO1. Reuse structured knowledge as input. This feature would ease the task of generating a BPA model.
- DO2. Consider multiple process relation types. This feature would support generality of the method along with completeness and fidelity of the resulting BPA models.
- DO3. Use industry-standard language. This feature would facilitate tool support and integration with other models.
3.3. Design and Development
- DD1. Use domain models as inputs for the dBPA method. A paradigm-based strategy [35] was used for selecting the concepts and designing the procedure of the method. The chosen paradigm was the entity-centric approach for process modeling [36] applied at a business process architecture level. In this context, domain models are used as inputs as in [8].
- DD2. Consider composition, specialization, trigger, and resource flow process relation types in the dBPA method. The process type relations to be considered in the dBPA method were the most prominent ones according to the literature [1].
- DD3. Use the ArchiMate language for the BPA models produced using the dBPA method. The suitability of industry-standard languages was assessed to decide which one to use for representing BPA models. It was finally decided to use ArchiMate [37].
3.4. Demonstration
3.5. Evaluation
4. Foundations
4.1. Elements of a BPA Model
- Composition. One process (referred to as sub-process) is part of another process (referred to as parent or high-level process).
- Specialization. One process (referred to as specialized process) is a variation with respect to another process (referred to as general process).
- Trigger. One process (referred to as trigger source) causes the start of another process (referred to as trigger target).
- Resource flow. One process (referred to as resource source) provides resources for the execution of another process (referred to as resource target).
4.2. Modeling Languages for BPA Model
4.3. Entity-Centric Process Modeling
- Each domain model class defines, at most, one business entity.
- Each domain model association defines one or more relations between the object lifecycles (OLCs) of the partaking classes.
- A dynamic hierarchy is built by specializing the original class with sub-classes that hold a bi-univocal relation with the OLC states.
- The properties of the hierarchy are defined in a way that they are consistent with the organization of OLC states.
5. The dBPA Method
5.1. Concepts
- S is a finite non-empty set of data states,
- is the initial data state,
- is a finite non-empty set of final data states,
- is a finite non-empty set of time-consuming transitions describing the logical and temporal dependencies between data states,
- Σ is a finite non-empty set of transition labels with the structure [guard]proc/signal where guard is a logic expression that enables a transition when true, proc stands for a behavior executed during the transition, and a signal represents an event that occurs within the respective proc; guard and signal can be omitted, and
- is a function that assigns a label to each state transition.
- C is a finite non-empty set of classes,
- A ⊆ C×C is a finite non-empty set of binary associations such that each association a is characterized by a name assoc and a direction dir. For each association, the function returns the type of the association (i.e., aggregation, composition, or standard), and the function exist indicates whether the association involves an existential dependency (i.e., true, or false),
- is a finite set of hierarchies such that each hierarchy h defines a relation between a general class called super-class and a set of specialized classes called sub-classes, and is a function that returns the properties of h,
- is a finite set of dynamic hierarchies such in which sub-classes correspond to the OLC states S of the super-class,
- is the finite set of power-types such that each power-type is a class whose objects are the sub-classes of other class,
- is a finite set of state-related enumerations,
- is a finite set of classes such that for each class, its states S are specified by a state-related enumeration such that .
- C is a finite non-empty set of classes,
- K is a finite non-empty set of components,
- is a finite set of state-related components such that for each class it yields that ,
- is a function that maps each component to the data class or component to which it belongs.
- is a finite non-empty set of business processes within the organization, such that and the business processes in have a higher abstraction level than those in ,
- is a finite non-empty set of business process relations such that is the set of composition relations , the set of specialization relations , is the set of trigger relations , and is the set of resource flow relations ,
- is a function that returns whenever referred to as a sub-process is part of referred to as a high-level process, such that one high-level process can have multiple sub-processes but one sub-process can only be part of one high-level process,
- is a function that returns whenever , referred to as a specialized process, is a variation of , referred to as a general process,
- is a function that returns whenever , referred to as a trigger source, causes the start of , referred to as a trigger target, and
- is a function that returns whenever , referred to as a resource source, enables resources used in the execution of , referred to as a resource target.
