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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) May 12, 2022

Automated maneuvering using model-based control as key to autonomous shipping

Automatisiertes Manövrieren mittels modellbasierter Regelung als Schlüssel für die autonome Schifffahrt
  • Tobias Hahn

    Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hahn is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on identification and control of maritime systems.

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    , Robert Damerius

    Robert Damerius, M. Sc. is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on the design of GNC systems for autonomous vehicles.

    , Carsten Rethfeldt

    Carsten Rethfeldt, M. Sc. is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on the control design of variable buoyancy systems.

    , Agnes U. Schubert

    Dr.-Ing. Agnes U. Schubert works as a research assistant in the field of marine control applications with a focus on modelling and model predictive control as well as the development of ergonomic assistance systems. The marine research is based on earlier experiences in chemical and medical automation.

    , Martin Kurowski

    Dr.-Ing. Martin Kurowski is scientific head of the research group marine control applications at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research is focused on modelling and hybrid control of vessels and unmanned surface vehicles.

    and Torsten Jeinsch

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Jeinsch holds the Chair of control engineering and is head of the Control Application Center (CAC) at the University of Rostock, Germany. His research interests are digital control, adaptive systems, optimal control and fault-tolerant systems with application to a wide range of fields including a focus on maritime processes.


The paper discusses methods to increase the level of automation in ship handling towards autonomous operations with a focus on conventional vessels in maneuvering situations. In this context, a model-based approach for control system design of maneuvering vessels is introduced. The resulting model is applied to a multivariable control system including allocation, feedforward, and feedback modules. The established hybrid control system distinguishes between a transit mode with control in two degrees of freedom in compliance with the prevailing traffic regulations and a dynamic positioning mode in three degrees of freedom for the final stages of a berthing maneuver. The supervisor switches automatically between these two modes. The methods are validated on board the German research vessel DENEB in the port of Rostock.


Der Beitrag diskutiert Methoden zur Erhöhung des Automatisierungsgrades in der Schiffsführung auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen autonomen Fahrbetrieb. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Schiffen mit konventionellen Antriebskonfigurationen in Manöversituationen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein experimenteller Modellansatz für den Reglerentwurf von manövrierenden Fahrzeugen beschrieben, der in einen modellbasierten Allokations- und Vorsteuerungsentwurf sowie in die Applizierung dezentraler Mehrgrößenregler einfließt. Das hybride Regelungssytem unterscheidet zwischen einem Transitmodus, welcher mittels einer Zwei-Freiheitsgrade-Regelung die Transitfahrt unter Einhaltung der geltenden Verkehrsregeln realisiert, sowie einem Modus zur dynamischen Positionierung, welcher mit einer Drei-Freiheitsgrade-Regelung für die letzte Etappe von Anlegemanövern konzipiert ist. Mittels Supervisor erfolgt die Umschaltung zwischen den Modi automatisch. Die Methoden werden an Bord des deutschen Forschungsschiffes DENEB anhand von komplexen Manövrierexperimenten im Hafen von Rostock validiert.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 50NA1612

Award Identifier / Grant number: 50NA1809

Funding statement: The authors would like to thank the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the DLR Space Administration for funding and supporting the project GALILEOnautic I + II under the registration numbers 50NA1612 and 50NA1809.

About the authors

Tobias Hahn

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hahn is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on identification and control of maritime systems.

Robert Damerius

Robert Damerius, M. Sc. is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on the design of GNC systems for autonomous vehicles.

Carsten Rethfeldt

Carsten Rethfeldt, M. Sc. is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research focuses on the control design of variable buoyancy systems.

Agnes U. Schubert

Dr.-Ing. Agnes U. Schubert works as a research assistant in the field of marine control applications with a focus on modelling and model predictive control as well as the development of ergonomic assistance systems. The marine research is based on earlier experiences in chemical and medical automation.

Martin Kurowski

Dr.-Ing. Martin Kurowski is scientific head of the research group marine control applications at the Institute of Automation at the University of Rostock. The research is focused on modelling and hybrid control of vessels and unmanned surface vehicles.

Torsten Jeinsch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Jeinsch holds the Chair of control engineering and is head of the Control Application Center (CAC) at the University of Rostock, Germany. His research interests are digital control, adaptive systems, optimal control and fault-tolerant systems with application to a wide range of fields including a focus on maritime processes.


Special thanks go to the crew of the research vessel DENEB and the responsible staff from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) for their openness towards the developments and their tireless support during the trials as well as the fruitful discussions on ship handling.


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Received: 2021-10-15
Accepted: 2022-03-14
Published Online: 2022-05-12
Published in Print: 2022-05-25

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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