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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 19, 2012

Human cytochrome P450 4F3: structure, functions, and prospects

  • Laurent Corcos EMAIL logo , Danièle Lucas , Catherine Le Jossic-Corcos , Yvonne Dréano , Brigitte Simon , Emmanuelle Plée-Gautier , Yolande Amet and Jean-Pierre Salaün


Cytochrome P450 4F3 (CYP4F3), originally identified as one of the leukotriene B4 ω-hydroxylases, belongs to a CYP gene family that comprises several members, which participate in the metabolism of various endobiotics, as well as some xenobiotics. The CYP4F gene family is clustered in a 0.5-Mb stretch of genomic DNA on the p13 region of chromosome 19. Apart from the ω-hydroxylation of leukotriene B4 and prostaglandins, CYP4F3 is the main catalyst in the oxidation of fatty acid epoxides. CYP4F3 expression results from the synthesis of two distinct enzymes, CYP4F3A and CYP4F3B, which originate from the alternative splicing of a single pre-mRNA precursor molecule. Remarkably, the selection of either isoform is part of a tissue-specific control through which CYP3F3A is mostly expressed in leukocytes and CYP4F3B mostly in the liver. Recently, CYP4F3 single nucleotide polymorphisms have been incriminated in the onset of pathologies, including celiac or Crohn’s diseases. Although much has been discovered in the regulation and function of CYP4F2, the closest CYP4F subfamily member, analyses of CYP4F3 enzymes lag somewhat behind in the field of our knowledge. In this short review, emphasis will be placed on the regulation and the functional roles of human CYP4F3.

Corresponding author: Laurent Corcos, INSERM U613-ECLA, Faculté de Médecine, 22, Avenue Camille Desmoulins, 29200 Brest, France

Received: 2011-11-30
Accepted: 2012-3-2
Published Online: 2012-04-19
Published in Print: 2012-06-01

©2012 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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