5.2. Notation
5.3. Procedure
- Prepare domain model. This step enables applying subsequent steps of the method directly. This is achieved by ensuring that the domain model w complies with some specifications, as stated in the following.
- For each association a ∈ A whose direction dir is not shown, show it.
- For each association a ∈ A whose name assoc is formulated in a passive way (e.g., is hired by), formulate it in an active way (e.g., hires), and adjust the direction dir, if necessary.
- For each power-type cpower ∈Cpower transform it into a semantically-equivalent hierarchy h in the following way: considering there exists an association a∈A between cpower and c∈C, replace a by the hierarchy h∈ H such that c is the super-class and ci are the sub-classes, where i indicates the different objects of cpower.
In the example. The domain model in Figure 3 complies with the aforementioned specifications. - Identify business entities. This step allows identifying the set of business entities B that will be considered in the remainder of the method.
- Each domain model class c ∈w corresponds to a business entity b∈ B, with the exception of sub-classes partaking in a hierarchy h.
Sub-classes can be mapped into particular cases of business entities and thus are, conceptually, business entities. However, they are discarded from the set of business entities to be analyzed in the remainder of the method.In the example. Business entities for the retail company are Customer, Courier, Invoice, Purchase, and Purchase item from the domain model in Figure 3. International purchase is discarded from the set of business entities due to being a sub-class. - Identify states of domain model classes. Business entities may have simple or non-trivial behavior, depending on the number of states it may transit during its lifetime.
- For each business entity b ∈ B with non-trivial behavior, its set of states S can be defined in the OLC l for the class c on which the business entity is based. Whenever no OLC is available or it is incomplete, the set of states S can be determined by the following (more than one of the options can be used):
- -
- The sub-classes partaking in the state-based dynamic hierarchy hs ∈Hs of which c∈w is the super-class (whenever Hs),
- -
- The possible values of state attribute js of data class c ∈w (whenever Zs)
- -
- The possible values of the state attribute js of the corresponding data class c ∈ dd whenever a complementary data dictionary dd is available for w,
- -
- Domain-expert knowledge,
- For each business entity b ∈B with simple behavior (or no state information available), its set of states S corresponds to the set of states Sg∈ lg.
It is also important to ensure that:- The set of states S of a business entity b include an initial state si and a non-empty set of final states SF.
- After identifying the set of states for each business entity b ∈ B, all involved models are updated as needed for ensuring that they are consistent with one another.
In the example. The set of states of Invoice is {i, issued, paid} and of Purchase item is {i, with stock, without stock, canceled}. In both cases, they were derived directly from the data dictionary shown in Figure 3. The set of states of Purchase is {i, placed, delivered, closed}, which was also derived from the data dictionary but in a more indirect way. The set of states of Customer is {i, active, inactive} and was derived solely from domain-expert knowledge. The set of states for Courier is {i,created, deleted}, which was assumed to have a generic behavior. - Build OLC for each business entity. The OLC l (resp. ) for each business entity b∈ B needs considering individual behavior as well as interactions between business entities. If an OLC for the business entity b is available, it should be checked against the aspects described in the following and adapted if necessary.4a. Build preliminary OLCs. Before addressing relations between OLCs of different business entities, the focus is on building a preliminary OLC for each business entity b. Such an OLC l must contain the following:
- States. The set of states S is identified in the previous step. Additionally, a concurrent state-independent region is added to the OLC l whenever the class c from which b was derived is the super-class of a state-independent hierarchy in the domain model. The sub-classes of the state-independent hierarchy are mapped into states within the state-independent region.
- Transitions. The set of transitions T that allow reachability of all states in S. T is identified using domain-expert knowledge.
- Labels. The set of labels of which the label is assigned to . For each label , its mandatory element represents is the process that is executed for the corresponding transition to occur. For each label , its optional element refers to a condition for enabling the transition. This condition may verify process parameters (e.g., fixed-term contract), or concurrent states (using the form in state.substate… e.g., in placed).
