Orthobunyavirus Ultrastructure and the Curious Tripodal Glycoprotein Spike
Figure 2
Subtomogram averaging of BUNV.
(A) A 5-nm thick section through averaged BUNV density. Three layers of RNP (*), membrane (M), and glycoprotein spike complex (1–3) are labelled. (B) 5-nm thick cross-sections taken at the radii indicated in panel A. (C) Resolution assessment by Fourier shell correlation. The dashed line corresponds to a correlation threshold of 0.143 and intersects the plot at 3.0 nm. (D) A radial density plot of the averaged structure. The different layers are labelled as in panel A. The Gn–Gc glycoprotein layer is labelled with a bar. On average, the RNP density is the greatest at the distance of 11, 19, and 27 nm from the virion centre.