In the example. Figure 4 shows the OLCs for the business entities of the retail company, and the OLCs of Invoice and of Purchase are described in the following to illustrate building preliminary OLCs. First, the OLC of Invoice shows the simplest case of an OLC that remains unaltered from its preliminary version. This OLC includes the set of states {i, issued, paid} and the transitions with the set of labels {issue, collect}. The transition issue represents the existence of a process called issue whose goal is to transform an instance of Invoice into an issued one. On the other hand, the collect process transforms an issued Invoice into a paid one. Second, the OLC of Purchase is addressed. Though the preliminary version of this OLC differs from its final version shown in Figure 4, the use of a state-independent region and guards remains unchanged and is described in the following. The OLC of Purchase holds two concurrent regions: status representing behavioral aspects and type representing static aspects of a Purchase. Notice that static aspects are only part of an OLC whenever the corresponding class is part of a static hierarchy, as is the case of Purchase that differentiates between regular—national—purchases and international ones, as shown in Figure 3. The OLC of Purchase contains guards: some of them are related to parameters (e.g., (national)) while others correspond to state verifications (e.g., (in type.national)). The latter case represents two variations over the deliver process.4b. Enrich OLCs with association-based interactions. Once preliminary OLCs are built, the interactions between them are included to obtain the final OLCs. An interaction between the OLCs of two business entities b’ and b” is given whenever an association ak ∈ A in the domain model relates the classes c’, c” ∈ C on which b’, b” ∈ B are based, respectively.- General case. Let the relation between c’ and c” be represented by the association ak, where c’ is the source class and c” is the target class according to the direction . If the execution of process φ”j results in the state change of the business entity b” as defined by t”j so that φ”j corresponds to the proc element of the respective transition label σ”j∈”, then there exists a transition t’i that relates to t”j. Consequently, the preliminary OLC of l’ needs to be modified so that φ”j corresponds to the signal element of the label σ’i∈’ of transition t’i. This modification allows representing that the process φ”j is signaled from l’ but executed in l” as a consequence of the relation between b’ and b”.
- Particular case. Let the relation between c’ and c” be represented by the association ak such that its type is . In this case, the OLCs of the classes are strongly related. Particularly, the creation and elimination of the business entity based on the component class are consequences of the creation and elimination of the business entity based on the composite class . Consequently, the preliminary OLCs of both business entities , need to be modified regarding the labels of their initial and final transitions. Particularly, the signal element in the initial transition of needs being the same as the proc element in the initial transition of , and the signal element of a subset of the final transitions of needs to be the same as the proc element in the final transitions of .
In the example. The OLCs based on Customer and Purchase shown in Figure 4 allow illustrating the general case in which OLCs are enriched with association-based interactions. An interaction between the named OLCs is mapped from the association Places linking Customer and Purchase in the domain model (see Figure 3). Due to the direction of the Places association in the domain model, place is the signal of a transition in one OLC and the proc of a transition in the other OLC. An example of association-based interactions is shown between the OLCs shown in Figure 4 based on the classes Purchase and Purchase Item linked by the Includes composition in the domain model (see Figure 3). Due to the direction of the composition, add item (resp. cancel) is the signal of the initial (resp. final) transition in one OLC and the proc of the initial (resp. final) transitions in the other OLC. - Build BPA model. The BPA model is built by mapping information in each OLC l and in the domain model w according to the following.
- High-level processes. Assume the existence of one high-level business process φH for each business entity b. Each of these business processes is in charge of managing instances of its corresponding business entity during its OLC-defined lifetime. Accordingly, these processes are designated as the name of their corresponding business entity preceded by the word management, e.g., the Product management business process is in charge of handling instances of the business entity Product. The name of the business process can be exempt from this convention when an alternative name is more suitable.
- Composition relation. Assume also that each high-level business process φH is composed of a set of processes designated sub-processes. Each of these sub-process φi is specified in the proc part of the labels of the corresponding OLC.
- Trigger relation. Given the business entities b’ and b” derived from the classes c’ and c”, which are related by the association ak with direction dir(ak) = c’c” and that involves an existential dependency (exist(ak) = true), and a transition with (proc,signal) = (φi,φj) in l’ related to a transition with proc = φj in l”. Then, processes φi and φj are related by a trigger relation in which the former is the trigger source and the latter is the trigger target.
- Resource flow relation. Relations between sub-processes of the same high-level processes are usually considered to be of type resource flow. These relations are derived by analyzing the respective OLC l. For each state s ∈ l, the proc part of the label of its incoming transition is the source of the resource flow relation, while the proc part of the label of its outgoing transition is the target of the resource flow relation. In case of self-transitions, they are considered only as outgoing transitions because they do not influence a state change. The second case considers the business entities b’ and b” derived from the classes c’ and c”, which are related by the association ak with direction is dir(ak) = c’c” and that does not involve an existential dependency (exist(ak) = false), and a transition with (proc,signal) = (φi,φj) in l’ related to a transition with proc = φj in l”. Given the aforementioned, then processes φi and φj are related by a resource flow relation in which the former is the resource source and the latter is the resource target.
- Specialization relation. A specialization relation is identified whenever two different transitions within the same OLC are labeled with the same proc but have a different guard. Domain-expert knowledge is used for identifying which of them corresponds to the general and specialized processes.
In the example. The resulting BPA model for the retail company is shown in Figure 6. The model shows five high-level processes, namely customer management, courier management, invoice management, purchase management, and purchase item management. Each of these high-level processes is composed of a number of sub-processes, e.g., invoice management is composed by issue and collect. Figure 6 also shows the remaining business process relations: trigger (e.g., close triggers cancel), resource flow (e.g., resource flow from place to billing), and specialization (e.g., deliver and international deliver).
6. Evaluation
6.1. Comparative Evaluation
6.2. Individual Evaluation
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Method Procedure | Evaluation Instance | Modifications |
1 | (1) Improve the expressiveness of the domain model, (2) Identify processes, (3) Revisit OLCs and identify their relations, (4) Categorize and relate processes, (5) Create BPA model. | Research community feedback in BPM 2016 Workshop. | (1) Use the concept of existential dependency between classes for identifying trigger relations, (2) Use of the same standard for intermediate models, (3) Discard assumption of availability of OLC. |
Design with BPM-trained senior undergraduates (n = 15) in telecommunications and e-commerce scenarios. | (1) Consider additional elements of a domain model and OLC transitions, (2) Consider additional types of process relation, i.e., resource flow relations, (3) Discard the categorization of processes. | ||
2 | (1) Identify business entities and their states, (2) Build preliminary OLC network, (3) Improve expressiveness of domain model, (4) Identify processes, (5) Improve expressiveness of OLC network, (5) Build BPA model. | Design with BPM-trained senior undergraduates (n = 25) in higher education scenario. | (1) Rename activities and provide more precise description, (2) Generate ArchiMate viewpoint. |
3 | (1) Prepare domain model, (2) Identify business entities, (3) Identify states for each business entity, (4) Build OLC for each business entity, (5) Build BPA model. | Design with BPM practitioners (n = 6) in higher education scenario. | None. |
Aspect/Evaluation Instance | Comparative | Individual |
Goal | Compare proposal with alternative method with soon-to-be users | Assess proposal with experienced prospective users |
Date | October 2017 | January 2021 |
Design | Quantitative | Mixed |
Scenario | higher education | higher education |
Subjects | 25 BPM-trained senior undergraduates | 6 BPM practitioners |
Treatments | BPTA method [10], dBPA method | dBPA method |
Variables | method performance: ease of use, usefulness, intention to use | method performance: ease of use, efficiency, generality, operationality |
model quality: completeness, correctness | ||
impact of design decisions on method performance and model quality | ||
Steps | (1) Training BPTA (video), (2) Apply BPTA in scenario, (3) Data collection for BPTA, (4) Training dBPA (video), (5) Apply dBPA in scenario, (6) Data collection for dBPA, (7) Data analysis | (1) Training dBPA (live), (2) Apply BPTA in scenario, (3) Data collection, (5) Data analysis |
Data collection | Post-task survey | Post-task survey, Small group interviews |
Data analysis | Wilcoxon signed rank tests [58] | Descriptive statistic, Affinity diagrams [59] |
Latent Variable | Observable Variable | Question |
Perceived Ease of Use | PEOU1 | I find learning the method for BPA design is easy. |
(PEOU) | PEOU2 | I find it would be easy for me to become skillful at using the BPA design method. |
PEOU3 | I find using the method in the BPA design task required a lot of mental effort. | |
PEOU4 | I find using the method in the BPA design task required a lot of time. | |
PEOU5 | Overall, I find the BPA design method easy to use. | |
PEOU6 | I find I am now competent to use this method in practice. | |
Perceived Usefulness (PU) | PU1 | I find the method provides an effective solution for designing BPAs. |
PU2 | Overall, I find the method useful for designing BPAs. | |
PU3 | I find the method useful for identifying BP relations. | |
PU4 | I find the BP relations in the resulting model to be expressive. | |
PU5 | I find the BPA model resulting from using the method to be understandable. | |
PU6 | I find others, provided a quick explanation, would easily understand BP relations in the BPA resulting model. | |
Intention To Use (ITU) | ITU1 | If I am given the task of designing a BPA in the future, my intention would be to use this method. |
ITU2 | If someone asks me to recommend a BPA design method for clearly identifying BP relations, I predict I would recommend this one. |
Hypothesis | p |
ns | |
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ns | |
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Id | Job Title | Company Type | Employees |
P1 | Head of IT Operations and Service Management | Manufacturing | >200 |
P2 | Head of Project Management Office | Healthcare | >200 |
P3 | Process Engineer | Financial activities | 25–200 |
P4 | Head of Processes and Continuous Improvement | Real state | >200 |
P5 | Process Coordinator | Public administration | >200 |
P6 | Process Engineer | Financial activities | 25–200 |
Scope | Latent Variable | Observable Variable | Question |
Method | Ease of use | U1 | Overall, the method is easy to use. |
U2 | After a training period, I would feel competent for using the method in practice. | ||
Efficiency | E1 | I find that using the method required reasonable mental effort for the task of modeling a BPA. | |
E2 | I find that the time needed for applying the method to be reasonable for the task of modeling a BPA. | ||
Generality | G1 | The method can be applied to an organization, regardless of its size. | |
G2 | I find that the method can be applied to an organization, regardless of the industry to which it belongs. | ||
Operationality | O1 | The method is useful for building a BPA model. | |
O2 | The method defines the needed steps for building a BPA model. | ||
Models | Completeness | C1 | The resulting model shows the relevant process of the modeled BPA. |
C2 | The resulting model shows the relevant process relations of the modeled BPA. | ||
Fidelity | F1 | The resulting model lacks documentation mistakes (syntax). | |
F2 | The resulting model is valid for representing the BPA. |
Id | Question |
1 | What is your opinion about the method regarding ease of use, efficiency, generality, and operationality? |
2 | What is your opinion about the resulting models regarding completeness and fidelity? |
3 | A distinctive feature of the method is its use of domain models as inputs. In your view, what positive/negative implications does this carry for the method and its resulting models? |
4 | A distinctive feature of the method is its consideration of a variety of process relations. In your view, what positive/negative implications does this carry for the method and its resulting models? |
5 | A distinctive feature of the method is its use of ArchiMate. In your view, what positive/negative implications does this carry for the method and its resulting models? |
6 | Can you identify further (dis)advantages of the method? |
7 | Do you have any additional comments? |
Overall | DO1 | DO2 | DO3 | |
Ease of use | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 |
Efficiency | 4.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 |
Generality | 3.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 |
Operationality | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 4.0 |
Completeness | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
Fidelity | 4.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 |
Sub-Category | Details |
Completeness | Half of the participants manifested that the BPA models obtained with the method provide enhanced completeness, e.g., “in contrast to the [BPA] models we have now, the method would allow obtaining more complete [BPA] models” (P4). Most participants also highlighted that representing process relations plays a key role in this regard, e.g., “it helps to understand processes and how they relate to each other” (P1). One participant raised the issue that the method, though suitable for core processes, might not be adequate for other types of processes, e.g., support processes. |
Correctness | One participant commented on how the method ensured correctness of the resulting models: “in terms of correctness, I see it good: all the steps of the method facilitates identifying all possible mistakes” (P3). |
Level of detail | Half of the participants referred to the level of detail of the resulting models. The level of detail was perceived as “an intermediate point between detailed process models and a strategic overview of the processes architecture” (P5). The level of detail was found “favorable for maintainability of the model since implementation details of processes are abstracted” (P1). |
Understandability | Half of the participants perceived the models to be easy to follow—despite the fact that most were unfamiliar with ArchiMate—, e.g., “the resulting models are understandable, easy to grasp, visualize, and comprehend” (P1). A participant had doubts if the resulting models were “non-expert friendly” (P3), and another found the model conveyed too much information, i.e., “I would rather see two versions of the model: one with the arrows, and one without them” (P4). |
Sub-Category | Details |
Ease of use | Half the participants claimed that the method was objective, complete, and clear, e.g., “it is well-defined algorithm” (P2). In terms of the learning curve, the background of the participant seemed to be relevant, e.g., “I believe that it [the method] calls for [UML] notation knowledge, which is more usual in IT professionals” (P5). |
Efficiency | In terms of efficiency, a third of the participants perceived the method as adequate for automation, e.g., “All of this can be automated” (P2). A participant claimed a considerable effort might be needed to apply the method to a simple case (P2). |
Generality | A participant perceived the method to be general in terms of “being applicable to any company, to different departments within a company, as well as to the company as a whole” (P1). Other participants raised concerns about the generality of the method related to company size, the proportion of process types, as well as to the IT capabilities within the company. Overall, they believe the method to be adequate for middle-size companies with in-house IT capabilities, and a small proportion of manual processes. |
Operationality | A participant pointed out that the method was prone to customization: “it could be adapted to resources of the company, e.g., using alternative notations” (P6). A third of the participants claimed that training would be needed to apply the method. A third of the participants made suggestions to improve operationality, i.e., use of templates (P5) and clear definition of roles for method execution (P6). |
Possible extensions | A participant with a background in ArchiMate pointed out the potential to integrate other elements of the language (i.e., capabilities) lead to a broader architectural view (P2). Another participant discussed the potential of using the model for a diagnosis of the process architecture (P5). Both participants also pointed out how the information of the resulting models could be used to be integrated to define parameters of detailed process models and business rules. |
Business/software bridge | A third of the participants perceive that the method is suitable to provide a business-level perspective. Most participants perceive the value of the method in bridging the process level with the implementation level, e.g., “this might close the gap between process analysts and software developers [for developing applications that automate the named processes]” (P2). |
Artifacts | A third of the participants perceived that using the domain model as a starting point to be beneficial. This allowed building the model “from a reality-based artifact” (P4). A third of the participants also found the interdependence between the domain and the architecture model to be a challenge for maintainability. |
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Gonzalez-Lopez, F.; Bustos, G.; Munoz-Gama, J.; Sepúlveda, M. Domain Model Based Design of Business Process Architectures. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 2563.
Gonzalez-Lopez F, Bustos G, Munoz-Gama J, Sepúlveda M. Domain Model Based Design of Business Process Architectures. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(5):2563.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzalez-Lopez, Fernanda, Guillermo Bustos, Jorge Munoz-Gama, and Marcos Sepúlveda. 2022. "Domain Model Based Design of Business Process Architectures" Applied Sciences 12, no. 5: 2563.
APA StyleGonzalez-Lopez, F., Bustos, G., Munoz-Gama, J., & Sepúlveda, M. (2022). Domain Model Based Design of Business Process Architectures. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2563.